Liberals get hysterical over the 'alt-right' but we are living in their 'alt-left' world

The ultimate straw man article!
Way over your head.

No it isn't. This article mischaracterizes the vast majority of liberals. I consider myself to be a liberal, but as liberals are described by this article I would not be a liberal.
Its talking about the Liberals throwing stones at the Alt Right but don't realize their extremists on the Alt Left are MUCH worse. Obviously you didn't comprehend that. If you aren't like the liberals in that article then maybe you should rethink if you are a liberal. I am sure at one time Joe Manchin was a liberal as well and now he is considering joining the GOP because the democrats have gone so far left.

The ultimate straw man article!
Way over your head.

No it isn't. This article mischaracterizes the vast majority of liberals. I consider myself to be a liberal, but as liberals are described by this article I would not be a liberal.
Its talking about the Liberals throwing stones at the Alt Right but don't realize their extremists on the Alt Left are MUCH worse. Obviously you didn't comprehend that. If you aren't like the liberals in that article then maybe you should rethink if you are a liberal. I am sure at one time Joe Manchin was a liberal as well and now he is considering joining the GOP because the democrats have gone so far left.

Do you really think that most liberals embrace Stalin, Chavez or Castro? That statement alone makes this article pure BULLSHIT.

Do you really think that most liberals support transgender access to women's facilities? That's pure nonsense.

Do you really think that liberals are for taxes? That we like or want to pay taxes? That's plain idiotic. We may accept the reality of taxes, but we'd like to lowr taxes as much as possible. What we're against is the mindless and irresponsible attitude of conservatives towards taxes.

Global warming isn't a political issue. It's a scientific fact that Conservatives have turned into a political football. Yes, we believe in science.

Free college is a nice to have, but most liberals consider it unrealistic. Even Clinton wouldn't support it.

While most liberals initially supported the Ocuppy Wall St., when it became apparent that they had no definitive goals and no leadership they lost our support. We are aware that they degenerated into a meaningless mob.

If there is an ALT-Left it is tiny. Most of them had previously been described by the term 'anarchists'.

The ultimate straw man article!
Way over your head.

No it isn't. This article mischaracterizes the vast majority of liberals. I consider myself to be a liberal, but as liberals are described by this article I would not be a liberal.
Its talking about the Liberals throwing stones at the Alt Right but don't realize their extremists on the Alt Left are MUCH worse. Obviously you didn't comprehend that. If you aren't like the liberals in that article then maybe you should rethink if you are a liberal. I am sure at one time Joe Manchin was a liberal as well and now he is considering joining the GOP because the democrats have gone so far left.

Do you really think that most liberals embrace Stalin, Chavez or Castro? That statement alone makes this article pure BULLSHIT.

Do you really think that most liberals support transgender access to women's facilities? That's pure nonsense.

Do you really think that liberals are for taxes? That we like or want to pay taxes? That's plain idiotic. We may accept the reality of taxes, but we'd like to lowr taxes as much as possible. What we're against is the mindless and irresponsible attitude of conservatives towards taxes.

Global warming isn't a political issue. It's a scientific fact that Conservatives have turned into a political football. Yes, we believe in science.

Free college is a nice to have, but most liberals consider it unrealistic. Even Clinton wouldn't support it.

While most liberals initially supported the Ocuppy Wall St., when it became apparent that they had no definitive goals and no leadership they lost our support. We are aware that they degenerated into a meaningless mob.

If there is an ALT-Left it is tiny. Most of them had previously been described by the term 'anarchists'.
Yes. ALL the leaders of the left do,the media talking heads do,anyone the media gives attention to does. Its why the left is becoming a coastal party its LOSING people in the middle. Manchin from WV,Ryan from Ohio,etc. They are turning into the party of people from NYC and L.A.
The ultimate straw man article!
Way over your head.

No it isn't. This article mischaracterizes the vast majority of liberals. I consider myself to be a liberal, but as liberals are described by this article I would not be a liberal.
Its talking about the Liberals throwing stones at the Alt Right but don't realize their extremists on the Alt Left are MUCH worse. Obviously you didn't comprehend that. If you aren't like the liberals in that article then maybe you should rethink if you are a liberal. I am sure at one time Joe Manchin was a liberal as well and now he is considering joining the GOP because the democrats have gone so far left.

Do you really think that most liberals embrace Stalin, Chavez or Castro? That statement alone makes this article pure BULLSHIT.

Do you really think that most liberals support transgender access to women's facilities? That's pure nonsense.

Do you really think that liberals are for taxes? That we like or want to pay taxes? That's plain idiotic. We may accept the reality of taxes, but we'd like to lowr taxes as much as possible. What we're against is the mindless and irresponsible attitude of conservatives towards taxes.

Global warming isn't a political issue. It's a scientific fact that Conservatives have turned into a political football. Yes, we believe in science.

Free college is a nice to have, but most liberals consider it unrealistic. Even Clinton wouldn't support it.

While most liberals initially supported the Ocuppy Wall St., when it became apparent that they had no definitive goals and no leadership they lost our support. We are aware that they degenerated into a meaningless mob.

If there is an ALT-Left it is tiny. Most of them had previously been described by the term 'anarchists'.
Yes. ALL the leaders of the left do,the media talking heads do,anyone the media gives attention to does. Its why the left is becoming a coastal party its LOSING people in the middle. Manchin from WV,Ryan from Ohio,etc. They are turning into the party of people from NYC and L.A.

First the leaders of the left are NOT the alt-left as described in the article. They are the politically correct crowd, the femo-nazis and the identity politics crowd. They are not really true liberals, which is why they've lost mainstream support. The alt-left as described in the article is not new, they've been around for a long time - generally known as leftist extremists and anarchists.

What is missing is any leadership of mainstream liberalism which consists of the vast majority of people that consider themselves liberals. Most of these people want leadership focused on economic issues. The best we have is Sanders, but most feel his economic policies are not realistic. We simply do not believe that Donald Trump is going to be a champion of the middle class - and anyone that believes that he is has been dup'd.

What is new is the alt-right. It's a grass roots element that grew on the internet. My son told me about the alt-right long before the MSM knew they existed. I'm pretty sure that it was the alt-right people that initially called themselves the alt-right.

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