Liberals Think We're Jerks For Wanting To Control Spending

Republicans don't want to cut spending. They want to shift spending out of social programs and into defense.

Yes, Americans want to cut spending irrelevant to viable governance and provide for spending only where it serves the objective interests of everyone, as reason requires.

Ya see scamp, what you call 'social justice' is what in reality, is known as BRIBERY AND GRAFT. We know such to be such, due to the negative consequences... wherein your 'social justice' has taken the black family and nearly erased it from the US Culture.

And absent the spending which you call 'social justice', the Ideological Left, thus the Democrat Party would not exist.

LOL! But remember back when obama was lamenting the 150 billion dollars a year Bush was spending in deficit, calling that IMMORAL and UNPATRIOTIC. Then once in office he comes out spending 1500 BILLION in deficit... and the NEXT YEAR he spends 1600 BILLION IN DEFICIT and the YEAR AFTER THAT AND THE YEAR AFTER THAT. Until the Republicans took control of the Legislature and managed to cut him down to a 1300 Billion, then 650 Billion... and all of it, EVERY CENT was spent ON SOCIAL INJUSTICE.

SOCIAL JUSTICE, is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. It's that simple, and yet a phrase that must be parsed to fit the ideology of the Callous Conservatives.


No it's not. We KNOW this because the United States was founded upon the DECLARATION THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!

Which means that we; and I am speaking of AMERICANS here... which deals out any reference to the Ideological Left... WE believe that: EVERYONE >IS< RECOGNIZED AS BEING EQUAL. AND THAT EQUALITY RESTS ENTIRELY IN THE RIGHTS THAT EACH INDIVIDUAL RECEIVES FROM THEIR CREATOR.

THAT is the fundamental principle of America.

The Ideological Left rejects the very PREMISE of "The Creator".

Therefore, we can rests assured that "Social Justice" is the means by which a duplicitous evil BRIBES and cajoles the weak into dependency upon THEM, as a means to coerce their POLITICAL ALLEGIANCE.

"Social Justice" is a dam' LIE.

We know THAT because the recognition of the endowment from the Creator PRODUCED TWO CENTURIES OF UNPRECEDENTED FREEDOM AND PROSPERITY.

Where Social Justice has never produced a dam' thing, except poverty and dependency... more poverty and dependency and greater POVERTY AND DEPENDENCY!
OMG - just have to mention, Obama on TV now talking about how one of the most important things to do for the economy is to invest in infrastructure.
Can you believe this?????
This is EXACTLY what he said 6 years ago..and spent $billions that was already supposed to go to infrastructure but was instead deferred to pet programs.

You make an allegation based on your biases...

Which are rooted in irrefutable FACT. We can KNOW this, as such is evidenced by your failure to REFUTE IT... and you failed to refute it, because... it cannot BE refuted.

Now just in case ya forgot what it was, let me repost it for you here, so you can revisit the Idea and FAIL TO REFUTE IT AGAIN!

OMG - just have to mention, Obama on TV now talking about how one of the most important things to do for the economy is to invest in infrastructure.
Can you believe this?????
This is EXACTLY what he said 6 years ago..and spent $billions that was already supposed to go to infrastructure but was instead deferred to pet programs.
OMG - just have to mention, Obama on TV now talking about how one of the most important things to do for the economy is to invest in infrastructure.
Can you believe this?????
This is EXACTLY what he said 6 years ago..and spent $billions that was already supposed to go to infrastructure but was instead deferred to pet programs.

You make an allegation based on your biases...

Which are rooted in irrefutable FACT. We can KNOW this, as such is evidenced by your failure to REFUTE IT... and you failed to refute it, because... it cannot BE refuted.

Now just in case ya forgot what it was, let me repost it for you here, so you can revisit the Idea and FAIL TO REFUTE IT AGAIN!

OMG - just have to mention, Obama on TV now talking about how one of the most important things to do for the economy is to invest in infrastructure.
Can you believe this?????
This is EXACTLY what he said 6 years ago..and spent $billions that was already supposed to go to infrastructure but was instead deferred to pet programs.

Nice signature, "Unbelievable" is quite fitting for Keys. Let's look at some photographs of infrastructure projects which will last for a century, which received Federal Funding:




There are plenty more, the above are in one small region, yet an example of projects which benefited 10's of millions of our citizens all around our nation. "Obama's pet projects", Bull Shit; one more lie by the POS Keys.
SOCIAL JUSTICE, is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities....
... and when they don't the state should force people to provide for those that lack said opportunities.
You support state-enforced involuntary servitude -- its that simple.

How does providing for equal opportunity equate to, "state-enforced involuntary servitude"?
Con replies prove that if they ever get control, they'll destroy SS, Medicare, healthcare, food stamps for children, and aid to the poor. And they'll be putting the elderly, the poor, the sick and children in ovens to clean them off their streets. Rots of ruck with your final solution.
Really? We would do all that? Do you Leftwats try to sound BSC or does it come naturally to you?
BWAH HA HA HA HA! If you said that in court, you'd get convicted of perjury. That pig won't fly.
Why is big spending a problem when all you have to do is push a button and print tons more money?

Oh, you don't have such a button?

Now that's unfair.

Better do some burning and looting to make that inequality crystal clear!
Not tons of money, just two $10 trillion dollar coins. There was a rumor that Obama was going to do it over the GOP threat to shut down the government, which gave them a shit fit. But I bet the cons do it if they ever get the chance.
Republicans don't want to cut spending. They want to shift spending out of social programs and into defense.

Yes, Americans want to cut spending irrelevant to viable governance and provide for spending only where it serves the objective interests of everyone, as reason requires.

Ya see scamp, what you call 'social justice' is what in reality, is known as BRIBERY AND GRAFT. We know such to be such, due to the negative consequences... wherein your 'social justice' has taken the black family and nearly erased it from the US Culture.

And absent the spending which you call 'social justice', the Ideological Left, thus the Democrat Party would not exist.

LOL! But remember back when obama was lamenting the 150 billion dollars a year Bush was spending in deficit, calling that IMMORAL and UNPATRIOTIC. Then once in office he comes out spending 1500 BILLION in deficit... and the NEXT YEAR he spends 1600 BILLION IN DEFICIT and the YEAR AFTER THAT AND THE YEAR AFTER THAT. Until the Republicans took control of the Legislature and managed to cut him down to a 1300 Billion, then 650 Billion... and all of it, EVERY CENT was spent ON SOCIAL INJUSTICE.

SOCIAL JUSTICE, is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. It's that simple, and yet a phrase that must be parsed to fit the ideology of the Callous Conservatives.


No it's not. We KNOW this because the United States was founded upon the DECLARATION THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!

Which means that we; and I am speaking of AMERICANS here... which deals out any reference to the Ideological Left... WE believe that: EVERYONE >IS< RECOGNIZED AS BEING EQUAL. AND THAT EQUALITY RESTS ENTIRELY IN THE RIGHTS THAT EACH INDIVIDUAL RECEIVES FROM THEIR CREATOR.

THAT is the fundamental principle of America.

The Ideological Left rejects the very PREMISE of "The Creator".

Therefore, we can rests assured that "Social Justice" is the means by which a duplicitous evil BRIBES and cajoles the weak into dependency upon THEM, as a means to coerce their POLITICAL ALLEGIANCE.

"Social Justice" is a dam' LIE.

We know THAT because the recognition of the endowment from the Creator PRODUCED TWO CENTURIES OF UNPRECEDENTED FREEDOM AND PROSPERITY.

Where Social Justice has never produced a dam' thing, except poverty and dependency... more poverty and dependency and greater POVERTY AND DEPENDENCY!
Republicans don't want to cut spending. They want to shift spending out of social programs and into defense.

Yes, Americans want to cut spending irrelevant to viable governance and provide for spending only where it serves the objective interests of everyone, as reason requires.

Ya see scamp, what you call 'social justice' is what in reality, is known as BRIBERY AND GRAFT. We know such to be such, due to the negative consequences... wherein your 'social justice' has taken the black family and nearly erased it from the US Culture.

And absent the spending which you call 'social justice', the Ideological Left, thus the Democrat Party would not exist.

LOL! But remember back when obama was lamenting the 150 billion dollars a year Bush was spending in deficit, calling that IMMORAL and UNPATRIOTIC. Then once in office he comes out spending 1500 BILLION in deficit... and the NEXT YEAR he spends 1600 BILLION IN DEFICIT and the YEAR AFTER THAT AND THE YEAR AFTER THAT. Until the Republicans took control of the Legislature and managed to cut him down to a 1300 Billion, then 650 Billion... and all of it, EVERY CENT was spent ON SOCIAL INJUSTICE.

SOCIAL JUSTICE, is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. It's that simple, and yet a phrase that must be parsed to fit the ideology of the Callous Conservatives.


No it's not. We KNOW this because the United States was founded upon the DECLARATION THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!

Which means that we; and I am speaking of AMERICANS here... which deals out any reference to the Ideological Left... WE believe that: EVERYONE >IS< RECOGNIZED AS BEING EQUAL. AND THAT EQUALITY RESTS ENTIRELY IN THE RIGHTS THAT EACH INDIVIDUAL RECEIVES FROM THEIR CREATOR.

THAT is the fundamental principle of America.

The Ideological Left rejects the very PREMISE of "The Creator".

Therefore, we can rests assured that "Social Justice" is the means by which a duplicitous evil BRIBES and cajoles the weak into dependency upon THEM, as a means to coerce their POLITICAL ALLEGIANCE.

"Social Justice" is a dam' LIE.

We know THAT because the recognition of the endowment from the Creator PRODUCED TWO CENTURIES OF UNPRECEDENTED FREEDOM AND PROSPERITY.

Where Social Justice has never produced a dam' thing, except poverty and dependency... more poverty and dependency and greater POVERTY AND DEPENDENCY!
Where Social Justice has never produced a dam' thing, except poverty and dependency... more poverty and dependency and greater POVERTY AND DEPENDENCY!"

You will never be able to tell that lie enough times to make it the truth.
No it's not. We KNOW this because the United States was founded upon the DECLARATION THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!
The left refuses to understand that this refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.

Um, the entire phrase is this: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Do you know the DoI is not law, nor does it have the power of law. Also, the Preamble to the COTUS has no power of law, but it does describe a vision, and a mission statement to those who would protect and defend the Constitution and make Jefferson's vision a reality.
Con replies prove that if they ever get control, they'll destroy SS, Medicare, healthcare, food stamps for children, and aid to the poor. And they'll be putting the elderly, the poor, the sick and children in ovens to clean them off their streets. Rots of ruke with your final solution.
Your reply proves you're a mindless partisan bigot that blindly supports state-enforced involuntary servitude.
Really? That's your defense of con greed and cruelty to Americans? Here's a clue....You aren't going to like your Karma. What goes around comes around. You WILL reap what you sow. Betcha.
Republicans don't want to cut spending. They want to shift spending out of social programs and into defense.

Yes, Americans want to cut spending irrelevant to viable governance and provide for spending only where it serves the objective interests of everyone, as reason requires.

Ya see scamp, what you call 'social justice' is what in reality, is known as BRIBERY AND GRAFT. We know such to be such, due to the negative consequences... wherein your 'social justice' has taken the black family and nearly erased it from the US Culture.

And absent the spending which you call 'social justice', the Ideological Left, thus the Democrat Party would not exist.

LOL! But remember back when obama was lamenting the 150 billion dollars a year Bush was spending in deficit, calling that IMMORAL and UNPATRIOTIC. Then once in office he comes out spending 1500 BILLION in deficit... and the NEXT YEAR he spends 1600 BILLION IN DEFICIT and the YEAR AFTER THAT AND THE YEAR AFTER THAT. Until the Republicans took control of the Legislature and managed to cut him down to a 1300 Billion, then 650 Billion... and all of it, EVERY CENT was spent ON SOCIAL INJUSTICE.

SOCIAL JUSTICE, is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. It's that simple, and yet a phrase that must be parsed to fit the ideology of the Callous Conservatives.


No it's not. We KNOW this because the United States was founded upon the DECLARATION THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!

Which means that we; and I am speaking of AMERICANS here... which deals out any reference to the Ideological Left... WE believe that: EVERYONE >IS< RECOGNIZED AS BEING EQUAL. AND THAT EQUALITY RESTS ENTIRELY IN THE RIGHTS THAT EACH INDIVIDUAL RECEIVES FROM THEIR CREATOR.

THAT is the fundamental principle of America.

The Ideological Left rejects the very PREMISE of "The Creator".

Therefore, we can rests assured that "Social Justice" is the means by which a duplicitous evil BRIBES and cajoles the weak into dependency upon THEM, as a means to coerce their POLITICAL ALLEGIANCE.

"Social Justice" is a dam' LIE.

We know THAT because the recognition of the endowment from the Creator PRODUCED TWO CENTURIES OF UNPRECEDENTED FREEDOM AND PROSPERITY.

Where Social Justice has never produced a dam' thing, except poverty and dependency... more poverty and dependency and greater POVERTY AND DEPENDENCY!
Republicans don't want to cut spending. They want to shift spending out of social programs and into defense.

Yes, Americans want to cut spending irrelevant to viable governance and provide for spending only where it serves the objective interests of everyone, as reason requires.

Ya see scamp, what you call 'social justice' is what in reality, is known as BRIBERY AND GRAFT. We know such to be such, due to the negative consequences... wherein your 'social justice' has taken the black family and nearly erased it from the US Culture.

And absent the spending which you call 'social justice', the Ideological Left, thus the Democrat Party would not exist.

LOL! But remember back when obama was lamenting the 150 billion dollars a year Bush was spending in deficit, calling that IMMORAL and UNPATRIOTIC. Then once in office he comes out spending 1500 BILLION in deficit... and the NEXT YEAR he spends 1600 BILLION IN DEFICIT and the YEAR AFTER THAT AND THE YEAR AFTER THAT. Until the Republicans took control of the Legislature and managed to cut him down to a 1300 Billion, then 650 Billion... and all of it, EVERY CENT was spent ON SOCIAL INJUSTICE.

SOCIAL JUSTICE, is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. It's that simple, and yet a phrase that must be parsed to fit the ideology of the Callous Conservatives.


No it's not. We KNOW this because the United States was founded upon the DECLARATION THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!

Which means that we; and I am speaking of AMERICANS here... which deals out any reference to the Ideological Left... WE believe that: EVERYONE >IS< RECOGNIZED AS BEING EQUAL. AND THAT EQUALITY RESTS ENTIRELY IN THE RIGHTS THAT EACH INDIVIDUAL RECEIVES FROM THEIR CREATOR.

THAT is the fundamental principle of America.

The Ideological Left rejects the very PREMISE of "The Creator".

Therefore, we can rests assured that "Social Justice" is the means by which a duplicitous evil BRIBES and cajoles the weak into dependency upon THEM, as a means to coerce their POLITICAL ALLEGIANCE.

"Social Justice" is a dam' LIE.

We know THAT because the recognition of the endowment from the Creator PRODUCED TWO CENTURIES OF UNPRECEDENTED FREEDOM AND PROSPERITY.

Where Social Justice has never produced a dam' thing, except poverty and dependency... more poverty and dependency and greater POVERTY AND DEPENDENCY!
Where Social Justice has never produced a dam' thing, except poverty and dependency... more poverty and dependency and greater POVERTY AND DEPENDENCY!"

You will never be able to tell that lie enough times to make it the truth.

It's the irrefutable truth.
No it's not. We KNOW this because the United States was founded upon the DECLARATION THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!
The left refuses to understand that this refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.

Um, the entire phrase is this: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Do you know the DoI is not law, nor does it have the power of law. Also, the Preamble to the COTUS has no power of law, but it does describe a vision, and a mission statement to those who would protect and defend the Constitution and make Jefferson's vision a reality.

Yep, and equality of incomes is not part of that vision.
Still haven't found the needed 500 billion eh? Oh well, no one else can either.

The items I listed probably come to more than $500 billion, but I'm not going to produce a spreadsheet with all the math done. I simply don't give a fuck about convincing you that $500 can be taken out of the budget.
Still haven't found the needed 500 billion eh? Oh well, no one else can either.
The items I listed probably come to more than $500 billion, but I'm not going to produce a spreadsheet with all the math done. I simply don't give a fuck about convincing you that $500 can be taken out of the budget.
Then you don't really care, and neither does anyone else who won't do the same, so, shut the fuck up, it's all just talk.
Still haven't found the needed 500 billion eh? Oh well, no one else can either.
The items I listed probably come to more than $500 billion, but I'm not going to produce a spreadsheet with all the math done. I simply don't give a fuck about convincing you that $500 can be taken out of the budget.
Then you don't really care, and neither does anyone else who won't do the same, so, shut the fuck up, it's all just talk.

Right, I don't really care about doing your homework assignment, moron.
Still haven't found the needed 500 billion eh? Oh well, no one else can either.
The items I listed probably come to more than $500 billion, but I'm not going to produce a spreadsheet with all the math done. I simply don't give a fuck about convincing you that $500 can be taken out of the budget.
Then you don't really care, and neither does anyone else who won't do the same, so, shut the fuck up, it's all just talk.

Right, I don't really care about doing your homework assignment, moron.
You don't really care about the Federal Budget, so shut the fuck up about it.
Still haven't found the needed 500 billion eh? Oh well, no one else can either.
The items I listed probably come to more than $500 billion, but I'm not going to produce a spreadsheet with all the math done. I simply don't give a fuck about convincing you that $500 can be taken out of the budget.
Then you don't really care, and neither does anyone else who won't do the same, so, shut the fuck up, it's all just talk.

Right, I don't really care about doing your homework assignment, moron.
You don't really care about the Federal Budget, so shut the fuck up about it.

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