Liberals are supporting and encouraging violence against Trump

Do you think a pro-Muslim blogger is going to post the truth about Muslims?

Re-read what you wrote above, moron.......You don't find an OBJECTIVE set of data from either a PRO or ANTI [anything] blogger with an agenda.
He's basically saying "anyone with facts contradicting my worldview is not trust-worthy, and therefore the facts too must be wrong". Could the logical fallacy be called appeal to feelz? Dunno, but it sure is as dumb as it gets.

What diverse regressive..

Another moron chimes in.........Let's say you wanted to find some objective data on blacks.....Do you then access a KKK blogger for such "objective" info????
Then there are no sources that can be trusted, douche bag. All sources have an agenda. All of them.

NOT QUITE, dimwit..........If you want some measure of objectivity you do NOT go to a blogger....a BLOGGER with an agenda versus a reliable news source.....

Of course, if you're a bigoted low life like you surely are, yes, access someone with the same ideology and feel "justified"..
He's basically saying "anyone with facts contradicting my worldview is not trust-worthy, and therefore the facts too must be wrong". Could the logical fallacy be called appeal to feelz? Dunno, but it sure is as dumb as it gets.

What diverse regressive..

Another moron chimes in.........Let's say you wanted to find some objective data on blacks.....Do you then access a KKK blogger for such "objective" info????

So you are equating anyone who opposes Muslim immigration with the KKK? Are you really that big of a douche bag?
If by tyrant your referring to a complete disregard and disrespect of the constitution, using bully pulpit rhetoric, threatening to make your own decisions around Congress by repeatedly making executive order decisions ... I can understand your argument

NO.........if Obama had VETOED a bunch of republican bills (lets say, on immigration) and THEN Obama had issued an EO that contradicted what those bills intended to address....THEN you'd have a legitimate argument.....

But when congress does NOTHING......then the executive branch must act.
Then there are no sources that can be trusted, douche bag. All sources have an agenda. All of them.

NOT QUITE, dimwit..........If you want some measure of objectivity you do NOT go to a blogger....a BLOGGER with an agenda versus a reliable news source.....

Of course, if you're a bigoted low life like you surely are, yes, access someone with the same ideology and feel "justified"..

There's no such thing as a "reliable news source." We've seen that countless times with the Zimmerman episode, the Freddy Grey episode and the coverage of the protester instigated violence at Trump rallies. What you're trying to claim is that only sources you agree with are credible. That's something only a douche bag of the largest caliber would say.
I didn't quote anyone, douche bag. However, your theory that only pro-Muslim sources are acceptable is pure demagoguery.

hey moron......WHERE did I say to only believe a PRO-Muslim source???? Are you already drunk this morning?
And yet Sweden has decided to reduce its acceptance of Muslims not because they were too friendly, dude.

No, but probably Sweden has the same issues as your ilk has with Mexican and Central American immigration.

Or could the truth be the following?

Sweden: 2015 Muslim hordes to cost 14x the National Defence budget
Sweden and Denmark have highest number of sexual assaults in Europe: EU’s flawed Muslim migration policy
Sweden: Ten times higher welfare dependency among 16.5% foreign born – an increase of 82%
Islamic Sweden is now the world’s second largest rape nation with a 1,472% increase in rapes
Sweden: Government finance budget is 48 billion kroner short to cover the costs of 100,000 new Muslim migrants per year
Sweden: Since 2013 illegal threats increased 6%, muggings 11%, burglaries 12%

I could go on and on, but I believe you get the point. You on the other hand are pulling your argument out of your ass and again demonstrating that you have absolutely no knowledge of the topic.



You are as ignorant as you are arrogant. Typical regressive trait.
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If by tyrant your referring to a complete disregard and disrespect of the constitution, using bully pulpit rhetoric, threatening to make your own decisions around Congress by repeatedly making executive order decisions ... I can understand your argument

NO.........if Obama had VETOED a bunch of republican bills (lets say, on immigration) and THEN Obama had issued an EO that contradicted what those bills intended to address....THEN you'd have a legitimate argument.....

But when congress does NOTHING......then the executive branch must act.

You're a moron. Obama has no authority to do anything without Congressional approval. However, Congress handed over the authority to craft regulations to the executive branch. If the administration can create new regulations without approval from Congress, then it can also rescind them. In fact, during the Carter and Reagan administrations, many many many regulations were taken off the books. Reagan rescinded price controls on domestic oil with the stroke of a pen.

Trump will obviously have the authority to rescind the EPA's latest attempt to regulate coal out of existence.
Both on this board and across the US Liberals are in support of violence directed at Trump and his supporters. It is shameful and it will have consequences. As deafening silence comes from the White House and from those running for the democratic party nomination. This will cause those on the fence to come off of it in support of a man they may not know if they support or not. It proves that Illegals and liberals are arm in arm in an attempt to silence the very bedrock of our election process.

There is no parallel with the right. No right wing group has mounted dozens of attacks against police and peaceful political rallies.

Remember when the left claimed the Tea party was violent? They could not actually find any examples other then fabricated ones but there was much gnashing of teeth and calls for the Government to step in.

Obama is part of this violence he has spoken against Trump at several events and has encouraged the violence by his silence and his own attacks. As has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Further the left wing press has claimed that the violence being perpetrated AGAINST Trump is some how his own fault. While saying nothing against or about the unlawful threats damage and attacks by left wing radicals.

You want war, keep it up you may just get it.

no. most "liberals" and any other people don't condone violence.

but you might want to look at drumpf saying things like "try not to hurt [protesters] but if you do, don't worry, i'll pay your legal bills" to see where the problem started.

Complaining about violence?

I thought our 2nd amendment protected our right to take up arms against tyrants...

If by tyrant your referring to a complete disregard and disrespect of the constitution, using bully pulpit rhetoric, threatening to make your own decisions around Congress by repeatedly making executive order decisions ... I can see your point. However, that's a tall order considering the bar that's been already set for Trump to achieve, let alone surpass.

It's those who rebel, with their 2nd amendment protected arms, and their Declaration of Independence principles, who get to decide who is or isn't the tyrant.
Which TV show are you referring to?

I'm referring to the constant drone from the gun rights extremists that the reason for the 2nd Amendment is to protect the people from a tyrannical government.

Feel free to reject that principle if you're not in that camp.
The founders spoke about it and it apparently needs to be, not only mentioned, but repeated to the leftists that have no clue and can't receive what they do not already believe. Feel free to grow a brain.

WTF? It's a little early here for a salad. Speak English.
Hey, right wingers.....I'm not here to stop your bigoted circle-jerk......Nor to waste time my time with fascists.....Go out and lynch some Muslims to celebrate Memorial Day if THAT makes you feel better.
So you are equating anyone who opposes Muslim immigration with the KKK? Are you really that big of a douche bag?

It's a reasonable comparison. Certainly the KKK opposes Muslim immigration. Racism, zenophobia, and prejudice are the founding principles of the KKK. Your anti-Muslim propaganda would be mother's milk to them.

If you don't understand that opposing immigration by Muslims is both morally wrong, and goes against the US Constitution, there is no hope for you.

Muslims aren't the problem. People like you are the problem.
If by tyrant your referring to a complete disregard and disrespect of the constitution, using bully pulpit rhetoric, threatening to make your own decisions around Congress by repeatedly making executive order decisions ... I can see your point. However, that's a tall order considering the bar that's been already set for Trump to achieve, let alone surpass.

It's those who rebel, with their 2nd amendment protected arms, and their Declaration of Independence principles, who get to decide who is or isn't the tyrant.
Which TV show are you referring to?

I'm referring to the constant drone from the gun rights extremists that the reason for the 2nd Amendment is to protect the people from a tyrannical government.

Feel free to reject that principle if you're not in that camp.
The founders spoke about it and it apparently needs to be, not only mentioned, but repeated to the leftists that have no clue and can't receive what they do not already believe. Feel free to grow a brain.

WTF? It's a little early here for a salad. Speak English.
You made my point. You can't receive what you don't already believe. It's like looking at alphabet soup for you.
Every time an Independant watches extreme violent DEMS attacking the police and Trump supporters, Trump wins in public opinion.
Keep it up you fucking idiots.
You are guaranteeing Trump will become the next President.
Hey, right wingers.....I'm not here to stop your bigoted circle-jerk......Nor to waste time my time with fascists.....Go out and lynch some Muslims to celebrate Memorial Day if THAT makes you feel better.

The liberal view:

Admitting facts is fascist if they contradict the regressive ideology.

Just brilliant.
So you are equating anyone who opposes Muslim immigration with the KKK? Are you really that big of a douche bag?

It's a reasonable comparison. Certainly the KKK opposes Muslim immigration. Racism, zenophobia, and prejudice are the founding principles of the KKK. Your anti-Muslim propaganda would be mother's milk to them.

If you don't understand that opposing immigration by Muslims is both morally wrong, and goes against the US Constitution, there is no hope for you.

Muslims aren't the problem. People like you are the problem.
Ya, there are about twenty KKK members in the country. Of course you know the KKK was founded by the fucking DEMs right?
You think muslims applying to immigrate to the US shouldn't be carefully vetted first?
I truly hope an unvetted bunch of muslim immigrants moves next door to you and your family.
I hope you invite them to your family's Christmas party.
I truly hope an unvetted bunch of muslim immigrants moves next door to you and your family.
I hope you invite them to your family's Christmas party.

ANOTHER unhinged, right wing moron chimes in........LOL
Both on this board and across the US Liberals are in support of violence directed at Trump and his supporters. It is shameful and it will have consequences. As deafening silence comes from the White House and from those running for the democratic party nomination. This will cause those on the fence to come off of it in support of a man they may not know if they support or not. It proves that Illegals and liberals are arm in arm in an attempt to silence the very bedrock of our election process.

There is no parallel with the right. No right wing group has mounted dozens of attacks against police and peaceful political rallies.

Remember when the left claimed the Tea party was violent? They could not actually find any examples other then fabricated ones but there was much gnashing of teeth and calls for the Government to step in.

Obama is part of this violence he has spoken against Trump at several events and has encouraged the violence by his silence and his own attacks. As has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Further the left wing press has claimed that the violence being perpetrated AGAINST Trump is some how his own fault. While saying nothing against or about the unlawful threats damage and attacks by left wing radicals.

You want war, keep it up you may just get it.

no. most "liberals" and any other people don't condone violence.

but you might want to look at drumpf saying things like "try not to hurt [protesters] but if you do, don't worry, i'll pay your legal bills" to see where the problem started.

Jillian once again proving that libs are weak willed and lack control of their own bodies and minds.

But but but Trump made us do it!!!

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