Liberals are supporting and encouraging violence against Trump

Both on this board and across the US Liberals are in support of violence directed at Trump and his supporters. It is shameful and it will have consequences. As deafening silence comes from the White House and from those running for the democratic party nomination. This will cause those on the fence to come off of it in support of a man they may not know if they support or not. It proves that Illegals and liberals are arm in arm in an attempt to silence the very bedrock of our election process.

There is no parallel with the right. No right wing group has mounted dozens of attacks against police and peaceful political rallies.

Remember when the left claimed the Tea party was violent? They could not actually find any examples other then fabricated ones but there was much gnashing of teeth and calls for the Government to step in.

Obama is part of this violence he has spoken against Trump at several events and has encouraged the violence by his silence and his own attacks. As has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Further the left wing press has claimed that the violence being perpetrated AGAINST Trump is some how his own fault. While saying nothing against or about the unlawful threats damage and attacks by left wing radicals.

You want war, keep it up you may just get it.
My my...what a toughie...
In the last month the liberals supporting Bernie and those supporting Hillary engaged in violence, almost a full-fledged riot...but somehow you missed it and all of the reporting on it. Surprise, surprise.

....and your "conclusion" that Sanders and Clinton's supporters are "engaged in violence" is based on what your toilet receives when you squat on it?
The many reports at the time. You should look into it.
It's your standard LaughedAt, have you found some quotes by Republicans that they hate the poor?

Have you ever seen me say that Republicans hate the poor?

You believe every leftist bigotry about Republicans. But let's go with this one. Where did Republicans say they want to segregate schools with vouchers?

Dummy. Let's make ALL THE SCHOOLS better. Then ALL THE KIDS get to go to good schools. While we are at it....let's make ALL THE NEIGHBORHOODS better.

Vouchers are a weak attempt to further segregate schools.

You really are in desperation mode, aren't ya?

When was that discussion? Who was I talking to? What does it have to do with the fact that a number of USMB conservatives are accusing liberals of supporting violence at Trump rallies?

You will find that I rarely issue blanket statements or make broad generalizations. Did you know that there are many democrats who are in favor of vouchers?
It's your standard LaughedAt, have you found some quotes by Republicans that they hate the poor?

Have you ever seen me say that Republicans hate the poor?

You believe every leftist bigotry about Republicans. But let's go with this one. Where did Republicans say they want to segregate schools with vouchers?

Dummy. Let's make ALL THE SCHOOLS better. Then ALL THE KIDS get to go to good schools. While we are at it....let's make ALL THE NEIGHBORHOODS better.

Vouchers are a weak attempt to further segregate schools.

You really are in desperation more, aren't ya?

When was that discussion? Who was I talking to? What does it have to do with the fact that a number of USMB conservatives are accusing liberals of supporting violence at Trump rallies?

You will find that I rarely issue blanket statements or make broad generalizations. Did you know that there are many democrats who are in favor of vouchers?

You said that Democrats are only encouraging violence if I can show you a quote from Democrats saying that they encourage the violence.

You said vouchers are an attempt to segregate schools, so by your standard, where is the quote from Republicans who support vouchers they want to segregate schools?

It's simple and it's your standard, so where's the quote?
Sounds like you are jealous of his toilet.

"Brilliant" response....So, help your right wing buddy out and tell us WHERE you have found irrefutable proof that Clinton and Sanders' followers are engaged in all out violence. Can you?
By blaming the victim, you are implicitly endorsing the violence.

No.......that is a dumb "conclusion"......I am NOT condoning any violence; however, when Trump volunteers to pay for the court bills incurred by HIS followers' violence, THAT is both stupid and unforgivable.
But when Obama sends in his Atty General to drop criminal charges against Violent, militant New Black Panther members for brandishing clubs and intimidating voters at a polling location at election time it' perfectly ok?! :p
It's your standard LaughedAt, have you found some quotes by Republicans that they hate the poor?

Have you ever seen me say that Republicans hate the poor?

You believe every leftist bigotry about Republicans. But let's go with this one. Where did Republicans say they want to segregate schools with vouchers?

Dummy. Let's make ALL THE SCHOOLS better. Then ALL THE KIDS get to go to good schools. While we are at it....let's make ALL THE NEIGHBORHOODS better.

Vouchers are a weak attempt to further segregate schools.

You really are in desperation more, aren't ya?

When was that discussion? Who was I talking to? What does it have to do with the fact that a number of USMB conservatives are accusing liberals of supporting violence at Trump rallies?

You will find that I rarely issue blanket statements or make broad generalizations. Did you know that there are many democrats who are in favor of vouchers?

You said that Democrats are only encouraging violence if I can show you a quote from Democrats saying that they encourage the violence.

You said vouchers are an attempt to segregate schools, so by your standard, where is the quote from Republicans who support vouchers they want to segregate schools?

It's simple and it's your standard, so where's the quote?

This line of reasoning is weak. Please try another.
It's your standard LaughedAt, have you found some quotes by Republicans that they hate the poor?

Have you ever seen me say that Republicans hate the poor?

You believe every leftist bigotry about Republicans. But let's go with this one. Where did Republicans say they want to segregate schools with vouchers?

Dummy. Let's make ALL THE SCHOOLS better. Then ALL THE KIDS get to go to good schools. While we are at it....let's make ALL THE NEIGHBORHOODS better.

Vouchers are a weak attempt to further segregate schools.

You really are in desperation more, aren't ya?

When was that discussion? Who was I talking to? What does it have to do with the fact that a number of USMB conservatives are accusing liberals of supporting violence at Trump rallies?

You will find that I rarely issue blanket statements or make broad generalizations. Did you know that there are many democrats who are in favor of vouchers?

You said that Democrats are only encouraging violence if I can show you a quote from Democrats saying that they encourage the violence.

You said vouchers are an attempt to segregate schools, so by your standard, where is the quote from Republicans who support vouchers they want to segregate schools?

It's simple and it's your standard, so where's the quote?

This line of reasoning is weak. Please try another.

Yes, you don't like being held to your own standard, that's just weak. You never do, you say that every time you write flaming hypocrisy and it gets pointed out to you.

What was stupid was your assertion in the first place that Democrats have to say they are encouraging violence to be encouraging violence. An eight year old could easily grasp how ridiculous that is. But not you! You still don't either, do you? Tell the truth ...

Are you going to bang your dick on a tree again and roar how macho you are again like last time you got your ass handed to you?
But when Obama sends in his Atty General to drop criminal charges against Violent, militant New Black Panther members for brandishing clubs and intimidating voters at a polling location at election time it' perfectly ok?! :p

LAME, LAME attempt to label Obama just PRO black.......Find ONE fucking source that ANY voter was intimidate by some Black Panther....Go on, moron...DO IT !!!
Have you ever seen me say that Republicans hate the poor?

You believe every leftist bigotry about Republicans. But let's go with this one. Where did Republicans say they want to segregate schools with vouchers?

Dummy. Let's make ALL THE SCHOOLS better. Then ALL THE KIDS get to go to good schools. While we are at it....let's make ALL THE NEIGHBORHOODS better.

Vouchers are a weak attempt to further segregate schools.

You really are in desperation more, aren't ya?

When was that discussion? Who was I talking to? What does it have to do with the fact that a number of USMB conservatives are accusing liberals of supporting violence at Trump rallies?

You will find that I rarely issue blanket statements or make broad generalizations. Did you know that there are many democrats who are in favor of vouchers?

You said that Democrats are only encouraging violence if I can show you a quote from Democrats saying that they encourage the violence.

You said vouchers are an attempt to segregate schools, so by your standard, where is the quote from Republicans who support vouchers they want to segregate schools?

It's simple and it's your standard, so where's the quote?

This line of reasoning is weak. Please try another.

Yes, you don't like being held to your own standard, that's just weak. You never do, you say that every time you write flaming hypocrisy and it gets pointed out to you.

What was stupid was your assertion in the first place that Democrats have to say they are encouraging violence to be encouraging violence. An eight year old could easily grasp how ridiculous that is. But not you! You still don't either, do you? Tell the truth ...

I'm sorry. I believe you are confused.

If democratic leaders had witnessed this aggression and violence at Trump rallies and said nothing.....then you could make a weak clam that their silence is a way of condoning the aggression and violence.

If some or many had said something to express support for the violence and aggression, then you would have a strong claim. reality....every democratic leader has actually spoken out against the aggression and violence. They have said as much in clear statements.

So....please.....try another tact. This one is way stupid.
But when Obama sends in his Atty General to drop criminal charges against Violent, militant New Black Panther members for brandishing clubs and intimidating voters at a polling location at election time it' perfectly ok?! :p

LAME, LAME attempt to label Obama just PRO black.......Find ONE fucking source that ANY voter was intimidate by some Black Panther....Go on, moron...DO IT !!!

But when Obama sends in his Atty General to drop criminal charges against Violent, militant New Black Panther members for brandishing clubs and intimidating voters at a polling location at election time it' perfectly ok?! :p

LAME, LAME attempt to label Obama just PRO black.......Find ONE fucking source that ANY voter was intimidate by some Black Panther....Go on, moron...DO IT !!!

WOW...Do you actually THINK before you speak / type? They were arrested, something that can't be done without a COMPLAINT being filed.

I love when ignorant libs, oblivious to teal world news, spew opinions as if they were fact, call people citing facts lists, and demand links to well-known news stories. I especially exposing their ignorance by giving them those links. (Sometimes, however, I believe in forcing them to look them up themselves...although they hardly ever do because they prefer ignorance. This is not one of those times...)
But when Obama sends in his Atty General to drop criminal charges against Violent, militant New Black Panther members for brandishing clubs and intimidating voters at a polling location at election time it' perfectly ok?! :p

LAME, LAME attempt to label Obama just PRO black.......Find ONE fucking source that ANY voter was intimidate by some Black Panther....Go on, moron...DO IT !!!

So you think that as long as they didnt intimidate someone they should be able to stand in front of a polling location with clubs?
No one in their right mind thinks like that.
I agree. Sadly it's your left who block parents of kids in bad neighborhoods from choosing to put their kids in better schools through vouchers and force them to stay in their crappy neighborhood schools

Nope. Try again. think Democrats aren't against vouchers? Don't keep up much, do you?

Vouchers are hardly a solution. That's simpleton stuff. That's where you fail.

So you support the point that getting kids into better schools is the solution yet you oppose helping or even allowing parents in poor neighborhoods to put their kids in better schools.

You're right, you are a clown. Promise me you'll never change the avatar. It's classic how often people self identify

Dummy. Let's make ALL THE SCHOOLS better. Then ALL THE KIDS get to go to good schools. While we are at it....let's make ALL THE NEIGHBORHOODS better.

I agree. Sadly it's your left who block parents of kids in bad neighborhoods from choosing to put their kids in better schools through vouchers and force them to stay in their crappy neighborhood schools

Nope. Try again. think Democrats aren't against vouchers? Don't keep up much, do you?

Vouchers are hardly a solution. That's simpleton stuff. That's where you fail.

So you support the point that getting kids into better schools is the solution yet you oppose helping or even allowing parents in poor neighborhoods to put their kids in better schools.

You're right, you are a clown. Promise me you'll never change the avatar. It's classic how often people self identify

Dummy. Let's make ALL THE SCHOOLS better. Then ALL THE KIDS get to go to good schools. While we are at it....let's make ALL THE NEIGHBORHOODS better.

Vouchers are a weak attempt to further segregate schools.

Democrats including Hillary repeatedly not only don't criticize the leftists physically attacking Trump supporters and physically trying to stop them from going to Trump rallies, but they continually blast the Trump supporters and blame them for it. They are clearly approving of and prodding leftist wackos to further attacks. Only a mindless, kool-aid swilling Democrat automaton would fail to see that

Yet your standard for them is they have to SAY they support the leftists goons directly. You also said "Vouchers are a weak attempt to further segregate schools." So by your standard, where is your quote from Republicans supporting vouchers they want to segregate schools?
But when Obama sends in his Atty General to drop criminal charges against Violent, militant New Black Panther members for brandishing clubs and intimidating voters at a polling location at election time it' perfectly ok?! :p

LAME, LAME attempt to label Obama just PRO black.......Find ONE fucking source that ANY voter was intimidate by some Black Panther....Go on, moron...DO IT !!!

So, your irrefutable conclusion (along with the moron you're trying to help out) AND Fox news, is that Obama won the election because those 2 clowns with a night stick intimidated voters and Obama then sent Holder to help his "friends" out.....LOL
That NM has lost more jobs then they have added in the last 8 years.

Well, you could say that, but you'd be DEAD WRONG........Geographically and economically similar states like Arizona and Utah have a larger unemployment rate.
I live in NM. I am not "dead wrong". Nm is one of, if not the poorest, states in the nation. Stagnant job growth for YEARS.
But when Obama sends in his Atty General to drop criminal charges against Violent, militant New Black Panther members for brandishing clubs and intimidating voters at a polling location at election time it' perfectly ok?! :p

LAME, LAME attempt to label Obama just PRO black.......Find ONE fucking source that ANY voter was intimidate by some Black Panther....Go on, moron...DO IT !!!

So, your irrefutable conclusion (along with the moron you're trying to help out) AND Fox news, is that Obama won the election because those 2 clowns with a night stick intimidated voters and Obama then sent Holder to help his "friends" out.....LOL

So you asked him to name "one source that said any voter was intimidate," and when he did, you moved the goal posts to he needed to show it changed the outcome of the entire election.

I don't believe I've ever seen goal posts moved that far before, amazing
Nope. Try again. think Democrats aren't against vouchers? Don't keep up much, do you?

Vouchers are hardly a solution. That's simpleton stuff. That's where you fail.

So you support the point that getting kids into better schools is the solution yet you oppose helping or even allowing parents in poor neighborhoods to put their kids in better schools.

You're right, you are a clown. Promise me you'll never change the avatar. It's classic how often people self identify

Dummy. Let's make ALL THE SCHOOLS better. Then ALL THE KIDS get to go to good schools. While we are at it....let's make ALL THE NEIGHBORHOODS better. think Democrats aren't against vouchers? Don't keep up much, do you?

Vouchers are hardly a solution. That's simpleton stuff. That's where you fail.

So you support the point that getting kids into better schools is the solution yet you oppose helping or even allowing parents in poor neighborhoods to put their kids in better schools.

You're right, you are a clown. Promise me you'll never change the avatar. It's classic how often people self identify

Dummy. Let's make ALL THE SCHOOLS better. Then ALL THE KIDS get to go to good schools. While we are at it....let's make ALL THE NEIGHBORHOODS better.

Vouchers are a weak attempt to further segregate schools.

Democrats including Hillary repeatedly not only don't criticize the leftists physically attacking Trump supporters and physically trying to stop them from going to Trump rallies, but they continually blast the Trump supporters and blame them for it. They are clearly approving of and prodding leftist wackos to further attacks. Only a mindless, kool-aid swilling Democrat automaton would fail to see that

Yet your standard for them is they have to SAY they support the leftists goons directly. You also said "Vouchers are a weak attempt to further segregate schools." So by your standard, where is your quote from Republicans supporting vouchers they want to segregate schools?

Now you are lying. Your last refuge....and one you return to often. think Democrats aren't against vouchers? Don't keep up much, do you?

Vouchers are hardly a solution. That's simpleton stuff. That's where you fail.

So you support the point that getting kids into better schools is the solution yet you oppose helping or even allowing parents in poor neighborhoods to put their kids in better schools.

You're right, you are a clown. Promise me you'll never change the avatar. It's classic how often people self identify

Dummy. Let's make ALL THE SCHOOLS better. Then ALL THE KIDS get to go to good schools. While we are at it....let's make ALL THE NEIGHBORHOODS better.

Vouchers are hardly a solution. That's simpleton stuff. That's where you fail.

So you support the point that getting kids into better schools is the solution yet you oppose helping or even allowing parents in poor neighborhoods to put their kids in better schools.

You're right, you are a clown. Promise me you'll never change the avatar. It's classic how often people self identify

Dummy. Let's make ALL THE SCHOOLS better. Then ALL THE KIDS get to go to good schools. While we are at it....let's make ALL THE NEIGHBORHOODS better.

Vouchers are a weak attempt to further segregate schools.

Democrats including Hillary repeatedly not only don't criticize the leftists physically attacking Trump supporters and physically trying to stop them from going to Trump rallies, but they continually blast the Trump supporters and blame them for it. They are clearly approving of and prodding leftist wackos to further attacks. Only a mindless, kool-aid swilling Democrat automaton would fail to see that

Yet your standard for them is they have to SAY they support the leftists goons directly. You also said "Vouchers are a weak attempt to further segregate schools." So by your standard, where is your quote from Republicans supporting vouchers they want to segregate schools?

Now you are lying. Your last refuge....and one you return to often.

I'm lying? Seriously? You don't follow the news at all, do you?

Clinton blames Trump for violence at his events -
This moronic thread is addressing the issue that "liberals" are supporting and encouraging violence against Trump....

So the questions are

First, PROVE IT......

,,,and the second question is, has Trump supported and encouraged violence against his critics.

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