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CDZ Liberals don't understand how diverse the conservative movement is, and they think we're all the sam

Independent = Someone who doesn't need a party to spoon feed public policy to them and who is unwilling to debase themselves by answering to the same rallying call as the extremists in any party.

"What people call you doesn't matter. It's what you answer to that matters."
-- I can't tell you who first said that
Independent = Someone who doesn't need a party to spoon feed public policy to them and who is unwilling to debase themselves by answering to the same rallying call as the extremists in any party.

"What people call you doesn't matter. It's what you answer to that matters."
-- I can't tell you who first said that
The GOP are spoon fed. It's completely different with a coalition and diverse party.
“Liberals don't understand how diverse the conservative movement is, and they think we're all the sam”


Liberals correctly understand that nearly 50 years ago ‘conservatism’ was taken over by extremists, religious zealots, and libertarian reactionaries.

‘Conservatism’ during the 50s and 60s, although fundamentally wrong, at least took a more pragmatic approach to the issues of the day and believed in fiscal responsibility, not dogmatic extremism.

During the late 60s and early 70s, however, as minorities began to realize their comprehensive civil rights, and women their right to privacy, conservatives grew fearful of change, diversity, and inclusion, and sought to disadvantage through force of law those whom they feared.

Today we see all manner of ‘conservatives’: social conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, fiscal conservatives, reactionary libertarians, and TPM extremists – all very different in their agenda hostile to the Constitution and its case law, but the same in their fear of change, diversity, and a more inclusive American society.

Consequently, the ‘conservative movement’ is one which advocates moving backwards, to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with – an American past that was in no way ‘ideal’ for African-Americans, women, gay Americans, and anyone else perceived to be ‘different’ or a ‘threat’ to wrongheaded conservative doctrine and dogma.
Trump is not a conservative and he does not lead the conservative movement. He has temporarily captured the Republican Party, but it is more a hostile takeover than a real change in what the Republican Party stands for. If Trump loses the election, his influence will be quickly purged.
Actually, Trump is very much a conservative – or what conservatives have now become: reactionary, frightened of diversity and dissent, hostile to immigration, contemptuous of the Constitution and its case law (or just ignorant of the Constitution and its case law), a ‘movement’ harboring hate, bigotry, and racism.

No, Republicans and conservatives chose their presidential nominee well.
Look at how the CON$ who don't CONFORM to supporting Trump's Trumpery are viciously attacked by the conforming CON$.

No......the #nevertrumpers are elitists who care more about their own ego then defeating the left...and they have finally exposed themselves this election.....

These same people expected conservatives to support bob dole....simply because it was his turn.....they expected us to support john mccain, who found great joy in making fun of conservatives at every opportunity....and they wanted us to support mitt romney.......and we did....

They asked us to give them power...and promised that if we only gave them the power they would stop obamacare, and build a wall, and get the debt under control........we gave them landslide election after landslide election.........and they not only did nothing along those lines....they actually helped obama along the way.....

So, this year, we said no more.....they lied, they acted like we were dumb hicks who were only good for giving them power and then they could ignore us.......

Then they found out we are not democrats...we will not vote for them for 50 years as they break promise after promise the way the democrats do......

The ones viciously attacking people are the #nevertrumpers....they started this by attacking those of us who did not support another establishment candidate...who would have continued things the same way as they have before......
Trump is not a conservative and he does not lead the conservative movement. He has temporarily captured the Republican Party, but it is more a hostile takeover than a real change in what the Republican Party stands for. If Trump loses the election, his influence will be quickly purged.
Actually, Trump is very much a conservative – or what conservatives have now become: reactionary, frightened of diversity and dissent, hostile to immigration, contemptuous of the Constitution and its case law (or just ignorant of the Constitution and its case law), a ‘movement’ harboring hate, bigotry, and racism.

No, Republicans and conservatives chose their presidential nominee well.

You have no idea what you are talking about.......the left/democrats are exactly what you are describing....American Conservatives defend individual liberty and the Bill of Rights....the democrats hate the constitution and the limits it places on their ability to accumulate power...

And how often do you have to ignore the difference between LEGAL immigration...which Trump and conservatives actually support.....and the ILLEGAL immigration that is destroying this country.......

the ones attacking freedoms on all levels are the democrats, not the Conservatives......and the haters are the democrats who tried to murder Trump, beat up Trump's supporters, stopped his rallies, blocked roads to his events, threw eggs at Trump supporters, shot a Trump supporter in the leg, beat a Trump supporter with a crowbar.....

You do not know what you are talking about......
Look at how the CON$ who don't CONFORM to supporting Trump's Trumpery are viciously attacked by the conforming CON$.

No......the #nevertrumpers are elitists who care more about their own ego then defeating the left...and they have finally exposed themselves this election.....

These same people expected conservatives to support bob dole....simply because it was his turn.....they expected us to support john mccain, who found great joy in making fun of conservatives at every opportunity....and they wanted us to support mitt romney.......and we did....

They asked us to give them power...and promised that if we only gave them the power they would stop obamacare, and build a wall, and get the debt under control........we gave them landslide election after landslide election.........and they not only did nothing along those lines....they actually helped obama along the way.....

So, this year, we said no more.....they lied, they acted like we were dumb hicks who were only good for giving them power and then they could ignore us.......

Then they found out we are not democrats...we will not vote for them for 50 years as they break promise after promise the way the democrats do......

The ones viciously attacking people are the #nevertrumpers....they started this by attacking those of us who did not support another establishment candidate...who would have continued things the same way as they have before......

They thought you were dumb hicks, so you chose Trump to prove it.
Look at how the CON$ who don't CONFORM to supporting Trump's Trumpery are viciously attacked by the conforming CON$.

No......the #nevertrumpers are elitists who care more about their own ego then defeating the left...and they have finally exposed themselves this election.....

These same people expected conservatives to support bob dole....simply because it was his turn.....they expected us to support john mccain, who found great joy in making fun of conservatives at every opportunity....and they wanted us to support mitt romney.......and we did....

They asked us to give them power...and promised that if we only gave them the power they would stop obamacare, and build a wall, and get the debt under control........we gave them landslide election after landslide election.........and they not only did nothing along those lines....they actually helped obama along the way.....

So, this year, we said no more.....they lied, they acted like we were dumb hicks who were only good for giving them power and then they could ignore us.......

Then they found out we are not democrats...we will not vote for them for 50 years as they break promise after promise the way the democrats do......

The ones viciously attacking people are the #nevertrumpers....they started this by attacking those of us who did not support another establishment candidate...who would have continued things the same way as they have before......

They thought you were dumb hicks, so you chose Trump to prove it.

No..they thought that conservatives were like democrats and would vote for them no matter how many times they lied to us......you have to be a democrat to keep getting lied to and ignored and keep voting those same people back into power.......that is why blacks and Hispanics are still suffering in democrat controlled voting districts......and allowing the futures of their children to be flushed down the toilet...
Look at how the CON$ who don't CONFORM to supporting Trump's Trumpery are viciously attacked by the conforming CON$.

No......the #nevertrumpers are elitists who care more about their own ego then defeating the left...and they have finally exposed themselves this election.....

These same people expected conservatives to support bob dole....simply because it was his turn.....they expected us to support john mccain, who found great joy in making fun of conservatives at every opportunity....and they wanted us to support mitt romney.......and we did....

They asked us to give them power...and promised that if we only gave them the power they would stop obamacare, and build a wall, and get the debt under control........we gave them landslide election after landslide election.........and they not only did nothing along those lines....they actually helped obama along the way.....

So, this year, we said no more.....they lied, they acted like we were dumb hicks who were only good for giving them power and then they could ignore us.......

Then they found out we are not democrats...we will not vote for them for 50 years as they break promise after promise the way the democrats do......

The ones viciously attacking people are the #nevertrumpers....they started this by attacking those of us who did not support another establishment candidate...who would have continued things the same way as they have before......

They thought you were dumb hicks, so you chose Trump to prove it.

No..they thought that conservatives were like democrats and would vote for them no matter how many times they lied to us......you have to be a democrat to keep getting lied to and ignored and keep voting those same people back into power.......that is why blacks and Hispanics are still suffering in democrat controlled voting districts......and allowing the futures of their children to be flushed down the toilet...

I completely understand why someone wouldn't want to vote for a republican. I just find it odd that you would chose someone much worse to follow.
RINOs haven't realized that they are no longer conservatives.

I used to believe that RINO mean Republican In Name Only. That would be members of the Republican Party that don't vote with the party. I later found out that a RINO was just a fancy way of saying practical pragmatic. If you aren't an unrealistic idealist then you are a RINO. Now I proudly proclaim that I am a RINO and will always vote for RINOs. The party has to stick together if they want to accomplish anything. 248 idealistic republicans going in 496 different directions aren't going to accomplish anything. 248 RINO's that elect a speaker and then vote with him 100% of the time can get a lot accomplished. I prefer RINOs to delusional kooks. My congressman is the biggest nutjob in congress. He is going to take on the world all by himself and the voters eat it up. Anybody who runs against him gets slaughtered. :bang3:
Moderates are not conservatives because, in fact, moderates have no principles they live by other than to win elections. Moderates tend to be useless since they quickly cave in to Democratic demands because they are afraid of being criticized by the Democratic controlled mainstream media.

Moderates are useful because they win. Moderates are useful because they accomplish things. Moderates are useful because they offer solutions that appeal to the other half of the country. Moderates take actions that could persuade democrats and independents to join the republican party thus putting us in a position to win more elections, accomplish more things and recruit more members to the party.

You seem to have it all mixed up. Idealist are the ones that force the republican party to remain stagnant. Radicals keep preaching about abortion like they are proud to be on the losing side of a 40 year battle. Abortion is legal and has been for 40 years. That isn't going to change. Just because you are right does mean you add anything of value. Preaching about abortion alienates a lot of potential members to the republican party. Those people need to grow up, admit defeat and stop destroying their own party's potential. The same goes for gay marriage. Are they really going to whine for 40 years about that too and wearing their loser badge as a badge of honor?

Republicans have a large group of obstructionist that are more determined to be right than anything else. Congratulations! You have won the debate. Do you know what that means? It means you can feel good about yourself. That's all it means. Congratulations! You feel good today. Meanwhile the democrats are winning and accomplishing things. At least you are right and you feel good. That's important. Making our country successful and orderly can go on the back burner. There are some people that want to feel good about themselves. That's more important.

This message is from an active Republican that has attended County and District Conventions. In my area the obstructionist radicals are the majority of the active republicans. No wonder nobody wants to join our party. We are a bunch of whack a doodles that are hellbent on doing nothing.
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Personally, I think non-conservatives don't think all conservatives are the same. I think instead that the problem is that there is currently a maniac leading the conservative movement and that scares people.

Are you guys interchanging the word conservative and republican? You do know that they aren't the same thing at all.
Liberals don't understand how diverse the conservative movement is, and they think we're all the same..

You are so amazingly delusional- again.

Most Conservatives are actually rational- unlike you.

And most don't live their lives in fear- unlike you.

Are you using the word conservative and Republican interchangeably. If you used the word Republican in your post then I agree with you with one caveat. Republicans like Blackrook are a HUGE part of the Republican Party.
The Tea Party believed in limited government, responsible government spending, and opposed Obamacare, which are conservative impulses. However, the Tea Party lacked the organization and sophistication that conservatives bring to their endeavors, which is why they were such a flash-in-the-pan. It was a grassroots movement of ordinary Americans, without any real leadership that could sustain it and give it direction.

Are you kidding? The Tea Party has been extremely successful at preventing the Republican Party from accomplishing anything. They were instrumental in frustrating Boehner enough that he eventually resigned. Could you imagine being in Boehner's shoes? He was trying to be a grown up but 20% of his party was a bunch of children who refused to have a discussion. Maybe the Tea Party was misguided with their goals but they were well organized and won enough seats to destroy any chance the Republican Party had to accomplish anything. They were effective. They were just not effective at what they wanted to accomplish. They were pawns for the democratic party. The Tea Party made sure that the Republican Party was a big ole joke to the American public. They at least accomplished that. You have to give credit where credit is due. The Tea Party made the Republican Party look incompetent.
Independent = Someone who doesn't need a party to spoon feed public policy to them and who is unwilling to debase themselves by answering to the same rallying call as the extremists in any party.

"What people call you doesn't matter. It's what you answer to that matters."
-- I can't tell you who first said that

Political parties weren't always defined by what they said. They were defined by what they did. Neither the Republican Party or Democratic Party have taken any radical extremist action ever. The other third parties haven't ever done anything radical either. Talking is not doing. The two mainstream parties are determined to do nothing these days. That's why they are being judged by the radical things they say because there are no actions to judge them by anymore. I'm optimistic. I think 2017-2018 we are going to see somethings happen either good or bad to give the parties a legitimate identity.
Cowboys point to the Indians and then generalize. Indians point to the Cowboys and generalize.

Those of us who are neither merely laugh.
Cowboys point to the Indians and then generalize. Indians point to the Cowboys and generalize.

Those of us who are neither merely laugh.

Congratulations on your laughing. Can you deposit some laughs into my bank account?
Cowboys point to the Indians and then generalize. Indians point to the Cowboys and generalize.

Those of us who are neither merely laugh.

Congratulations on your laughing. Can you deposit some laughs into my bank account?

Since this thread is nothing but a pissing contest between the warring tribes, you'll have to buy me at least a couple of beers, first, before I can make a deposit truly worthy of the thread.
Personally, I think non-conservatives don't think all conservatives are the same. I think instead that the problem is that there is currently a maniac leading the conservative movement and that scares people.

Are you guys interchanging the word conservative and republican? You do know that they aren't the same thing at all.

"You guys?" I'm just one person. (Is there someone else in the quote and I don't see their remark?)

No, I'm not conflating conservatives and Republicans, nor for that matter Conservatives and conservatives, or Republicans and republicans, and the various combinations thereof.
The GOP is 90% white. It's that 10% they refer to as "our diversity".

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