Liberals, did you knowingly vote for this?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Obama's administration, the very month after he was elected, went for a big gun grab, something he never mentioned ONE TIME during his campaign or previous presidential term.

We knew he hadn't done much about the Patriot Act, but none of us knew he was radically expanding the program (although the passage of the NDAA should have gave us an idea).

Now, I admit, I was in the dark prior to December, I voted for Obama in both 2008 and 2012, but his attack on the Second Amendment thoroughly awoke me. Whether or not you believe that my massive ideological shift towards Libertarianism (within two months) was the correct response, you have to admit, Obama did something that I did NOT vote for, in fact something I was diametrically opposed to.

Can we admit that Obama had a hidden agenda, which he's been very successful is completing, but his "open" agenda isn't really something he's put that much effort into (except Obamacare).
Obama had absoutly golden opportunities to go after guns numerous times during his presidency.

After the Giffords shooting, he did nothing.

After the Colorado massacre, he did nothing.

After the Sikh temple shooting, he did nothing.

During Obama's 1st term, he also had complete democratic control, and did nothing. On the flip side, he actually passed two pro gun rights bills with now allowing guns to be in federal parks and amtrak trains.

Obama was so pro gun, he got an "F" rating from the Brady campaign, which is essentially the anti gun equivalent to the NRA.

After Newtown, the american people absolutely had it with the president doing nothing to strengthen gun laws. He stated he would have an upcoming press conference in which the NRA and right wing machine went insane with their propaganda that Obama was going to sign executive orders that "He'zzzz gunnna takke yurrrrr gunzzzzzz!!!!" "He'z gunnaaa bring back da' asssualy weapinzzzzz bann!!!" "aaaaaaaaaa!!!!!"

In the end, all this press conference did was for the president to sign executive orders for bills on the books that did virtually nothing but give some closer to the people that he did something.
The whole issue would have been done right there, but the NRA and right wing machine kept going full blast with their propaganda, which kept fueling the flames to keep the issue alive.

After a while, the american people asked for the president to do more, he stated he would have a panel from all sides to look at the issue, again the NRA and right wing machine went nuts.

From this panel, all they did was bring up a simple vote on numerous issues, the big one being to end the "gun show loophole" that currently allows people to buy guns from private sales with no background checks and no questions asked.

Poll after poll showed around 90% of the american people supported this bill, but the right wing politicians shot it down, which likely will come back to bite them in the ass.

In the end, the president has actually been pretty strongly pro-2nd amendment. With the NRA and right wing machine fanning the flames, they are just trying to make the president look bad, all the while laughing all the way to the bank.
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Obama had absoutly golden opportunities to go after guns numerous times during his presidency.

After the Giffords shooting, he did nothing.

After the Colorado massacre, he did nothing.

After the Sikh temple shooting, he did nothing.

During Obama's 1st term, he also had complete democratic control, and did nothing. On the flip side, he actually passed two pro gun rights bills with now allowing guns to be in federal parks and amtrak trains.

Obama was so pro gun, he got an "F" rating from the Brady campaign, which is essentially the anti gun equivalent to the NRA.

After Newtown, the american people absolutely had it with the president doing nothing to strengthen gun laws. He stated he would have an upcoming press conference in which the NRA and right wing machine went insane with their propaganda that Obama was going to sign executive orders that "He'zzzz gunnna takke yurrrrr gunzzzzzz!!!!" "He'z gunnaaa bring back da' asssualy weapinzzzzz bann!!!" "aaaaaaaaaa!!!!!"

In the end, all this press conference did was for the president to sign executive orders for bills on the books that did virtually nothing but give some closer to the people that he did something.
The whole issue would have been done right there, but the NRA and right wing machine kept going full blast with their propaganda, which kept fueling the flames to keep the issue alive.

After a while, the american people asked for the president to do more, he stated he would have a panel from all sides to look at the issue, again the NRA and right wing machine went nuts.

From this panel, all they did was bring up a simple vote on numerous issues, the big one being to end the "gun show loophole" that currently allows people to buy guns from private sales with no background checks and no questions asked.

Poll after poll showed around 90% of the american people supported this bill, but the right wing machine shot it down, which likely will come back to bite them in the ass.

In the end, the president has actually been pretty strongly pro-2nd amendment. With the NRA and right wing machine fanning the flames, they are just trying to make the president look bad, all the while laughing all the way to the bank.

No, after Newtown, Obama no longer had to fear re-election. He never would have got my vote in 2012 had he shown any intentions to pursue gun control, or if the story on the NSA had broken. Notice how convenient all these stories are immediately after the election.

Even the average Joe on the street is talking about the NSA spying. Normally the 18-20 year olds at my job (I'm 23 now) talkign about partying and getting drunk. Now they're talking about the NSA from time to time and other stories. Obama's support in the young demographic has dropped more than any other in the past couple of months. And the black community is now enraged over the amnesty. I seriously doubt he would have won re-election, even with IRS intimidation, had he campaigned on these things.
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Obama had absoutly golden opportunities to go after guns numerous times during his presidency.

After the Giffords shooting, he did nothing.

After the Colorado massacre, he did nothing.

After the Sikh temple shooting, he did nothing.

During Obama's 1st term, he also had complete democratic control, and did nothing. On the flip side, he actually passed two pro gun rights bills with now allowing guns to be in federal parks and amtrak trains.

Obama was so pro gun, he got an "F" rating from the Brady campaign, which is essentially the anti gun equivalent to the NRA.

After Newtown, the american people absolutely had it with the president doing nothing to strengthen gun laws. He stated he would have an upcoming press conference in which the NRA and right wing machine went insane with their propaganda that Obama was going to sign executive orders that "He'zzzz gunnna takke yurrrrr gunzzzzzz!!!!" "He'z gunnaaa bring back da' asssualy weapinzzzzz bann!!!" "aaaaaaaaaa!!!!!"

In the end, all this press conference did was for the president to sign executive orders for bills on the books that did virtually nothing but give some closer to the people that he did something.
The whole issue would have been done right there, but the NRA and right wing machine kept going full blast with their propaganda, which kept fueling the flames to keep the issue alive.

After a while, the american people asked for the president to do more, he stated he would have a panel from all sides to look at the issue, again the NRA and right wing machine went nuts.

From this panel, all they did was bring up a simple vote on numerous issues, the big one being to end the "gun show loophole" that currently allows people to buy guns from private sales with no background checks and no questions asked.

Poll after poll showed around 90% of the american people supported this bill, but the right wing machine shot it down, which likely will come back to bite them in the ass.

In the end, the president has actually been pretty strongly pro-2nd amendment. With the NRA and right wing machine fanning the flames, they are just trying to make the president look bad, all the while laughing all the way to the bank.

No, after Newtown, Obama no longer had to fear re-election. He never would have got my vote in 2012 had he shown any intentions to pursue gun control, or if the story on the NSA had broken.

Bogus right wing talking point. No one is guaranteed a 2nd term, let alone a president to have complete control of congress to pass whatever he wanted is a rarity.

If the president's entire goal during the first term was just to get a 2nd one, he never would have went forward with the affordable care act which brought a shitstorm from the far right 10 fold over the gun show loophole vote, let alone was so pro-gun that pissed off his own base.
Hell the right wingers are still so butthurt over it, they tried recently for I want to say the 39th time to try and repeal it.
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No, after Newtown, Obama no longer had to fear re-election. He never would have got my vote in 2012 had he shown any intentions to pursue gun control, or if the story on the NSA had broken.

Bogus right wing talking point. No one is guaranteed a 2nd term, let alone a president to have complete control of congress to pass whatever he wanted is a rarity.

If the president's entire goal during the first term was just to get a 2nd one, he never would have went forward with the affordable care act which brought a shitstorm from the far right 10 fold over the gun show loophole vote, let alone was so pro-gun that pissed off his own base.
Hell the right wingers are still so butthurt over it, they tried recently for I want to say the 39th time to try and repeal it.

Obama was guaranteed a 2nd term, the entire Repugnatcan field was full of morons, and they nominated the most moronic of them all, Mitt the Twit. Obama only would have lost if he slept through the debates (like the first one).

I never said Obama's sole purpose in life was to be elected twice. You put up a strawman. However, there's no doubt that the sole purpose of Obama's re-election campaign was to win re-election, and these things were not in his campaign.

The Affordable Care Act helped him get re-elected, because the "selling points" went into action immediately, the bad shit conveniently came AFTER the election (and many haven't come yet). And yes, because he wasn't caving into the Gun Grabbers (for four years), I trusted him not to go after guns for the next four years.

Now that my head is on right, I can see why they've been continuously trying to repeal it. It usurps the Inviolable Right to Contract. The Right to Contract is the Foundation of a free society, even the Constitution is a contract (a social contract).
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The right wingers throwing a temper tantrum over the affordable care act is simply trying to throw red meat at their dumbass base. Willard was the godfather of it when he was governor, Newt fully supported it, and the GOP has been calling for the individual mandate for years. If you actually look at the bill, it is as far to the right as it can possibly be, yet still pass.
In it's current form, it's essentially a cash cow to the big insurance industry.

Again to get back to the gun issue, not going after them does nothing but hurt the president's base from his strongly pro-2nd amendment stances in his first term. All he did was call a vote recently and that was it.
I don't see how ending a loophole that allows mentally ill nutcases and felons fresh out of the pen to walk into a gun show or open up the local classifieds ads and buy a gun with no questions asked is a bad thing, do you?
Why don't you stupid fuckers remove the second amendment? This would end everything.
Obama's administration, the very month after he was elected, went for a big gun grab, something he never mentioned ONE TIME during his campaign or previous presidential term.

We knew he hadn't done much about the Patriot Act, but none of us knew he was radically expanding the program (although the passage of the NDAA should have gave us an idea).

Now, I admit, I was in the dark prior to December, I voted for Obama in both 2008 and 2012, but his attack on the Second Amendment thoroughly awoke me. Whether or not you believe that my massive ideological shift towards Libertarianism (within two months) was the correct response, you have to admit, Obama did something that I did NOT vote for, in fact something I was diametrically opposed to.

Can we admit that Obama had a hidden agenda, which he's been very successful is completing, but his "open" agenda isn't really something he's put that much effort into (except Obamacare).

Would you kindly list all the reasons that you voted for President Obama in 2012?

Obama's administration, the very month after he was elected, went for a big gun grab, something he never mentioned ONE TIME during his campaign or previous presidential term.

We knew he hadn't done much about the Patriot Act, but none of us knew he was radically expanding the program (although the passage of the NDAA should have gave us an idea).

Now, I admit, I was in the dark prior to December, I voted for Obama in both 2008 and 2012, but his attack on the Second Amendment thoroughly awoke me. Whether or not you believe that my massive ideological shift towards Libertarianism (within two months) was the correct response, you have to admit, Obama did something that I did NOT vote for, in fact something I was diametrically opposed to.

Can we admit that Obama had a hidden agenda, which he's been very successful is completing, but his "open" agenda isn't really something he's put that much effort into (except Obamacare).

Would you kindly list all the reasons that you voted for President Obama in 2012?


I am willing to bet there was only one reason:

I personally do not want very yahoo with a god complex running around with Military weapons. I do not want cowboys on the streets and in bars with handguns.

Obama's been very gun friendly, especially in his first term.

He's made some very slight movement the other way because a bunch of kids got shot up.

And the gun nuts are on overload.
Why don't you stupid fuckers remove the second amendment? This would end everything.

I don't believe we need the 2nd amendment to bear arms.

It is inherent in our inalienable rights of life and liberty that we have the ability to protect those rights.

The Founders understood this. They also understood that the individual states would seek to provide protection for their state. The Founders also knew it was possible once the power of the government grew it may seek to disarm the populace, thus:

Despite the fact that individual states will raise militias for protection - COMMMA - the government is prohibited from infringing on an individual's right to bear arms.

The 2nd amendment doesn't bestow the right to bear arms it limits the government from doing anything to take it away.
Why don't you stupid fuckers remove the second amendment? This would end everything.

I don't believe we need the 2nd amendment to bear arms.

It is inherent in our inalienable rights of life and liberty that we have the ability to protect those rights.

The Founders understood this. They also understood that the individual states would seek to provide protection for their state. The Founders also knew it was possible once the power of the government grew it may seek to disarm the populace, thus:

Despite the fact that individual states will raise militias for protection - COMMMA - the government is prohibited from infringing on an individual's right to bear arms.

The 2nd amendment doesn't bestow the right to bear arms it limits the government from doing anything to take it away.

Correct. The ultimate transformation into Libertarianism comes form accepting that our rights exist innately at birth, and no force on earth can remove them. Government is there to protect those rights, not to grant them.
Why don't you stupid fuckers remove the second amendment? This would end everything.

I don't believe we need the 2nd amendment to bear arms.

It is inherent in our inalienable rights of life and liberty that we have the ability to protect those rights.

The Founders understood this. They also understood that the individual states would seek to provide protection for their state. The Founders also knew it was possible once the power of the government grew it may seek to disarm the populace, thus:

Despite the fact that individual states will raise militias for protection - COMMMA - the government is prohibited from infringing on an individual's right to bear arms.

The 2nd amendment doesn't bestow the right to bear arms it limits the government from doing anything to take it away.

Correct. The ultimate transformation into Libertarianism comes form accepting that our rights exist innately at birth, and no force on earth can remove them. Government is there to protect those rights, not to grant them.

Spread the word.
Liberals, did you knowingly vote for this?

What SOME of know that apparently most partisans as yet have failed to realize?

The difference between the Ds and the Rs only matters on the marginal issues.

Marginal issues are those that basically don't matter to the MASTERS but matter very much to partisans.
Liberals, did you knowingly vote for this?

What SOME of know that apparently most partisans as yet have failed to realize?

The difference between the Ds and the Rs only matters on the marginal issues.

Marginal issues are those that basically don't matter to the MASTERS but matter very much to partisans.

Yep. The masters even use racial conflicts to divide and conquer us, while they laugh all the way to the bank (literally).
And you can see what DOES matter to the MASTERS because both parties support it (even if they don't say they support it they VOTE FOR IT.)

All partisans are DUPES!
Obama's administration, the very month after he was elected, went for a big gun grab, something he never mentioned ONE TIME during his campaign or previous presidential term.

We knew he hadn't done much about the Patriot Act, but none of us knew he was radically expanding the program (although the passage of the NDAA should have gave us an idea).

Now, I admit, I was in the dark prior to December, I voted for Obama in both 2008 and 2012, but his attack on the Second Amendment thoroughly awoke me. Whether or not you believe that my massive ideological shift towards Libertarianism (within two months) was the correct response, you have to admit, Obama did something that I did NOT vote for, in fact something I was diametrically opposed to.

Can we admit that Obama had a hidden agenda, which he's been very successful is completing, but his "open" agenda isn't really something he's put that much effort into (except Obamacare).

Screw this BS of buyer's regret. If you voted for him twice then I hope he takes your guns and gives you an enema with them.

What the hell did those who voted for him think he would do when he told the Russians that he would be more flexible after the election? After he didn't have to worry about the people liking him any more. Where he could go on expensive vacations to Africa mean while the food stamp role balloon and the unemployment rate is still near 8 percent.

So for those who voted for Obama in 2012 I say STFU you are getting what you voted for and what you richly deserve. The unfortunate part is that I have to share in the grieve your misplaced vote will cause.
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obama had absoutly golden opportunities to go after guns numerous times during his presidency.

After the giffords shooting, he did nothing.

After the colorado massacre, he did nothing.

After the sikh temple shooting, he did nothing.

During obama's 1st term, he also had complete democratic control, and did nothing. On the flip side, he actually passed two pro gun rights bills with now allowing guns to be in federal parks and amtrak trains.

Obama was so pro gun, he got an "f" rating from the brady campaign, which is essentially the anti gun equivalent to the nra.

After newtown, the american people absolutely had it with the president doing nothing to strengthen gun laws. He stated he would have an upcoming press conference in which the nra and right wing machine went insane with their propaganda that obama was going to sign executive orders that "he'zzzz gunnna takke yurrrrr gunzzzzzz!!!!" "he'z gunnaaa bring back da' asssualy weapinzzzzz bann!!!" "aaaaaaaaaa!!!!!"

in the end, all this press conference did was for the president to sign executive orders for bills on the books that did virtually nothing but give some closer to the people that he did something.
The whole issue would have been done right there, but the nra and right wing machine kept going full blast with their propaganda, which kept fueling the flames to keep the issue alive.

After a while, the american people asked for the president to do more, he stated he would have a panel from all sides to look at the issue, again the nra and right wing machine went nuts.

From this panel, all they did was bring up a simple vote on numerous issues, the big one being to end the "gun show loophole" that currently allows people to buy guns from private sales with no background checks and no questions asked.

Poll after poll showed around 90% of the american people supported this bill, but the right wing machine shot it down, which likely will come back to bite them in the ass.

In the end, the president has actually been pretty strongly pro-2nd amendment. With the nra and right wing machine fanning the flames, they are just trying to make the president look bad, all the while laughing all the way to the bank.

no, after newtown, obama no longer had to fear re-election. He never would have got my vote in 2012 had he shown any intentions to pursue gun control, or if the story on the nsa had broken. Notice how convenient all these stories are immediately after the election.

Even the average joe on the street is talking about the nsa spying. Normally the 18-20 year olds at my job (i'm 23 now) talkign about partying and getting drunk. Now they're talking about the nsa from time to time and other stories. Obama's support in the young demographic has dropped more than any other in the past couple of months. And the black community is now enraged over the amnesty. I seriously doubt he would have won re-election, even with irs intimidation, had he campaigned on these things.

you were told all this you didn't listen!!!!! This is why obama voters are called low information voters. You voted party over what was good for the country. And yes i am yelling.

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