Liberals: Shut Up About Trump's "Substance" !

my cat knows more about foreign policy than Trump does. Mr. Trump is a loose cannon.

YOU shut up about Trump having substance.

The Donald is all about attention so he's running for the highest position in the country to make sure he gets some, and that subjects him to everyone's opinion.
Siete thought Obabble had substance. That means he has no cred on the subject of Trump.
You want substance, bitches! I've got substance!

What's more substance than watching TV to make military policy?

Todd asked, “Who do you talk to for military advice right now?”

Trump answered, “Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show, and all of the other shows, and you have the generals, and you have certain people –.”​

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows - Breitbart

Tele-fucking-vision. It's got everything there.

He should also go on the Internet, too.

Thank you! That is hilarious - and true!
Trump is the wrong strong guy.

He will end the American Republic as we know it if elected.
You want substance, bitches! I've got substance!

What's more substance than watching TV to make military policy?

Todd asked, “Who do you talk to for military advice right now?”

Trump answered, “Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show, and all of the other shows, and you have the generals, and you have certain people –.”​

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows - Breitbart

Tele-fucking-vision. It's got everything there.

He should also go on the Internet, too.

Wait. Are you saying that his answer was a bit trite and glib and lacking in substance?

I agree.

But what about Shrillary and Benghazi? IF she is an example of substantive, maybe she should consider watching some televised fiction.

"President Trump" then went on in that interview to say that we should seize the oilfields in Iraq and Syria to pay for veteran's benefit.



So as bad as Obama has been, that made make Benghazi look like a country fair.

Yes. Sure. Asserting the ancient concept of "spoils of war" is pretty outdated. And you and I might shirk from that old philosophy. But I also know this: if one of the damn liberal Democrats had suggested anything along those lines, lots of liberal Democrats here at USMB would be endorsing it.

And Benghazi is a very good micro example of the futility of letting a lib take charge of American foreign policy. It was no country fair. It was deadly indifference and stupidity.

Really ? Benghazi again ?

If we go with trumps plan we are talking 1000 Benghazi s . I don't see how GOP make a a big deal about "4 American lives " when all they want to do is have more Americans killed !

No you abject imbecile. Trump wasn't asserting any plan. He was rhetorically suggesting something that we might have done. And although I don't buy it or agree with it, it does come with plenty of historical precedence.

And the point of Benghazi is that it reflects the indifference of the liberal inept Democrats and their terribly grasp on foreign policy. With failures like Shrillary at the helm, we can anticipate many many more Benghazis, etc.

Or are you one of the blind sheep fools who "thinks" that Obumbler has handled foreign policy well?

Trump won't win. There's not enough morons around to vote him in.
I hope you're right. I think being on this forum makes me think there are more complete morons in the country than there actually are.

It is difficult to even count the large number of mindless libs who post here. And if this place is considered a random sampling of the populace, it would lead to losing faith in the American people. You libs are a truly narrow minded ignorant lot, by and large.

Says the guy with the avatar of the prez dressed as a clown.

That offends you?


Strange that the folks with clown avies of GOP contenders doesn't bother you at all.

What's another word for "petty hypocrite?" Answer: Timmy!

And Obumbler is a clown. A dangerous ass clown. Get over it.
You want substance, bitches! I've got substance!

What's more substance than watching TV to make military policy?

Todd asked, “Who do you talk to for military advice right now?”

Trump answered, “Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show, and all of the other shows, and you have the generals, and you have certain people –.”​

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows - Breitbart

Tele-fucking-vision. It's got everything there.

He should also go on the Internet, too.


"you have the generals, and you have certain people" -- gosh Bruce, thanks for clearing that up. Slow down, I'm taking notes here.... cer .... tain..... peo... ple.. do they have, like, an office somewhere?

This is even better than Sarah Palin's "all of 'em" when asked what she reads....
Trump said it, we all heard it, and the commercials will be there letting him say it again and again and again.
Adolf "Innuendo" Trump's policies consist of "good management" and "we're going to be looking at that"...
Sort of like "strategic patience"and "it's under investigation., "we will bring the perpetrators to justice". "Assad must go". ""Isis er Isil er Daesh" "our hearts go out" "Islam is a religion of peace" "violent extremism is unacceptable"
Trump said it, we all heard it, and the commercials will be there letting him say it again and again and again.

No. He didn't and it was never recorded for that very reason. YOU being a compulsively dishonest hack will continue to repeat your lies. But your left wing main stream media endorsed dishonest efforts will not stand.
Trump said it, we all heard it, and the commercials will be there letting him say it again and again and again.

No. He didn't and it was never recorded for that very reason. YOU being a compulsively dishonest hack will continue to repeat your lies. But your left wing main stream media endorsed dishonest efforts will not stand.

What about "I can see rapists from my house"? Did he say that?

Damn, I just gave SNL another free joke.

said it or not, he damn sure didn't deny it DID HE ?
He agreed with the idea and he said it would happen.

He will double down on the concept and lose the nomination.

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