Liberals don't believe they hold "opinions." They believe that they are just "right."

Yes. The names of the studies are right there in the link provided.

Then name the study that shows that liberals are less charitable than conservatives.

You can't, can you?

Here is study number 5, retard.

We all know that the Millenials are the most Liberal generation in decades.

What are the characteristics of the egocentric Liberal?

''Millennial Generation Money-Obsessed And Less Concerned With Giving Back, Study Finds''

Millennial Generation Money-Obsessed And Less Concerned With Giving Back, Study Finds

The beat goes on.

Need some more?
Incorrect, I have no belief I would not abandon in a moment if presented with credible information to the contrary. Can you say that? Hardly, the conservative's faith based economics and American Exceptionalism dogma is enough by itself to make this OP a tasty example of projection.

This is a trick answer, as any information to the contrary would automatically be adjudged "not credible" by you, simply BECAUSE it is contrary to your views and beliefs.

The rest of this answer merely proves the OP correct. Conservative beliefs are automatically "dogma". Simply dismissed is the idea that conservative beliefs could ever be based on any sort of evidence. Nonsense! There could not possibly be any evidence for conservative beliefs to be based on, because they contradict liberal beliefs, and therefore are automatically, unquestionably wrong, ergo they must be "dogma".

Congratulations. You got one brief, shining moment to be off ignore and have my attention. This is what you did with it, and it is now over. Sad, very sad.
Yes, by definition.

Then why are Liberals so much less generous than conservatives with their own money?

Lie, much?

Except that there is no evidence of that actually being true.

That depends. By "no evidence", do you mean "absolutely no evidence of any kind exists", or do you mean "there is no evidence I will accept, since I have decided that it cannot be true, thus anything disagreeing with me is obviously flawed and irrelevant"?

For the record, the first would be untrue, and the second would just prove the exact point you wish to argue.
Then name the study that shows that liberals are less charitable than conservatives.

You can't, can you?

Here is study number 5, retard.

We all know that the Millenials are the most Liberal generation in decades.

What are the characteristics of the egocentric Liberal?

''Millennial Generation Money-Obsessed And Less Concerned With Giving Back, Study Finds''

Millennial Generation Money-Obsessed And Less Concerned With Giving Back, Study Finds

The beat goes on.

Need some more?

That's funny, I thought you claimed you had a Pew Research study that concluded liberals were less charitable than conservatives. Instead you post a study by a Professor at San Diego State University
that claims the youngest adult generation to be the least charitable (we're all so surprised that 20 somethings aren't charitable).
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Let's try you out: Do you think liberals care more about minorities and the poor than conservatives?
conservervatives give 30% more the poor than libbs in the same income bracket do !!
"Conservatives" as a group tend to be more religious and belong to Churches which require them to tithe.

Factor that out, and as I understand it, there is no difference.

Another interesting response considering the subject of the thread. This stuff you can't make up.
Here is study number 5, retard.

We all know that the Millenials are the most Liberal generation in decades.

What are the characteristics of the egocentric Liberal?

''Millennial Generation Money-Obsessed And Less Concerned With Giving Back, Study Finds''

Millennial Generation Money-Obsessed And Less Concerned With Giving Back, Study Finds

The beat goes on.

Need some more?

I'm still waiting to hear the name of the PEW study.

They are right there in the link I provided you, tard.

Read the link.

Do you need more research that proves the obvious fact that Liberals are stingy, self-centered hypocrites, or are we done?

Did you read the article?

yes, and its fucking stupid.

See the problem is at one time you had people railing on and on about how Liberals where all about " It takes a village". Which any moron can figure out takes in other opinions and help in order to get things done.

Now we have the exact opposite here with your OP. You are trying to pass off the idea that liberals are narrow minded thinkers.

Where on Earth did you get the idea that the liberal concept of "it takes a village" had ANYTHING to do with differing viewpoints, or any sort of voluntary "help"?

The "village" the left is talking about is essentially a group of people all acting in lockstep with the liberal view of how things should be, and funding the liberal vision toward which they're marching through government funding.
Did you read the article?

yes, and its fucking stupid.

See the problem is at one time you had people railing on and on about how Liberals where all about " It takes a village". Which any moron can figure out takes in other opinions and help in order to get things done.

Now we have the exact opposite here with your OP. You are trying to pass off the idea that liberals are narrow minded thinkers.

Where on Earth did you get the idea that the liberal concept of "it takes a village" had ANYTHING to do with differing viewpoints, or any sort of voluntary "help"?

The "village" the left is talking about is essentially a group of people all acting in lockstep with the liberal view of how things should be, and funding the liberal vision toward which they're marching through government funding.

First time I've heard of it.

Funny how righties are bigger experts on liberals viewpoints than liberals. Makes you wonder who the real commie fags are.

That's sad.

I gave you the link which gives you the names of the Pew Research Reports which show that Liberals are stingy freeloaders who are only generous with other people's money.

Your weak obfuscation is a joke, but your food stamps come on the first of the month, eitherway!

Please name a Pew study in the link you gave me which claims liberals are less charitable than conservatives.
(we're all so surprised that 20 somethings aren't charitable).

You continue to show your ass.

The study compares the relative views over different generations.

You are a product of Detroit City Schools, aren't you?

Relative views and generations? Funny I thought we were talking about charitable giving and politic ideology, MY BAD.

Now, please name a Pew study in the link you gave me which claims liberals are less charitable than conservatives.
Except that there is no evidence of that actually being true.

Do you always stake out positions out of pure ignorance?

No need to answer. That was rhetorical.

Care to support your position with evidence? I'm guessing you're going to go to that study which shows red states give more to charity, after controlling for income, than blue states.

Interesting how you're - presumably - here to defend the idea that liberals do not always assume they're automatically correct, and yet you do so by asking for evidence, and then immediately telling us what the "evidence" must be, with an overtone of "and of course it's stupid and unacceptable".

How about we look instead at the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey, which tells us that households headed by a self-proclaimed conservative gave, on average, 30% more money to charity than households headed by a self-proclaimed liberal, despite the fact that the liberal-headed households averaged 6% MORE income than the conservative-headed ones. The lead in giving also remains on the conservative side when you break the comparison down by income class. The same results are true if you go with party affiliation instead of ideology.

And if THAT still doesn't constitute acceptable evidence for you, Sparkles, perhaps you could tell us what WOULD.
(we're all so surprised that 20 somethings aren't charitable).

I of course shot this objection down, and you of course pretended you did not raise it as an objection.

dance monkey dance

Who told you that?


Additionally, I believe Liberals tend to donate their time more than Conservatives.

And if you think I'm wrong, prove it.

So tell us, 'Stupid,' what percentage of conservative giving should be factored out for 'required tithing'?


"Required tithing"? Never once in my life has my church garnished my wages for my tithes. They always waited until I VOLUNTARILY chose to write out the checks.

Sure, the various pastors over the years certainly taught that God expected it, and that it was our duty and responsibility to tithe, but they also taught that it was my duty and responsibility to just help my fellow man in general, as one assumes non-religious people are taught by other sources, such as parents, teachers, mentors, whatever.
Additionally, I believe Liberals tend to donate their time more than Conservatives.

And if you think I'm wrong, prove it.

So tell us, 'Stupid,' what percentage of conservative giving should be factored out for 'required tithing'?


"Required tithing"? Never once in my life has my church garnished my wages for my tithes. They always waited until I VOLUNTARILY chose to write out the checks.

Sure, the various pastors over the years certainly taught that God expected it, and that it was our duty and responsibility to tithe, but they also taught that it was my duty and responsibility to just help my fellow man in general, as one assumes non-religious people are taught by other sources, such as parents, teachers, mentors, whatever.

He believed he 'was just right' about 'required tithing.'


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