Libs claim they never acted as if Obama was some kind of messiah to them.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Watch "Barbara Walters: We Thought Obama Was Going To Be Next Messiah" on YouTube

The truth is out in the open now so you can stop pretending you didn't look upon him as such.
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I like how the person who made that clip went out of their way to make sure you know they are a birther. :lol:

"Here's Obama FAIL. Therefore, he was born in Kenya. wocka-wocka-wocka-wocka..."

It's crazy wrapped in crazy with crazy filling!
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Watch "Barbara Walters: We Thought Obama Was Going To Be Next Messiah" on YouTube

The truth is out in the open now so you can stop pretending you didn't look upon him as such.

See this is how some people look like idiots; they take the comments of one or a few people and then assign it to a whole group of people. I'm a Liberal and I never thought that Obama was a "messiah", my wife is a Liberal and is a fan of Obama, she never said that he was a "messiah", numerous friends and associates of mine voted for Obama and guess what; I never heard them refer to him as their "messiah".
Watch "Barbara Walters: We Thought Obama Was Going To Be Next Messiah" on YouTube

The truth is out in the open now so you can stop pretending you didn't look upon him as such.

See this is how some people look like idiots; they take the comments of one or a few people and then assign it to a whole group of people. I'm a Liberal and I never thought that Obama was a "messiah", my wife is a Liberal and is a fan of Obama, she never said that he was a "messiah", numerous friends and associates of mine voted for Obama and guess what; I never heard them refer to him as their "messiah".

You may not have said that exact word, but the "messiah" label was created to describe the response a lot of people had toward Obama.

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc.
Who knew Louie (Disco) Farrakhan was a "rightie"!

The very Disco Louie who, from his bully pulpit, proclaimed the messiahship.
rats are jumping the ship?

but those are leftards. They LIE.
The reason the people who viewed Obama as the Second Coming are so let down is because he has been too far to the right for their tastes.

I know this will make some of the thicker right wing heads explode at the very thought of this, but it is the truth.

Obama is not liberal enough for these people.

He also completely sucks at leadership and getting his way. And thank God for that!

The only thing he has had going for him all this time is that he is opposed by bigger idiots than himself. Which is why the birther logo at the front of the OP video is so profoundly, beautifully poetic.
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Watch "Barbara Walters: We Thought Obama Was Going To Be Next Messiah" on YouTube

The truth is out in the open now so you can stop pretending you didn't look upon him as such.

See this is how some people look like idiots; they take the comments of one or a few people and then assign it to a whole group of people. I'm a Liberal and I never thought that Obama was a "messiah", my wife is a Liberal and is a fan of Obama, she never said that he was a "messiah", numerous friends and associates of mine voted for Obama and guess what; I never heard them refer to him as their "messiah".

You may not have said that exact word, but the "messiah" label was created to describe the response a lot of people had toward Obama.

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc.


The press posts numerous iterations of this image constantly:

Watch "Barbara Walters: We Thought Obama Was Going To Be Next Messiah" on YouTube

The truth is out in the open now so you can stop pretending you didn't look upon him as such.

See this is how some people look like idiots; they take the comments of one or a few people and then assign it to a whole group of people. I'm a Liberal and I never thought that Obama was a "messiah", my wife is a Liberal and is a fan of Obama, she never said that he was a "messiah", numerous friends and associates of mine voted for Obama and guess what; I never heard them refer to him as their "messiah".

You may not have said that exact word, but the "messiah" label was created to describe the response a lot of people had toward Obama.

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc.

A lot of people? That's serious.
Watch "Barbara Walters: We Thought Obama Was Going To Be Next Messiah" on YouTube

The truth is out in the open now so you can stop pretending you didn't look upon him as such.

See this is how some people look like idiots; they take the comments of one or a few people and then assign it to a whole group of people. I'm a Liberal and I never thought that Obama was a "messiah", my wife is a Liberal and is a fan of Obama, she never said that he was a "messiah", numerous friends and associates of mine voted for Obama and guess what; I never heard them refer to him as their "messiah".

You may not have said that exact word, but the "messiah" label was created to describe the response a lot of people had toward Obama.

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc.

A lot of people were excited about Obama for a myriad of reasons, but I still don't think that qualifies as "messianic" reasons. Yes many Black people were very happy to actually have the opportunity to vote for a "Black guy" as President, that makes sense when one looks at the history of Black people in this country. I for one certainly didn't think I would see a Black President until I was in my later years.
I voted for him the first time because I didn't like the McCain/Palin ticket and I didn't like what some of their supporters were saying about Obama along with the racial overtones. I did have the notion that he would be different than the previous Administration foreign policy wise and civil liberties wise, I was WRONG. The second time he ran I voted for Gary Johnson.
Who knew Louie (Disco) Farrakhan was a "rightie"!

The very Disco Louie who, from his bully pulpit, proclaimed the messiahship.

What percentage of Black people and Liberals "follow" Minister Farrakhan?

In don't know their individual skin colours but a safe estimate would be about 93.5% of mainstream journalists. "Molders" of opinion for the lib community?
The reason the people who viewed Obama as the Second Coming are so let down is because he has been too far to the right for their tastes.

I know this will make some of the thicker right wing heads explode at the very thought of this, but it is the truth.

Obama is not liberal enough for these people.

He also completely sucks at leadership and getting his way. And thank God for that!

The only thing he has had going for him all this time is that he is opposed by bigger idiots than himself. Which is why the birther logo at the front of the OP video is so profoundly, beautifully poetic.

Good points. My in-laws (republicans) always look puzzled when I tell them that I don't like his presidency because he's too much like a republican for me. On the first round, I liked Ron Paul for the republicans, the second time around I actually liked Huntsman and probably would have voted for him over Obama............
The reason the people who viewed Obama as the Second Coming are so let down is because he has been too far to the right for their tastes.

I know this will make some of the thicker right wing heads explode at the very thought of this, but it is the truth.

Obama is not liberal enough for these people.

He also completely sucks at leadership and getting his way. And thank God for that!

The only thing he has had going for him all this time is that he is opposed by bigger idiots than himself. Which is why the birther logo at the front of the OP video is so profoundly, beautifully poetic.

Good points. My in-laws (republicans) always look puzzled when I tell them that I don't like his presidency because he's too much like a republican for me. On the first round, I liked Ron Paul for the republicans, the second time around I actually liked Huntsman and probably would have voted for him over Obama............

I liked Huntsman, too. Never much cared for Ron Paul.
The ObaMessiah never a Messiah? The Chicago Jesus never the Chicago Jesus. He Who Walks On Water not able to swim? The Lightwalker suddenly without a flashlight or an incandescent light bulb?

Whatever goes up must come down is apparently as true in politics as it is in physics. But thats why John Podesta is there. Don't believe the horse manure that Podesta is there to help with Obama's Green Agenda, Podesta is there to help with Obama's Executive Action agenda.
The tip of that iceberg was on view yesterday with a court deciding that Obama's attempt to keep the contents of a Foreign Policy Directive secret under the Executive Privilege doctrine couldn't stand up. The consensus is that this was done as a trial balloon to see what Obama could get away with in secret law, by Executive Order. Laws that are secret, violations of which, are only uncovered by the snoops and the sleuths in the NSA. NIce aint it? This Santa Claus', Santa Claus to mostly little black boys and little black girls and a generous assortment of perverts, determination to know who's being naughty and who's being nice to him puts him in an exalted league, inhabited mostly by the likes of Joe Stalin, Mao tse Tung, and Pol Pot. If you haven't suspected this up til now, its time to open your eyes. Be forewarned, the Republic is skating on exquisitely thin ice with Comrade Barack .

Baba Wawa Distraught: ?We Thought [Obama] Was Going To Be The Next Messiah?? | Weasel Zippers

Podesta being Podesta

White House Calls GOP A ?Cult Worthy Of Jonestown?? | Weasel Zippers
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Watch "Barbara Walters: We Thought Obama Was Going To Be Next Messiah" on YouTube

The truth is out in the open now so you can stop pretending you didn't look upon him as such.

See this is how some people look like idiots; they take the comments of one or a few people and then assign it to a whole group of people. I'm a Liberal and I never thought that Obama was a "messiah", my wife is a Liberal and is a fan of Obama, she never said that he was a "messiah", numerous friends and associates of mine voted for Obama and guess what; I never heard them refer to him as their "messiah".

You may not have said that exact word, but the "messiah" label was created to describe the response a lot of people had toward Obama.

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc.

You're usually better than this ^^^ g5000. The messiah label was a construct of those who oppose the President.

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