Liberals are more racist than conservatives....Yale university study....

I've explained several times how your party is now the party of those things. And you know it. I'm a white man who lives in Trump country. Who you trying to kid?

Take this as an example of how much you Republicans have changed. 2003, you ruin the Dixie Chicks because they/we knew he was lying us into war with Iraq. But it was unpatriotic to suggest such a thing especially so soon after 9-11. So Bush/Chaney/Rumsfeld/Powell lied us into Iraq. You Republicans destroyed the Dixie Chicks for saying such a thing.

Now fast forward to 2008

In the Feb. 13 debate in South Carolina, debate moderator John Dickerson asked Trump about an October 2008 interview in which Trump said it would have been a “wonderful thing” if Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi tried to impeach Bush because he lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Asked if he still believes that Bush should have been impeached, Trump called the Iraq war a “big fat mistake.” Pressed again for an answer, Trump went on to say, “They lied.”

In 2016 you voted for a man who said Bush lied us into Iraq. My how much you've changed.

Also, in the 2000's you Republicans loved cheap shit from China, dollar stores and illegals who were here just doing jobs Americans won't do. Bush, Romney and McCain all said it and you voted for all 3.

You're an idiot and a racist who knows nothing about history. Or the present. Let's check some facts:

Democrats to blacks: Vote for us or you're an "Uncle Tim." Oh wait, Uncle Tom. Or if you're a woman make that Aunt Jemima.

If you're a chick, you know, the old fashioned kind who doesn't have a dick, you're competing against men and if you complain we'll destroy you.

You racists have the same policies with every other group. Obey or be destroyed. You wre always the party of racism and you still are. You're in the same party as all the slave owners were
You're an idiot and a racist who knows nothing about history. Or the present. Let's check some facts:

Democrats to blacks: Vote for us or you're an "Uncle Tim." Oh wait, Uncle Tom. Or if you're a woman make that Aunt Jemima.

If you're a chick, you know, the old fashioned kind who doesn't have a dick, you're competing against men and if you complain we'll destroy you.

You racists have the same policies with every other group. Obey or be destroyed. You wre always the party of racism and you still are. You're in the same party as all the slave owners were
Why are they uncle toms? Let's see if you are smart enough to at least understand the logic.

I doubt it. You can't even grasp that BLM is about police brutalizing blacks. You think it's a socialist movement or something like that. You swallow what Drudge feeds you. Or Alex Jones.
You're an idiot and a racist who knows nothing about history. Or the present. Let's check some facts:

Democrats to blacks: Vote for us or you're an "Uncle Tim." Oh wait, Uncle Tom. Or if you're a woman make that Aunt Jemima.

If you're a chick, you know, the old fashioned kind who doesn't have a dick, you're competing against men and if you complain we'll destroy you.

You racists have the same policies with every other group. Obey or be destroyed. You wre always the party of racism and you still are. You're in the same party as all the slave owners were
Well I guess if we are the party of the poor, and so many black people are poor, I guess I can see why you think that.

But that's another lie you've swallowed. This is part of the lie they tell poor whites. This literally is the Southern Strategy. You sir have fallen for the southern strategy. By saying it's us who are the racists, against whites, you are pulling that same bullshit the Republicans did to win over whites in the South after Civil rights. It's why white racists flocked to the GOP.

Not because they have economic polices that are good for you. Look at poor whites in red states. They're doing the worst. Why do they vote Republican? Because of social wedge issues. Racism is one of those wedge issues. Religion, guns, gays. This is how they dupe you into voting with the rich.

Are you a worker? So many of us middle class people understand the Democrats are the party for working class people and poor people. So it's ridiculous to tell me that it's us who are the racists when we fight you racists on a daily basis. It's laughable.
Why are they uncle toms? Let's see if you are smart enough to at least understand the logic.

I doubt it. You can't even grasp that BLM is about police brutalizing blacks. You think it's a socialist movement or something like that. You swallow what Drudge feeds you. Or Alex Jones.

They are Uncle Toms because you're in the racist party who thinks they own blacks and they disparage any uppity black who believes they can think for themselves. You're in the party of slave owners, and that isn't just history
Well I guess if we are the party of the poor, and so many black people are poor, I guess I can see why you think that.

But that's another lie you've swallowed. This is part of the lie they tell poor whites. This literally is the Southern Strategy. You sir have fallen for the southern strategy. By saying it's us who are the racists, against whites, you are pulling that same bullshit the Republicans did to win over whites in the South after Civil rights. It's why white racists flocked to the GOP.

Not because they have economic polices that are good for you. Look at poor whites in red states. They're doing the worst. Why do they vote Republican? Because of social wedge issues. Racism is one of those wedge issues. Religion, guns, gays. This is how they dupe you into voting with the rich.

Are you a worker? So many of us middle class people understand the Democrats are the party for working class people and poor people. So it's ridiculous to tell me that it's us who are the racists when we fight you racists on a daily basis. It's laughable.

Democrats are the party of the "working class." Maybe 30 years ago they were, now you're just delusional and a sheep. Or in your native tongue, baa, baa ...
Bullshit you dope. Have you ever considered this? The corporations are going to charge you as much as they can, with our without taxes. You act like giving them tax breaks lowered the prices. It doesn't. Ever. Supply and Demand does. So what you learned in high school accounting isn't always right.

Moron, they put the tax on the products you buy so you are paying that tax....and if putting the tax on is too much? They dont hire new people or they lay people off
You're the party of slave owners, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation. Any black to deviates from what you tell them to think learns how committed to black rights you are (not). It's not even close, you're the party of hate, white girl
So you think most white nationalists are in the Democratic party? Really? LOL
They are Uncle Toms because you're in the racist party who thinks they own blacks and they disparage any uppity black who believes they can think for themselves. You're in the party of slave owners, and that isn't just history
Aren't you the one suggesting the vast majority of black voters can't think for themselves when they vote Democratic?
Educated people have been educated through their college years by left wing, democrat party teachers and professors....watched democrat party controlled hollywood movies and t.v. shows.....their brains have been idiot.

Do you feel better about yourself for having told Democrats what they are again even though you’re completely wrong?

Of course, you can’t look in the mirror, reflect upon your own shortcomings, narrowmindedness, bigotry, or even recognize the policies that you’ve been supporting or an abject failure.

You’re gonna try to feel better about your own failures by denigrating others. leftists....yes.

The Democrats are not the globalists. Republicans are the ones who have been going around the world making trade deals, and shipping jobs overseas.

Nixon is the guy who signed the first trade deal with China.

Reagan and Bush negotiated and signed NAFTA. Reagan promised the American people when he gave amnesty to illegals Mexicans that Nexicans would stay in Mexico when they had jobs at home. Reagan didn’t tell you that he was sending YOUR jobs to Mexico.

Now Republicans blame Bill Clinton for NAFTA because he signed the bill into law, even though the original agreement was negotiated signed before his election.

Republicans allowed off shoring and even rewarded companies for shipping jobs overseas with tax breaks. Now that it’s gone so wrong for American workers, Republicans pretend they had nothing to do with it or that they weren’t driving forces behind globalization.

If you don’t know your history, it’s easy for them to lie to you.
They are Uncle Toms because you're in the racist party who thinks they own blacks and they disparage any uppity black who believes they can think for themselves. You're in the party of slave owners, and that isn't just history
Sorry but we believe the Republican Party is racist towards blacks. So any black who votes gop is an Uncle Tom who forgot where he came from.
They are Uncle Toms because you're in the racist party who thinks they own blacks and they disparage any uppity black who believes they can think for themselves. You're in the party of slave owners, and that isn't just history

I feel the same way about any woman who votes Republican. How can you vote for a party that is stripping you of rights at every turn and refusing to uphold equal rights for women?

No equal pay for work and equal value, no mandated, maternity leave, no subsidized childcare, no job security for pregnant women, no universal health care.

Wash, rinse and repeat for gays and trans people. I have a number of gay friends who vote Republican, although why they would do that is beyond me.
Wow, could you imagine if your assessment was remotely true?

White Nationalists, Klansmen, bigots, and general assholes gravitate to the GOP like moths to a flame.
Republicans tend to be overt racists while Democrats tend to be less open about their racism which the study showed. Coming from Yale, the study is probably true.
The Democrats are not the globalists. Republicans are the ones who have been going around the world making trade deals, and shipping jobs overseas.

Nixon is the guy who signed the first trade deal with China.

Reagan and Bush negotiated and signed NAFTA. Reagan promised the American people when he gave amnesty to illegals Mexicans that Nexicans would stay in Mexico when they had jobs at home. Reagan didn’t tell you that he was sending YOUR jobs to Mexico.

Now Republicans blame Bill Clinton for NAFTA because he signed the bill into law, even though the original agreement was negotiated signed before his election.

Republicans allowed off shoring and even rewarded companies for shipping jobs overseas with tax breaks. Now that it’s gone so wrong for American workers, Republicans pretend they had nothing to do with it or that they weren’t driving forces behind globalization.

If you don’t know your history, it’s easy for them to lie to you.

You post that as the democrats and their tech lords support globalists….you really are funny
Republicans tend to be overt racists while Democrats tend to be less open about their racism which the study showed. Coming from Yale, the study is probably true.

That isn’t what the study shows is about at all. That’s what the hot air blogger said it showed but it doesn’t.

First off the “study” is a Yale grad student’s doctoral thesis. And it’s written by a black woman.

The entire study consisted of reviewing the language used in 74 political speeches made by presidential candidates over the past 25 years. The author of the study also notes that there were very few instances of Republican candidates speaking to minority audiences, so she had very little comparative data on Republicans.

The study didn’t say that the Democrats are racist at all. The study said Democrats used different language to speak minority audiences.

I were running for office, I wouldn’t use the same speech to the Chamber of Commerce that I use to a group of parishioners after church on Sunday.

The only thing she said, was that the “biased Republicans” use the same language and speaking to minorities as they did to us in speaking to anyone else, even though her sample was very limited.

And that the Democrats seem to dumb down their speeches to minorities, even though their policies and behaviour towards minorities, was unbiased.

This is just another case of Republicans, twisting the narrative to suit their purposes.
That isn’t what the study shows is about at all. That’s what the hot air blogger said it showed but it doesn’t.

First off the “study” is a Yale grad student’s doctoral thesis. And it’s written by a black woman.

The entire study consisted of reviewing the language used in 74 political speeches made by presidential candidates over the past 25 years. The author of the study also notes that there were very few instances of Republican candidates speaking to minority audiences, so she had very little comparative data on Republicans.

The study didn’t say that the Democrats are racist at all. The study said Democrats used different language to speak minority audiences.

I were running for office, I wouldn’t use the same speech to the Chamber of Commerce that I use to a group of parishioners after church on Sunday.

The only thing she said, was that the “biased Republicans” use the same language and speaking to minorities as they did to us in speaking to anyone else, even though her sample was very limited.

And that the Democrats seem to dumb down their speeches to minorities, even though their policies and behaviour towards minorities, was unbiased.

This is just another case of Republicans, twisting the narrative to suit their purposes.
That the OP didn't quote the study itself tells you all you need to know about the study.... He quoted a right wing kook blog. Basically the right wing loons on here are just pigs who sop up whatever is put into their trough. They don't know (or care) what they are eating.
Every CEO and VP of every Fortune 500 has a college degree. I could be wrong. There could be exceptions to the rule.

Just don't forget you worship college educated people. Especially Ivy League Types. Elitists. You swallow everything they tell you

1. Their corporations shouldn't pay taxes
2. They shouldn't have to deal with regulations
3. Unions are no longer necessary
4. Global warming is a hoax

These college educated men dupe you through Fox News.

Hollywood types typically didn't go to or finish college.
Yes, you could be wrong. B u t then, you always are, Simp.

You post that as the democrats and their tech lords support globalists….you really are funny

Yes, you keep repeating this talking point, but you don’t back it up with any examples or evidence that they do.

Donald Trump made all these speeches about how the rest of the world was “taking advantage” of the USA even as your corporations were bringing billions of overseas profits home to the US. Trump promised to eliminate the trade deficit and stop the world from “taking advantage” of Americans and “stealing their jobs”.

The rest of the world did not “take advantage” or “steal your jobs”. The Republican party made it financially attractive to ship manufacturing overseas, with tax breaks on moving costs.

American corporations seized the opportunity to increase profits. Your jobs weren’t “stolen”, they were given away gladly by the American corporations required low end manufacturing. Pennies per day for workers, and no environmental legislation costs.

Walmart pressured their suppliers to go offshore to cut their wholesale costs. That company policy is said to have cost the USA more than 200,000 jobs. Corporations stood in line to sign contracts with Third World suppliers. Profits for American companies have never been higher.

Trump’s “tough on China” policies, resulted in exports to China dropping by $20 billion per year, and imports from China increasing by more than $100 billion.

American farmers filed for bankruptcies in record numbers two years in a row, as a result. The tarrifs Trump imposed, hit low income and working families the hardest. The Chinese immediately switch to buying grain from South America expanding their trade and their influence along the western coast of South America. The Chinese are using your trade surplus dollars to build deep sea ports in Chile, undermining your relationships with South American countries, and strengthening China’s alliances.

Trump says that he was fighting for the American worker, but at the same time the Trump family, publically received hundreds of millions of dollars from the Xi regime. Trump’s companies continued to have their manufacturing done in China. Trump came under fire because his first round of MAGA hats were made in China.

So don’t spew out your “globalist talking points”, which are just bullshit anyway, without backing them up takes of Democrats screwing over and lying to the people while lining their own pockets.

Republicans tend to be overt racists while Democrats tend to be less open about their racism which the study showed. Coming from Yale, the study is probably true.

No one has said that the study isn’t true. What we have said, is that the blogger has completely misrepresented what the study said.

There are exactly 2 paragraphs from the study which are quoted on However, when I googled the author, I was able to look at the entire study, methodology, and conclusions of the of the black woman who wrote the study.

She basically concluded that actions speak louder than words, and that the language used shows a bias that is not reflected in the policies or the actions of those who are claiming to be “unbiased”.

I have a friend who has a PhD in the “psychology of linguistics”, and has had numerous papers published. This is his field.

The Democratic Party know, has black leaders up and down the party ranks. This study only talks about how pothole white men running for president have been talking to Black people. Hardly a representative study of today’s Republican of today’s Deocratic Party.

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