Liberals are more racist than conservatives....Yale university study....

Trolling no content.

I can sit here all day, posting about racist actions, undertaken by the Trump administration, and by past Republican administrations.

David Frum said he nearly went nuts. Every time he wrote a speech for W, trying to insert disparaging references to minorities, without ever mentioning race.

The poor Canadian racist is crying, aww, there there racist
You're just sad, Tom.
See. You're actually the racist you accuse others of being. All you clowns do is project.

Blacks have every right to be fiscally conservative and believe blacks don't need handouts like you do.
Who's arguing blacks need handouts? The progressive policy is that we should have a strong social safety net for poor people, not black people specifically.
The Democrat party is the party of racism and always was. Open your eyes
I've opened my eyes to you calling me an uncle Tom which you've identified as racist.

See. You're actually the racist you accuse others of being. All you clowns do is project.


Who's arguing blacks need handouts? The progressive policy is that we should have a strong social safety net for poor people, not black people specifically.

I've opened my eyes to you calling me an uncle Tom which you've identified as racist.


Maybe your lack of reading skills will make you question your white masters and the shitty education they gave you. Probably not. Propaganda is the only thing you did learn from Democrat Whitie racists who tell you what to think. And like a good little slave, you think it
Maybe your lack of reading skills will make you question your white masters and the shitty education they gave you. Probably not. Propaganda is the only thing you did learn from Democrat Whitie racists who tell you what to think. And like a good little slave, you think it

You're the best kind of racist. A coward one. No one taught me what to think. My parents and grandparents and aunts and uncle taught me how to think which is how I was able to avoid the silly propaganda you Simps teach your white children in school. Things like Slaver Founders being heroes of liberty and freedom while also being slavers. 😄

You're the best kind of racist. A coward one. No one taught me what to think. My parents and grandparents and aunts and uncle taught me how to think which is how I was able to avoid the silly propaganda you Simps teach your white children in school. Things like Slaver Founders being heroes of liberty and freedom while also being slavers. 😄

You keep repeating this lie that it's racist to believe blacks don't need handouts. That is all racism, you're the black who chases down other blacks and brings them back to your lily white leftist masters. It's sad
You keep repeating this lie that it's racist to believe blacks don't need handouts. That is all racism, you're the black who chases down other blacks and brings them back to your lily white leftist masters. It's sad
You keep being an obvious coward who can't produce any quotes to back up your claims.
You keep being an obvious coward who can't produce any quotes to back up your claims.

Blacks aren't victims and they don't need special government coddling because of their skin color.

I think that, you don't. You're the racist, Holmes. It's so sad.

FucksGoats says: I'm a victim! I'm a victim! Give me free stuff!!!!!!!

What's even sadder is the Democrats say that but do so little for you because they take you for granted. Sad is you and your life, it just is
Blacks aren't victims and they don't need special government coddling because of their skin color.
Black Americans were victims of slavery and segregation, red lining, the war on drugs and mandatory minimums. Those actually happened snowflake, it's okay to admit it. They deserve compensation for those injustices. That's different than social safety nets that should exist for everyone.
I think that, you don't. You're the racist, Holmes. It's so sad
I don't care what you think Dumb Dumb, I'm wondering what you can prove which ain't fucking much is it?
Black Americans were victims of slavery and segregation, red lining, the war on drugs and mandatory minimums. Those actually happened snowflake, it's okay to admit it. They deserve compensation for those injustices. That's different than social safety nets that should exist for everyone.

I don't care what you think Dumb Dumb, I'm wondering what you can prove which ain't fucking much is it?

Playing the victim card again, just more of your pathetic racism. Yeah, it sucks, but none of that happened to you and no one alive did it. Lots of groups got screwed in history. Most people are smart enough to live their lives rather than wallow in the past like you for something that didn't happen to you.
Democrats think blacks are your property and they learn that if they question your party. There is no doubt. Democrats call blacks who defy you Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas for defying you and your belief blacks are your property. Just like 100 years ago and 200 years ago. The Democrat party is and always was the party of white supremacy
Please name one white nationalist who is a Democrat.
Playing the victim card again, just more of your pathetic racism. Yeah, it sucks, but none of that happened to you and no one alive did it.
I never said anyone did it to me. I'm not Black American. Not all Black people are the same. My family wasn't in this country to be victims of those things and yes, people who fought for segregation and suffered from segregation are still alive seeing as it only ended 59 years ago while the war on drugs is still on going and still disproportionately affects blacks despite black and white people using and selling drugs at similar rates.
Lots of groups got screwed in history. Most people are smart enough to live their lives rather than wallow in the past like you for something that didn't happen to you.
No one is wallowing it in. I'm using history to point out how full of shit you are.
No one is wallowing it in. I'm using history to point out how full of shit you are.

That doesn't even make sense. I said blacks are as capable as anyone else, and you said no you're not, look at history!!!!

You're a racist. And OK, there are still racists from the 50's on their death beds, you got nothing but hate of black people. And yes, your belief they aren't as capable as whites is hate
That doesn't even make sense. I said blacks are as capable as anyone else, and you said no you're not, look at history!!!!
You have said repeatedly that Black democrats are being told what to think by white people.
You're a racist. And OK, there are still racists from the 50's on their death beds, you got nothing but hate of black people. And yes, your belief they aren't as capable as whites is hate
Where did I say blacks were less capable than whites you coward racist? Let's see the quotes. If you can't produce them we must assume you're simply lying to excuse your own racism.
You have said repeatedly that Black democrats are being told what to think by white people.

Where did I say blacks were less capable than whites you coward racist? Let's see the quotes. If you can't produce them we must assume you're simply lying to excuse your own racism.

Curried Goats said: Blacks can't make it on their own like other races, we need free shit and lots of it to make it

Curried Goats said: Where did I say blacks are less capable

In every post, racist
Curried Goats said: Blacks can't make it on their own like other races, we need free shit and lots of it to make it

Curried Goats said: Where did I say blacks are less capable

In every post, racist
Those aren't quotes, they're cosplay. That's all cuck white racists are today. A bunch pussy cosplayers who think they're world class actors. 😄
Those aren't quotes
Correct, they are paraphrases, which is why I didn't use quote marks. There's an English lesson your teachers didn't do because they were too busy filling you with Woke

hey're cosplay. That's all cuck white racists are today. A bunch pussy cosplayers who think they're world class actors. 😄

White racists today are were they always were, the Democrat party. You're in the party of slave owners, they were all Democrats, and Democrats today are just as racist. In the slavery days, you'd have been called slave catchers, you'd have run down runaway slaves and returned them to their owners just like today where you attack blacks who think blacks don't need hand handouts more than anyone else
You're just sad, Tom. Blacks have every right to be fiscally conservative and believe blacks don't need handouts like you do. The Democrat party is the party of racism and always was. Open your eyes

He didn’t say that Black people have no right to be fiscally conservative, nor did he say that blacks need handouts. You did.

You sit here slagging him with every racist trope you can come up with, and you know them all.

If Rich White slacker kids can get into Yale because daddy went to Yale, why is it wrong for Black kids to get in under affirmative action? “Legacy admissions” are simply affirmative action for lazy rich white kids.

The quality of education available in inner-city schools, and the lack of resources in these schools, is hobbling any opportunity for these children to develop the skills to work their way out of poverty.

And if they do manage to get into university, they leave with a millstone down around their neck that they will never be able to clear.

Black people are not asking for handouts. They’re asking for an end to the disinvestment in infrastructure, education and resources cities and communities which have voted in black black local government.

White State Houses simply cease to provide any matching funds for anything for the “urban” precincts. Gerrymandering splits the black vote in the state houses

Virginia has a Democrat Governor, and sent 7 Democrats and 7 Republicans to Congress, when districts were drawn by a bipartisan commission. The gerrymandered State House has a Republican super majority, which just banned abortion, overriding the governor’s veto.

This is the true definition of minority rule, and white supremacy.
He didn’t say that Black people have no right to be fiscally conservative, nor did he say that blacks need handouts. You did.
I said that blacks don't need handouts more than anyone else, which is me saying they do. That makes no sense like all your other lame crap.

I'm a libertarian, I oppose government handouts for everyone, but your low content bull shit is that I have to treat blacks different than other races. Which is racist because I'm saying they should be treated the same, which is treating them differently.

Wow you're stupid. I mean you're the real thing. Canadians, you can't live with em, pass the gravy ...
Correct, they are paraphrases, which is why I didn't use quote marks. There's an English lesson your teachers didn't do because they were too busy filling you with Woke

White racists today are were they always were, the Democrat party. You're in the party of slave owners, they were all Democrats, and Democrats today are just as racist. In the slavery days, you'd have been called slave catchers, you'd have run down runaway slaves and returned them to their owners just like today where you attack blacks who think blacks don't need hand handouts more than anyone else

You better give up while you’re behind Kaz cuz you’re coming across as a guy in Klan robes on his way to a cross burning at this point.

And then there’s this whole thing where you know more about Black people than a black person, which never ever works for white people in a discussion of race.

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