Liberals Need to Accept Election Results

1. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes.
2. Russia helped Trump win.
3. FBI director, James Comey helped Trump win.

1. Hillary won the PV all the votes coming from one state. One state shouldn't decide the election for the entire country.

2. Russia helped Trump win with no evidence of such a claim. Liberals are born liars.

3. Comey's agents exposed our classified information was on the same computer that some pervert used to send disgusting pictures of himself to strange people on the internet. Yeah, voters should not know this before making a decision.
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Hillary got votes in all 50 states. To say it all came from one state is simply not true.

Didn't say it was. Without California, she would have lost the popular vote by a couple million as well. The reality is that you do win a state by the popular vote, and Trump won most of those states.
After Elections are over, there is no further investigating of voter fraud. All who voted illegally are not held accountable. There may be a case or two of prosecution, but just about all who engaged in voter fraud will never be prosecuted. The resources just aren't there to enforce voting laws.

Gee whiz…we have 30+ GOP governors. You’d think that they would enforce the voting laws in their own states.

Once elections are over, they rarely go back and seriously investigate voter fraud.
Why is that?
Most who engage in voter fraud, are never held accountable.
Why is that?
They can't or won't expend the resources investigating thousands of instances of voter fraud. That's just the way it is.

Sooooo here is the story we’re supposed to believe:

The state that have a GOP governors (in this case 30 of them—all of them) have banded together in some sort of bizarre pact to where NONE OF THEM will expend the resources to investigate the fraud that oneway, may, cost them their jobs?

Either that or there isn’t enough fraud to persecute.

You're stuck in that Republican vs. Democrat mode. I'm saying that after elections, voter fraud isn't seriously investigated in Republican or Democrat areas. They won't expend resources investigating the massive voter fraud. Once it's over, it's over. Most who engage in voter fraud are never held accountable. That's why Obama encouraged Illegals to vote. He knew there was very little chance for accountability. your own admission, there are never any how do know there is massive fraud?

Can't have it both ways

If they actually expended resources on investigating all voter fraud, i'm sure it would reveal that it is massive. But when elections are over, they just won't expend the resources to thoroughly investiagate and prosecute.
Gee whiz…we have 30+ GOP governors. You’d think that they would enforce the voting laws in their own states.

Once elections are over, they rarely go back and seriously investigate voter fraud.
Why is that?
Most who engage in voter fraud, are never held accountable.
Why is that?
They can't or won't expend the resources investigating thousands of instances of voter fraud. That's just the way it is.

Sooooo here is the story we’re supposed to believe:

The state that have a GOP governors (in this case 30 of them—all of them) have banded together in some sort of bizarre pact to where NONE OF THEM will expend the resources to investigate the fraud that oneway, may, cost them their jobs?

Either that or there isn’t enough fraud to persecute.

You're stuck in that Republican vs. Democrat mode. I'm saying that after elections, voter fraud isn't seriously investigated in Republican or Democrat areas. They won't expend resources investigating the massive voter fraud. Once it's over, it's over. Most who engage in voter fraud are never held accountable. That's why Obama encouraged Illegals to vote. He knew there was very little chance for accountability. your own admission, there are never any how do know there is massive fraud?

Can't have it both ways

If they actually expended resources on investigating all voter fraud, i'm sure it would reveal that it is massive. But when elections are over, they just won't expend the resources to thoroughly investiagate and prosecute.

Now you’re just spitballing. You have no proof one way or the other. First you say there are “thousands of instances” without a source (reputable or fake) to back it up. Then you say that “most who engage are never held accountable” even though, presumably, they are actually in the building committing the fraud in person; again when asked why, you say nothing. And finally you just use the word “massive” without any sort of credentialing.

The facts of the matter are this: you say there is massive voter fraud benefitting Democrat candidates yet the persons responsible for persecuting such fraud, interdicting such fraud, preventing such fraud and of course publicizing it when it happens—the Republican governors of 30+ states in our United States—supposedly don’t care enough to persecute, interdict, prevent, or highlight.

Sorry but you’re not making much of a case. Probably because there isn’t much of a case to be made.

That being said, I am four square behind you should have to register to vote and show proof as to who you are when you cast a ballot. There is no reason in this day and age for there to be excuses made for you not having the proper ID to vote—with the ONE caveat that the State make it free of charge. Anything else is a poll tax.
1. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes.
2. Russia helped Trump win.
3. FBI director, James Comey helped Trump win.

1. Hillary won the PV all the votes coming from one state. One state shouldn't decide the election for the entire country.

2. Russia helped Trump win with no evidence of such a claim. Liberals are born liars.

3. Comey's agents exposed our classified information was on the same computer that some pervert used to send disgusting pictures of himself to strange people on the internet. Yeah, voters should not know this before making a decision.
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Hillary got votes in all 50 states. To say it all came from one state is simply not true.

Didn't say it was. Without California, she would have lost the popular vote by a couple million as well. The reality is that you do win a state by the popular vote, and Trump won most of those states.

To win the electoral college maybe.
To win the popular vote, you need only get more votes than anyone else; as Ms. Clinton did.
Cold comfort for her I’m sure. That it drives you guys batshit crazy that people see Trump for the small fraction of a man that he is and giggle when they think of of this boob as our president…very pleasing.
I've accepted the election results, but it amuses me when the pseudocons pretend only the liberals are not accepting the facts.

The pseudocons are in their own denial about the popular vote. They have been brainwashed into bleeving all those 2.8 million votes by which Clinton won the popular vote are illegals. :lol:
1. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes.
2. Russia helped Trump win.
3. FBI director, James Comey helped Trump win.

1. Hillary won the PV all the votes coming from one state. One state shouldn't decide the election for the entire country.

2. Russia helped Trump win with no evidence of such a claim. Liberals are born liars.

3. Comey's agents exposed our classified information was on the same computer that some pervert used to send disgusting pictures of himself to strange people on the internet. Yeah, voters should not know this before making a decision.
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Hillary got votes in all 50 states. To say it all came from one state is simply not true.

Didn't say it was. Without California, she would have lost the popular vote by a couple million as well. The reality is that you do win a state by the popular vote, and Trump won most of those states.

To win the electoral college maybe.
To win the popular vote, you need only get more votes than anyone else; as Ms. Clinton did.
Cold comfort for her I’m sure. That it drives you guys batshit crazy that people see Trump for the small fraction of a man that he is and giggle when they think of of this boob as our president…very pleasing.

I have to admit - I hated Donald Trump, but now I am so thankful that he got elected. Just the reaction of progressive snowflakes having epic meltdowns is worth it alone. It's priceless. Absolutely priceless. It has been some of the best comic relief for this nation.

And knowing that no matter who they elect going forward or what they do, we will likely have a Supreme Court for the next 30 - 40 years to protect us from the anti-American marxists is a godsend.

As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.

They won't.

1. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes.
2. Russia helped Trump win.
3. FBI director, James Comey helped Trump win.

So it's going to be a slow drip of torture over the next 4 years, if Comrade Trumpsky isn't impeached first.


For the first time in this nations history, the President elect had to barricade himself inside the Trump tower, and his communications to the outside world has been reduced to a tweeter account.

Hillary got 3 million more votes...from the states she already won. She did get creamed in the battle of the states, and electoral college. She lost states she never should have lost.

Hillary set up a private SERVER, that's a lot more than a new email address from google. And on this unsecured private server (that she claimed was never hacked, nor was classified info sent or received) classified info was sent and received. Little people go to prison for 3 years for a lot less. This was exposed by our own government first a year or so ago. And then was later exposed more by the FBI and Russian HACKERS (so much for never being hacked).

Blaming Russia and the FBI for Hillary loosing is a lot like the villains in scooby doo blaming the scooby and the gang for catching them (and I would've got away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids)...isn't it a little silly of those villains to not take a little bit of responsibility for what they did. Amiright?

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The insane Left's false narratives colliding: Hillary Clinton lost to Adolf Hitler because Russia made America do it. Hello..?
Liberals never get over anything. When they don't get their way, they obstruct and destroy. Even when they get their way, they still obstruct and destroy.
Irony can be pretty we are a year after the blob lost and we still get 2-3 threads a day about non-existent voter fraud.

Did u watch "The Circus" on showtime? They visited the different HQ on Election Day. The Trump camp looked like a funeral early on and the Clinton camp looked famously "cautiously optimistic".

I think a lot of HRC voters or potential HRC voters stayed out of it because her polling margin was so superior. A lot didn't vote for her because they didn't like either candidate...a lot assumed she had it locked up...and some assumed she hadn't earned their support but figured she would win anyway.

Now. As stated by this commentator numerous times, the DNC needs to steer away from the Pelosi brand of liberalism to a more pragmatic brand. At the same time; realize its funding comes from the coasts but victories come from places with more deer leases and duck blinds than wine bars and Starbucks
They didn' 2022 is going to probably be a bloodbath for the DNC in Congress.
Irony can be pretty we are a year after the blob lost and we still get 2-3 threads a day about non-existent voter fraud.
Best up innocent pedestrians and drivers, torch and loot businesses, smash and grab, disrupt diners with BLM mantras….. are these the acts of right wing conservatives? Are you OK with these actions?
Best up innocent pedestrians and drivers, torch and loot businesses, smash and grab, disrupt diners with BLM mantras….. are these the acts of right wing conservatives? Are you OK with these actions?
Best up? I imagine you mean "beat up".

TO answer what I think your question was; no.
I've accepted the election results, but it amuses me when the pseudocons pretend only the liberals are not accepting the facts.

The pseudocons are in their own denial about the popular vote. They have been brainwashed into bleeving all those 2.8 million votes by which Clinton won the popular vote are illegals. :lol:
Especially when, now with the benefit of hindsight, they did the same thing in 2020 and this year itself. With no end in sight.
She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well.

Actually the main reason that Hillary Clinton lost to Obama in 2008 was much more simple.

She ran out of money.

No one in her campaign thought the nomination battle would go beyond Super Tuesday primaries so they didn't bother to even budget beyond then. When Obama managed to stay competitive beyond Super Tuesday the Clinton campaign was almost completely out of money with only some residual funds and a trickle from late donors available. Meanwhile the Obama campaign was well funded with a steady supply from late, small donors.
Actually the main reason that Hillary Clinton lost to Obama in 2008 was much more simple.

She ran out of money.

No one in her campaign thought the nomination battle would go beyond Super Tuesday primaries so they didn't bother to even budget beyond then. When Obama managed to stay competitive beyond Super Tuesday the Clinton campaign was almost completely out of money with only some residual funds and a trickle from late donors available. Meanwhile the Obama campaign was well funded with a steady supply from late, small donors.

Yeah, I read about that in "Game Change" (I think that was the title). However, I think her team didn't understand the proportional awarding of delegates. I recall that the same week where HRC won two states (I think it was Texas and Ohio) by narrow margins, Obama actually ended up with nearly the same number of delegates being awarded that week because he won smaller states by wider margins.

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