Liberals are supporting and encouraging violence against Trump

Every time an Independant watches extreme violent DEMS attacking the police and Trump supporters, Trump wins in public opinion.
Keep it up you fucking idiots.
You are guaranteeing Trump will become the next President.

Especially when they wave the Mexican flag and yell "fuck" every time they open their mouths.
Every time an Independant watches extreme violent DEMS attacking the police and Trump supporters, Trump wins in public opinion.
Keep it up you fucking idiots.
You are guaranteeing Trump will become the next President.

Especially when they wave the Mexican flag and yell "fuck" every time they open their mouths.
In San Diego they were carrying a huge banner that read... America was never great.
Every time an Independant watches extreme violent DEMS attacking the police and Trump supporters, Trump wins in public opinion.
Keep it up you fucking idiots.
You are guaranteeing Trump will become the next President.

Especially when they wave the Mexican flag and yell "fuck" every time they open their mouths.
In San Diego they were carrying a huge banner that read... America was never great.
I can't believe anyone thinks that's a winning campaign slogan.
Every time an Independant watches extreme violent DEMS attacking the police and Trump supporters, Trump wins in public opinion.
Keep it up you fucking idiots.
You are guaranteeing Trump will become the next President.

Especially when they wave the Mexican flag and yell "fuck" every time they open their mouths.
In San Diego they were carrying a huge banner that read... America was never great.
I can't believe anyone thinks that's a winning campaign slogan.
Well... libs always eventually show their contempt for America so...

No one claimed they were smart.
Both on this board and across the US Liberals are in support of violence directed at Trump and his supporters. It is shameful and it will have consequences. As deafening silence comes from the White House and from those running for the democratic party nomination. This will cause those on the fence to come off of it in support of a man they may not know if they support or not. It proves that Illegals and liberals are arm in arm in an attempt to silence the very bedrock of our election process.

There is no parallel with the right. No right wing group has mounted dozens of attacks against police and peaceful political rallies.

Remember when the left claimed the Tea party was violent? They could not actually find any examples other then fabricated ones but there was much gnashing of teeth and calls for the Government to step in.

Obama is part of this violence he has spoken against Trump at several events and has encouraged the violence by his silence and his own attacks. As has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Further the left wing press has claimed that the violence being perpetrated AGAINST Trump is some how his own fault. While saying nothing against or about the unlawful threats damage and attacks by left wing radicals.

You want war, keep it up you may just get it.

no. most "liberals" and any other people don't condone violence.

but you might want to look at drumpf saying things like "try not to hurt [protesters] but if you do, don't worry, i'll pay your legal bills" to see where the problem started.

Sure they do. Liberals are very violent. They trash police cars, burn stores, throw rocks at cops, block traffic, shout down opposing voices. Liberals are children that never grew up. If we coddle them they just get worse. It's time for a spanking.
Both on this board and across the US Liberals are in support of violence directed at Trump and his supporters. It is shameful and it will have consequences. As deafening silence comes from the White House and from those running for the democratic party nomination. This will cause those on the fence to come off of it in support of a man they may not know if they support or not. It proves that Illegals and liberals are arm in arm in an attempt to silence the very bedrock of our election process.

There is no parallel with the right. No right wing group has mounted dozens of attacks against police and peaceful political rallies.

Remember when the left claimed the Tea party was violent? They could not actually find any examples other then fabricated ones but there was much gnashing of teeth and calls for the Government to step in.

Obama is part of this violence he has spoken against Trump at several events and has encouraged the violence by his silence and his own attacks. As has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Further the left wing press has claimed that the violence being perpetrated AGAINST Trump is some how his own fault. While saying nothing against or about the unlawful threats damage and attacks by left wing radicals.

You want war, keep it up you may just get it.

no. most "liberals" and any other people don't condone violence.

but you might want to look at drumpf saying things like "try not to hurt [protesters] but if you do, don't worry, i'll pay your legal bills" to see where the problem started.

Sure they do. Liberals are very violent. They trash police cars, burn stores, throw rocks at cops, block traffic, shout down opposing voices. Liberals are children that never grew up. If we coddle them they just get worse. It's time for a spanking.
They also rape their own fellow protesters.
Both on this board and across the US Liberals are in support of violence directed at Trump and his supporters. It is shameful and it will have consequences. As deafening silence comes from the White House and from those running for the democratic party nomination. This will cause those on the fence to come off of it in support of a man they may not know if they support or not. It proves that Illegals and liberals are arm in arm in an attempt to silence the very bedrock of our election process.

There is no parallel with the right. No right wing group has mounted dozens of attacks against police and peaceful political rallies.

Remember when the left claimed the Tea party was violent? They could not actually find any examples other then fabricated ones but there was much gnashing of teeth and calls for the Government to step in.

Obama is part of this violence he has spoken against Trump at several events and has encouraged the violence by his silence and his own attacks. As has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Further the left wing press has claimed that the violence being perpetrated AGAINST Trump is some how his own fault. While saying nothing against or about the unlawful threats damage and attacks by left wing radicals.

You want war, keep it up you may just get it.

no. most "liberals" and any other people don't condone violence.

but you might want to look at drumpf saying things like "try not to hurt [protesters] but if you do, don't worry, i'll pay your legal bills" to see where the problem started.

Sure they do. Liberals are very violent. They trash police cars, burn stores, throw rocks at cops, block traffic, shout down opposing voices. Liberals are children that never grew up. If we coddle them they just get worse. It's time for a spanking.
They also rape their own fellow protesters.
It's how they meet chicks.
Coward Trump backed out on debating Bernie because Sanders would have cleaned his clock. He still won't release his tax returns because he is afraid people will see he isn't worth as much as he claims. Trump is your typical loudmouth who boasts then won't back it up when called on it because he is a coward.
NO.........if Obama had VETOED a bunch of republican bills (lets say, on immigration) and THEN Obama had issued an EO that contradicted what those bills intended to address....THEN you'd have a legitimate argument.....

But when congress does NOTHING......then the executive branch must act.

Executive order are not for the purpose of "doing something" if Congress fails to act, doesn't act in a way approved by the President or Senate, or acts is a way disapproved by the President.
Both on this board and across the US Liberals are in support of violence directed at Trump and his supporters. It is shameful and it will have consequences. As deafening silence comes from the White House and from those running for the democratic party nomination. This will cause those on the fence to come off of it in support of a man they may not know if they support or not. It proves that Illegals and liberals are arm in arm in an attempt to silence the very bedrock of our election process.

There is no parallel with the right. No right wing group has mounted dozens of attacks against police and peaceful political rallies.

Remember when the left claimed the Tea party was violent? They could not actually find any examples other then fabricated ones but there was much gnashing of teeth and calls for the Government to step in.

Obama is part of this violence he has spoken against Trump at several events and has encouraged the violence by his silence and his own attacks. As has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Further the left wing press has claimed that the violence being perpetrated AGAINST Trump is some how his own fault. While saying nothing against or about the unlawful threats damage and attacks by left wing radicals.

You want war, keep it up you may just get it.

no. most "liberals" and any other people don't condone violence.

but you might want to look at drumpf saying things like "try not to hurt [protesters] but if you do, don't worry, i'll pay your legal bills" to see where the problem started.

Sure they do. Liberals are very violent. They trash police cars, burn stores, throw rocks at cops, block traffic, shout down opposing voices. Liberals are children that never grew up. If we coddle them they just get worse. It's time for a spanking.
They also rape their own fellow protesters.
It's how they meet chicks.

wow.... rightwingnut loser internet trolls are funny.

if you want to know about rape you should probably ask ivana trump about what the donald did to her.
Both on this board and across the US Liberals are in support of violence directed at Trump and his supporters. It is shameful and it will have consequences. As deafening silence comes from the White House and from those running for the democratic party nomination. This will cause those on the fence to come off of it in support of a man they may not know if they support or not. It proves that Illegals and liberals are arm in arm in an attempt to silence the very bedrock of our election process.

There is no parallel with the right. No right wing group has mounted dozens of attacks against police and peaceful political rallies.

Remember when the left claimed the Tea party was violent? They could not actually find any examples other then fabricated ones but there was much gnashing of teeth and calls for the Government to step in.

Obama is part of this violence he has spoken against Trump at several events and has encouraged the violence by his silence and his own attacks. As has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Further the left wing press has claimed that the violence being perpetrated AGAINST Trump is some how his own fault. While saying nothing against or about the unlawful threats damage and attacks by left wing radicals.

You want war, keep it up you may just get it.

no. most "liberals" and any other people don't condone violence.

but you might want to look at drumpf saying things like "try not to hurt [protesters] but if you do, don't worry, i'll pay your legal bills" to see where the problem started.

Sure they do. Liberals are very violent. They trash police cars, burn stores, throw rocks at cops, block traffic, shout down opposing voices. Liberals are children that never grew up. If we coddle them they just get worse. It's time for a spanking.
They also rape their own fellow protesters.
It's how they meet chicks.

wow.... loser internet trolls are funny.
Let me guess, it's how you got laid last night?
The left has been looking for an excuse to start a violent revolution and now they have one. I expect escalations of violence by the left as the election gets closer. if Trump is elected, riots will become a daily occurrence and the left-wing media will blame it all on Trump. Trump will respond with a crack-down and then things will really get out of hand.

Or, once they get some sense knocked into them, things will settle down.
I had an interesting conversation with a friend who is a huge (yuge) Bernie supporter. She had proudly signed a petition to stop Trump from doing a rally in our area. The short conversation went something very much like this:

Me: Yeah, I'm no fan of Trump, but I wouldn't want to stop him from speaking. What's the point of the petition?

Her: It's because his rallies become so violent! We're just trying to protect the people!

Me: But they probably wouldn't become violent if protestors didn't show up and get in Trump's fan's faces.

Her: Those protestors have a right to be there and protest! That's their right!

Me: Yes, I realize that, but we're talking about the violence at Trump rallies. His supporters are just there to see the rally and go home.

Her: But the protestors are there to protest these evil, hateful man!

At this point it was terribly clear that I wasn't going to get through, and I deftly found a way to change the subject. To hell with it.

If Trump loses, these people win and these tactics are validated.

Just saying...
Both on this board and across the US Liberals are in support of violence directed at Trump and his supporters. It is shameful and it will have consequences. As deafening silence comes from the White House and from those running for the democratic party nomination. This will cause those on the fence to come off of it in support of a man they may not know if they support or not. It proves that Illegals and liberals are arm in arm in an attempt to silence the very bedrock of our election process.

There is no parallel with the right. No right wing group has mounted dozens of attacks against police and peaceful political rallies.

Remember when the left claimed the Tea party was violent? They could not actually find any examples other then fabricated ones but there was much gnashing of teeth and calls for the Government to step in.

Obama is part of this violence he has spoken against Trump at several events and has encouraged the violence by his silence and his own attacks. As has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Further the left wing press has claimed that the violence being perpetrated AGAINST Trump is some how his own fault. While saying nothing against or about the unlawful threats damage and attacks by left wing radicals.

You want war, keep it up you may just get it.

no. most "liberals" and any other people don't condone violence.

but you might want to look at drumpf saying things like "try not to hurt [protesters] but if you do, don't worry, i'll pay your legal bills" to see where the problem started.

Sure they do. Liberals are very violent. They trash police cars, burn stores, throw rocks at cops, block traffic, shout down opposing voices. Liberals are children that never grew up. If we coddle them they just get worse. It's time for a spanking.
They also rape their own fellow protesters.
It's how they meet chicks.

wow.... rightwingnut loser internet trolls are funny.

if you want to know about rape you should probably ask ivana trump about what the donald did to her.
Naw. I'll just ask Juanita Broaddrick.
Both on this board and across the US Liberals are in support of violence directed at Trump and his supporters. It is shameful and it will have consequences. As deafening silence comes from the White House and from those running for the democratic party nomination. This will cause those on the fence to come off of it in support of a man they may not know if they support or not. It proves that Illegals and liberals are arm in arm in an attempt to silence the very bedrock of our election process.

There is no parallel with the right. No right wing group has mounted dozens of attacks against police and peaceful political rallies.

Remember when the left claimed the Tea party was violent? They could not actually find any examples other then fabricated ones but there was much gnashing of teeth and calls for the Government to step in.

Obama is part of this violence he has spoken against Trump at several events and has encouraged the violence by his silence and his own attacks. As has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Further the left wing press has claimed that the violence being perpetrated AGAINST Trump is some how his own fault. While saying nothing against or about the unlawful threats damage and attacks by left wing radicals.

You want war, keep it up you may just get it.

no. most "liberals" and any other people don't condone violence.

but you might want to look at drumpf saying things like "try not to hurt [protesters] but if you do, don't worry, i'll pay your legal bills" to see where the problem started.

Sure they do. Liberals are very violent. They trash police cars, burn stores, throw rocks at cops, block traffic, shout down opposing voices. Liberals are children that never grew up. If we coddle them they just get worse. It's time for a spanking.
They also rape their own fellow protesters.
It's how they meet chicks.

wow.... rightwingnut loser internet trolls are funny.

if you want to know about rape you should probably ask ivana trump about what the donald did to her.
Bill Clinton has more experience with that but oddly, liberals don't care.
Executive order are not for the purpose of "doing something" if Congress fails to act, doesn't act in a way approved by the President or Senate, or acts is a way disapproved by the President.

Given that above [flawed] definition of EOs, then NO EO should ever be allowable.
(mindful of the number of EOs issued by GWB vs. Obama's)
Both on this board and across the US Liberals are in support of violence directed at Trump and his supporters. It is shameful and it will have consequences. As deafening silence comes from the White House and from those running for the democratic party nomination. This will cause those on the fence to come off of it in support of a man they may not know if they support or not. It proves that Illegals and liberals are arm in arm in an attempt to silence the very bedrock of our election process.

There is no parallel with the right. No right wing group has mounted dozens of attacks against police and peaceful political rallies.

Remember when the left claimed the Tea party was violent? They could not actually find any examples other then fabricated ones but there was much gnashing of teeth and calls for the Government to step in.

Obama is part of this violence he has spoken against Trump at several events and has encouraged the violence by his silence and his own attacks. As has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Further the left wing press has claimed that the violence being perpetrated AGAINST Trump is some how his own fault. While saying nothing against or about the unlawful threats damage and attacks by left wing radicals.

You want war, keep it up you may just get it.
The thread premise is a lie, and any conservative who propagates it is a liar, which comes as no surprise, of course.

If it's one thing I can't stand, it's a liar:

At least 35 arrested after Trump rally in San Diego | Fox News

THis is some very odd wording.

"Before Trump’s speech, the demonstrations outside were mostly peaceful. However, the protests escalated and several confrontations took place as the rally ended and the crowds inside the convention center spilled outside."

"Spilled out after the rally ended"?

That's an odd way to describe people leaving an event that was over.
"Before Trump’s speech, the demonstrations outside were mostly peaceful. However, the protests escalated and several confrontations took place as the rally ended and the crowds inside the convention center spilled outside."

"Spilled out after the rally ended"?

That's an odd way to describe people leaving an event that was over.

Would you have preferred, "Guided out by the back doors by security"????

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