Liberals don't believe they hold "opinions." They believe that they are just "right."

I haven't read the thread, but I expect all the objections to the OP boil down to "Nuh-UH!!"

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Like I've asked many charities do you people know of that ask for political affiliation of the people donating to them?
The New Phrenology | The Weekly Standard

Liberals don't believe in differences of opinions or varying approaches to problems. They must be absolutely certain that they are absolutely right or their world view crumbles. This is why they say stupid shit like, "conservatives are against abortion, but they hate babies!" because to their 'minds' only an embrace of liberal views and policies can possibly coincide with caring for people. They also say shit like, "show me what Republican policies have ever done anything for X or Y minorities!" as if the liberal assumption that people must only be considered as members of an aggrieved group and not as individuals is a given, and that only liberal policies could possibly be in the best interests of anyone (this is where the "voting against your own interests" canard comes in). A liberal never loses an election because the people just tended to agree with the ideas of the other side. It's always a "failure to make the people understand our positions." Every election a liberal loses was rigged, corrupt, stolen, etc. Every election a liberal wins is an example of democracy in action. They can't help but think this way, and wouldn't change if they could. They are just right, smart, and virtuous in all things - studies show!

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