Liberals are more racist than conservatives....Yale university study....

Conservatives adamantly refuse to admit that the regular, old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid racism that we all know about, doesn't exist. All that does is play into the worst impulses and behaviors of racial bigots.

Liberals have spent the last few decades clearly overcompensating for racism by lowering standards and expectations for American Blacks. All that does is play into the worst impulses and behaviors of American Blacks.

The two ends of this goddamn issue are hell bent on giving the other end absolutely all the material they need to keep doing what they're doing. None of this changes unless and until both ends hold their own accountable.
Yes, you could be wrong. B u t then, you always are, Simp.

Once again, FuckBoi steps in it and post links that proves the post he was trying to debunk.

92% of fortune 500 CEOs have at least a college degree. So the 8% of the of those who don’t, would be the exceptions to the rule, which confirms the post.

Every time you try to be clever, and own the Libs, you shoot yourself in the foot.
Conservatives adamantly refuse to admit that the regular, old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid racism that we all know about, doesn't exist. All that does is play into the worst impulses and behaviors of racial bigots.

Liberals have spent the last few decades clearly overcompensating for racism by lowering standards and expectations for American Blacks. All that does is play into the worst impulses and behaviors of American Blacks.

The two ends of this goddamn issue are hell bent on giving the other end absolutely all the material they need to keep doing what they're doing. None of this changes unless and until both ends hold their own accountable.

I fully agree with your first paragraph and strongly disagree with the second.

LBJ’s Civil Rights Act and Voting Right Act, coupled with his “War on Poverty”, cut poverty in the USA from 40% to just over 10%.

Affirmative Action for college enrolment countered the “legacy admissions” policies of the all white Ivy League schools, letting blacks enrol in numbers comparable to their population numbers. These policies produced the first real nationwide black middle class in America.

Ever since Reagan took office, Republicans have done everything possible to cut the legs out from under any program which will help poor people get ahead.

Democrat run cities in red states have deliberately turned into “Hell Holes” when white people moved to the suburbs. Red state governments refuse to provide funding to the cities for infrastructure, recreation, or education. Tax dollars and transfer payments from Washington are ploughed into the White suburbs, and the black cities are forced to cut funding for roads, schools, water plants or other development.

Then Republicans point to the deterioration of living conditions in the cities is proof positive that the “urbans” are stupid and corrupt and destroy everything they get their hands on. See Flint, Michigan, and Jacksonville, Tennessee.

When I was a kid growing up, white, Southerners were racist, openly racist, and white northerners spoke well of Black people. Now this virulent racism that the Republican party has been pushing since Reagan was elected, has infected the entire nation.

The country is even more segregated, voting rights and civil rights for minorities people have been thoroughly undermined, by lawsuits, overturning sections of the voting rights act,and openly racist gerrymandering and voter registration policies in red states.

I can remember when the racist poster, Steve McGarrett was openly mocked by both Republicans and leftists on this board. Now, all of the right wing posters sound just like him.
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I fully agree with your first paragraph and strongly disagree with the second.

Lynden. LBJ’s Civil Rights Act and Voting Right Act, coupled with his “War on Poverty”, cut poverty in the USA from 40% to just over 10%.

Affirmative Action for college enrolment countered the “legacy admissions” policies of the all white Ivy League schools, letting blacks enrol in numbers comparable to their population numbers. These policies produced the first real nationwide black middle class in America.

Ever since Reagan took office, Republicans have done everything possible to cut the legs out from under any program which will help poor people get ahead.

Democrat run cities in red states have deliberately turned into “Hell Holes” when white people moved to the suburbs. Red state governments refuse to provide funding to the cities for infrastructure, recreation, or education. Tax dollars and transfer payments from Washington are ploughed into the White suburbs, and the black cities are forced to cut funding for roads, schools, water plants or other development.

Then Republicans point to the deterioration of living conditions in the cities is proof positive that the “urbans” are stupid and corrupt and destroy everything they get their hands on. See Flint, Michigan, and Jacksonville, Tennessee.

When I was a kid growing up, white, Southerners were racist, openly racist, and white northerners spoke well of Black people. Now this virulent racism that the Republican party has been pushing since Reagan was elected, has infected the entire nation.

The country is even more segregated, voting rights and civil rights for minorities people have been thoroughly undermined, By lawsuits, overturning, sections of the voting, rights act, and openly racist, gerrymandering and voter registration policies in red states.

I can remember when the racist poster, Steve McGarrett was openly mocked by both Republicans and leftists on this board. Now, all of the right wing posters sound just like him.
I'm certainly aware of what the Right has done. My point in my second paragraph has to do with how the Left (white liberals, most specifically) have addressed the issue. They way they have addressed it has played a big role in the rise of Trumpism, and the rise of racial bigotry across the board. I'm not saying they are fully to blame. They overreacted to racism, and the Right has overreacted to that overreaction. Back and forth, escalation after escalation.

I'm talking about the culture. Let's look at an example that you I can agree on: What does a Trumpster do when you criticize Trump? They attack you. They call you names. They avoid the actual point you're making about him, they change the subject and just go straight after you, trying to put you on the defensive. Right? And what does that do, in effect? It enables his worst behaviors. Of course. Human nature. And it increases your animosity.

I've been called a "racist" by the Left for saying I don't like Obamacare, or for agreeing that the Black father issue is a problem, or for pointing out that a city like Chicago avoids the weekly street slaughters because of racial politics. They attack me. They change the subject. They avoid what I was talking about. The same thing is happening CONSTANTLY, and in effect only enables their worst behaviors. And it increases animosity.

When we refuse to hold people accountable, we're ultimately only asking for more of the same. Both ends of this issue do that.
I'm certainly aware of what the Right has done. My point in my second paragraph has to do with how the Left (white liberals, most specifically) have addressed the issue. They way they have addressed it has played a big role in the rise of Trumpism, and the rise of racial bigotry across the board. I'm not saying they are fully to blame. They overreacted to racism, and the Right has overreacted to that overreaction. Back and forth, escalation after escalation.

I'm talking about the culture. Let's look at an example that you I can agree on: What does a Trumpster do when you criticize Trump? They attack you. They call you names. They avoid the actual point you're making about him, they change the subject and just go straight after you, trying to put you on the defensive. Right? And what does that do, in effect? It enables his worst behaviors. Of course. Human nature. And it increases your animosity.

I've been called a "racist" by the Left for saying I don't like Obamacare, or for agreeing that the Black father issue is a problem, or for pointing out that a city like Chicago avoids the weekly street slaughters because of racial politics. They attack me. They change the subject. They avoid what I was talking about. The same thing is happening CONSTANTLY, and in effect only enables their worst behaviors. And it increases animosity.

When we refuse to hold people accountable, we're ultimately only asking for more of the same. Both ends of this issue do that.

I don’t disagree with your assessment at all. The messaging coming out of the Democratic Party around all the issues has been atrocious. Both Kerry and Clinton ran dreadful campaigns.

I watched an interview with Barack Obama where he was asked what he could’ve done better and he immediately replied “messaging”.

What has been surprising to me all these years has been the reluctance of both the MSM and the Democratic Party to call out Republicans for their lies.

Republicans are also diverting the discussion into areas where they can score points. Racism, equity and diversity are losing issues for them so they divert the discussion into “free shit” which goes to poor people, and the lack of black fathers, and crime in shit hole Democrat cities.

Up until now, Democrats have been letting them get away with it. The CRT campaign, and the gay groomer lies have all but taken over right wing media. So instead of talking about policy, achievements and what they’re doing for Americans, Democrats are defending the rights of drag queens and trans people, who are now being physically attacked and killed because of this rhetoric.

The Biden administration is now recognizing the danger of letting the right control the narrative, and pushing back hard. They’re messaging is now cutting the legs out from under the lying billionaire owned right wing media.

As Trump’s criminal cases start to pile up, and the evidence starts coming out in court, Republicans will become more unhinged in their attempts to attack Democrats.

I think the Biden administration is ready for this.
So you think most white nationalists are in the Democratic party? Really? LOL

Democrats think blacks are your property and they learn that if they question your party. There is no doubt. Democrats call blacks who defy you Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas for defying you and your belief blacks are your property. Just like 100 years ago and 200 years ago. The Democrat party is and always was the party of white supremacy
Aren't you the one suggesting the vast majority of black voters can't think for themselves when they vote Democratic?

LOL, another lying piece of shit.

The issue isn't that you're a Democrat, it's your racist attacks against blacks who think differently than you do.

Stop being a lying fucking pussy, I never said or meant the shit you're making up
Sorry but we believe the Republican Party is racist towards blacks. So any black who votes gop is an Uncle Tom who forgot where he came from.

Sorry, but the facts say you're a lying racist. There is only one party that attacks blacks for not believing what they do, and that is you and the White Nationalist Democrat party.

So why did you join the party of slave owners? Oh, you're a racist, that's why
LOL, another lying piece of shit.

The issue isn't that you're a Democrat, it's your racist attacks against blacks who think differently than you do.

Stop being a lying fucking pussy, I never said or meant the shit you're making up
You're the one who attacked black democrat voters in a racist way. I attack black conservatives for the same reason I attack white conservatives. Because their policies are stupid.
I feel the same way about any woman who votes Republican

The problem is their vote isn't up to you and they aren't drowning in bigotry like you believing that stupid shit you are told to believe, and do.

Like how women can have dicks and be mediocre men athletes but dominate actual women who spent years developing their athletic skills just to be removed of any chance by you and the bigoted White nationalist left
You're the one who attacked black democrat voters in a racist way

You're lying, never happened. That's why you have no quote. You're the Uncle Tom. Again, not for being a Democrat, for attacking black conservatives for not saying yes mazza to white Democrats telling you what to think.

You have the right to believe them, you don't have the right to tell other blacks what to think. You're a tool for White Nationalist Democrats
Democrats think blacks are your property and they learn that if they question your party. There is no doubt. Democrats call blacks who defy you Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas for defying you and your belief blacks are your property. Just like 100 years ago and 200 years ago. The Democrat party is and always was the party of white supremacy

Well, someone is certainly triggered.

Wasn’t it Donald Trump at a rally who asked “where is my black man? Oh, there’s my black man over there that’s my black man.”

Trump asked black voters in 2016, “What do you have to lose?”. They didn’t vote for him, but they didn’t vote for Hillary either. Black voters stayed home and gave Donald Trump his chance.

By 2018, they knew Exactly what they had to lose and black people have been coming out in record numbers to vote against Republicans in record numbers ever since.

So you can sit there and make all of the weak ass claims you want about how Democrats are the real racists and the real party of slavery but actions speak louder than words. Women, minorities and gays know which party is going to protect their rights and their votes.
Why are they uncle toms? Let's see if you are smart enough to at least understand the logic.

I doubt it. You can't even grasp that BLM is about police brutalizing blacks. You think it's a socialist movement or something like that. You swallow what Drudge feeds you. Or Alex Jones.
BKM was about fleecing dupes like you so the organizers could buy themselves mansions, Simp.
Well, someone is certainly triggered.

Wasn’t it Donald Trump at a rally who asked “where is my black man? Oh, there’s my black man over there that’s my black man.”

Trump asked black voters in 2016, “What do you have to lose?”. They didn’t vote for him, but they didn’t vote for Hillary either. Black voters stayed home and gave Donald Trump his chance.

By 2018, they knew Exactly what they had to lose and black people have been coming out in record numbers to vote against Republicans in record numbers ever since.

So you can sit there and make all of the weak ass claims you want about how Democrats are the real racists and the real party of slavery but actions speak louder than words. Women, minorities and gays know which party is going to protect their rights and their votes.

Stopped reading after the first sentence because you got it so wrong and have no idea what you are talking about. But calm down, queenie, enjoy life a little and don't take yourself so seriously
You're lying, never happened. That's why you have no quote. You're the Uncle Tom. Again, not for being a Democrat, for attacking black conservatives for not saying yes mazza to white Democrats telling you what to think.
This quote right here is racist. White democrats don't tell black people what to think. You thinking they do rather than thinking black people can think for themselves is what makes you a racist. I have never claimed black conservatives can't think for themselves and you can't produce a quote of me saying so. I think what black conservatives think is stupid. There's a differnce.
You have the right to believe them, you don't have the right to tell other blacks what to think. You're a tool for White Nationalist Democrats
I'm not trying to tell anyone what to think. I don't care if what you believe is stupid beyond its entertainment value to me.
Once again, FuckBoi steps in it and post links that proves the post he was trying to debunk.

92% of fortune 500 CEOs have at least a college degree. So the 8% of the of those who don’t, would be the exceptions to the rule, which confirms the post.

Every time you try to be clever, and own the Libs, you shoot yourself in the foot.
You just proved what fucking moron you are.

He claimed there were no CEOs of fortune 500 companies without a college degree. I proved that wrong.

Grow a brain and learn how to use it, Asswipe.
Stopped reading after the first sentence because you got it so wrong and have no idea what you are talking about. But calm down, queenie, enjoy life a little and don't take yourself so seriously

Trolling no content.

I can sit here all day, posting about racist actions, undertaken by the Trump administration, and by past Republican administrations.

David Frum said he nearly went nuts. Every time he wrote a speech for W, trying to insert disparaging references to minorities, without ever mentioning race.
You just proved what fucking moron you are.

He claimed there were no CEOs of fortune 500 companies without a college degree. I proved that wrong.

Grow a brain and learn how to use it, Asswipe.

Once again, you’re reading comprehension skills are piss poor to nonexistent. He said 100% of all CEOs have college degrees, followed by “I may be wrong, and there are probably exceptions to the rule”.

So you promptly posted that 92% of all CEOs have college degrees which means that 8% are the exceptions to the rule that the poster was talking about.

You proved that he was absolutely correct in his post and that you lack reading comprehension, all at the same time.

Once a FuckBoi, always a FuckBoi. You still haven’t told us why you’re still unemployed when they are 11 million job openings in America at the moment.
This quote right here is racist. White democrats don't tell black people what to think. You thinking they do rather than thinking black people can think for themselves is what makes you a racist. I have never claimed black conservatives can't think for themselves and you can't produce a quote of me saying so. I think what black conservatives think is stupid. There's a differnce.

I'm not trying to tell anyone what to think. I don't care if what you believe is stupid beyond its entertainment value to me.

You're just sad, Tom. Blacks have every right to be fiscally conservative and believe blacks don't need handouts like you do. The Democrat party is the party of racism and always was. Open your eyes

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