Liberals are the real racists

Ive said that repeatedly here. Here's proof if any was needed. When a black wanders off the plantation and goes GOP they are fair game for the worst excesses anyone can throw.
Liberals explode with racial hate after Tim Scott wins Senate race in S.C. - National Policy Issues

Sick Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love 8216 dirty worthless whore 8217 and 8216 House ****** 8217 Twitchy

I think it's great that Tim Scott won, and he won big in SC. Good for him. And I wish him a good term.

Sorry if that's not enough racial hatred for you.

Feeling a little unsure of yourself today, what?
Yeah, you're wishing he was out picking cotton instead of serving. We know you.

Who is "we"? Multiple people running around inside your noggin, or what? :lol:

And no, not at all. I don't wish that for anyone.

YOU are the one who has called Obama "Head ****** in Chief", not me. Don't even try to deny it.

So, nice try. You are so unbelievably wrong about so many things. It's really kind of funny. Must suck to be such a cranky old man like you are. Since you cannot even put together an argument that a 2nd grader could formulate in about 2 minutes, all you have left are personal attacks, aka ad hominems. Poor fake Rabbi. A real Jew doesn't act like you do, ergo, you are definitely not a real Jew. Enjoy your bacon bits.
Ive said that repeatedly here. Here's proof if any was needed. When a black wanders off the plantation and goes GOP they are fair game for the worst excesses anyone can throw.
Liberals explode with racial hate after Tim Scott wins Senate race in S.C. - National Policy Issues

Sick Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love 8216 dirty worthless whore 8217 and 8216 House ****** 8217 Twitchy

That's funny stuff from the guy who once said that blacks by their nature were not suited for positions of leadership.
I dont recall ever saying that. Perhaps you have a quote. But given your reading ability I already know you cannot read what I wrote and draw a reasonable conclusion from it.
Ive said that repeatedly here. Here's proof if any was needed. When a black wanders off the plantation and goes GOP they are fair game for the worst excesses anyone can throw.
Liberals explode with racial hate after Tim Scott wins Senate race in S.C. - National Policy Issues

Sick Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love 8216 dirty worthless whore 8217 and 8216 House ****** 8217 Twitchy

I think it's great that Tim Scott won, and he won big in SC. Good for him. And I wish him a good term.

Sorry if that's not enough racial hatred for you.

Feeling a little unsure of yourself today, what?
Yeah, you're wishing he was out picking cotton instead of serving. We know you.

Who is "we"? Multiple people running around inside your noggin, or what? :lol:

And no, not at all. I don't wish that for anyone.

YOU are the one who has called Obama "Head ****** in Chief", not me. Don't even try to deny it.

So, nice try. You are so unbelievably wrong about so many things. It's really kind of funny. Must suck to be such a cranky old man like you are. Since you cannot even put together an argument that a 2nd grader could formulate in about 2 minutes, all you have left are personal attacks, aka ad hominems. Poor fake Rabbi. A real Jew doesn't act like you do, ergo, you are definitely not a real Jew. Enjoy your bacon bits.
He is the HNIC, Adolph.
Ive said that repeatedly here. Here's proof if any was needed. When a black wanders off the plantation and goes GOP they are fair game for the worst excesses anyone can throw.
Liberals explode with racial hate after Tim Scott wins Senate race in S.C. - National Policy Issues

Sick Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love 8216 dirty worthless whore 8217 and 8216 House ****** 8217 Twitchy

I think it's great that Tim Scott won, and he won big in SC. Good for him. And I wish him a good term.

Sorry if that's not enough racial hatred for you.

Feeling a little unsure of yourself today, what?
Yeah, you're wishing he was out picking cotton instead of serving. We know you.

Who is "we"? Multiple people running around inside your noggin, or what? :lol:

And no, not at all. I don't wish that for anyone.

YOU are the one who has called Obama "Head ****** in Chief", not me. Don't even try to deny it.

So, nice try. You are so unbelievably wrong about so many things. It's really kind of funny. Must suck to be such a cranky old man like you are. Since you cannot even put together an argument that a 2nd grader could formulate in about 2 minutes, all you have left are personal attacks, aka ad hominems. Poor fake Rabbi. A real Jew doesn't act like you do, ergo, you are definitely not a real Jew. Enjoy your bacon bits.
He is the HNIC, Adolph.

Thank you for showing your ass once again. That was easy. You make stupid people look smart. That alone is an achievement.
Ive said that repeatedly here. Here's proof if any was needed. When a black wanders off the plantation and goes GOP they are fair game for the worst excesses anyone can throw.
Liberals explode with racial hate after Tim Scott wins Senate race in S.C. - National Policy Issues

Sick Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love 8216 dirty worthless whore 8217 and 8216 House ****** 8217 Twitchy

That's funny stuff from the guy who once said that blacks by their nature were not suited for positions of leadership.
I dont recall ever saying that. Perhaps you have a quote. But given your reading ability I already know you cannot read what I wrote and draw a reasonable conclusion from it.

If I'm recalling incorrectly what you said, you can clear the air right now by declaring unequivocally that you do not see any distinction whatsoever, based on race,

between blacks and whites, in the area of leadership capabilities.

I will happily declare that I stand corrected if you do so, but as of this moment, I have strong recollection of you saying that.
Liberals are the real racists

This is a daily affirmation that republicans must repeat several times throughout the day to keep from falling off their pedestal.



The election is over and 99% of Liberals here are relaxed and enjoying the day.

Meanwhile, 99% of Conservatives are just as anal-retentive today as they were right before the election.

Poor Righties. They need some ex-lax.

Ive said that repeatedly here. Here's proof if any was needed. When a black wanders off the plantation and goes GOP they are fair game for the worst excesses anyone can throw.
Liberals explode with racial hate after Tim Scott wins Senate race in S.C. - National Policy Issues

Sick Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love 8216 dirty worthless whore 8217 and 8216 House ****** 8217 Twitchy

That's funny stuff from the guy who once said that blacks by their nature were not suited for positions of leadership.
I dont recall ever saying that. Perhaps you have a quote. But given your reading ability I already know you cannot read what I wrote and draw a reasonable conclusion from it.

If I'm recalling incorrectly what you said, you can clear the air right now by declaring unequivocally that you do not see any distinction whatsoever, based on race,

between blacks and whites.

I will happily declare that I stand corrected if you do so, but as of this moment, I have strong recollection of you saying that.

He will now run and hide.
Basically....if you are unable to shake your own racism and bigotry......even though you have come to understand that it is no longer socially feel compelled to deny the very existence of racism in this nation. has been done feel compelled to prove that everyone is REALLY racist and those "other" people are just hypocrites.

I challenge the OP to find an example of someone on the left claiming that Tim Scott was elected because he is black....and that people were afraid to vote against him for fear of being called a racist.
Dont be an idiot.
Look at the reactions in the anonymous online community. Outrage, I tll you.
The big test will be to see if he is admitted to the congressional black caucus. As I recall they barred JC Watts.
Yes, liberals are the racists. We all know how much the right loves gays and Muslims and immigrants and all those negroes with their Obamaphones on food stamps. Yep.
Ive said that repeatedly here. Here's proof if any was needed. When a black wanders off the plantation and goes GOP they are fair game for the worst excesses anyone can throw.
Liberals explode with racial hate after Tim Scott wins Senate race in S.C. - National Policy Issues

Sick Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love 8216 dirty worthless whore 8217 and 8216 House ****** 8217 Twitchy

That's funny stuff from the guy who once said that blacks by their nature were not suited for positions of leadership.
I dont recall ever saying that. Perhaps you have a quote. But given your reading ability I already know you cannot read what I wrote and draw a reasonable conclusion from it.

If I'm recalling incorrectly what you said, you can clear the air right now by declaring unequivocally that you do not see any distinction whatsoever, based on race,

between blacks and whites.

I will happily declare that I stand corrected if you do so, but as of this moment, I have strong recollection of you saying that.

He will now run and hide.
Hide from what?
There are obviously differences in the different races. Why would you think otherwise?
Ive said that repeatedly here. Here's proof if any was needed. When a black wanders off the plantation and goes GOP they are fair game for the worst excesses anyone can throw.
Liberals explode with racial hate after Tim Scott wins Senate race in S.C. - National Policy Issues

Sick Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love 8216 dirty worthless whore 8217 and 8216 House ****** 8217 Twitchy

That's funny stuff from the guy who once said that blacks by their nature were not suited for positions of leadership.
I dont recall ever saying that. Perhaps you have a quote. But given your reading ability I already know you cannot read what I wrote and draw a reasonable conclusion from it.

If I'm recalling incorrectly what you said, you can clear the air right now by declaring unequivocally that you do not see any distinction whatsoever, based on race,

between blacks and whites.

I will happily declare that I stand corrected if you do so, but as of this moment, I have strong recollection of you saying that.

He will now run and hide.

I recall him saying that. He doesn't recall it. Stating his current position resolves the conflict.
it's not like some righty wacko would ever post that kind of crap on wiki just to point fingers at all liberals over it... naaah :doubt:

Do you consider this racist? Obama is black and blameless and the Clinton's are white and have to take the blame according to Al Sharpton.

"Al Sharpton attempted to defend President Barack Obama from criticism that he was a major factor in the Republican’s sweeping victory in the midterm elections by blaming the Clintons on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Thursday.

Cokie Roberts pointed out how Obama “went to states and campaigned for candidates and they lost.”

“Very late,” Sharpton responded. “Cokie, he went out two weeks ago, while Clinton went all over the place. Is this a Clinton defeat? Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton…the cavalry is coming in. Well, the cavalry got beat. Is this a Clinton defeat? I think we’re Obama obsessed.”

Sharpton Election A Defeat For Bill And Hillary Clinton The Daily Caller
What the Right does not get is that the Left treats blacks exactly the same way they treat everyone else. The real problem is the Left wants to make everyone slaves to the state, not just blacks.

Now if the Right could just figure that out, and then kick to the curb all the real bigots infecting the Right's ranks, then they could really make some big strides forward.
Yes, liberals are the racists. We all know how much the right loves gays and Muslims and immigrants and all those negroes with their Obamaphones on food stamps. Yep.
Amd we know how much the Left loves Christians, gun owners, and all those white people clinging angrily to guns and religion.
Ive said that repeatedly here. Here's proof if any was needed. When a black wanders off the plantation and goes GOP they are fair game for the worst excesses anyone can throw.
Liberals explode with racial hate after Tim Scott wins Senate race in S.C. - National Policy Issues

Sick Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love 8216 dirty worthless whore 8217 and 8216 House ****** 8217 Twitchy

That's funny stuff from the guy who once said that blacks by their nature were not suited for positions of leadership.
I dont recall ever saying that. Perhaps you have a quote. But given your reading ability I already know you cannot read what I wrote and draw a reasonable conclusion from it.

If I'm recalling incorrectly what you said, you can clear the air right now by declaring unequivocally that you do not see any distinction whatsoever, based on race,

between blacks and whites.

I will happily declare that I stand corrected if you do so, but as of this moment, I have strong recollection of you saying that.

He will now run and hide.
Hide from what?
There are obviously differences in the different races. Why would you think otherwise?

That's one step towards supporting my recollection.

Please, continue.
Ive said that repeatedly here. Here's proof if any was needed. When a black wanders off the plantation and goes GOP they are fair game for the worst excesses anyone can throw.
Liberals explode with racial hate after Tim Scott wins Senate race in S.C. - National Policy Issues

Sick Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love 8216 dirty worthless whore 8217 and 8216 House ****** 8217 Twitchy

That's funny stuff from the guy who once said that blacks by their nature were not suited for positions of leadership.
I dont recall ever saying that. Perhaps you have a quote. But given your reading ability I already know you cannot read what I wrote and draw a reasonable conclusion from it.

If I'm recalling incorrectly what you said, you can clear the air right now by declaring unequivocally that you do not see any distinction whatsoever, based on race,

between blacks and whites.

I will happily declare that I stand corrected if you do so, but as of this moment, I have strong recollection of you saying that.

He will now run and hide.

I recall him saying that. He doesn't recall it. Stating his current position resolves the conflict.
i dont recall it because it never happened. Prove your case or shut the fuck up.
Ive said that repeatedly here. Here's proof if any was needed. When a black wanders off the plantation and goes GOP they are fair game for the worst excesses anyone can throw.
Liberals explode with racial hate after Tim Scott wins Senate race in S.C. - National Policy Issues

Sick Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love 8216 dirty worthless whore 8217 and 8216 House ****** 8217 Twitchy

You're the one race baiting!

The GOP is doing the happy dance chanting 'we have black people.'

When the smoke clears, Mia Love is actually a 1%er. That sir, makes her intentions questionable to smart middle class. You, being the King of the idiot class, will never be able to see that.
That's funny stuff from the guy who once said that blacks by their nature were not suited for positions of leadership.
I dont recall ever saying that. Perhaps you have a quote. But given your reading ability I already know you cannot read what I wrote and draw a reasonable conclusion from it.

If I'm recalling incorrectly what you said, you can clear the air right now by declaring unequivocally that you do not see any distinction whatsoever, based on race,

between blacks and whites.

I will happily declare that I stand corrected if you do so, but as of this moment, I have strong recollection of you saying that.

He will now run and hide.

I recall him saying that. He doesn't recall it. Stating his current position resolves the conflict.
i dont recall it because it never happened. Prove your case or shut the fuck up.

Then remind us what your actual position is. State for the record your personal belief on whether or not blacks as a race have the same leadership capabilities as do whites.
Ive said that repeatedly here. Here's proof if any was needed. When a black wanders off the plantation and goes GOP they are fair game for the worst excesses anyone can throw.
Liberals explode with racial hate after Tim Scott wins Senate race in S.C. - National Policy Issues

Sick Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love 8216 dirty worthless whore 8217 and 8216 House ****** 8217 Twitchy

You're the one race baiting!

The GOP is doing the happy dance chanting 'we have black people.'

When the smoke clears, Mia Love is actually a 1%er. That sir, makes her intentions questionable to smart middle class. You, being the King of the idiot class, will never be able to see that.
You think the Obamas are not 1 percenters? Just how stupid are you, again?

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