Liberals are supporting and encouraging violence against Trump

Nobody condones acts of violence or even aggression on the part of protesters.

Of course they are. The liberal media and the left all over the country, all over this board are doing exactly that. Their argument is basically stop hitting my fist with your face to Trump supporters

Please don't truncate quotes. It is straight up dishonesty. I said much more than that....and you failing to respond to my entire comment shows weakness on your part.


First of all, it's ridiculous to expect your entire post to be in every quote. No one has or should have that rule on message boards anywhere. And second, I quoted the point I was addressing. Nothing you put in the rest of it changed the point I quoted.

You said no one is condoning acts of violence by the protesters, the left across the country clearly is condoning acts of violence straight up. They see video of the police having to put up barricades to keep the protesters from attacking Trump rallies and it has no effect. They see leftists blocking roads and physically stopping Trump supporters from going to rallies and don't care. The left is doing more than condoning violence, they are in favor of it. There is nothing liberal about the left in this country

Please direct me to a quote by any "lefty" of influence or significance who has spoken about the violence in an approving manner.

Can you do that?

I explained what you are mistaking for supporting violence. You should try to learn.

So just to be clear, in your limited mind the only way to support violence is to specifically say you support violence.

OK, so you go first. Show where Republicans say they hate the poor

It's your standard LaughedAt, have you found some quotes by Republicans that they hate the poor?
It's your standard LaughedAt, have you found some quotes by Republicans that they hate the poor?

Poorly phrased retort?

but, placing that aside, how would the so-called poor interpret Trump's bashing of the NM governor's increase of food stamp recipients in her state?
Executive order are not for the purpose of "doing something" if Congress fails to act, doesn't act in a way approved by the President or Senate, or acts is a way disapproved by the President.

Given that above [flawed] definition of EOs, then NO EO should ever be allowable.
(mindful of the number of EOs issued by GWB vs. Obama's)

It's not the number of executive orders issued--it's the type.

If you think executive orders can be issued if a President doesn't like what Congress voted on or not voted on, then what's the point of having a Congress in the first place?
"Before Trump’s speech, the demonstrations outside were mostly peaceful. However, the protests escalated and several confrontations took place as the rally ended and the crowds inside the convention center spilled outside."

"Spilled out after the rally ended"?

That's an odd way to describe people leaving an event that was over.

Would you have preferred, "Guided out by the back doors by security"????

The obvious way to state that the crowds inside were leaving after the event ended, would have been to say

"However, after the rally ended and the people inside left the building, they were confronted by the increasingly agitated protesters."
Of course they are. The liberal media and the left all over the country, all over this board are doing exactly that. Their argument is basically stop hitting my fist with your face to Trump supporters

Please don't truncate quotes. It is straight up dishonesty. I said much more than that....and you failing to respond to my entire comment shows weakness on your part.


First of all, it's ridiculous to expect your entire post to be in every quote. No one has or should have that rule on message boards anywhere. And second, I quoted the point I was addressing. Nothing you put in the rest of it changed the point I quoted.

You said no one is condoning acts of violence by the protesters, the left across the country clearly is condoning acts of violence straight up. They see video of the police having to put up barricades to keep the protesters from attacking Trump rallies and it has no effect. They see leftists blocking roads and physically stopping Trump supporters from going to rallies and don't care. The left is doing more than condoning violence, they are in favor of it. There is nothing liberal about the left in this country

Please direct me to a quote by any "lefty" of influence or significance who has spoken about the violence in an approving manner.

Can you do that?

I explained what you are mistaking for supporting violence. You should try to learn.

So just to be clear, in your limited mind the only way to support violence is to specifically say you support violence.

OK, so you go first. Show where Republicans say they hate the poor

It's your standard LaughedAt, have you found some quotes by Republicans that they hate the poor?

Have you ever seen me say that Republicans hate the poor?
It's your standard LaughedAt, have you found some quotes by Republicans that they hate the poor?

Poorly phrased retort?

but, placing that aside, how would the so-called poor interpret Trump's bashing of the NM governor's increase of food stamp recipients in her state?
That NM has lost more jobs then they have added in the last 8 years.
It's your standard LaughedAt, have you found some quotes by Republicans that they hate the poor?

Poorly phrased retort?

but, placing that aside, how would the so-called poor interpret Trump's bashing of the NM governor's increase of food stamp recipients in her state?

You took the quote out of context
That NM has lost more jobs then they have added in the last 8 years.

Well, you could say that, but you'd be DEAD WRONG........Geographically and economically similar states like Arizona and Utah have a larger unemployment rate.
You don't hear the libs calling for the end of it, either.

The intolerance, bitterness, and fear is growing within liberals and the criminals they have brought here and protect.

The major criminal element so far has been illegals, who are afraid they will be stripped of the cotizen tax payer-funded freebies they receive but are not entitled to / have not earned. They ARE afraid they will be deported, that a wall will be built preventing their illegal return, and that our borders will finally be secured.

It is an illegal uprising within our own country, and many liberals are too stupid...or see it. They actually back the uprising because it is against their common 'enemy', Donald Trump. The libs are actually supporting an 'illegal insurgence' within their own country.

It's not just Trump that this 'insurgence' is against but ANYONE who threatens what they have illegally, determined not to allow anyone to take it away. That will possibly include one day any Liberal who attempts to strip them of any of it.

Trump shoulld really be concerned for his life. He threatens a great deal, and illegals...and others...have proven they are willing to engage in violence to try and stop it.
Trump shoulld really be concerned for his life. He threatens a great deal, and illegals...and others...have proven they are willing to engage in violence to try and stop it.

NOT ONE liberal that I know or have read about is "encouraging violence".....That biased conclusion came out of your ass.

Trump, however, is reaping what his big mouth sowed.
It's your standard LaughedAt, have you found some quotes by Republicans that they hate the poor?

Have you ever seen me say that Republicans hate the poor?

You believe every leftist bigotry about Republicans. But let's go with this one. Where did Republicans say they want to segregate schools with vouchers?

Dummy. Let's make ALL THE SCHOOLS better. Then ALL THE KIDS get to go to good schools. While we are at it....let's make ALL THE NEIGHBORHOODS better.

Vouchers are a weak attempt to further segregate schools.
Trump shoulld really be concerned for his life. He threatens a great deal, and illegals...and others...have proven they are willing to engage in violence to try and stop it.

NOT ONE liberal that I know or have read about is "encouraging violence".....That biased conclusion came out of your ass.

Trump, however, is reaping what his big mouth sowed.

By blaming the victim, you are implicitly endorsing the violence.
Trump shoulld really be concerned for his life. He threatens a great deal, and illegals...and others...have proven they are willing to engage in violence to try and stop it.

NOT ONE liberal that I know or have read about is "encouraging violence".....That biased conclusion came out of your ass.

Trump, however, is reaping what his big mouth sowed.
In the last month the liberals supporting Bernie and those supporting Hillary engaged in violence, almost a full-fledged riot...but somehow you missed it and all of the reporting on it. Surprise, surprise.
By blaming the victim, you are implicitly endorsing the violence.

No.......that is a dumb "conclusion"......I am NOT condoning any violence; however, when Trump volunteers to pay for the court bills incurred by HIS followers' violence, THAT is both stupid and unforgivable.
In the last month the liberals supporting Bernie and those supporting Hillary engaged in violence, almost a full-fledged riot...but somehow you missed it and all of the reporting on it. Surprise, surprise.

....and your "conclusion" that Sanders and Clinton's supporters are "engaged in violence" is based on what your toilet receives when you squat on it?
By blaming the victim, you are implicitly endorsing the violence.

No.......that is a dumb "conclusion"......I am NOT condoning any violence; however, when Trump volunteers to pay for the court bills incurred by HIS followers' violence, THAT is both stupid and unforgivable.

"Yee-a-h now, I'm not blaming the victim, mind you, BUT any slut that dresses that slutty is reaping what she sowed."

Something like that?
In the last month the liberals supporting Bernie and those supporting Hillary engaged in violence, almost a full-fledged riot...but somehow you missed it and all of the reporting on it. Surprise, surprise.

....and your "conclusion" that Sanders and Clinton's supporters are "engaged in violence" is based on what your toilet receives when you squat on it?
Sounds like you are jealous of his toilet.

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