Liberals are more racist than conservatives....Yale university study....

There were nazis there. And nobody on the "unite the right" organization had a problem with it.

Its like Stormy Daniels and the rationalization you guys tried there too... "no proof he paid her"--why does he know a porn star to start with.


As for the very fine people comment...nice try to walk it back. #youfailed.
Gee, I wonder why you ignored my well-constructed post where I pointed out the error of your ways. You prefer to ignore facts though and just continue on as one of USMBs leading TROLLS. You must be so proud.

"Now, I’m gonna do something that is very much a novelty these days: actually document a comment that is trumpeted about, in context. Imagine that! President Trump did not ever defend Nazis as “very fine people.” In context, he was clearly talking about other (non-Nazi) demonstrators who came out: some, for example, were expressing views about public confederate statues. Most large protests are an amalgamation of radical extremists and relatively normal people. But this is standard media talking points. They don’t give a damn about what the actual facts of the matter were. Here are Trump’s actual remarks about “very fine people” in context:

TRUMP: [Y]ou have some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group — excuse me, excuse me — I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.

Why do you work so hard to look so foolish? Are all Canadians like you?
Gee, I wonder why you ignored my well-constructed post where I pointed out the error of your ways. You prefer to ignore facts though and just continue on as one of USMBs leading TROLLS. You must be so proud.
Gee, I wonder why you can't see that having Nazis at your rally means you are a racist scumbag (at best).

It doesn't.


This weekend NPR did whole hour on credit ratings. It was designed to make it fair but with algorithms and charging people with lower scores higher interest rates, it's just another way for the rich to fuck the poor. And our algorithms tend to be racist too. What zip code do you live in rather than asking what your race is, is basically the same thing when 90% of the residents are black.

Anyways, in this story they were talking about the history of credit. It is the history of corporate America. Back when America started giving the masses credit, women couldn't even get a loan. It had to be in their husbands name. And black people couldn't get credit. Back then, 100% of CEO's in America were white and black people ONLY had the jobs at the bottom. Women could only do certain things.

Today, women and blacks can get credit cards. But the algorithms written to give out credit scores tend to rate women and blacks lower. This is systemic. It's embedded into our society.

For the longest time, and not too long ago, only white men could get credit. And you're telling me suddenly today white men don't see color? Yea right. What a liar.
Gee, I wonder why you can't see that having Nazis at your rally means you are a racist scumbag (at best).
What a stupid post. Do you think a speaker at an outdoor rally can control who shows up, and just because someone shows up the speaker must hold the e same views?

What a dumbass.
"MORE racist". I'm very glad that word was used.

That clearly means that racism does exist on the Right. As we all know, regardless of the deflections and denials from the Right.

Let's assume the study is correct. So, instead of the two ends of the spectrum pointing the finger at EACH OTHER, they should FIRST clean their OWN fucking houses.

Not holding my breath, of course.
Which Party feels that standards need to be lowered for minorities in academic missions and corporate hiring practices? Which party believes minorities are not smart enough to obtain a state-issued ID?
Which Party feels that standards need to be lowered for minorities in academic missions and corporate hiring practices? Which party believes minorities are not smart enough to obtain a state-issued ID?
I know! I know!
Gee, I wonder why you can't see that having Nazis at your rally means you are a racist scumbag (at best).
Yeah, about that.

You'd have to search long and hard to find someone with a stronger...dislike of Nazis than myself. But, Candy, please show us the violence.






This weekend NPR did whole hour on credit ratings. It was designed to make it fair but with algorithms and charging people with lower scores higher interest rates, it's just another way for the rich to fuck the poor. And our algorithms tend to be racist too. What zip code do you live in rather than asking what your race is, is basically the same thing when 90% of the residents are black.

Anyways, in this story they were talking about the history of credit. It is the history of corporate America. Back when America started giving the masses credit, women couldn't even get a loan. It had to be in their husbands name. And black people couldn't get credit. Back then, 100% of CEO's in America were white and black people ONLY had the jobs at the bottom. Women could only do certain things.

Today, women and blacks can get credit cards. But the algorithms written to give out credit scores tend to rate women and blacks lower. This is systemic. It's embedded into our society.

For the longest time, and not too long ago, only white men could get credit. And you're telling me suddenly today white men don't see color? Yea right. What a liar.
NPR is like Pravda. Pravda might have been better at it. Musk has labeled them a government owned biased media. You liked fact checkers before. How about now?
NPR is like Pravda. Pravda might have been better at it. Musk has labeled them a government owned biased media. You liked fact checkers before. How about now?

Whatever. Musk is clearly a right winger so of course he doesn't like NPR. All they did was explain the history of credit ratings. They didn't even make it political. The guy who was the expert was even defending credit scores. Before credit scores, bankers would get to look at you and make a moral judgement. Your credit history wasn't all that was considered. So blacks were discriminated and women had to go through their husbands. These are all facts.

I know you've been brainwashed to have that knee jerk reaction anytime a source you don't like is used. Sorry, I can't find the facts at the places you go for misinformation. Got a better article on this subject? I'd love to see it.
Whatever. Musk is clearly a right winger so of course he doesn't like NPR. All they did was explain the history of credit ratings. They didn't even make it political. The guy who was the expert was even defending credit scores. Before credit scores, bankers would get to look at you and make a moral judgement. Your credit history wasn't all that was considered. So blacks were discriminated and women had to go through their husbands. These are all facts.

I know you've been brainwashed to have that knee jerk reaction anytime a source you don't like is used. Sorry, I can't find the facts at the places you go for misinformation. Got a better article on this subject? I'd love to see it.
Musk is not a right winger. He is a real liberal that believes in free speech. He is like the only one left. Thank God he is rich, right?
Musk is not a right winger. He is a real liberal that believes in free speech. He is like the only one left. Thank God he is rich, right?
Trust me, he's not one of us.

In 2014, Musk described himself politically as "half Democrat, half Republican" and "I'm somewhere in the middle, socially liberal and fiscally conservative." In 2018, he stated that he was "not a conservative.

Many rich people, like Trump and Musk, are socially liberal but trust me, he's a right wing fiscally conservative REPUBLICAN.

And btw, Elon can defy all the rules. He can buy twitter and ruin it just because he wants to allow right wing lies and russian misinformation to have an equal platform with truth. That's cool. I don't use Twitter and fewer and fewer people are using it. Did you hear the other day Elon threatened NPR for not tweeting? What a punk bitch he is.
Trust me, he's not one of us.

In 2014, Musk described himself politically as "half Democrat, half Republican" and "I'm somewhere in the middle, socially liberal and fiscally conservative." In 2018, he stated that he was "not a conservative.

Many rich people, like Trump and Musk, are socially liberal but trust me, he's a right wing fiscally conservative REPUBLICAN.

And btw, Elon can defy all the rules. He can buy twitter and ruin it just because he wants to allow right wing lies and russian misinformation to have an equal platform with truth. That's cool. I don't use Twitter and fewer and fewer people are using it. Did you hear the other day Elon threatened NPR for not tweeting? What a punk bitch he is.
You are not a liberal you are an intolerant asshole.
You are not a liberal you are an intolerant asshole.
Doesn't change the fact I'm not a conservative Republican. Or are you saying I am?

Yes, conservative republicans are intolerant assholes so I can see how you might have confused me with being one.
Doesn't change the fact I'm not a conservative Republican. Or are you saying I am?

Yes, conservative republicans are intolerant assholes so I can see how you might have confused me with being one.
Intolerance is not what you see from some Republicans unless it is intolerance of a criminal syndicate known as the US government. Many RINOs are with that syndicate and want the information suppressed or ignored.
We do treat them the same as whites. That's what riles racist Democrats so much. Racist Democrats sincerely believe that blacks are inferior to whites and cannot compete with others on an even basis.

It is pathetic and blessedly many minorities are beginning to recognize that Democrats are not their friends but rather their opponents.

Fuck you and that bullshit talking point! In your world up is down and black is white. You're fuckin' racists and you prove it every time you open your mouth! You are deliberately trying to strip people of color the right to vote. The Dems aren't doing that, you are!
Voter fraud occurs .006% of the time. It is a bullshit myth from the right that we have any problem in this area we have to deal with.
Republicans love to go on and on about voter fraud but ignore election fraud. Like all the shady shit that happened in 2000 and 2004. Or 2020.

Republicans commit election fraud while crying about voter fraud. Crying about voter fraud, which is rare and doesn't swing elections, is a distraction from how they steal elections with all their shady tactics.

I want to take a closer look at states that never go blue. In Kansas women showed up to overwhelmingly vote pro choice. I expect to see Kansas go blue in 2024. If not, i want to audit that states elections.

And Texas. If Texas goes red again, I call BULLSHIT.

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