Liberals Think We're Jerks For Wanting To Control Spending

Every time I see this thread I laugh. Imagine, Republicans wanting to control spending. Like they did under Bush no doubt.

How many balanced budget amendments have been proposed by Democrats, asshat?
Democrats are just trying to save the country from disastrous GOP policies. Name a GOP policy that has been good for the country during the last 40 years. That has helped a majority of Americans. Remember, they used reconciliation three times under Bush. How did that work out?

Quit trying to shift the blame. Tell everyone here the good things the GOP has done.

You guys are so damn dumb you actually think the GOP wants a balanced budget. After what you did to the world under Bush? Get a grip.
Um, the entire phrase is this: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Do you know the DoI is not law, nor does it have the power of law. Also, the Preamble to the COTUS has no power of law, but it does describe a vision, and a mission statement to those who would protect and defend the Constitution and make Jefferson's vision a reality.
Nothing here changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.

Our federal Congress is delegated the power to Tax, to pay the Debts, and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States. And, not Only that, we also have a Commerce Clause.
And nothing in YOUR post changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this {all men are created equal] refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.
You guys really need to try harder.
The purpose of increasing taxes is?
Ah, to pay our bills.

And, what part of this is down a rat hole?
Well lets see. I can see 20% worth of cuts right off the bat...
Food & Agriculture
International Affairs
Energy & Environment
Housing & Community
Unemployment and Labor accounts for another 2%, so up to 22%..

Additional savings can be had through leaning out the Military...Say another 5%...up to 27%...

Social Security, Medicare can be moved off budget and placed in an untouchable lock box....that's another 7 - 8 %...up to 35% savings...

Government can be cut by at least savings.....39% give or take a few basis points.
I believe it should be even simpler than that, with our Commerce Clause. War is a Burden on Commerce, and should require wartime tax rates or be cut from the budget as a known waste of taxpayer monies, simply Because, our elected representatives could not justify a really really serious Tax relationship with the People.

The commerce clause does not require government to cut anything. The biggest burden on commerce is the government, so why doesn't the commerce clause require Congress to cut all the three letter government regulatory agencies?

You are a special kind of moron.

No, it only seems that way to you because you don't have a clue or a Cause, like usual. Government has to regulate Commerce not war.
Um, the entire phrase is this: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Do you know the DoI is not law, nor does it have the power of law. Also, the Preamble to the COTUS has no power of law, but it does describe a vision, and a mission statement to those who would protect and defend the Constitution and make Jefferson's vision a reality.
Nothing here changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.

Our federal Congress is delegated the power to Tax, to pay the Debts, and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States. And, not Only that, we also have a Commerce Clause.
And nothing in YOUR post changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this {all men are created equal] refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.
You guys really need to try harder.

socialism can claim equality due that social concept, not that capital concept. you may recognize it when the right uses it to advocate for "social justice" for the wealthiest, regarding equality in Taxation.
Every time I see this thread I laugh. Imagine, Republicans wanting to control spending. Like they did under Bush no doubt.

How many balanced budget amendments have been proposed by Democrats, asshat?
Democrats are just trying to save the country from disastrous GOP policies. Name a GOP policy that has been good for the country during the last 40 years. That has helped a majority of Americans. Remember, they used reconciliation three times under Bush. How did that work out?

Quit trying to shift the blame. Tell everyone here the good things the GOP has done.

You guys are so damn dumb you actually think the GOP wants a balanced budget. After what you did to the world under Bush? Get a grip.

You missed the point. Democrats have ZERO fiscal restraint. A balanced budget was a product of a Republican Congress and balanced budget amendment proposals come from Republicans. You're distracting from the simple fact that Democrats want to spend more money than we have and Republicans want to balance the budget.
Um, the entire phrase is this: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Do you know the DoI is not law, nor does it have the power of law. Also, the Preamble to the COTUS has no power of law, but it does describe a vision, and a mission statement to those who would protect and defend the Constitution and make Jefferson's vision a reality.
Nothing here changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.

Our federal Congress is delegated the power to Tax, to pay the Debts, and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States. And, not Only that, we also have a Commerce Clause.
And nothing in YOUR post changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this {all men are created equal] refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.
You guys really need to try harder.

socialism can claim equality due that social concept, not that capital concept. you may recognize it when the right uses it to advocate for "social justice" for the wealthiest, regarding equality in Taxation.

Do you know what "equality in taxation" is?
Um, the entire phrase is this: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Do you know the DoI is not law, nor does it have the power of law. Also, the Preamble to the COTUS has no power of law, but it does describe a vision, and a mission statement to those who would protect and defend the Constitution and make Jefferson's vision a reality.
Nothing here changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.

Our federal Congress is delegated the power to Tax, to pay the Debts, and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States. And, not Only that, we also have a Commerce Clause.
And nothing in YOUR post changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this {all men are created equal] refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.
You guys really need to try harder.

socialism can claim equality due that social concept, not that capital concept. you may recognize it when the right uses it to advocate for "social justice" for the wealthiest, regarding equality in Taxation.

Do you know what "equality in taxation" is?
Well, I know it is not "being Taxed what one is Worth, under Any form of Capitalism".
Democrats are just trying to save the country from disastrous GOP policies.
Oh look... an outright lie from a mindless partisan bigot.
Who would have guessed?

The liberal conception of saving the country is spending like there's no tomorrow.

The tea party idiocy is the concept that repairing a leaky roof (note: leaky roof is our nations infrastructure, clarity provided for the concrete thinkers) and preparing for floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes is less important than cutting spending preparing for such certain realities.

When the members of the H. of Rep. vote to cut their salary and benefits, we will know that the growing debt is a serious problem. The best sign of a leader is one who leads, unless and until Boehner and McConnell take the courageous action to keep their members in session until they cut their income and benefits, and begin to solve the real problems facing our country today, we will continue the partisan bull shit which will become angrier and less productive as the months pass.
Nothing here changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.

Our federal Congress is delegated the power to Tax, to pay the Debts, and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States. And, not Only that, we also have a Commerce Clause.
And nothing in YOUR post changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this {all men are created equal] refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.
You guys really need to try harder.

socialism can claim equality due that social concept, not that capital concept. you may recognize it when the right uses it to advocate for "social justice" for the wealthiest, regarding equality in Taxation.

Do you know what "equality in taxation" is?
Well, I know it is not "being Taxed what one is Worth, under Any form of Capitalism".

What is "being taxed what one is worth" supposed to mean, taking everything you own?
Democrats are just trying to save the country from disastrous GOP policies.
Oh look... an outright lie from a mindless partisan bigot.
Who would have guessed?

The liberal conception of saving the country is spending like there's no tomorrow.

The tea party idiocy is the concept that repairing a leaky roof (note: leaky roof is our nations infrastructure, clarity provided for the concrete thinkers) and preparing for floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes is less important than cutting spending preparing for such certain realities.

Only the brain damaged pretend they don't know that the vast bulk of all federal spending goes to provide sustenance for ticks on the ass of society. Infrastructure and emergency spending constitute a minute fraction of the total. We could get more than enough to fund those teo categories solely by getting rid of crop subsidies.

When the members of the H. of Rep. vote to cut their salary and benefits, we will know that the growing debt is a serious problem.

Duh . . . wrong. The country could declare bankruptcy and the politicians would still decline to cut their salaries. In fact, they would probably claim they need to be paid more. You obviously have no understanding of how government actually works. Everything you think you know is a myth.

The best sign of a leader is one who leads, unless and until Boehner and McConnell take the courageous action to keep their members in session until they cut their income and benefits, and begin to solve the real problems facing our country today, we will continue the partisan bull shit which will become angrier and less productive as the months pass.

You're just one vast geyser of horseshit.
Our federal Congress is delegated the power to Tax, to pay the Debts, and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States. And, not Only that, we also have a Commerce Clause.
And nothing in YOUR post changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this {all men are created equal] refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.
You guys really need to try harder.

socialism can claim equality due that social concept, not that capital concept. you may recognize it when the right uses it to advocate for "social justice" for the wealthiest, regarding equality in Taxation.

Do you know what "equality in taxation" is?
Well, I know it is not "being Taxed what one is Worth, under Any form of Capitalism".

What is "being taxed what one is worth" supposed to mean, taking everything you own?
It definitely doesn't mean being taxed Equal, under any form of Capitalism.
And nothing in YOUR post changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this {all men are created equal] refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.
You guys really need to try harder.

socialism can claim equality due that social concept, not that capital concept. you may recognize it when the right uses it to advocate for "social justice" for the wealthiest, regarding equality in Taxation.

Do you know what "equality in taxation" is?
Well, I know it is not "being Taxed what one is Worth, under Any form of Capitalism".

What is "being taxed what one is worth" supposed to mean, taking everything you own?
It definitely doesn't mean being taxed Equal, under any form of Capitalism.

What the fuck do you think it means?
It means, being Taxed according to what one is Worth under Any form of Capitalism and not Equal under Any form of Socialism.
It means, being Taxed according to what one is Worth under Any form of Capitalism and not Equal under Any form of Socialism.

So you should pay a tax based on your net worth? In other words, someone who saves and invests intelligently will pay more taxes than someone who spends all his money on drinking, whoring and gambling?

Under socialism you don't pay taxes since everyone works for the government.
Nothing here changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.

Our federal Congress is delegated the power to Tax, to pay the Debts, and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States. And, not Only that, we also have a Commerce Clause.
And nothing in YOUR post changes the fact that the left refuses to understand that this {all men are created equal] refers to equity in the eyes of the law, not equity is income, living arrangements, health care and internet access.
You guys really need to try harder.

socialism can claim equality due that social concept, not that capital concept. you may recognize it when the right uses it to advocate for "social justice" for the wealthiest, regarding equality in Taxation.

Do you know what "equality in taxation" is?
Well, I know it is not "being Taxed what one is Worth, under Any form of Capitalism".

So you don't know. That wasn't an answer.

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