Liberals Need to Accept Election Results

As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.

While I'd say the answer to both questions is "yes", a third question must be answered: Did it affect the outcome of the election in such a way that the election should be overturned? The answer to that is "no".

The Russians didn't perform their hacks in such a way to invalidate the votes themselves (such as hacking vote-counting machines, for example). They didn't even invent false information against Hillary. Their hacks simply revealed true information that had been hidden from the voters, and - as you point out - the voters did the rest. It isn't as though the voters said, "I am going to vote for Trump because the Russians hacked Hillary."

This is not to say that I'm okay with Russian hacking, because I'm not. However, Hillary has no one but herself to blame for creating skeletons that could be yanked from the closet and used against her. Blaming the Russian hacks for losing her the election is akin to blaming the police for your incarceration because they investigated your crimes.
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...
He won't go anywhere near that for several reasons:

1. States handle their own voting procedures, not the federal government.
2. If we really dug into the entire voting situation, we would find a lot of things embarrassing to democrats. He wouldn't want that.

Ah, but when states violate the civil rights or constitutional rights of American citizens who live in said state, the Feds have a duty to step in and investigate. Voter suppression is a criminal act even if the state does it.

I would welcome a "digging" into the the voting situation and so should every living American out there. If we allow this type of thing to go unchecked it will only get worse.
Maintaining confidence in the system is integral to our way of life and is, in fact, the cornerstone of our Democratic Republic. There is no reason to have a general election at all if it can be subverted by trickery and voter suppression.
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...

Well, yes. When you close hundreds of polling places that is what you’re doing; lowering the turnout.

That happened 6 weeks ago. And, as they say, that is a lifetime in Politics. So what do you do? Sit around and bitch about it for at least 4 and probably 8 years? Or do you do something about it? I say do something about it.

You can either move the mountain or you can go to the mountain yourself. We know that the GOP will use every dirty trick in the book to achieve their goals. And while they are in control, the Democrats have shown that they too will take a few pages out of the GOP playbook too. In the meantime, when they are not in control…perhaps it would behoove the Democrats to stop bitching about “not being able to get to the polls” and just show the fuck up and vote???? Just throwing that out there. If the Democrats are dependent upon a group of people who are so inept that they don’t want to go to the polls and vote, don’t want to acquire the proper ID to vote, or can’t “risk” coming that close to the authorities…they deserve to lose.

The good news for the party that is out of power is that the arts community is usually at odds with whomever is in control. You start seeing movies, television, installations, demonstrations, murals, music, poetry, and discussions at odds with the status quo. Once that starts, the “soft” supporters of the status quo begin to be coopted from the herd and you have the standard withering of the Congress followed by the supplanting of the Party that occupies the oval. Only in rare instances does the Party in power not experience the cyclical abandonment. This is why the discussion about the “bench” is silly. The GOP supposedly had a “deep bench” for 2016 and not one of them became the nominee. Leaders will emerge if you are the Democrats. If you’re in the GOP, your wagon is hitched to Donald Trump for 8 years (more than likely). Good luck with that.

The Democrats DID show up and vote:

Thousands of those votes weren't counted.

How crosscheck helped Trump.

in Michigan, the Crosscheck purge list eliminated 449,922 voters from the rolls, while Trump claimed victory in that state by just 13,107 votes. In Arizona, the Trump victory margin was 85,257 votes, while a total of 270,824 voters were eliminated by Crosscheck. The Trump victory margin in North Carolina was 177,008, while the Crosscheck purge list accounted for 589,393 voters knocked off the rolls.

Palast notes that “the electoral putsch was aided by nine other methods of attacking the right to vote of Black, Latino and Asian-American voters … including ‘caging,’ ‘purging,’ blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to ‘provisional’ ballots that will never be counted.”

Well, I’d tell you what I tell everyone who thinks there was malfeasance. If you have a case, airing it here does nothing. Take it to federal court.
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...
He won't go anywhere near that for several reasons:

1. States handle their own voting procedures, not the federal government.
2. If we really dug into the entire voting situation, we would find a lot of things embarrassing to democrats. He wouldn't want that.

Ah, but when states violate the civil rights or constitutional rights of American citizens who live in said state, the Feds have a duty to step in and investigate. Voter suppression is a criminal act even if the state does it.

I would welcome a "digging" into the the voting situation and so should every living American out there. If we allow this type of thing to go unchecked it will only get worse.
Maintaining confidence in the system is integral to our way of life and is, in fact, the cornerstone of our Democratic Republic. There is no reason to have a general election at all if it can be subverted by trickery and voter suppression.
Then the federal government needs to show sufficient cause to conduct audits of the voting practices in each state and precinct, but Obama won't go near that because doing so would uncover a lot of democrat corruption. The people would welcome transparency, those in power, not so much.
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...

Well, yes. When you close hundreds of polling places that is what you’re doing; lowering the turnout.

That happened 6 weeks ago. And, as they say, that is a lifetime in Politics. So what do you do? Sit around and bitch about it for at least 4 and probably 8 years? Or do you do something about it? I say do something about it.

You can either move the mountain or you can go to the mountain yourself. We know that the GOP will use every dirty trick in the book to achieve their goals. And while they are in control, the Democrats have shown that they too will take a few pages out of the GOP playbook too. In the meantime, when they are not in control…perhaps it would behoove the Democrats to stop bitching about “not being able to get to the polls” and just show the fuck up and vote???? Just throwing that out there. If the Democrats are dependent upon a group of people who are so inept that they don’t want to go to the polls and vote, don’t want to acquire the proper ID to vote, or can’t “risk” coming that close to the authorities…they deserve to lose.

The good news for the party that is out of power is that the arts community is usually at odds with whomever is in control. You start seeing movies, television, installations, demonstrations, murals, music, poetry, and discussions at odds with the status quo. Once that starts, the “soft” supporters of the status quo begin to be coopted from the herd and you have the standard withering of the Congress followed by the supplanting of the Party that occupies the oval. Only in rare instances does the Party in power not experience the cyclical abandonment. This is why the discussion about the “bench” is silly. The GOP supposedly had a “deep bench” for 2016 and not one of them became the nominee. Leaders will emerge if you are the Democrats. If you’re in the GOP, your wagon is hitched to Donald Trump for 8 years (more than likely). Good luck with that.

The Democrats DID show up and vote:

Thousands of those votes weren't counted.

How crosscheck helped Trump.

in Michigan, the Crosscheck purge list eliminated 449,922 voters from the rolls, while Trump claimed victory in that state by just 13,107 votes. In Arizona, the Trump victory margin was 85,257 votes, while a total of 270,824 voters were eliminated by Crosscheck. The Trump victory margin in North Carolina was 177,008, while the Crosscheck purge list accounted for 589,393 voters knocked off the rolls.

Palast notes that “the electoral putsch was aided by nine other methods of attacking the right to vote of Black, Latino and Asian-American voters … including ‘caging,’ ‘purging,’ blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to ‘provisional’ ballots that will never be counted.”

Only allowing people to vote once? It's just so undemocratic
There were two reputed incidents of that and both were Republicans. But the Crosscheck strategy was to go after minorities with the same common names such as James Brown, Jesus Gonzales or Lee Chin. And don't over look the‘caging,’ ‘purging,’ blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to ‘provisional’ ballots that will never be counted.”
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...

Well, yes. When you close hundreds of polling places that is what you’re doing; lowering the turnout.

That happened 6 weeks ago. And, as they say, that is a lifetime in Politics. So what do you do? Sit around and bitch about it for at least 4 and probably 8 years? Or do you do something about it? I say do something about it.

You can either move the mountain or you can go to the mountain yourself. We know that the GOP will use every dirty trick in the book to achieve their goals. And while they are in control, the Democrats have shown that they too will take a few pages out of the GOP playbook too. In the meantime, when they are not in control…perhaps it would behoove the Democrats to stop bitching about “not being able to get to the polls” and just show the fuck up and vote???? Just throwing that out there. If the Democrats are dependent upon a group of people who are so inept that they don’t want to go to the polls and vote, don’t want to acquire the proper ID to vote, or can’t “risk” coming that close to the authorities…they deserve to lose.

The good news for the party that is out of power is that the arts community is usually at odds with whomever is in control. You start seeing movies, television, installations, demonstrations, murals, music, poetry, and discussions at odds with the status quo. Once that starts, the “soft” supporters of the status quo begin to be coopted from the herd and you have the standard withering of the Congress followed by the supplanting of the Party that occupies the oval. Only in rare instances does the Party in power not experience the cyclical abandonment. This is why the discussion about the “bench” is silly. The GOP supposedly had a “deep bench” for 2016 and not one of them became the nominee. Leaders will emerge if you are the Democrats. If you’re in the GOP, your wagon is hitched to Donald Trump for 8 years (more than likely). Good luck with that.

The Democrats DID show up and vote:

Thousands of those votes weren't counted.

How crosscheck helped Trump.

in Michigan, the Crosscheck purge list eliminated 449,922 voters from the rolls, while Trump claimed victory in that state by just 13,107 votes. In Arizona, the Trump victory margin was 85,257 votes, while a total of 270,824 voters were eliminated by Crosscheck. The Trump victory margin in North Carolina was 177,008, while the Crosscheck purge list accounted for 589,393 voters knocked off the rolls.

Palast notes that “the electoral putsch was aided by nine other methods of attacking the right to vote of Black, Latino and Asian-American voters … including ‘caging,’ ‘purging,’ blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to ‘provisional’ ballots that will never be counted.”

Well, I’d tell you what I tell everyone who thinks there was malfeasance. If you have a case, airing it here does nothing. Take it to federal court.
Airing it here and anywhere else I can will inevitably garner support to do just that. You can bet yo' sweet arse on that!
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...

Well, yes. When you close hundreds of polling places that is what you’re doing; lowering the turnout.

That happened 6 weeks ago. And, as they say, that is a lifetime in Politics. So what do you do? Sit around and bitch about it for at least 4 and probably 8 years? Or do you do something about it? I say do something about it.

You can either move the mountain or you can go to the mountain yourself. We know that the GOP will use every dirty trick in the book to achieve their goals. And while they are in control, the Democrats have shown that they too will take a few pages out of the GOP playbook too. In the meantime, when they are not in control…perhaps it would behoove the Democrats to stop bitching about “not being able to get to the polls” and just show the fuck up and vote???? Just throwing that out there. If the Democrats are dependent upon a group of people who are so inept that they don’t want to go to the polls and vote, don’t want to acquire the proper ID to vote, or can’t “risk” coming that close to the authorities…they deserve to lose.

The good news for the party that is out of power is that the arts community is usually at odds with whomever is in control. You start seeing movies, television, installations, demonstrations, murals, music, poetry, and discussions at odds with the status quo. Once that starts, the “soft” supporters of the status quo begin to be coopted from the herd and you have the standard withering of the Congress followed by the supplanting of the Party that occupies the oval. Only in rare instances does the Party in power not experience the cyclical abandonment. This is why the discussion about the “bench” is silly. The GOP supposedly had a “deep bench” for 2016 and not one of them became the nominee. Leaders will emerge if you are the Democrats. If you’re in the GOP, your wagon is hitched to Donald Trump for 8 years (more than likely). Good luck with that.

The Democrats DID show up and vote:

Thousands of those votes weren't counted.

How crosscheck helped Trump.

in Michigan, the Crosscheck purge list eliminated 449,922 voters from the rolls, while Trump claimed victory in that state by just 13,107 votes. In Arizona, the Trump victory margin was 85,257 votes, while a total of 270,824 voters were eliminated by Crosscheck. The Trump victory margin in North Carolina was 177,008, while the Crosscheck purge list accounted for 589,393 voters knocked off the rolls.

Palast notes that “the electoral putsch was aided by nine other methods of attacking the right to vote of Black, Latino and Asian-American voters … including ‘caging,’ ‘purging,’ blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to ‘provisional’ ballots that will never be counted.”

Only allowing people to vote once? It's just so undemocratic
There were two reputed incidents of that and both were Republicans. But the Crosscheck strategy was to go after minorities with the same common names such as James Brown, Jesus Gonzales or Lee Chin. And don't over look the‘caging,’ ‘purging,’ blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to ‘provisional’ ballots that will never be counted.”

Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...

Well, yes. When you close hundreds of polling places that is what you’re doing; lowering the turnout.

That happened 6 weeks ago. And, as they say, that is a lifetime in Politics. So what do you do? Sit around and bitch about it for at least 4 and probably 8 years? Or do you do something about it? I say do something about it.

You can either move the mountain or you can go to the mountain yourself. We know that the GOP will use every dirty trick in the book to achieve their goals. And while they are in control, the Democrats have shown that they too will take a few pages out of the GOP playbook too. In the meantime, when they are not in control…perhaps it would behoove the Democrats to stop bitching about “not being able to get to the polls” and just show the fuck up and vote???? Just throwing that out there. If the Democrats are dependent upon a group of people who are so inept that they don’t want to go to the polls and vote, don’t want to acquire the proper ID to vote, or can’t “risk” coming that close to the authorities…they deserve to lose.

The good news for the party that is out of power is that the arts community is usually at odds with whomever is in control. You start seeing movies, television, installations, demonstrations, murals, music, poetry, and discussions at odds with the status quo. Once that starts, the “soft” supporters of the status quo begin to be coopted from the herd and you have the standard withering of the Congress followed by the supplanting of the Party that occupies the oval. Only in rare instances does the Party in power not experience the cyclical abandonment. This is why the discussion about the “bench” is silly. The GOP supposedly had a “deep bench” for 2016 and not one of them became the nominee. Leaders will emerge if you are the Democrats. If you’re in the GOP, your wagon is hitched to Donald Trump for 8 years (more than likely). Good luck with that.

The Democrats DID show up and vote:

Thousands of those votes weren't counted.

How crosscheck helped Trump.

in Michigan, the Crosscheck purge list eliminated 449,922 voters from the rolls, while Trump claimed victory in that state by just 13,107 votes. In Arizona, the Trump victory margin was 85,257 votes, while a total of 270,824 voters were eliminated by Crosscheck. The Trump victory margin in North Carolina was 177,008, while the Crosscheck purge list accounted for 589,393 voters knocked off the rolls.

Palast notes that “the electoral putsch was aided by nine other methods of attacking the right to vote of Black, Latino and Asian-American voters … including ‘caging,’ ‘purging,’ blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to ‘provisional’ ballots that will never be counted.”

Well, I’d tell you what I tell everyone who thinks there was malfeasance. If you have a case, airing it here does nothing. Take it to federal court.
Airing it here and anywhere else I can will inevitably garner support to do just that. You can bet yo' sweet arse on that!

I'm for you doing it. The more idiotic and butt hurt you sound, the less anyone listens to you
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...
He won't go anywhere near that for several reasons:

1. States handle their own voting procedures, not the federal government.
2. If we really dug into the entire voting situation, we would find a lot of things embarrassing to democrats. He wouldn't want that.

Ah, but when states violate the civil rights or constitutional rights of American citizens who live in said state, the Feds have a duty to step in and investigate. Voter suppression is a criminal act even if the state does it.

I would welcome a "digging" into the the voting situation and so should every living American out there. If we allow this type of thing to go unchecked it will only get worse.
Maintaining confidence in the system is integral to our way of life and is, in fact, the cornerstone of our Democratic Republic. There is no reason to have a general election at all if it can be subverted by trickery and voter suppression.
Then the federal government needs to show sufficient cause to conduct audits of the voting practices in each state and precinct, but Obama won't go near that because doing so would uncover a lot of democrat corruption. The people would welcome transparency, those in power, not so much.
I don't see how any government entity can ignore several hundred thousands of signatures on a demand letter.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...

Well, yes. When you close hundreds of polling places that is what you’re doing; lowering the turnout.

That happened 6 weeks ago. And, as they say, that is a lifetime in Politics. So what do you do? Sit around and bitch about it for at least 4 and probably 8 years? Or do you do something about it? I say do something about it.

You can either move the mountain or you can go to the mountain yourself. We know that the GOP will use every dirty trick in the book to achieve their goals. And while they are in control, the Democrats have shown that they too will take a few pages out of the GOP playbook too. In the meantime, when they are not in control…perhaps it would behoove the Democrats to stop bitching about “not being able to get to the polls” and just show the fuck up and vote???? Just throwing that out there. If the Democrats are dependent upon a group of people who are so inept that they don’t want to go to the polls and vote, don’t want to acquire the proper ID to vote, or can’t “risk” coming that close to the authorities…they deserve to lose.

The good news for the party that is out of power is that the arts community is usually at odds with whomever is in control. You start seeing movies, television, installations, demonstrations, murals, music, poetry, and discussions at odds with the status quo. Once that starts, the “soft” supporters of the status quo begin to be coopted from the herd and you have the standard withering of the Congress followed by the supplanting of the Party that occupies the oval. Only in rare instances does the Party in power not experience the cyclical abandonment. This is why the discussion about the “bench” is silly. The GOP supposedly had a “deep bench” for 2016 and not one of them became the nominee. Leaders will emerge if you are the Democrats. If you’re in the GOP, your wagon is hitched to Donald Trump for 8 years (more than likely). Good luck with that.

The Democrats DID show up and vote:

Thousands of those votes weren't counted.

How crosscheck helped Trump.

in Michigan, the Crosscheck purge list eliminated 449,922 voters from the rolls, while Trump claimed victory in that state by just 13,107 votes. In Arizona, the Trump victory margin was 85,257 votes, while a total of 270,824 voters were eliminated by Crosscheck. The Trump victory margin in North Carolina was 177,008, while the Crosscheck purge list accounted for 589,393 voters knocked off the rolls.

Palast notes that “the electoral putsch was aided by nine other methods of attacking the right to vote of Black, Latino and Asian-American voters … including ‘caging,’ ‘purging,’ blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to ‘provisional’ ballots that will never be counted.”

Well, I’d tell you what I tell everyone who thinks there was malfeasance. If you have a case, airing it here does nothing. Take it to federal court.
Airing it here and anywhere else I can will inevitably garner support to do just that. You can bet yo' sweet arse on that!
Sure, let's conduct a very thorough audit on EVERY precinct in EVERY state and EVERY registered vote. That's the fastest way to get democrats to block it.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...
He won't go anywhere near that for several reasons:

1. States handle their own voting procedures, not the federal government.
2. If we really dug into the entire voting situation, we would find a lot of things embarrassing to democrats. He wouldn't want that.

Ah, but when states violate the civil rights or constitutional rights of American citizens who live in said state, the Feds have a duty to step in and investigate. Voter suppression is a criminal act even if the state does it.

I would welcome a "digging" into the the voting situation and so should every living American out there. If we allow this type of thing to go unchecked it will only get worse.
Maintaining confidence in the system is integral to our way of life and is, in fact, the cornerstone of our Democratic Republic. There is no reason to have a general election at all if it can be subverted by trickery and voter suppression.
Then the federal government needs to show sufficient cause to conduct audits of the voting practices in each state and precinct, but Obama won't go near that because doing so would uncover a lot of democrat corruption. The people would welcome transparency, those in power, not so much.
I don't see how any government entity can ignore several hundred thousands of signatures on a demand letter.
Watch them. A thorough audit would expose enough corruption on all sides to embarrass all of them. They won't go anywhere near it.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...

Well, yes. When you close hundreds of polling places that is what you’re doing; lowering the turnout.

That happened 6 weeks ago. And, as they say, that is a lifetime in Politics. So what do you do? Sit around and bitch about it for at least 4 and probably 8 years? Or do you do something about it? I say do something about it.

You can either move the mountain or you can go to the mountain yourself. We know that the GOP will use every dirty trick in the book to achieve their goals. And while they are in control, the Democrats have shown that they too will take a few pages out of the GOP playbook too. In the meantime, when they are not in control…perhaps it would behoove the Democrats to stop bitching about “not being able to get to the polls” and just show the fuck up and vote???? Just throwing that out there. If the Democrats are dependent upon a group of people who are so inept that they don’t want to go to the polls and vote, don’t want to acquire the proper ID to vote, or can’t “risk” coming that close to the authorities…they deserve to lose.

The good news for the party that is out of power is that the arts community is usually at odds with whomever is in control. You start seeing movies, television, installations, demonstrations, murals, music, poetry, and discussions at odds with the status quo. Once that starts, the “soft” supporters of the status quo begin to be coopted from the herd and you have the standard withering of the Congress followed by the supplanting of the Party that occupies the oval. Only in rare instances does the Party in power not experience the cyclical abandonment. This is why the discussion about the “bench” is silly. The GOP supposedly had a “deep bench” for 2016 and not one of them became the nominee. Leaders will emerge if you are the Democrats. If you’re in the GOP, your wagon is hitched to Donald Trump for 8 years (more than likely). Good luck with that.

The Democrats DID show up and vote:

Thousands of those votes weren't counted.

How crosscheck helped Trump.

in Michigan, the Crosscheck purge list eliminated 449,922 voters from the rolls, while Trump claimed victory in that state by just 13,107 votes. In Arizona, the Trump victory margin was 85,257 votes, while a total of 270,824 voters were eliminated by Crosscheck. The Trump victory margin in North Carolina was 177,008, while the Crosscheck purge list accounted for 589,393 voters knocked off the rolls.

Palast notes that “the electoral putsch was aided by nine other methods of attacking the right to vote of Black, Latino and Asian-American voters … including ‘caging,’ ‘purging,’ blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to ‘provisional’ ballots that will never be counted.”

Well, I’d tell you what I tell everyone who thinks there was malfeasance. If you have a case, airing it here does nothing. Take it to federal court.
Airing it here and anywhere else I can will inevitably garner support to do just that. You can bet yo' sweet arse on that!

I'm for you doing it. The more idiotic and butt hurt you sound, the less anyone listens to you

I don't care if RW thieves listen to me or not. My message is intended for those who voted AGAINST TRUMP.
Last edited:
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.

For this I remove your Hillary quote from my sig line. :)
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...

Well, yes. When you close hundreds of polling places that is what you’re doing; lowering the turnout.

That happened 6 weeks ago. And, as they say, that is a lifetime in Politics. So what do you do? Sit around and bitch about it for at least 4 and probably 8 years? Or do you do something about it? I say do something about it.

You can either move the mountain or you can go to the mountain yourself. We know that the GOP will use every dirty trick in the book to achieve their goals. And while they are in control, the Democrats have shown that they too will take a few pages out of the GOP playbook too. In the meantime, when they are not in control…perhaps it would behoove the Democrats to stop bitching about “not being able to get to the polls” and just show the fuck up and vote???? Just throwing that out there. If the Democrats are dependent upon a group of people who are so inept that they don’t want to go to the polls and vote, don’t want to acquire the proper ID to vote, or can’t “risk” coming that close to the authorities…they deserve to lose.

The good news for the party that is out of power is that the arts community is usually at odds with whomever is in control. You start seeing movies, television, installations, demonstrations, murals, music, poetry, and discussions at odds with the status quo. Once that starts, the “soft” supporters of the status quo begin to be coopted from the herd and you have the standard withering of the Congress followed by the supplanting of the Party that occupies the oval. Only in rare instances does the Party in power not experience the cyclical abandonment. This is why the discussion about the “bench” is silly. The GOP supposedly had a “deep bench” for 2016 and not one of them became the nominee. Leaders will emerge if you are the Democrats. If you’re in the GOP, your wagon is hitched to Donald Trump for 8 years (more than likely). Good luck with that.

The Democrats DID show up and vote:

Thousands of those votes weren't counted.

How crosscheck helped Trump.

in Michigan, the Crosscheck purge list eliminated 449,922 voters from the rolls, while Trump claimed victory in that state by just 13,107 votes. In Arizona, the Trump victory margin was 85,257 votes, while a total of 270,824 voters were eliminated by Crosscheck. The Trump victory margin in North Carolina was 177,008, while the Crosscheck purge list accounted for 589,393 voters knocked off the rolls.

Palast notes that “the electoral putsch was aided by nine other methods of attacking the right to vote of Black, Latino and Asian-American voters … including ‘caging,’ ‘purging,’ blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to ‘provisional’ ballots that will never be counted.”

Only allowing people to vote once? It's just so undemocratic
There were two reputed incidents of that and both were Republicans. But the Crosscheck strategy was to go after minorities with the same common names such as James Brown, Jesus Gonzales or Lee Chin. And don't over look the‘caging,’ ‘purging,’ blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to ‘provisional’ ballots that will never be counted.”

So that doesnt work against whites? John Smith, yadda yadda yadda?
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...

Well, yes. When you close hundreds of polling places that is what you’re doing; lowering the turnout.

That happened 6 weeks ago. And, as they say, that is a lifetime in Politics. So what do you do? Sit around and bitch about it for at least 4 and probably 8 years? Or do you do something about it? I say do something about it.

You can either move the mountain or you can go to the mountain yourself. We know that the GOP will use every dirty trick in the book to achieve their goals. And while they are in control, the Democrats have shown that they too will take a few pages out of the GOP playbook too. In the meantime, when they are not in control…perhaps it would behoove the Democrats to stop bitching about “not being able to get to the polls” and just show the fuck up and vote???? Just throwing that out there. If the Democrats are dependent upon a group of people who are so inept that they don’t want to go to the polls and vote, don’t want to acquire the proper ID to vote, or can’t “risk” coming that close to the authorities…they deserve to lose.

The good news for the party that is out of power is that the arts community is usually at odds with whomever is in control. You start seeing movies, television, installations, demonstrations, murals, music, poetry, and discussions at odds with the status quo. Once that starts, the “soft” supporters of the status quo begin to be coopted from the herd and you have the standard withering of the Congress followed by the supplanting of the Party that occupies the oval. Only in rare instances does the Party in power not experience the cyclical abandonment. This is why the discussion about the “bench” is silly. The GOP supposedly had a “deep bench” for 2016 and not one of them became the nominee. Leaders will emerge if you are the Democrats. If you’re in the GOP, your wagon is hitched to Donald Trump for 8 years (more than likely). Good luck with that.

The Democrats DID show up and vote:

Thousands of those votes weren't counted.

How crosscheck helped Trump.

in Michigan, the Crosscheck purge list eliminated 449,922 voters from the rolls, while Trump claimed victory in that state by just 13,107 votes. In Arizona, the Trump victory margin was 85,257 votes, while a total of 270,824 voters were eliminated by Crosscheck. The Trump victory margin in North Carolina was 177,008, while the Crosscheck purge list accounted for 589,393 voters knocked off the rolls.

Palast notes that “the electoral putsch was aided by nine other methods of attacking the right to vote of Black, Latino and Asian-American voters … including ‘caging,’ ‘purging,’ blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to ‘provisional’ ballots that will never be counted.”

Well, I’d tell you what I tell everyone who thinks there was malfeasance. If you have a case, airing it here does nothing. Take it to federal court.
Airing it here and anywhere else I can will inevitably garner support to do just that. You can bet yo' sweet arse on that!
Sure, let's conduct a very thorough audit on EVERY precinct in EVERY state and EVERY registered vote. That's the fastest way to get democrats to block it.

Every state where a complaint backed by an appropriate number of signatures would suffice. Keep in mind the precedent already set in North Carolina.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...
He won't go anywhere near that for several reasons:

1. States handle their own voting procedures, not the federal government.
2. If we really dug into the entire voting situation, we would find a lot of things embarrassing to democrats. He wouldn't want that.

Ah, but when states violate the civil rights or constitutional rights of American citizens who live in said state, the Feds have a duty to step in and investigate. Voter suppression is a criminal act even if the state does it.

I would welcome a "digging" into the the voting situation and so should every living American out there. If we allow this type of thing to go unchecked it will only get worse.
Maintaining confidence in the system is integral to our way of life and is, in fact, the cornerstone of our Democratic Republic. There is no reason to have a general election at all if it can be subverted by trickery and voter suppression.
Then the federal government needs to show sufficient cause to conduct audits of the voting practices in each state and precinct, but Obama won't go near that because doing so would uncover a lot of democrat corruption. The people would welcome transparency, those in power, not so much.
I don't see how any government entity can ignore several hundred thousands of signatures on a demand letter.
Watch them. A thorough audit would expose enough corruption on all sides to embarrass all of them. They won't go anywhere near it.
Your wishful thinking is noted.
Well, yes. When you close hundreds of polling places that is what you’re doing; lowering the turnout.

That happened 6 weeks ago. And, as they say, that is a lifetime in Politics. So what do you do? Sit around and bitch about it for at least 4 and probably 8 years? Or do you do something about it? I say do something about it.

You can either move the mountain or you can go to the mountain yourself. We know that the GOP will use every dirty trick in the book to achieve their goals. And while they are in control, the Democrats have shown that they too will take a few pages out of the GOP playbook too. In the meantime, when they are not in control…perhaps it would behoove the Democrats to stop bitching about “not being able to get to the polls” and just show the fuck up and vote???? Just throwing that out there. If the Democrats are dependent upon a group of people who are so inept that they don’t want to go to the polls and vote, don’t want to acquire the proper ID to vote, or can’t “risk” coming that close to the authorities…they deserve to lose.

The good news for the party that is out of power is that the arts community is usually at odds with whomever is in control. You start seeing movies, television, installations, demonstrations, murals, music, poetry, and discussions at odds with the status quo. Once that starts, the “soft” supporters of the status quo begin to be coopted from the herd and you have the standard withering of the Congress followed by the supplanting of the Party that occupies the oval. Only in rare instances does the Party in power not experience the cyclical abandonment. This is why the discussion about the “bench” is silly. The GOP supposedly had a “deep bench” for 2016 and not one of them became the nominee. Leaders will emerge if you are the Democrats. If you’re in the GOP, your wagon is hitched to Donald Trump for 8 years (more than likely). Good luck with that.

The Democrats DID show up and vote:

Thousands of those votes weren't counted.

How crosscheck helped Trump.

in Michigan, the Crosscheck purge list eliminated 449,922 voters from the rolls, while Trump claimed victory in that state by just 13,107 votes. In Arizona, the Trump victory margin was 85,257 votes, while a total of 270,824 voters were eliminated by Crosscheck. The Trump victory margin in North Carolina was 177,008, while the Crosscheck purge list accounted for 589,393 voters knocked off the rolls.

Palast notes that “the electoral putsch was aided by nine other methods of attacking the right to vote of Black, Latino and Asian-American voters … including ‘caging,’ ‘purging,’ blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to ‘provisional’ ballots that will never be counted.”

Well, I’d tell you what I tell everyone who thinks there was malfeasance. If you have a case, airing it here does nothing. Take it to federal court.
Airing it here and anywhere else I can will inevitably garner support to do just that. You can bet yo' sweet arse on that!
Sure, let's conduct a very thorough audit on EVERY precinct in EVERY state and EVERY registered vote. That's the fastest way to get democrats to block it.

Every state where a complaint backed by an appropriate number of signatures would suffice. Keep in mind the precedent already set in North Carolina.
The powers that be will get behind only those efforts they are sure will uncover only corruption embarrassing to the opposition. You can try, but you're not going to get the kind of thorough audit that might actually make a difference.
The Democrats DID show up and vote:

Thousands of those votes weren't counted.

How crosscheck helped Trump.

in Michigan, the Crosscheck purge list eliminated 449,922 voters from the rolls, while Trump claimed victory in that state by just 13,107 votes. In Arizona, the Trump victory margin was 85,257 votes, while a total of 270,824 voters were eliminated by Crosscheck. The Trump victory margin in North Carolina was 177,008, while the Crosscheck purge list accounted for 589,393 voters knocked off the rolls.

Palast notes that “the electoral putsch was aided by nine other methods of attacking the right to vote of Black, Latino and Asian-American voters … including ‘caging,’ ‘purging,’ blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to ‘provisional’ ballots that will never be counted.”

Well, I’d tell you what I tell everyone who thinks there was malfeasance. If you have a case, airing it here does nothing. Take it to federal court.
Airing it here and anywhere else I can will inevitably garner support to do just that. You can bet yo' sweet arse on that!
Sure, let's conduct a very thorough audit on EVERY precinct in EVERY state and EVERY registered vote. That's the fastest way to get democrats to block it.

Every state where a complaint backed by an appropriate number of signatures would suffice. Keep in mind the precedent already set in North Carolina.
The powers that be will get behind only those efforts they are sure will uncover only corruption embarrassing to the opposition. You can try, but you're not going to get the kind of thorough audit that might actually make a difference.

I hope you are wrong because, if not, Democracy was murdered on Nov 8 2016 and may never be resurrected.
Well, I’d tell you what I tell everyone who thinks there was malfeasance. If you have a case, airing it here does nothing. Take it to federal court.
Airing it here and anywhere else I can will inevitably garner support to do just that. You can bet yo' sweet arse on that!
Sure, let's conduct a very thorough audit on EVERY precinct in EVERY state and EVERY registered vote. That's the fastest way to get democrats to block it.

Every state where a complaint backed by an appropriate number of signatures would suffice. Keep in mind the precedent already set in North Carolina.
The powers that be will get behind only those efforts they are sure will uncover only corruption embarrassing to the opposition. You can try, but you're not going to get the kind of thorough audit that might actually make a difference.

I hope you are wrong because, if not, Democracy was murdered on Nov 8 2016 and may never be resurrected.
Nov 8? Corruption's been around a lot longer than that. Basically, it's at equilibrium so they kind of balance each other out. Democracy is still alive and well, although not when it comes to things like gay marriage, then the popular vote can go stuff itself.
Airing it here and anywhere else I can will inevitably garner support to do just that. You can bet yo' sweet arse on that!
Sure, let's conduct a very thorough audit on EVERY precinct in EVERY state and EVERY registered vote. That's the fastest way to get democrats to block it.

Every state where a complaint backed by an appropriate number of signatures would suffice. Keep in mind the precedent already set in North Carolina.
The powers that be will get behind only those efforts they are sure will uncover only corruption embarrassing to the opposition. You can try, but you're not going to get the kind of thorough audit that might actually make a difference.

I hope you are wrong because, if not, Democracy was murdered on Nov 8 2016 and may never be resurrected.
Nov 8? Corruption's been around a lot longer than that. Basically, it's at equilibrium so they kind of balance each other out. Democracy is still alive and well, although not when it comes to things like gay marriage, then the popular vote can go stuff itself.
But this year the corruption included interference by a foreign entity in addition to GOP domestic criminal activity. I've never seen it this bad and I have been around for a while.

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