Liberals are supporting and encouraging violence against Trump

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?

We do blame you because you're obviously a lying douche bag piece of shit.
Who is "WE"? You and the other RW high school drop outs that constantly loiter here at USMB? Gosh…. I feel so honored…heh heh heh!

"We" is everyone with an ounce of integrity and common sense.

Are you trying to tell me that you don't "loiter" here?
well, look at the number of messages you have to your credit and look at mine. That ought to tell the tale of who is loitering here…heh heh heh!

I don't "loiter." I post.
Yeah,you "post"your ass in front of that computer 23-7.
(PS)-I will give you an hour to go out to get donuts and coffee.
Liberals are in support of violence directed at Trump and his supporters.

You mean the way Trump supported violence against anyone who didn't support him - even offering to pay the legal fees of the bullies?

Karma. What went around came around. Deal.
Typical, for a Leftist to equate three or four rally-incidents involving harsh language and a single person getting roughed-up, to a dozen or more riots by their own kind.
Both on this board and across the US Liberals are in support of violence directed at Trump and his supporters. It is shameful and it will have consequences. As deafening silence comes from the White House and from those running for the democratic party nomination. This will cause those on the fence to come off of it in support of a man they may not know if they support or not. It proves that Illegals and liberals are arm in arm in an attempt to silence the very bedrock of our election process.

There is no parallel with the right. No right wing group has mounted dozens of attacks against police and peaceful political rallies.

Remember when the left claimed the Tea party was violent? They could not actually find any examples other then fabricated ones but there was much gnashing of teeth and calls for the Government to step in.

Obama is part of this violence he has spoken against Trump at several events and has encouraged the violence by his silence and his own attacks. As has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Further the left wing press has claimed that the violence being perpetrated AGAINST Trump is some how his own fault. While saying nothing against or about the unlawful threats damage and attacks by left wing radicals.

You want war, keep it up you may just get it.
The thread premise is a lie, and any conservative who propagates it is a liar, which comes as no surprise, of course.
No, the thread premise is pretty much spot on.

Leftists behaving badly... which comes as no surprise, of course.

It's one of the reasons why you-and-yours are being sent back to the outfield, in November.

Time for the other guys to get anoher turn at bat.

Your time's up now.
No right wing group has mounted dozens of attacks against police and peaceful political rallies.

Timothy McVeigh was a RW conservative terrorist for starters. But here is a more comprehensive guide to RW terrorism in America:

They and untold thousands like them are the extremists who hide among us, the right-wing militants who, since 2002, have killed more people in the United States than jihadis have. In that time, according to New America, a Washington think tank, Islamists launched nine attacks that murdered 45, while the right-wing extremists struck 18 times, leaving 48 dead. These Americans thrive on hate and conspiracy theories, many fed to them by politicians and commentators who blithely blather about government concentration camps and impending martial law and plans to seize guns and other dystopian gibberish, apparently unaware there are people listening who don’t know it’s all lies. These extremists turn to violence—against minorities, non-Christians, abortion providers, government officials—in what they believe is a fight to save America. And that potential for violence is escalating every day.

And do NOT forget the RW conservative Greensboro massacre of peaceful Communist Worker's Party demonstrators. The RW doesn't just attack the police and peaceful rallies they KILL people. BTW the Greensboro Massacre case went to trial which culminated in a court ordered paltry sum of $350,000 awarded to the victims or survivors of deceased victims. Among the plaintiffs was the local police department because the PD failed to provide protection for the demonstrators even though an informant had warned them the RW conservatives were planning violence.
Trying to broadbrush conservatives with McVeigh is intellectually dishonest.
He is simply one example. The "broadbrush" was well in place before McVeigh was born. That is why I used other examples .
You are simply one example of a libtard halfwit. Your attempt to smear the conservative right with a mass murdering lunatic is a lowlife move. It's all you have to offer.

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?
You are a messenger of stupidity. McVeigh doesn't represent me or any conservative I know. You are a liar and a smear monger, go suck a turd.
Trying to broadbrush conservatives with McVeigh is intellectually dishonest.
He is simply one example. The "broadbrush" was well in place before McVeigh was born. That is why I used other examples .
You are simply one example of a libtard halfwit. Your attempt to smear the conservative right with a mass murdering lunatic is a lowlife move. It's all you have to offer.

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?

We do blame you because you're obviously a lying douche bag piece of shit.
Who is "WE"? You and the other RW high school drop outs that constantly loiter here at USMB? Gosh…. I feel so honored…heh heh heh!
Is this all you have? Seriously? Go find some kids somewhere to impress.
The author in the excerpt said that , not me dummy. Your reading comprehension exemplifies the vacuousness of your PWT mind. How you could have read a sentence and then missed the part you are now arguing about. That is incredibly stupid. Here it is again:
Verdicts were returned against the Greensboro police field commander, J. H. "Rooster" Cooper, control agent for Ed Dawson, and five Klan-Nazi defendants, including Dawson. You are just too stupid to warrant any further discussion on ANY TOPIC
You are living proof that simple people need simple answers. Using your idiotic logic the Unibomber represents all of the left.

Quoting anonymous sources in the Swedish "polish".

Yet another example of you believing made up shit because it suits your beliefs.

Why do you choose to believe lies? You run and hide from the truth at every juncture.
Complaining about violence?

I thought our 2nd amendment protected our right to take up arms against tyrants...

If by tyrant your referring to a complete disregard and disrespect of the constitution, using bully pulpit rhetoric, threatening to make your own decisions around Congress by repeatedly making executive order decisions ... I can understand your argument. However, that's a tall order considering the bar that's been already set for Trump to achieve, let alone surpass.
Complaining about violence?

I thought our 2nd amendment protected our right to take up arms against tyrants...

If by tyrant your referring to a complete disregard and disrespect of the constitution, using bully pulpit rhetoric, threatening to make your own decisions around Congress by repeatedly making executive order decisions ... I can see your point. However, that's a tall order considering the bar that's been already set for Trump to achieve, let alone surpass.

It's those who rebel, with their 2nd amendment protected arms, and their Declaration of Independence principles, who get to decide who is or isn't the tyrant.
Complaining about violence?

I thought our 2nd amendment protected our right to take up arms against tyrants...

If by tyrant your referring to a complete disregard and disrespect of the constitution, using bully pulpit rhetoric, threatening to make your own decisions around Congress by repeatedly making executive order decisions ... I can see your point. However, that's a tall order considering the bar that's been already set for Trump to achieve, let alone surpass.

It's those who rebel, with their 2nd amendment protected arms, and their Declaration of Independence principles, who get to decide who is or isn't the tyrant.
Which TV show are you referring to?
Complaining about violence?

I thought our 2nd amendment protected our right to take up arms against tyrants...

If by tyrant your referring to a complete disregard and disrespect of the constitution, using bully pulpit rhetoric, threatening to make your own decisions around Congress by repeatedly making executive order decisions ... I can see your point. However, that's a tall order considering the bar that's been already set for Trump to achieve, let alone surpass.

It's those who rebel, with their 2nd amendment protected arms, and their Declaration of Independence principles, who get to decide who is or isn't the tyrant.
Which TV show are you referring to?

I'm referring to the constant drone from the gun rights extremists that the reason for the 2nd Amendment is to protect the people from a tyrannical government.

Feel free to reject that principle if you're not in that camp.
Complaining about violence?

I thought our 2nd amendment protected our right to take up arms against tyrants...

If by tyrant your referring to a complete disregard and disrespect of the constitution, using bully pulpit rhetoric, threatening to make your own decisions around Congress by repeatedly making executive order decisions ... I can see your point. However, that's a tall order considering the bar that's been already set for Trump to achieve, let alone surpass.

It's those who rebel, with their 2nd amendment protected arms, and their Declaration of Independence principles, who get to decide who is or isn't the tyrant.
Which TV show are you referring to?

I'm referring to the constant drone from the gun rights extremists that the reason for the 2nd Amendment is to protect the people from a tyrannical government.

Feel free to reject that principle if you're not in that camp.
The founders spoke about it and it apparently needs to be, not only mentioned, but repeated to the leftists that have no clue and can't receive what they do not already believe. Feel free to grow a brain.

Quoting anonymous sources in the Swedish "polish".

Yet another example of you believing made up shit because it suits your beliefs.

Why do you choose to believe lies? You run and hide from the truth at every juncture.

All the statistics come from official sources. Had you bothered to open the link you would have found this:

The Oslo statistic was published by Norwegian police. Hardly an anti-muslim source.

But if the regressives prefer to be wrong, so be it.

Quoting anonymous sources in the Swedish "polish".

Yet another example of you believing made up shit because it suits your beliefs.

Why do you choose to believe lies? You run and hide from the truth at every juncture.

I didn't quote anyone, douche bag. However, your theory that only pro-Muslim sources are acceptable is pure demagoguery.

Quoting anonymous sources in the Swedish "polish".

Yet another example of you believing made up shit because it suits your beliefs.

Why do you choose to believe lies? You run and hide from the truth at every juncture.

I didn't quote anyone, douche bag. However, your theory that only pro-Muslim sources are acceptable is pure demagoguery.

He's basically saying "anyone with facts contradicting my worldview is not trust-worthy, and therefore the facts too must be wrong". Could the logical fallacy be called appeal to feelz? Dunno, but it sure is as dumb as it gets.

What diverse regressive...

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