Liberals Think We're Jerks For Wanting To Control Spending

Con replies prove that if they ever get control, they'll destroy SS, Medicare, healthcare, food stamps for children, and aid to the poor. And they'll be putting the elderly, the poor, the sick and children in ovens to clean them off their streets. Rots of ruck with your final solution.
Really? We would do all that? Do you Leftwats try to sound BSC or does it come naturally to you?
BWAH HA HA HA HA! If you said that in court, you'd get convicted of perjury. That pig won't fly.
Translation: You know you have nothing to support your assertion.
Um, the entire phrase is this: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Do you know the DoI is not law, nor does it have the power of law. Also, the Preamble to the COTUS has no power of law, but it does describe a vision, and a mission statement to those who would protect and defend the Constitution and make Jefferson's vision a reality.
Nothing here changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.
Con replies prove that if they ever get control, they'll destroy SS, Medicare, healthcare, food stamps for children, and aid to the poor. And they'll be putting the elderly, the poor, the sick and children in ovens to clean them off their streets. Rots of ruke with your final solution.
Your reply proves you're a mindless partisan bigot that blindly supports state-enforced involuntary servitude.
Yes. In spades.
Um, the entire phrase is this: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Do you know the DoI is not law, nor does it have the power of law. Also, the Preamble to the COTUS has no power of law, but it does describe a vision, and a mission statement to those who would protect and defend the Constitution and make Jefferson's vision a reality.
Nothing here changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.

Our federal Congress is delegated the power to Tax, to pay the Debts, and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States. And, not Only that, we also have a Commerce Clause.
No it's not. We KNOW this because the United States was founded upon the DECLARATION THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!
The left refuses to understand that this refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.

OH friend, I completely agree, but "WE" Americans need to understand that American principle recognizes that we are equal, before God.

No man is more or less entitled to God's gifts than another; with that comes everyone having the same rights and the same responsibilities in sustaining those rights.

That EVERYONE has the same opportunities are anyone else IN TERMS OF EXERCISING THEIR RIGHTS and bearing their responsibilities.

'Equality before the law' reflects that principle as it speaks to one's judgment, both carnal and eternal. The distinctions being that one may escape justice from man's law, but one will not escape God's judgment.

These principles are of God, we did not create them, we merely recognized their existence.

What they Left has to say about that is irrelevant. The Ideological Left serves evil... it is animated by nothing less and as a result it produces nothing more.

FYI: I always enjoy your contributions. You should try to stop by more often. (Love your screen name. The M14 is my all time favorite Firearm, but probably because it was my first.)
OMG - just have to mention, Obama on TV now talking about how one of the most important things to do for the economy is to invest in infrastructure.
Can you believe this?????
This is EXACTLY what he said 6 years ago..and spent $billions that was already supposed to go to infrastructure but was instead deferred to pet programs.

You make an allegation based on your biases...

Which are rooted in irrefutable FACT. We can KNOW this, as such is evidenced by your failure to REFUTE IT... and you failed to refute it, because... it cannot BE refuted.

Now just in case ya forgot what it was, let me repost it for you here, so you can revisit the Idea and FAIL TO REFUTE IT AGAIN!

OMG - just have to mention, Obama on TV now talking about how one of the most important things to do for the economy is to invest in infrastructure.
Can you believe this?????
This is EXACTLY what he said 6 years ago..and spent $billions that was already supposed to go to infrastructure but was instead deferred to pet programs.

Nice signature, "Unbelievable" is quite fitting for Keys. Let's look at some photographs of infrastructure projects which will last for a century, which received Federal Funding:




There are plenty more, the above are in one small region, yet an example of projects which benefited 10's of millions of our citizens all around our nation. "Obama's pet projects", Bull Shit; one more lie by the POS Keys.


Good lord...

Infrastructure is not only NOT social justice, it is not a Leftist idea... jackass. You could pave the US under 15 feet of concrete from border to border with what is spent subsidizing perfectly capable people.

FDR used infrastructure as a means to appear to be our National Father and turn people toward the idea that "The Government is here to take care of you."

Americans are not interested in being taken care of... we're interested in being free and doing what we want to do, with what we have to do it.

And it's just no more complex, than that.
No it's not. We KNOW this because the United States was founded upon the DECLARATION THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!
The left refuses to understand that this refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.

Do you know the DoI is not law...


No kiddin'.? Now how is that relevant to a dam' thing which has been said here?

FTR: The principles declared in the Charter of American Principle, are laws of nature which govern human behavior and they're no less law of nature than the laws governing the physical universe. We cited them as principle, setting those laws and the creator of those laws as the authority for our taking our freedom and forming our own government. And they are the principles on which our law rests... . Which is probably a point that will be beyond your limited intellectual means.

I want you to know that THAT doesn't make you a bad person, just a person who should probably go find a discussion on an issue that you're more capable of understanding.

Perhaps you should try the "FIRE HOT!" thread... or perhaps the "Water is Wet" thread. A lot of your comrades love hanging out in there. Lots if intellectual crayons, sprinkles and glue...
You aren't going to like your Karma. What goes around comes around. You WILL reap what you sow. Betcha.

"Betcha" Indeed.

Karma is the reason that the Ideological Left always departs a culture... IN FLAMES. They are reaping what they have sown.
No it's not. We KNOW this because the United States was founded upon the DECLARATION THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!
The left refuses to understand that this refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.

OH friend, I completely agree, but "WE" Americans need to understand that American principle recognizes that we are equal, before God.

No man is more or less entitled to God's gifts than another; with that comes everyone having the same rights and the same responsibilities in sustaining those rights.

That EVERYONE has the same opportunities are anyone else IN TERMS OF EXERCISING THEIR RIGHTS and bearing their responsibilities.

'Equality before the law' reflects that principle as it speaks to one's judgment, both carnal and eternal. The distinctions being that one may escape justice from man's law, but one will not escape God's judgment.

These principles are of God, we did not create them, we merely recognized their existence.

What they Left has to say about that is irrelevant. The Ideological Left serves evil... it is animated by nothing less and as a result it produces nothing more.

FYI: I always enjoy your contributions. You should try to stop by more often. (Love your screen name. The M14 is my all time favorite Firearm, but probably because it was my first.)
Some on the left may believe that Only the right can be repugnant to a god and commit that form of "treason" to Him. The left is merely less ethical in any given situation.
OMG - just have to mention, Obama on TV now talking about how one of the most important things to do for the economy is to invest in infrastructure.
Can you believe this?????
This is EXACTLY what he said 6 years ago..and spent $billions that was already supposed to go to infrastructure but was instead deferred to pet programs.

You make an allegation based on your biases...

Which are rooted in irrefutable FACT. We can KNOW this, as such is evidenced by your failure to REFUTE IT... and you failed to refute it, because... it cannot BE refuted.

Now just in case ya forgot what it was, let me repost it for you here, so you can revisit the Idea and FAIL TO REFUTE IT AGAIN!

OMG - just have to mention, Obama on TV now talking about how one of the most important things to do for the economy is to invest in infrastructure.
Can you believe this?????
This is EXACTLY what he said 6 years ago..and spent $billions that was already supposed to go to infrastructure but was instead deferred to pet programs.

Nice signature, "Unbelievable" is quite fitting for Keys. Let's look at some photographs of infrastructure projects which will last for a century, which received Federal Funding:




There are plenty more, the above are in one small region, yet an example of projects which benefited 10's of millions of our citizens all around our nation. "Obama's pet projects", Bull Shit; one more lie by the POS Keys.


Good lord...

Infrastructure is not only NOT social justice, it is not a Leftist idea... jackass. You could pave the US under 15 feet of concrete from border to border with what is spent subsidizing perfectly capable people.

FDR used infrastructure as a means to appear to be our National Father and turn people toward the idea that "The Government is here to take care of you."

Americans are not interested in being taken care of... we're interested in being free and doing what we want to do, with what we have to do it.

And it's just no more complex, than that.
OMG - just have to mention, Obama on TV now talking about how one of the most important things to do for the economy is to invest in infrastructure.
Can you believe this?????
This is EXACTLY what he said 6 years ago..and spent $billions that was already supposed to go to infrastructure but was instead deferred to pet programs.

You make an allegation based on your biases...

Which are rooted in irrefutable FACT. We can KNOW this, as such is evidenced by your failure to REFUTE IT... and you failed to refute it, because... it cannot BE refuted.

Now just in case ya forgot what it was, let me repost it for you here, so you can revisit the Idea and FAIL TO REFUTE IT AGAIN!

OMG - just have to mention, Obama on TV now talking about how one of the most important things to do for the economy is to invest in infrastructure.
Can you believe this?????
This is EXACTLY what he said 6 years ago..and spent $billions that was already supposed to go to infrastructure but was instead deferred to pet programs.

Nice signature, "Unbelievable" is quite fitting for Keys. Let's look at some photographs of infrastructure projects which will last for a century, which received Federal Funding:




There are plenty more, the above are in one small region, yet an example of projects which benefited 10's of millions of our citizens all around our nation. "Obama's pet projects", Bull Shit; one more lie by the POS Keys.


Good lord...

Infrastructure is not only NOT social justice, it is not a Leftist idea... jackass. You could pave the US under 15 feet of concrete from border to border with what is spent subsidizing perfectly capable people.

FDR used infrastructure as a means to appear to be our National Father and turn people toward the idea that "The Government is here to take care of you."

Americans are not interested in being taken care of... we're interested in being free and doing what we want to do, with what we have to do it.

And it's just no more complex, than that.

I know I've called you an arrogant asshole but now i need to reconsider. Have you suffered a serious head injury or sniffed glue? Maybe I must simply pity you.
Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

The thing is, the only time you guys want to "cut spending' is when the other party is in the White House.

your Boy Reagan ran up more debt than the Previous 39 Presidents combined buying expensive toys for the military.

Your boy Bush took Surpluses and turned them into Trillion Dollar deficits- plus gave us wars and Recessions.

But the minute the black guy gets in, you are all for "Cutting Spending".

It's funny how Clinton and Obama held the line on spending while Reagan, Bush, and Bush blew up the budget year after year, but it's the "libs" who can't control spending according to cons. What a joke cons are.

Wait...did you just say Obama held the line on spending???


Look it up dipshit. Bush blew up the 2009 budget. That was not Obama's budget. After that, we have seen barely any growth in the budget at all. Reagan nearly doubled it in his eight years. Again, another con with no brain.

Dude, in the grand scheme of htings is doesn't fucking matter what Bush did. What matters is what Obama has done, continues to do, and proposes to do. You can't defend him. Now stop being a fucking moron and save face.

Obama has done exactly what any Republican would have done. He controlled spending which has reduced the deficit substantially to this point. You cons are blinded by your partisanship. It's amazing how you can be so blind.
The thing is, the only time you guys want to "cut spending' is when the other party is in the White House.

your Boy Reagan ran up more debt than the Previous 39 Presidents combined buying expensive toys for the military.

Your boy Bush took Surpluses and turned them into Trillion Dollar deficits- plus gave us wars and Recessions.

But the minute the black guy gets in, you are all for "Cutting Spending".

It's funny how Clinton and Obama held the line on spending while Reagan, Bush, and Bush blew up the budget year after year, but it's the "libs" who can't control spending according to cons. What a joke cons are.

Wait...did you just say Obama held the line on spending???


Look it up dipshit. Bush blew up the 2009 budget. That was not Obama's budget. After that, we have seen barely any growth in the budget at all. Reagan nearly doubled it in his eight years. Again, another con with no brain.

Dude, in the grand scheme of htings is doesn't fucking matter what Bush did. What matters is what Obama has done, continues to do, and proposes to do. You can't defend him. Now stop being a fucking moron and save face.

Obama has done exactly what any Republican would have done. He controlled spending which has reduced the deficit substantially to this point. You cons are blinded by your partisanship. It's amazing how you can be so blind.

Do yourself a favor and tell all of us right wingers what you plan to do to reduce the 18 trillion debt? Save face. I want something specific.
Every time I see this thread I laugh. Imagine, Republicans wanting to control spending. Like they did under Bush no doubt.
The thing is, the only time you guys want to "cut spending' is when the other party is in the White House.

your Boy Reagan ran up more debt than the Previous 39 Presidents combined buying expensive toys for the military.

Your boy Bush took Surpluses and turned them into Trillion Dollar deficits- plus gave us wars and Recessions.

But the minute the black guy gets in, you are all for "Cutting Spending".

It's funny how Clinton and Obama held the line on spending while Reagan, Bush, and Bush blew up the budget year after year, but it's the "libs" who can't control spending according to cons. What a joke cons are.

Wait...did you just say Obama held the line on spending???


Look it up dipshit. Bush blew up the 2009 budget. That was not Obama's budget. After that, we have seen barely any growth in the budget at all. Reagan nearly doubled it in his eight years. Again, another con with no brain.

Dude, in the grand scheme of htings is doesn't fucking matter what Bush did. What matters is what Obama has done, continues to do, and proposes to do. You can't defend him. Now stop being a fucking moron and save face.

Obama has done exactly what any Republican would have done. He controlled spending which has reduced the deficit substantially to this point. You cons are blinded by your partisanship. It's amazing how you can be so blind.

Where did he control spending?
OMG - just have to mention, Obama on TV now talking about how one of the most important things to do for the economy is to invest in infrastructure.
Can you believe this?????
This is EXACTLY what he said 6 years ago..and spent $billions that was already supposed to go to infrastructure but was instead deferred to pet programs.

You make an allegation based on your biases...

Which are rooted in irrefutable FACT. We can KNOW this, as such is evidenced by your failure to REFUTE IT... and you failed to refute it, because... it cannot BE refuted.

Now just in case ya forgot what it was, let me repost it for you here, so you can revisit the Idea and FAIL TO REFUTE IT AGAIN!

OMG - just have to mention, Obama on TV now talking about how one of the most important things to do for the economy is to invest in infrastructure.
Can you believe this?????
This is EXACTLY what he said 6 years ago..and spent $billions that was already supposed to go to infrastructure but was instead deferred to pet programs.

Nice signature, "Unbelievable" is quite fitting for Keys. Let's look at some photographs of infrastructure projects which will last for a century, which received Federal Funding:




There are plenty more, the above are in one small region, yet an example of projects which benefited 10's of millions of our citizens all around our nation. "Obama's pet projects", Bull Shit; one more lie by the POS Keys.


Good lord...

Infrastructure is not only NOT social justice, it is not a Leftist idea... jackass. You could pave the US under 15 feet of concrete from border to border with what is spent subsidizing perfectly capable people.

FDR used infrastructure as a means to appear to be our National Father and turn people toward the idea that "The Government is here to take care of you."

Americans are not interested in being taken care of... we're interested in being free and doing what we want to do, with what we have to do it.

And it's just no more complex, than that.

I know I've called you an arrogant asshole but now i need to reconsider. Have you suffered a serious head injury or sniffed glue? Maybe I must simply pity you.

Does that mean you can't counter his arguments? Sounds like the sack is empty.
OMG - just have to mention, Obama on TV now talking about how one of the most important things to do for the economy is to invest in infrastructure.
Can you believe this?????
This is EXACTLY what he said 6 years ago..and spent $billions that was already supposed to go to infrastructure but was instead deferred to pet programs.

You make an allegation based on your biases...

Which are rooted in irrefutable FACT. We can KNOW this, as such is evidenced by your failure to REFUTE IT... and you failed to refute it, because... it cannot BE refuted.

Now just in case ya forgot what it was, let me repost it for you here, so you can revisit the Idea and FAIL TO REFUTE IT AGAIN!

OMG - just have to mention, Obama on TV now talking about how one of the most important things to do for the economy is to invest in infrastructure.
Can you believe this?????
This is EXACTLY what he said 6 years ago..and spent $billions that was already supposed to go to infrastructure but was instead deferred to pet programs.

Nice signature, "Unbelievable" is quite fitting for Keys. Let's look at some photographs of infrastructure projects which will last for a century, which received Federal Funding:




There are plenty more, the above are in one small region, yet an example of projects which benefited 10's of millions of our citizens all around our nation. "Obama's pet projects", Bull Shit; one more lie by the POS Keys.


Good lord...

Infrastructure is not only NOT social justice, it is not a Leftist idea... jackass. You could pave the US under 15 feet of concrete from border to border with what is spent subsidizing perfectly capable people.

FDR used infrastructure as a means to appear to be our National Father and turn people toward the idea that "The Government is here to take care of you."

Americans are not interested in being taken care of... we're interested in being free and doing what we want to do, with what we have to do it.

And it's just no more complex, than that.

I know I've called you an arrogant asshole but now i need to reconsider. Have you suffered a serious head injury or sniffed glue? Maybe I must simply pity you.

LOL! Isn't it ADORABLE how it can't help but to 'feel' that 'America is about being taken care of by the Government.' That is yet another clue that these people have absolutely NO KInship with America.




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