Liberals are the force for good, and conservatives...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?
Democrats/Liberals.... all they care about is doing good for the people....
Just as long as they remember that at the ballot box.
I'm neither a liberal nor a conservative, but I do prefer liberals to conservatives, by a long shot.

I don't view the groups as good or evil, though. I just see conservatives as far more indoctrinated than liberals and stuck in past.
...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?
Talk is cheap.
I'm neither a liberal nor a conservative, but I do prefer liberals to conservatives, by a long shot.

I don't view the groups as good or evil, though. I just see conservatives as far more indoctrinated than liberals and stuck in past.
That perception is literally a 180 from reality.

Indoctrination is a plank of the Democrat platform. It begins in kindergarten now. They're conducting it in our public schools all the way through college.

Most of the racial arguments of liberals are based in the past. Slavery, Jim Crow, putting people back in chains, etc.

Sounding compassionate is one thing, but actually showing compassion to those you oppose is in short supply on the left.

Conservatives don't usually call Grandmas that vote Democrat terrorists, but liberals call these folks Teabaggers and terrorists every day.
...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?
The Libs want to do "good"and have the conservatives pay for it.
I'm neither a liberal nor a conservative, but I do prefer liberals to conservatives, by a long shot.

I don't view the groups as good or evil, though. I just see conservatives as far more indoctrinated than liberals and stuck in past.
I don't see you as a lib. I see you as a woman with great tits...or is that just an illusion?
...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?

Sometimes. Sometimes it's a reaction and they take stances that under normal circumstances that they wouldn't take. Happens to conservatives too. Sometime the shit is not well thought out.

Busy work.
...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?

You suffer from the disease of liberalism. You see life through the liberal prism which distorts reality. You see one man giving another a dollar, but you fail to see that the dollar was stolen from another man.

Let's take some examples. Abortion, I am sure the liberal will say it is a woman's right, it is her body, it is what she wants. The conservative would say, but what about the most innocent of society that dies? Is it good for them? It is their choice first to be conceived then to have their brains sucked out?

Welfare, I am sure the liberals would say that it is good for people and shouldn't be touched. Conservatives do not disagree that it it good to help people but it is not good to take from one and give it to another without some serious thought. When welfare is used to buy drugs and booze that is when conservatives have a problem with taking from those who have a hard enough time and giving it to another.

Immigration. Liberals, for some reason I don't understand other then getting their lettuce picked on the cheap, are all for helping illegals cross the border. You know helping the people. Conservatives on the other hand see the expense that once again is being paid by the American people. They see the damage being done to the lowest tier of our society. Conservatives want to help America first then we can help the world, the WORLD.

Gun control. The liberals are all for gun control, keep guns away from the people. Yet liberals will have bodyguards that protect THEM carrying guns.

These are just a few examples but there are more. I would think that the last election would show you that the stuff the democrats are selling the country has finally seen the foolishness.
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...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?

You suffer from the disease of liberalism. You see life through the liberal prism which distorts reality. You see one man giving another a dollar, but you fail to see that the dollar was stolen from another man.

Let's take some examples. Abortion, I am sure the liberal will say it is a woman's right, it is her body, it is what she wants. The conservative would say, but what about the most innocent of society that dies? Is it good for them? It is their choice first to be conceived then to have their brains sucked out?

Welfare, I am sure the liberals would say that it is good for people and shouldn't be touched. Conservatives do not disagree that it it good to help people but it is not good to take from one and give it to another without some serious thought. When welfare is used to buy drugs and booze that is when conservatives have a problem with taking from those who have a hard enough time and giving it to another.

Immigration. Liberals, for some reason I don't understand other then getting their lettuce picked on the cheap, are all for helping illegals cross the border. You know helping the people. Conservatives on the other hand see the expense that once again is being paid by the American people. They see the damage being done to the lowest tier of our society. Conservatives want to help America first then we can help the world, the WORLD.

Gun control. The liberals are all against gun control, keep guns away from the people. Yet liberals will have bodyguards that protect THEM carrying guns.

These are just a few examples but there are more. I would think that the last election would show you that the stuff the democrats are selling the country has finally seen the foolishness.
Man! The shit is deep here...
...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?

You suffer from the disease of liberalism. You see life through the liberal prism which distorts reality. You see one man giving another a dollar, but you fail to see that the dollar was stolen from another man.

Let's take some examples. Abortion, I am sure the liberal will say it is a woman's right, it is her body, it is what she wants. The conservative would say, but what about the most innocent of society that dies? Is it good for them? It is their choice first to be conceived then to have their brains sucked out?

Welfare, I am sure the liberals would say that it is good for people and shouldn't be touched. Conservatives do not disagree that it it good to help people but it is not good to take from one and give it to another without some serious thought. When welfare is used to buy drugs and booze that is when conservatives have a problem with taking from those who have a hard enough time and giving it to another.

Immigration. Liberals, for some reason I don't understand other then getting their lettuce picked on the cheap, are all for helping illegals cross the border. You know helping the people. Conservatives on the other hand see the expense that once again is being paid by the American people. They see the damage being done to the lowest tier of our society. Conservatives want to help America first then we can help the world, the WORLD.

Gun control. The liberals are all against gun control, keep guns away from the people. Yet liberals will have bodyguards that protect THEM carrying guns.

These are just a few examples but there are more. I would think that the last election would show you that the stuff the democrats are selling the country has finally seen the foolishness.

Thanks for proving my point. Instead of talking about how conservatives are great and wonderful, you spent your entire post talking about how badly liberals do things compared to conservatives. All negativity in other words.
...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?

Well hell ya. it's easy to talk about doing good for other when it's forcing others TO PAY FOR IT
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Proverb

We seen this many times before, from Red October to Mao's Cultural Revolution.
To the conservative repliers, take a look at your fellows' replies to this thread. Note how they're all negative. Instead of threads extolling your vitues you guys are always critical of someone else, blaming someone else, insulting others. You never talk about how good and wonderful you yourselves are, or what your plans for improving things are, you just insult someone else.

Think about that.
Democrats/Liberals.... all they care about is doing good for the people....
Just as long as they remember that at the ballot box.
Democrats/Liberals.... all they care about is doing good for the people....Just as long as they do it with other people's money.
I do it with my time and my money, unless you can prove me wrong. Last spring I donated 2k dollars of clothes, toys, educational material and electronics to poor kids..I am not even going to write it off my taxes....It's a great moment in your life when you can do something for somebody and know that it may have helped them from hating and start loving and learning, a positive moment.
Instead of you ugly /negative people who set on this forum everyday and spew hate......
You suffer from the disease of liberalism. You see life through the liberal prism which distorts reality. You see one man giving another a dollar, but you fail to see that the dollar was stolen from another man.

Let's take some examples. Abortion, I am sure the liberal will say it is a woman's right, it is her body, it is what she wants. The conservative would say, but what about the most innocent of society that dies? Is it good for them? It is their choice first to be conceived then to have their brains sucked out?

First, very few fetuses have their "brains sucked out". Most abortion happen in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, where it is a very simple operation.

The liberal realizes that you can't make a woman have a baby she doesn't want, and if she doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant, no matter what the laws are.

Welfare, I am sure the liberals would say that it is good for people and shouldn't be touched. Conservatives do not disagree that it it good to help people but it is not good to take from one and give it to another without some serious thought. When welfare is used to buy drugs and booze that is when conservatives have a problem with taking from those who have a hard enough time and giving it to another.

Again, it's kind of hard to argue with stereotypes you've made up in your head. Most folks on welfare have jobs, they just don't have jobs that pay enough to make ends meet.

Immigration. Liberals, for some reason I don't understand other then getting their lettuce picked on the cheap, are all for helping illegals cross the border. You know helping the people. Conservatives on the other hand see the expense that once again is being paid by the American people. They see the damage being done to the lowest tier of our society. Conservatives want to help America first then we can help the world, the WORLD.

Again, this is where you guys get played. We have illegals because the rich are too greedy. They just don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

Gun control. The liberals are all against gun control, keep guns away from the people. Yet liberals will have bodyguards that protect THEM carrying guns.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy. Guns really are the problem. When we have to arm our policemen like soldiers, then we have too many guns out there.

These are just a few examples but there are more. I would think that the last election would show you that the stuff the democrats are selling the country has finally seen the foolishness.

No, the last election showed that if you practice voter suppression and have most of the key elections in states where they fly the Confederate flag without a bit of fucking embarrassment, you get knuckle dragging assholes appealing to the worst angels of our nature.

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