Liberals, if Trump sold uranium to Russia and Ivanka was paid $500K by Russians for a speech...

To the reader, I started this thread so that we can witness liberals in full fledged k*nt mode. Most of the liberals just avoided this thread like the plague. LOL. Hypocritical liars is what they are.
Bulshit, dupe. Hillary's deleted emails were personal emails that the secretary of state is allowed to delete. Right-wing brainwashed insanity. You dupes start with Hillary being a criminal LOL. She did nothing that other secretaries of State didn't do GOP ones. She's been investigated for 25 years and you people will never find a damn thing that stands up in court or anything like it. Idiot
To the reader, I started this thread so that we can witness liberals in full fledged k*nt mode. Most of the liberals just avoided this thread like the plague. LOL. Hypocritical liars is what they are.
Bulshit, dupe. Hillary's deleted emails were personal emails that the secretary of state is allowed to delete. Right-wing brainwashed insanity. You dupes start with Hillary being a criminal LOL. She did nothing that other secretaries of State didn't do GOP ones. She's been investigated for 25 years and you people will never find a damn thing that stands up in court or anything like it. Idiot

Which previous SOS set up their own private server and conducted government business on it?

Since she conducted government business on that server, shouldn't she have been obligated to give the server to the government for safe keeping and so that government officials and investigators could review its content, you know, in the name of transparency?

Cue the k*nt act.
Show me statute, k*nt.
The Federal Election Campaign Act states in unambiguous terms that anycontribution by a foreign national to the campaign of an American candidate for any election, state or national, is illegal. Likewise, anyone who receives, solicits, or accepts these contributions also violates the statute.

Foreign Contributions to U.S. Elections | Election Law

That entails financial contributions, not information, dumbass.

By the way, Alan Dershowitz, a liberal Democrat, agrees there is no crime in seeking information from a foreign power.

Alan Dershowitz: 'I don't see any crime' that Donald Trump Jr. committed
To the reader, I started this thread so that we can witness liberals in full fledged k*nt mode. Most of the liberals just avoided this thread like the plague. LOL. Hypocritical liars is what they are.
Bulshit, dupe. Hillary's deleted emails were personal emails that the secretary of state is allowed to delete. Right-wing brainwashed insanity. You dupes start with Hillary being a criminal LOL. She did nothing that other secretaries of State didn't do GOP ones. She's been investigated for 25 years and you people will never find a damn thing that stands up in court or anything like it. Idiot

Which previous SOS set up their own private server and conducted government business on it?

Since she conducted government business on that server, shouldn't she have been obligated to give the server to the government for safe keeping and so that government officials and investigators could review its content, you know, in the name of transparency?

Cue the k*nt act.
Condi rice and what's his name. The whole Bush Administration did all their emails on the RNC server which was illegal and all destroyed millions of them, idiot.
Since she conducted government business on that server, shouldn't she have been obligated to give the server to the government for safe keeping and so that government officials and investigators could review its content, you know, in the name of transparency?

Cue the k*nt act.

Is that what you said, when George W. Bush and h is whitehouse staff used a RNC server in the White House for government business, and deleted 11 million (yes million) emails when they were subpoenaed for the US attorney investigation.
Well for starters, Clinton didn't sell uranium to Russia, so there would be no comparison.

secondly, was Ivanka President of the United States and getting Paid $500k to $750k for her speeches by everyone she gave speeches for at the time?

If not, then I would scream bloody murder about it and scream bloody murder if Trump himself, sold uranium to Russia....for Russia to receive.
I find it hypocritical that liberals are all for transparency on the part of conservatives, but have zero issue with Hillary's private server that she used to conduct government business and used it in order to avoid scrutiny. When scrutiny came, she permanently deleted 33,000 emails to cover her trail. .

Hillary received government emails on her server.

Who the f*ck do you think sent her those emails?

So even if alQaeda blew up HIllary's server, there would still be copies of those emails on the government servers they were sent from

DUH !!!!

Hey, dumbass, she used that server to conduct government affairs. That server should have been preserved in a safe place, offline, for government officials and investigators to inspect.

It was three years after she left office, FOIA retention of emails says those records were to be erased after three years.

Yea, then they used BleachBit to wipe the server when people started asking questions. Here's an on-target comment from Trey Gowdy from an article.

Gowdy: Clinton used special tool to wipe email server

“That’s the interesting thing about credibility and believability: You can't just keep it in one compartment. When you are a habitual, serial liar in this facet of life, it tends to make people not believe you in other facets of life. So when she’s talking about the Clinton Foundation, I go back and remember her saying there’s no classified information, I only used one device, I did it for convenience. All of which were proven to be false.”

On its website, BleachBit touted the mention from Gowdy in an orange box on its homepage, misquoting the congressman slightly as it sought to take advantage of the free media attention: "South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy says Hillary Clinton deleted emails 'so even God couldn't read them' using BleachBit."
That entails financial contributions, not information, dumbass.

By the way, Alan Dershowitz, a liberal Democrat, agrees there is no crime in seeking information from a foreign power.

Alan Dershowitz: 'I don't see any crime' that Donald Trump Jr. committed

The statue says a contribution is anything of value.

If the Saudi's gave Clinton s million barrels of oil for her campaign, you would call it a contribution.

Your analogy is not analogous.

In your liberal utopia, it would be ILLEGAL for a candidate to ask any foreign person for information about anything. LOL. You're a partisan hack moron.
Well for starters, Clinton didn't sell uranium to Russia, so there would be no comparison.

secondly, was Ivanka President of the United States and getting Paid $500k to $750k for her speeches by everyone she gave speeches for at the time?

If not, then I would scream bloody murder about it and scream bloody murder if Trump himself, sold uranium to Russia....for Russia to receive.

I appreciate your honest response. It's rare to find such an honest response form a liberal.
Yea, then they used BleachBit to wipe the server when people started asking questions. Here's an on-target comment from Trey Gowdy from an article.

You said there was classified information on the server. That's what you use on a server that at any time contained classified information.

DUH !!!!!

The FOIA email retention requirement had expired after 3 years. The records were required to be deleted after that.
Yea, then they used BleachBit to wipe the server when people started asking questions. Here's an on-target comment from Trey Gowdy from an article.

You said there was classified information on the server. That's what you use on a server that at any time contained classified information.

DUH !!!!!

The FOIA email retention requirement had expired after 3 years. The records were required to be deleted after that.

It's illegal for an official with the federal government to conduct government business on a private server. Hillary violated that law, and Obama knew about it and did nothing. Hillary also transmitted classified information via her server, which is also against the law. Obama let her skate for that too. When people started asking questions, she bleached her server so that it would be impossible to retrieve the deleted emails.

I swear, if Hitler had a "D" by his name, you k*nts would be defending him too.
It's illegal for an official with the federal government to conduct government business on a private server.
George W. Bush's White House "lost" 22 million emails

Like Clinton, the Bush White House used a private email server—its was owned by the Republican National Committee. And the Bush administration failed to store its emails, as required by law, and then refused to comply with a congressional subpoena seeking some of those emails. “It’s about as amazing a double standard as you can get,” says Eric Boehlert,

“If you look at the Bush emails, he was a sitting president, and 95 percent of his chief advisers’ emails were on a private email system set up by the RNC.

When the Democrat-led Senate Judiciary Committee subpoenaed related emails, Bush’s attorney general, Alberto Gonzalez, said many were inaccessible or lost on a nongovernmental private server run by the RNC and The White House, meanwhile, officially refused to comply with the congressional subpoena.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) called the president’s actions “Nixonian stonewalling” and at one point took to the floor in exasperation and shouted, “They say they have not been preserved. I don't believe that!”
the Bush White House admitted it had lost 22 million emails, not 5 million.
It's illegal for an official with the federal government to conduct government business on a private server.
George W. Bush's White House "lost" 22 million emails

Like Clinton, the Bush White House used a private email server—its was owned by the Republican National Committee. And the Bush administration failed to store its emails, as required by law, and then refused to comply with a congressional subpoena seeking some of those emails. “It’s about as amazing a double standard as you can get,” says Eric Boehlert,

“If you look at the Bush emails, he was a sitting president, and 95 percent of his chief advisers’ emails were on a private email system set up by the RNC.

When the Democrat-led Senate Judiciary Committee subpoenaed related emails, Bush’s attorney general, Alberto Gonzalez, said many were inaccessible or lost on a nongovernmental private server run by the RNC and The White House, meanwhile, officially refused to comply with the congressional subpoena.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) called the president’s actions “Nixonian stonewalling” and at one point took to the floor in exasperation and shouted, “They say they have not been preserved. I don't believe that!”
the Bush White House admitted it had lost 22 million emails, not 5 million.

Well, then it's time that all of us band together and DEMAND that government officials follow the fucking law or go to jail. The problem is that big shots like W and Hillary don't get indicted, prosecuted or serve jail terms. Ford should have let Nixon be prosecuted for his crimes. I have no problem acknowledging that Bush and company should have been prosecuted. Why is it that you can't say the same for Hillary/ Only Republicans are corrupt, right?

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