Liberals are the force for good, and conservatives...

...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?
Please list good things leftist support that don't add to our growing debt.

A debt that harms all of us.

Once you see that you can't name one fucking thing.....

Liberals support the farm to table movement.
Many liberals do not support privatization or faux privatization of prisons, schools, and the post office because tax payers pick up the bill. pay for the lawsuits, and see no accountability. Many liberals do not support funding for education being funneled into over testing. Many liberals want an end or at least greater scrutiny applied to crop insurance fraud. I could go on.
Farm to table=elitist classist movement to deprive poor people of needed foods.
This is what the op calls, doing good for "others". Who the hell asked them to do jack chit for them? Anyone here, If so raise your hand?

Please list good things leftist support that don't add to our growing debt.

A debt that harms all of us.

Once you see that you can't name one fucking thing.....

Progressive Liberals would rather talk about Comprehensive Immigration Reform than a Balanced Budget (as required by law) and Deficit Reduction.

They care ... They just don't care to do their job in Congress.

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To the conservative repliers, take a look at your fellows' replies to this thread. Note how they're all negative. Instead of threads extolling your vitues you guys are always critical of someone else, blaming someone else, insulting others. You never talk about how good and wonderful you yourselves are, or what your plans for improving things are, you just insult someone else.

Think about that.

Coming from a guy that on the very outset of the thread went negative on Conservatives.

You prove the exact opposite.
...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?
Please list good things leftist support that don't add to our growing debt.

A debt that harms all of us.

Once you see that you can't name one fucking thing.....

Liberals support the farm to table movement.
Many liberals do not support privatization or faux privatization of prisons, schools, and the post office because tax payers pick up the bill, pay for the lawsuits, and see no accountability. Many liberals do not support funding for education being funneled into over testing. Many liberals want an end or at least greater scrutiny applied to crop insurance fraud. I could go on.
Liberals support the farm to table movement. never heard of it, but who wouldn't
Many liberals do not support privatization or faux privatization of prisons, schools, and the post office because tax payers pick up the bill, pay for the lawsuits, and see no accountability.we already pay for all of that Many liberals do not support funding for education being funneled into over testing. leftist are against taking money our of education or have any accountability for the money spent Many liberals want an end or at least greater scrutiny applied to crop insurance fraud. I could go on.

you might want, cuz those were not any good
Please list good things leftist support that don't add to our growing debt.

A debt that harms all of us.

Once you see that you can't name one fucking thing.....

Progressive Liberals would rather talk about Comprehensive Immigration Reform than a Balanced Budget (as required by law) and Deficit Reduction.

They care ... They just don't care to do their job in Congress.

they support partial birth abortion and will support post birth (killing a weeks old baby) in the near future.

evil people can't truly care
Conservative and libertarian principles - the natural law, innocuous central authority, individualism, etc., - have actually proved themselves the force for good, as our history can attest to.

Cheap talk, good intentions, and elitism, however, not so much. Witness progressivism's most full-blown manifestation in the current era.
Conservative and libertarian principles - the natural law, innocuous central authority, individualism, etc., - have actually proved themselves the force for good, as our history can attest to.

Cheap talk, good intentions, and elitism, however, not so much. Witness progressivism's most full-blown manifestation in the current era.

Oversimplified ... Personal responsibility produces better outcomes than wishful thinking.

...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?

Actually, libs are always arguing why it's good to trample individual rights. They pretend that removing individual rights is actually good for the majority.

But it isn't. It's still just simple oppression and fascism.

And that is something the right has always adamantly opposed. Regardless of the way the left likes to *adjust* definitions to make it look like they're doing *good*.
...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?
Please list good things leftist support that don't add to our growing debt.

A debt that harms all of us.

Once you see that you can't name one fucking thing.....

Liberals support the farm to table movement.
Many liberals do not support privatization or faux privatization of prisons, schools, and the post office because tax payers pick up the bill, pay for the lawsuits, and see no accountability. Many liberals do not support funding for education being funneled into over testing. Many liberals want an end or at least greater scrutiny applied to crop insurance fraud. I could go on.
Liberals support the farm to table movement. never heard of it, but who wouldn't then I guess you don't really know what your talking about.
Many liberals do not support privatization or faux privatization of prisons, schools, and the post office because tax payers pick up the bill, pay for the lawsuits, and see no accountability.we already pay for all of that That's a meaningless comment. Many liberals do not support funding for education being funneled into over testing. leftist are against taking money our of education or have any accountability for the money spent Yawn. You got nothing there. Many liberals want an end or at least greater scrutiny applied to crop insurance fraud. I could go on.

you might want, cuz those were not any good

Great. Prove it. Or at least make your whine fest worth my while.
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In the 2014 Farm Bill 8.5 billion was cut from Food Stamps.

You mean passed by the democrat controlled congress? That bill?
It passed both the House and Senate and was made law in Sep 2014...
Why do Democrats hate starving children?

War on Women and now a war on Children, the democrats sure like war.
Unless it's actually warranted.
...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?

Yeah, problem is, you rarely if ever end up actually doing any good. Here' a question, how's the literacy, poverty & illegitimacy rate n the black community after decades of helpful liberal policies?

Your good intentions are about as much good to people as a brand new set of golf clubs.
...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?
Obviously you have bought the lies from the left. Communist Russia grew on the same lies.
In the 2014 Farm Bill 8.5 billion was cut from Food Stamps.

You mean passed by the democrat controlled congress? That bill?
It passed both the House and Senate and was made law in Sep 2014...
Why do Democrats hate starving children?

War on Women and now a war on Children, the democrats sure like war.

and they sure hate women and children.
...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?

Yeah, problem is, you rarely if ever end up actually doing any good. Here' a question, how's the literacy, poverty & illegitimacy rate n the black community after decades of helpful liberal policies?

Your good intentions are about as much good to people as a brand new set of golf clubs.
It' all about intentions with libs.
Delta, I guess liberals mean well when they called you idiots that are too stupid to function properly without guidance from Washington.


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