Libertarian Party ACTUAL position on Immigration. .

Bernie Sanders is a communist. Gary Johnson is a drug addict with a financial interest in creating more drug addicts.

Next to them, even hillary looks good.

Gary Johnson is a mountain climber, triathelete and in presence of great body and mind. Unlike the 2 meglomaniac power whores that America THINKS are their only choices.

Don't think folks understand where TOLERANCE comes in. You can be nauseated by the actions of others and STILL have the principles to support their decisions to use their lives and their bodies as they will. THAT is tolerance. You don't HAVE to practice the same liberty and freedoms that others choose. You just have to be consistent in supporting their right to do so -- if it doesn't harm you..

And if DOES harm you -- you needn't run first to government to FORCE them to quit. You can use other methods like the legal system.
I have listened to Gary Johnson. He has never articulated a single position that I would agree with.

No one should force Johnson to quit using drugs. Addicts don't quit although they do lie about it. China dealt most effectively with addicts. A bullet to the back of the head. Bill the family for the bullet.
I'm not reading an entire book to understand your personal fetishist and unpopular views on government.

Of course you won;'t. Because you don't KNOW anything when you say there is "no difference between Libs and GOP in 2016".. .

Here -- let me force feed (against my principles) an idiot.. From the Wiki...

United States[edit]
Libertarian Party[edit]
In 1972 John Hospers of the Libertarian Party became the first openly gay man to run for president of the United States, as well as the Libertarian party's first presidential candidate.[3]

Do you have any concept of what kind of PRINCIPLES it took for a brand new party to run an openly gay man as their FIRST candidate for President.?? All of money, time, ballot access issues? All of the REJECTION and hate that was generated against us being cranks and nutbags?

Of course you don't. Because leftists like you think that "having someone's back" is giving a speech. Or having a leftist controlled ghettos 50 YEARS after a Civil Rights act. And continuing your division by race, sex, income, or any OTHER you can manipulate for your political success..

I never said there was no difference between Republicans and Libertarians.

But because one guy ran for President on a losing ticket in 1972 is not the embodiment of civil rights.

What have Libertarians won when fighting for the rights of gays to live where they want? Nothing.

What have Libertarians won when fighting for the rights of gays to work where they are qualified? Nowhere

Where have Libertarians fought for the rights of gays to marry who they love? Where? This is recent.

Where is the political guts and clout to fight for transgendered people to use the bathroom they feel most comfortable with? Either you guys are silent or nobody cares because you guys don't have a voice and half of you are Republicans who are just afraid to admit it.

But you want to point to an inconsequential presidential run in 1972 as though that changed the world. And as evidenced by your post somehow you feel Libertarians did enough.

So now you want to resort to weasely parsing and LYING? Here's what you said in post 25.. .

"It's 2016 there is no difference between ineffectual libertarianism and conservatism."
I don't deal with weasels and liars.

Yep, not all conservative are Republicans, I think we can all agree on that. Why is this an issue?

And BECAUSE we had the guts to stick to principles and run an openly gay man as our FIRST presidential candidate in fucking 1972 --- You want to rap us because WE LOST????

And absofuckinglutely nothing came of it. In the meantime, liberals have secured further the rights of gay Americans. Libertarians, nothing. Or, point to something, anything, what have libertarians done other than run for President and lose famously?


Obviously not.

Anyone else want to take a whack at the genuine principles and convictions of America's only Social Liberal and Economic conservative party for the past 40 years?

Happy Joy just made my head explode.. HE is the problem with the sick 2 party system you folks are stuck with right now.

There is no record of achievement, not even employee of the month.

Said by a moron who's probably gonna support to the death a candidate because of her ACHIEVEMENT in simply being a woman? Ain't that right muddle brain? And if she LOSES --- it's a rebuke to all women..

Would the DEMS have run an openly gay man in the 70s ---- on convictions and principles? Would they do so TODAY????

You can prove me wrong at any moment. What have libertarians achieved? Where were they during the civil rights of the 60s and beyond? Gay rights? How about ensuring corporations don't pollute our rivers and streams? Where were you and what did you achieve?
Bernie Sanders is a communist. Gary Johnson is a drug addict with a financial interest in creating more drug addicts.

Next to them, even hillary looks good.

Gary Johnson is a mountain climber, triathelete and in presence of great body and mind. Unlike the 2 meglomaniac power whores that America THINKS are their only choices.

That has zero relevance on governing the country and just sounds desperate on your part. Is this how shallow Libertarians are? I completely underestimated the juvenile attitude. Level with me, I bet you make fun of Democrats and Republicans when they overly praise their own, amiright? You know what liberals and conservatives have on libertarianism? Creating viable coalitions and convincing others.

Don't think folks understand where TOLERANCE comes in. You can be nauseated by the actions of others and STILL have the principles to support their decisions to use their lives and their bodies as they will. THAT is tolerance. You don't HAVE to practice the same liberty and freedoms that others choose. You just have to be consistent in supporting their right to do so -- if it doesn't harm you..

Sounds pretty, has nothing to do with accomplishment.

And if DOES harm you -- you needn't run first to government to FORCE them to quit. You can use other methods like the legal system.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws. Government as in every other country too. There are no libertarian governments. And that is for a very valid reason.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws.


I wonder why the Jews didn't like Hitler?

I wonder why Afro-Americans didn't like the government in the southern states?

I wonder why the Palestinians don't like the Zionists?

I wonder why the liberals didn't like Pinochet?

I wonder why the Russians didn't like Stalin?

I wonder why Cambodians didn't like PolPot?
Last edited:
Lots of confusion about Libertarians being totally "open border" people,. In the IDEAL -- one of us will leap to statements that rightfully concern people. But 2 things stand out..

1) While the Lib Party supports generous immigration policies --- at the SAME time -- we are adamantly AGAINST providing govt incentives that ENCOURAGE mass migration. Like no guarantees of subsidized Health Care, Welfare, Fast track citizenship for minors, Reduced College fees, etc for non-citizens. That's an important point often left out. Since the INCENTIVES to cross the border have astronomically increased since the last "amnesty".

2) Similar to that important missed point is the fact that we respect ALL of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights -- not the parts we like. So in our platform -- when immigration is discussed -- we INCLUDE the appropriate Constitutional duties of the Fed Govt..


3.4 Free Trade and Migration

We support the removal of governmental impediments to free trade. Political freedom and escape from tyranny demand that individuals not be unreasonably constrained by government in the crossing of political boundaries. Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders. However, we support control over the entry into our country of foreign nationals who pose a credible threat to security, health or property

At no time during his 8 years as a border state governor -- did Gary Johnson go out of his way to make illegal immigrants "comfortable and secure" with the funds of his state. No sanctuary doctrines. No attempts to "open the border".

The majority of tactical libertarian thought on amnesty/deportation is not that far from a moderate from either DEM/REP sides.


For those workers already in the United States illegally, we can avoid "amnesty" and still offer a pathway out of the underground economy. Newly legalized workers can be assessed fines and back taxes and serve probation befitting the misdemeanor they've committed. They can be required to take their place at the back of the line should they eventually apply for permanent residency.

In any party -- you will have the purists that only approve of the "end goal ideals".. (especially in the Bernie camp). So you will hear a lot of ideals coming from Libertarians. But the party is prepared to govern as a moderate instrument of change without dogmatically trying to instantly make-over everything in the "ideal". These purists will probably show up angry about this thread.

Do not let "ideals" scare you...

More BETTER Lib Party info as the shit approaches the fan in November. :mm:

Hate tell ya, that's far from ideal. No one should be allowed to immigrate unless they can show they have the resources to support themselves and anyone they bring with them for a minimum of one year. After being here for 9 months their economic viability should be reassessed, if they can't continue to support themselves they should be sent packing. We don't need more leaches on our prosperity.
Bernie Sanders is a communist. Gary Johnson is a drug addict with a financial interest in creating more drug addicts.

Next to them, even hillary looks good.

Gary Johnson is a mountain climber, triathelete and in presence of great body and mind. Unlike the 2 meglomaniac power whores that America THINKS are their only choices.

That has zero relevance on governing the country and just sounds desperate on your part. Is this how shallow Libertarians are? I completely underestimated the juvenile attitude. Level with me, I bet you make fun of Democrats and Republicans when they overly praise their own, amiright? You know what liberals and conservatives have on libertarianism? Creating viable coalitions and convincing others.

Don't think folks understand where TOLERANCE comes in. You can be nauseated by the actions of others and STILL have the principles to support their decisions to use their lives and their bodies as they will. THAT is tolerance. You don't HAVE to practice the same liberty and freedoms that others choose. You just have to be consistent in supporting their right to do so -- if it doesn't harm you..

Sounds pretty, has nothing to do with accomplishment.

And if DOES harm you -- you needn't run first to government to FORCE them to quit. You can use other methods like the legal system.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws. Government as in every other country too. There are no libertarian governments. And that is for a very valid reason.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws.


I wonder why the Jews didn't like Hitler?

I wonder why Afro-American didn't like the government in the southern states?

I wonder why the Palestinians don't like the Zionists?

I wonder why the liberals didn't like Pinochet?

I wonder why the Russians didn't like Stalin?

I wonder why Cambodians didn't like PolPot?

Vs. Somalia where there is no law?

You're cherry picking. Every liberal democracy today uses government as the upholder of the law because there is no other viable alternative.No one is asking you to trust government, it's just that it's the best instrument available in a democracy. Much better than Chevron.
Bernie Sanders is a communist. Gary Johnson is a drug addict with a financial interest in creating more drug addicts.

Next to them, even hillary looks good.

Gary Johnson is a mountain climber, triathelete and in presence of great body and mind. Unlike the 2 meglomaniac power whores that America THINKS are their only choices.

That has zero relevance on governing the country and just sounds desperate on your part. Is this how shallow Libertarians are? I completely underestimated the juvenile attitude. Level with me, I bet you make fun of Democrats and Republicans when they overly praise their own, amiright? You know what liberals and conservatives have on libertarianism? Creating viable coalitions and convincing others.

Don't think folks understand where TOLERANCE comes in. You can be nauseated by the actions of others and STILL have the principles to support their decisions to use their lives and their bodies as they will. THAT is tolerance. You don't HAVE to practice the same liberty and freedoms that others choose. You just have to be consistent in supporting their right to do so -- if it doesn't harm you..

Sounds pretty, has nothing to do with accomplishment.

And if DOES harm you -- you needn't run first to government to FORCE them to quit. You can use other methods like the legal system.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws. Government as in every other country too. There are no libertarian governments. And that is for a very valid reason.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws.


I wonder why the Jews didn't like Hitler?

I wonder why Afro-American didn't like the government in the southern states?

I wonder why the Palestinians don't like the Zionists?

I wonder why the liberals didn't like Pinochet?

I wonder why the Russians didn't like Stalin?

I'm not talking with the nidget anymore. How about reminding him that his belief that the "government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws" is CONTRADICTED by the Declaration of Independence..

Or that "our laws" are bound to the scope of Constitution for good historical reasons?
Bernie Sanders is a communist. Gary Johnson is a drug addict with a financial interest in creating more drug addicts.

Next to them, even hillary looks good.

Gary Johnson is a mountain climber, triathelete and in presence of great body and mind. Unlike the 2 meglomaniac power whores that America THINKS are their only choices.

Don't think folks understand where TOLERANCE comes in. You can be nauseated by the actions of others and STILL have the principles to support their decisions to use their lives and their bodies as they will. THAT is tolerance. You don't HAVE to practice the same liberty and freedoms that others choose. You just have to be consistent in supporting their right to do so -- if it doesn't harm you..

And if DOES harm you -- you needn't run first to government to FORCE them to quit. You can use other methods like the legal system.
I have listened to Gary Johnson. He has never articulated a single position that I would agree with.

No one should force Johnson to quit using drugs. Addicts don't quit although they do lie about it. China dealt most effectively with addicts. A bullet to the back of the head. Bill the family for the bullet.

Great plan. Didn't know we had Stalinists on this board. Who you guys running this year?
Bernie Sanders is a communist. Gary Johnson is a drug addict with a financial interest in creating more drug addicts.

Next to them, even hillary looks good.

Gary Johnson is a mountain climber, triathelete and in presence of great body and mind. Unlike the 2 meglomaniac power whores that America THINKS are their only choices.

That has zero relevance on governing the country and just sounds desperate on your part. Is this how shallow Libertarians are? I completely underestimated the juvenile attitude. Level with me, I bet you make fun of Democrats and Republicans when they overly praise their own, amiright? You know what liberals and conservatives have on libertarianism? Creating viable coalitions and convincing others.

Don't think folks understand where TOLERANCE comes in. You can be nauseated by the actions of others and STILL have the principles to support their decisions to use their lives and their bodies as they will. THAT is tolerance. You don't HAVE to practice the same liberty and freedoms that others choose. You just have to be consistent in supporting their right to do so -- if it doesn't harm you..

Sounds pretty, has nothing to do with accomplishment.

And if DOES harm you -- you needn't run first to government to FORCE them to quit. You can use other methods like the legal system.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws. Government as in every other country too. There are no libertarian governments. And that is for a very valid reason.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws.


I wonder why the Jews didn't like Hitler?

I wonder why Afro-American didn't like the government in the southern states?

I wonder why the Palestinians don't like the Zionists?

I wonder why the liberals didn't like Pinochet?

I wonder why the Russians didn't like Stalin?

I'm not talking with the nidget anymore. How about reminding him that his belief that the "government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws" is CONTRADICTED by the Declaration of Independence..

Or that "our laws" are bound to the scope of Constitution for good historical reasons?

Of course you're done talking to me as you've failed in every sense to demonstrate what libertarianism has done for social justice or much of anything else except for that one time over 40 years ago when a gay guy ran for president and nobody cared.
Lots of confusion about Libertarians being totally "open border" people,. In the IDEAL -- one of us will leap to statements that rightfully concern people. But 2 things stand out..

1) While the Lib Party supports generous immigration policies --- at the SAME time -- we are adamantly AGAINST providing govt incentives that ENCOURAGE mass migration. Like no guarantees of subsidized Health Care, Welfare, Fast track citizenship for minors, Reduced College fees, etc for non-citizens. That's an important point often left out. Since the INCENTIVES to cross the border have astronomically increased since the last "amnesty".

2) Similar to that important missed point is the fact that we respect ALL of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights -- not the parts we like. So in our platform -- when immigration is discussed -- we INCLUDE the appropriate Constitutional duties of the Fed Govt..


3.4 Free Trade and Migration

We support the removal of governmental impediments to free trade. Political freedom and escape from tyranny demand that individuals not be unreasonably constrained by government in the crossing of political boundaries. Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders. However, we support control over the entry into our country of foreign nationals who pose a credible threat to security, health or property

At no time during his 8 years as a border state governor -- did Gary Johnson go out of his way to make illegal immigrants "comfortable and secure" with the funds of his state. No sanctuary doctrines. No attempts to "open the border".

The majority of tactical libertarian thought on amnesty/deportation is not that far from a moderate from either DEM/REP sides.


For those workers already in the United States illegally, we can avoid "amnesty" and still offer a pathway out of the underground economy. Newly legalized workers can be assessed fines and back taxes and serve probation befitting the misdemeanor they've committed. They can be required to take their place at the back of the line should they eventually apply for permanent residency.

In any party -- you will have the purists that only approve of the "end goal ideals".. (especially in the Bernie camp). So you will hear a lot of ideals coming from Libertarians. But the party is prepared to govern as a moderate instrument of change without dogmatically trying to instantly make-over everything in the "ideal". These purists will probably show up angry about this thread.

Do not let "ideals" scare you...

More BETTER Lib Party info as the shit approaches the fan in November. :mm:

Hate tell ya, that's far from ideal. No one should be allowed to immigrate unless they can show they have the resources to support themselves and anyone they bring with them for a minimum of one year. After being here for 9 months their economic viability should be reassessed, if they can't continue to support themselves they should be sent packing. We don't need more leaches on our prosperity.


Should the states RESUME the practice of sterilizing the parasites amongst us?
Really now.. THere's still time to take the smug shots all over the map of issues before the election.

But THIS thread is about Immigration and Border control --- can we reel it back in a bit?
I PROMISE -- I'm gonna do more of this between now and Nov and all y'all your questions and taunts will
eventually have a thread.
Lots of confusion about Libertarians being totally "open border" people,. In the IDEAL -- one of us will leap to statements that rightfully concern people. But 2 things stand out..

1) While the Lib Party supports generous immigration policies --- at the SAME time -- we are adamantly AGAINST providing govt incentives that ENCOURAGE mass migration. Like no guarantees of subsidized Health Care, Welfare, Fast track citizenship for minors, Reduced College fees, etc for non-citizens. That's an important point often left out. Since the INCENTIVES to cross the border have astronomically increased since the last "amnesty".

2) Similar to that important missed point is the fact that we respect ALL of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights -- not the parts we like. So in our platform -- when immigration is discussed -- we INCLUDE the appropriate Constitutional duties of the Fed Govt..


3.4 Free Trade and Migration

We support the removal of governmental impediments to free trade. Political freedom and escape from tyranny demand that individuals not be unreasonably constrained by government in the crossing of political boundaries. Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders. However, we support control over the entry into our country of foreign nationals who pose a credible threat to security, health or property

At no time during his 8 years as a border state governor -- did Gary Johnson go out of his way to make illegal immigrants "comfortable and secure" with the funds of his state. No sanctuary doctrines. No attempts to "open the border".

The majority of tactical libertarian thought on amnesty/deportation is not that far from a moderate from either DEM/REP sides.


For those workers already in the United States illegally, we can avoid "amnesty" and still offer a pathway out of the underground economy. Newly legalized workers can be assessed fines and back taxes and serve probation befitting the misdemeanor they've committed. They can be required to take their place at the back of the line should they eventually apply for permanent residency.

In any party -- you will have the purists that only approve of the "end goal ideals".. (especially in the Bernie camp). So you will hear a lot of ideals coming from Libertarians. But the party is prepared to govern as a moderate instrument of change without dogmatically trying to instantly make-over everything in the "ideal". These purists will probably show up angry about this thread.

Do not let "ideals" scare you...

More BETTER Lib Party info as the shit approaches the fan in November. :mm:

Hate tell ya, that's far from ideal. No one should be allowed to immigrate unless they can show they have the resources to support themselves and anyone they bring with them for a minimum of one year. After being here for 9 months their economic viability should be reassessed, if they can't continue to support themselves they should be sent packing. We don't need more leaches on our prosperity.


Should the states RESUME the practice of sterilizing the parasites amongst us?

^Libertarian civil rights hero.
Really now.. THere's still time to take the smug shots all over the map of issues before the election.

But THIS thread is about Immigration and Border control --- can we reel it back in a bit?
I PROMISE -- I'm gonna do more of this between now and Nov and all y'all your questions and taunts will
eventually have a thread.

More of what exactly?
Bernie Sanders is a communist. Gary Johnson is a drug addict with a financial interest in creating more drug addicts.

Next to them, even hillary looks good.

Gary Johnson is a mountain climber, triathelete and in presence of great body and mind. Unlike the 2 meglomaniac power whores that America THINKS are their only choices.

That has zero relevance on governing the country and just sounds desperate on your part. Is this how shallow Libertarians are? I completely underestimated the juvenile attitude. Level with me, I bet you make fun of Democrats and Republicans when they overly praise their own, amiright? You know what liberals and conservatives have on libertarianism? Creating viable coalitions and convincing others.

Don't think folks understand where TOLERANCE comes in. You can be nauseated by the actions of others and STILL have the principles to support their decisions to use their lives and their bodies as they will. THAT is tolerance. You don't HAVE to practice the same liberty and freedoms that others choose. You just have to be consistent in supporting their right to do so -- if it doesn't harm you..

Sounds pretty, has nothing to do with accomplishment.

And if DOES harm you -- you needn't run first to government to FORCE them to quit. You can use other methods like the legal system.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws. Government as in every other country too. There are no libertarian governments. And that is for a very valid reason.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws.


I wonder why the Jews didn't like Hitler?

I wonder why Afro-American didn't like the government in the southern states?

I wonder why the Palestinians don't like the Zionists?

I wonder why the liberals didn't like Pinochet?

I wonder why the Russians didn't like Stalin?

I'm not talking with the nidget anymore. How about reminding him that his belief that the "government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws" is CONTRADICTED by the Declaration of Independence..

Or that "our laws" are bound to the scope of Constitution for good historical reasons?

Of course you're done talking to me as you've failed in every sense to demonstrate what libertarianism has done for social justice or much of anything else except for that one time over 40 years ago when a gay guy ran for president and nobody cared.

No moron. You didn't thank me for the ONE salient fact you actually learned about Lib Party tonight. I promise you there is a LOT more for you to learn..
Bernie Sanders is a communist. Gary Johnson is a drug addict with a financial interest in creating more drug addicts.

Next to them, even hillary looks good.

Gary Johnson is a mountain climber, triathelete and in presence of great body and mind. Unlike the 2 meglomaniac power whores that America THINKS are their only choices.

That has zero relevance on governing the country and just sounds desperate on your part. Is this how shallow Libertarians are? I completely underestimated the juvenile attitude. Level with me, I bet you make fun of Democrats and Republicans when they overly praise their own, amiright? You know what liberals and conservatives have on libertarianism? Creating viable coalitions and convincing others.

Don't think folks understand where TOLERANCE comes in. You can be nauseated by the actions of others and STILL have the principles to support their decisions to use their lives and their bodies as they will. THAT is tolerance. You don't HAVE to practice the same liberty and freedoms that others choose. You just have to be consistent in supporting their right to do so -- if it doesn't harm you..

Sounds pretty, has nothing to do with accomplishment.

And if DOES harm you -- you needn't run first to government to FORCE them to quit. You can use other methods like the legal system.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws. Government as in every other country too. There are no libertarian governments. And that is for a very valid reason.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws.


I wonder why the Jews didn't like Hitler?

I wonder why Afro-American didn't like the government in the southern states?

I wonder why the Palestinians don't like the Zionists?

I wonder why the liberals didn't like Pinochet?

I wonder why the Russians didn't like Stalin?

I'm not talking with the nidget anymore. How about reminding him that his belief that the "government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws" is CONTRADICTED by the Declaration of Independence..

Or that "our laws" are bound to the scope of Constitution for good historical reasons?

Hopefully now you understand why I used to write in all caps and in red.These motherfuckers are exasperating.
Gary Johnson is a mountain climber, triathelete and in presence of great body and mind. Unlike the 2 meglomaniac power whores that America THINKS are their only choices.

That has zero relevance on governing the country and just sounds desperate on your part. Is this how shallow Libertarians are? I completely underestimated the juvenile attitude. Level with me, I bet you make fun of Democrats and Republicans when they overly praise their own, amiright? You know what liberals and conservatives have on libertarianism? Creating viable coalitions and convincing others.

Don't think folks understand where TOLERANCE comes in. You can be nauseated by the actions of others and STILL have the principles to support their decisions to use their lives and their bodies as they will. THAT is tolerance. You don't HAVE to practice the same liberty and freedoms that others choose. You just have to be consistent in supporting their right to do so -- if it doesn't harm you..

Sounds pretty, has nothing to do with accomplishment.

And if DOES harm you -- you needn't run first to government to FORCE them to quit. You can use other methods like the legal system.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws. Government as in every other country too. There are no libertarian governments. And that is for a very valid reason.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws.


I wonder why the Jews didn't like Hitler?

I wonder why Afro-American didn't like the government in the southern states?

I wonder why the Palestinians don't like the Zionists?

I wonder why the liberals didn't like Pinochet?

I wonder why the Russians didn't like Stalin?

I'm not talking with the nidget anymore. How about reminding him that his belief that the "government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws" is CONTRADICTED by the Declaration of Independence..

Or that "our laws" are bound to the scope of Constitution for good historical reasons?

Of course you're done talking to me as you've failed in every sense to demonstrate what libertarianism has done for social justice or much of anything else except for that one time over 40 years ago when a gay guy ran for president and nobody cared.

No moron. You didn't thank me for the ONE salient fact you actually learned about Lib Party tonight. I promise you there is a LOT more for you to learn..

I should thank you for further proving my point that Libertarians can't even play spoliler in Presidential elections. Couldn't even break 1%. Thanks....
Bernie Sanders is a communist. Gary Johnson is a drug addict with a financial interest in creating more drug addicts.

Next to them, even hillary looks good.

Gary Johnson is a mountain climber, triathelete and in presence of great body and mind. Unlike the 2 meglomaniac power whores that America THINKS are their only choices.

That has zero relevance on governing the country and just sounds desperate on your part. Is this how shallow Libertarians are? I completely underestimated the juvenile attitude. Level with me, I bet you make fun of Democrats and Republicans when they overly praise their own, amiright? You know what liberals and conservatives have on libertarianism? Creating viable coalitions and convincing others.

Don't think folks understand where TOLERANCE comes in. You can be nauseated by the actions of others and STILL have the principles to support their decisions to use their lives and their bodies as they will. THAT is tolerance. You don't HAVE to practice the same liberty and freedoms that others choose. You just have to be consistent in supporting their right to do so -- if it doesn't harm you..

Sounds pretty, has nothing to do with accomplishment.

And if DOES harm you -- you needn't run first to government to FORCE them to quit. You can use other methods like the legal system.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws. Government as in every other country too. There are no libertarian governments. And that is for a very valid reason.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws.


I wonder why the Jews didn't like Hitler?

I wonder why Afro-American didn't like the government in the southern states?

I wonder why the Palestinians don't like the Zionists?

I wonder why the liberals didn't like Pinochet?

I wonder why the Russians didn't like Stalin?

I'm not talking with the nidget anymore. How about reminding him that his belief that the "government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws" is CONTRADICTED by the Declaration of Independence..

Or that "our laws" are bound to the scope of Constitution for good historical reasons?

Of course you're done talking to me as you've failed in every sense to demonstrate what libertarianism has done for social justice or much of anything else except for that one time over 40 years ago when a gay guy ran for president and nobody cared.

That's NOT the topic of this thread is it now? Any questions about Lib Party and borders and immigration?
Bernie Sanders is a communist. Gary Johnson is a drug addict with a financial interest in creating more drug addicts.

Next to them, even hillary looks good.

Gary Johnson is a mountain climber, triathelete and in presence of great body and mind. Unlike the 2 meglomaniac power whores that America THINKS are their only choices.

That has zero relevance on governing the country and just sounds desperate on your part. Is this how shallow Libertarians are? I completely underestimated the juvenile attitude. Level with me, I bet you make fun of Democrats and Republicans when they overly praise their own, amiright? You know what liberals and conservatives have on libertarianism? Creating viable coalitions and convincing others.

Don't think folks understand where TOLERANCE comes in. You can be nauseated by the actions of others and STILL have the principles to support their decisions to use their lives and their bodies as they will. THAT is tolerance. You don't HAVE to practice the same liberty and freedoms that others choose. You just have to be consistent in supporting their right to do so -- if it doesn't harm you..

Sounds pretty, has nothing to do with accomplishment.

And if DOES harm you -- you needn't run first to government to FORCE them to quit. You can use other methods like the legal system.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws. Government as in every other country too. There are no libertarian governments. And that is for a very valid reason.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws.


I wonder why the Jews didn't like Hitler?

I wonder why Afro-American didn't like the government in the southern states?

I wonder why the Palestinians don't like the Zionists?

I wonder why the liberals didn't like Pinochet?

I wonder why the Russians didn't like Stalin?

I wonder why Cambodians didn't like PolPot?

Vs. Somalia where there is no law?

You're cherry picking. Every liberal democracy today uses government as the upholder of the law because there is no other viable alternative.No one is asking you to trust government, it's just that it's the best instrument available in a democracy. Much better than Chevron.

Well you motherfuckers destroyed Somalia - the Somalians didn't elect to have "no laws".

The US of A was a VIABLE ALTERNATIVE until you stupid motherfuckers destroyed CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT .

Bernie Sanders is a communist. Gary Johnson is a drug addict with a financial interest in creating more drug addicts.

Next to them, even hillary looks good.

Gary Johnson is a mountain climber, triathelete and in presence of great body and mind. Unlike the 2 meglomaniac power whores that America THINKS are their only choices.

That has zero relevance on governing the country and just sounds desperate on your part. Is this how shallow Libertarians are? I completely underestimated the juvenile attitude. Level with me, I bet you make fun of Democrats and Republicans when they overly praise their own, amiright? You know what liberals and conservatives have on libertarianism? Creating viable coalitions and convincing others.

Don't think folks understand where TOLERANCE comes in. You can be nauseated by the actions of others and STILL have the principles to support their decisions to use their lives and their bodies as they will. THAT is tolerance. You don't HAVE to practice the same liberty and freedoms that others choose. You just have to be consistent in supporting their right to do so -- if it doesn't harm you..

Sounds pretty, has nothing to do with accomplishment.

And if DOES harm you -- you needn't run first to government to FORCE them to quit. You can use other methods like the legal system.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws. Government as in every other country too. There are no libertarian governments. And that is for a very valid reason.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws.


I wonder why the Jews didn't like Hitler?

I wonder why Afro-American didn't like the government in the southern states?

I wonder why the Palestinians don't like the Zionists?

I wonder why the liberals didn't like Pinochet?

I wonder why the Russians didn't like Stalin?

I wonder why Cambodians didn't like PolPot?

Vs. Somalia where there is no law?

You're cherry picking. Every liberal democracy today uses government as the upholder of the law because there is no other viable alternative.No one is asking you to trust government, it's just that it's the best instrument available in a democracy. Much better than Chevron.

Well you motherfuckers destroyed Somalia - the Somalians didn't elect to have "no laws".

The US of A was a VIABLE ALTERNATIVE until you stupid motherfuckers destroyed CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT .


I see. So according to you the U.S. created a libertarian utopia and it got all fucked up.
That has zero relevance on governing the country and just sounds desperate on your part. Is this how shallow Libertarians are? I completely underestimated the juvenile attitude. Level with me, I bet you make fun of Democrats and Republicans when they overly praise their own, amiright? You know what liberals and conservatives have on libertarianism? Creating viable coalitions and convincing others.

Sounds pretty, has nothing to do with accomplishment.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws. Government as in every other country too. There are no libertarian governments. And that is for a very valid reason.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws.


I wonder why the Jews didn't like Hitler?

I wonder why Afro-American didn't like the government in the southern states?

I wonder why the Palestinians don't like the Zionists?

I wonder why the liberals didn't like Pinochet?

I wonder why the Russians didn't like Stalin?

I'm not talking with the nidget anymore. How about reminding him that his belief that the "government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws" is CONTRADICTED by the Declaration of Independence..

Or that "our laws" are bound to the scope of Constitution for good historical reasons?

Of course you're done talking to me as you've failed in every sense to demonstrate what libertarianism has done for social justice or much of anything else except for that one time over 40 years ago when a gay guy ran for president and nobody cared.

That's NOT the topic of this thread is it now? Any questions about Lib Party and borders and immigration?

You've been going along this far, does this mean you now give up?

No -- threads are supposed to stay on topic. So i wouldn't want any moderators to get pissy and come in here and start warning folks.. Just a friendly request at the moment.
Gary Johnson is a mountain climber, triathelete and in presence of great body and mind. Unlike the 2 meglomaniac power whores that America THINKS are their only choices.

That has zero relevance on governing the country and just sounds desperate on your part. Is this how shallow Libertarians are? I completely underestimated the juvenile attitude. Level with me, I bet you make fun of Democrats and Republicans when they overly praise their own, amiright? You know what liberals and conservatives have on libertarianism? Creating viable coalitions and convincing others.

Don't think folks understand where TOLERANCE comes in. You can be nauseated by the actions of others and STILL have the principles to support their decisions to use their lives and their bodies as they will. THAT is tolerance. You don't HAVE to practice the same liberty and freedoms that others choose. You just have to be consistent in supporting their right to do so -- if it doesn't harm you..

Sounds pretty, has nothing to do with accomplishment.

And if DOES harm you -- you needn't run first to government to FORCE them to quit. You can use other methods like the legal system.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws. Government as in every other country too. There are no libertarian governments. And that is for a very valid reason.

Like it or not, government is the ultimate arbiter of our laws.


I wonder why the Jews didn't like Hitler?

I wonder why Afro-American didn't like the government in the southern states?

I wonder why the Palestinians don't like the Zionists?

I wonder why the liberals didn't like Pinochet?

I wonder why the Russians didn't like Stalin?

I wonder why Cambodians didn't like PolPot?

Vs. Somalia where there is no law?

You're cherry picking. Every liberal democracy today uses government as the upholder of the law because there is no other viable alternative.No one is asking you to trust government, it's just that it's the best instrument available in a democracy. Much better than Chevron.

Well you motherfuckers destroyed Somalia - the Somalians didn't elect to have "no laws".

The US of A was a VIABLE ALTERNATIVE until you stupid motherfuckers destroyed CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT .


I see. So according to you the U.S. created a libertarian utopia and it got all fucked up.

That is correct. The Constitution (1787) was a Libertarian Minarchist document.

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