Libs won today, what ecxactly did we win?

What the Libs won was a smackdown of the rightwing extremists

It takes extortion out of their playbook for the forseeable future. It cased a rift in the Republican Party where two factions fight eachother rather than the Dems. It made the President stronger and the TeaTards weaker

That is what was won
LOL you hack piece of antiamerican shit
the TP got stronger and the moderates lost their ass
open your eyes fool! :lol:

The American public has seen the TeaTards for what they are....destructive extremists
In that 20% that constitutes TeaTard America, they have gotten stronger. Ted Cruz is a TeaTard god.
But to the rest of America, they are just bullies who got their nose bloodied
Once again the Conservatives shut down government and once again the American people found out how much they love the American government.

Hopefully this time they see through the cross and flag the tyrants are carrying and vote for people that want to preserve the Democracy. Toss conservatives out of government. Let them stew until they become reasonable fellows again.
I agree.

Wait till 2015 when what you spend on HC is declared as income and your taxed on it. Get ready for your premiums to goup.

Also, wait till those 21 taxes in the ACA hit. I think all those supporters will be singing a different tune.

Wait till everyone logging onto the ACA get a load of their deductables. No joke there.

The only winners in the ACA are those we taxpayers will be forced to subsidize.

You could say that about any taxes you pay. You subsidize the coast guard if you live in Kansas--no where near a coast. You also subsidize the Grand Canyon if you live in Maine; NASA if you live in a log cabin and the NIH if you're in perfect shape.

That this is a new thing--taxes for the collective good of the nation--is factually incorrect.

But please continue with the "it will fail" gambit. It's the latest in the "It won't pass the House", "It won't pass the Senate", "It will be overturned", "We'll vote Obama out in 2012" line of 'reasoning' from the right wing.

After a while, don't you get tired of looking like an idiot?

Idiot is thy name. After all, you believe Obamacare is great.

Your another one who can't see the forrest for the trees.

The only reason I subsidize anything is because I have no say in the matter. I have no wish to pay for anyones anything. If you can't take care of yourself then tough shit. I see no reason for my hardearned money to take care of you.

The only winners will be those we are forced to subsidize. You will of course figure this out in due course. Your an idiot.

You can always leave the country.

Simple as that.

No one forces you to remain.
You could say that about any taxes you pay. You subsidize the coast guard if you live in Kansas--no where near a coast. You also subsidize the Grand Canyon if you live in Maine; NASA if you live in a log cabin and the NIH if you're in perfect shape.

That this is a new thing--taxes for the collective good of the nation--is factually incorrect.

But please continue with the "it will fail" gambit. It's the latest in the "It won't pass the House", "It won't pass the Senate", "It will be overturned", "We'll vote Obama out in 2012" line of 'reasoning' from the right wing.

After a while, don't you get tired of looking like an idiot?

Idiot is thy name. After all, you believe Obamacare is great.

Your another one who can't see the forrest for the trees.

The only reason I subsidize anything is because I have no say in the matter. I have no wish to pay for anyones anything. If you can't take care of yourself then tough shit. I see no reason for my hardearned money to take care of you.

The only winners will be those we are forced to subsidize. You will of course figure this out in due course. Your an idiot.

You can always leave the country.

Simple as that.

No one forces you to remain.

That always seems to be the libs answer...."leave the country".
No, we're going to stay here and fight this....we don't just give in like libs do.
we won a downgrade of US credit rating by China

shortly after obama signed the resolution into law
I agree.

Wait till 2015 when what you spend on HC is declared as income and your taxed on it. Get ready for your premiums to goup.

Also, wait till those 21 taxes in the ACA hit. I think all those supporters will be singing a different tune.

Wait till everyone logging onto the ACA get a load of their deductables. No joke there.

The only winners in the ACA are those we taxpayers will be forced to subsidize.

You could say that about any taxes you pay. You subsidize the coast guard if you live in Kansas--no where near a coast. You also subsidize the Grand Canyon if you live in Maine; NASA if you live in a log cabin and the NIH if you're in perfect shape.

That this is a new thing--taxes for the collective good of the nation--is factually incorrect.

But please continue with the "it will fail" gambit. It's the latest in the "It won't pass the House", "It won't pass the Senate", "It will be overturned", "We'll vote Obama out in 2012" line of 'reasoning' from the right wing.

After a while, don't you get tired of looking like an idiot?

Idiot is thy name. After all, you believe Obamacare is great.

Your another one who can't see the forrest for the trees.

The only reason I subsidize anything is because I have no say in the matter. I have no wish to pay for anyones anything. If you can't take care of yourself then tough shit. I see no reason for my hardearned money to take care of you.

The only winners will be those we are forced to subsidize. You will of course figure this out in due course. Your an idiot.

It would be "You're an idiot".

If you can't take care of yourself then tough shit. All of that "general welfare" stuff out founding fathers believed in was so 1700's...

I doubt anything you have was earned, hard or otherwise.
Idiot is thy name. After all, you believe Obamacare is great.

Your another one who can't see the forrest for the trees.

The only reason I subsidize anything is because I have no say in the matter. I have no wish to pay for anyones anything. If you can't take care of yourself then tough shit. I see no reason for my hardearned money to take care of you.

The only winners will be those we are forced to subsidize. You will of course figure this out in due course. Your an idiot.

You can always leave the country.

Simple as that.

No one forces you to remain.

That always seems to be the libs answer...."leave the country".
No, we're going to stay here and fight this....we don't just give in like libs do.

You caved yesterday--did you miss it?
What did liberals really win?

The can was kicked down the road until January. You won a crippled presidunce and a broken presidential office. The lamest of lame ducks.

This is a broken presidency living out its last few years either holding off Republican attacks or lazily cruising the country on some pointless, endless, fatuous campaign trail. Obama's administration is politically bankrupt.

US debt ceiling crisis ? Barack Obama has won the shutdown. His prize is a lame duck presidency ? Telegraph Blogs

The agreement to raise the debt has alarmed our creditors, mostly China, who has met the agreement to increase the debt by downgrading our credit rating.

Chinese agency downgrades US credit rating - FRANCE 24

Dagong lowered its ratings for US local and foreign currency credit from A to A-, maintaining a negative outlook, the agency said in a statement.

The announcement came after the US Congress passed and President Barack Obama signed a bill that extends the nation's borrowing authority and ends a two-week government shutdown.

"The fundamental situation that the debt growth rate significantly outpaces that of fiscal income and gross domestic product remains unchanged," Dagong said in the statement, adding Washington's solvency was vulnerable as old debts were still repaid through raising new debts.

If democrats won, what they won, was a loss!
That always seems to be the libs answer...."leave the country".
No, we're going to stay here and fight this....we don't just give in like libs do.

You caved yesterday--did you miss it?

so they caved the left got everything it wanted

and the Chinese downgraded our credit anyway


The Chinese didn't downgrade our credit anyway. They downgraded our credit due to the fact that democrats won, until January at least. Then we get to do it all again.

The Chinese downgraded our credit DUE to democrat fiscal irresponsibility.
That always seems to be the libs answer...."leave the country".
No, we're going to stay here and fight this....we don't just give in like libs do.

You caved yesterday--did you miss it?

so they caved the left got everything it wanted

and the Chinese downgraded our credit anyway


And that's a direct result of the Conservative shutdown of the US government.

These shutdowns that you guys engage in..cost real money.

If you are so "fiscally conservative" exactly what is fiscally conservative by costing government so much money over absolutely nothing.
You could say that about any taxes you pay. You subsidize the coast guard if you live in Kansas--no where near a coast. You also subsidize the Grand Canyon if you live in Maine; NASA if you live in a log cabin and the NIH if you're in perfect shape.

That this is a new thing--taxes for the collective good of the nation--is factually incorrect.

But please continue with the "it will fail" gambit. It's the latest in the "It won't pass the House", "It won't pass the Senate", "It will be overturned", "We'll vote Obama out in 2012" line of 'reasoning' from the right wing.

After a while, don't you get tired of looking like an idiot?

Idiot is thy name. After all, you believe Obamacare is great.

Your another one who can't see the forrest for the trees.

The only reason I subsidize anything is because I have no say in the matter. I have no wish to pay for anyones anything. If you can't take care of yourself then tough shit. I see no reason for my hardearned money to take care of you.

The only winners will be those we are forced to subsidize. You will of course figure this out in due course. Your an idiot.

It would be "You're an idiot".

If you can't take care of yourself then tough shit. All of that "general welfare" stuff out founding fathers believed in was so 1700's...

I doubt anything you have was earned, hard or otherwise.

Your still an idiot. The GW clause was to promote, not provide. I'm sure the FF never had any intention for tax money, other peoples money, be used to provide for anyone. Show me anywhere back in the 1700 where tax dollars were used to provide for anyone.

These are the same FF who pitched a bitch when one of them wanted to give French imiegrees $10,000 to help them start a new life in America. The French who helped up earn our independece. You really think the FF wanted tax dollars, other peoples money, used as charity?? There is no charity in the Constitution.

As for me?? I've earned eveything I have. No one ever GAVE me anything nor did I EVER use taxpayers dollars in any way shape or form.

I own my home, cars and don't owe anyone dime one. Can you say the same??
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It highlighted the poison of the extremist viewpoint for one thing. Hopefully voters will keep that in mind when choosing who to vote for: who is interested in solving problems facing our nation and who is interested in circumventing the standards if they didn't get their way in 2010.

The Dems and America won. The nation averted fiscal disaster, ended a silly government shutdown, and now thousands are back on the job and the spin-offs are once again making money; not losing the reported $24B.

The GOP lost big time and that is good going forward. They've become a niche party and this has also highlighted what niche they serve; it's certainly not the middle income Americans and it's certainly not Americans who are not doing so well.

That they caved in Prime Time was the cherry on top of the sundae; the icing on the cake as it were. In political terms, I'm happy that Reid and Obama stood so stedfast as to not give these people a single thing worth celebrating. It's hilarious that anyone who has observed Washington for any amount of time could have predicted this outcome 2 weeks ago but somehow the GOP members of the House couldn't?

What else; oh yeah...on this board it's just like the 2012 election all over again. I'll have fun bringing up those threads from a few days ago although I have a probate matter that will probably take most of my time in reality.

As for this thread...the Dems won; America won. The GOP lost. Big time. Suck on that.


Americans lost and the Rs and Ds won again. This isn't difficult to see. The procedural move in which the senate voted first was nothing more than a backscratch to save face. The R's could have stopped it but they didn't. The old guard in both parties is frightened by a few that actually want the financial house in order. This is quite evident when you see the castigations coming from both parties as they berate and demonize the ones who are actually fighting against such atrocities. America lost.
Idiot is thy name. After all, you believe Obamacare is great.

Your another one who can't see the forrest for the trees.

The only reason I subsidize anything is because I have no say in the matter. I have no wish to pay for anyones anything. If you can't take care of yourself then tough shit. I see no reason for my hardearned money to take care of you.

The only winners will be those we are forced to subsidize. You will of course figure this out in due course. Your an idiot.

It would be "You're an idiot".

If you can't take care of yourself then tough shit. All of that "general welfare" stuff out founding fathers believed in was so 1700's...

I doubt anything you have was earned, hard or otherwise.

Your still an idiot. The GW clause was to promote, not provide. I'm sure the FF never had any intention for tax money, other peoples money, be used to provide for anyone. Show me anywhere back in the 1700 where tax dollars were used to provide for anyone.

These are the same FF who pitched a bitch when one of them wanted to give French imiegrees $10,000 to help them start a new life in America. The French who helped up earn our independece. You really think the FF wanted tax dollars, other peoples money, used as charity?? There is no charity in the Constitution.

As for me?? I've earned eveything I have. No one ever GAVE me anything nor did I EVER use taxpayers dollars in any way shape or form. I own my home, cars and don't owe anyone dime one. Can you say the same??

You or your kids never went to a public school or university?
You have never used police or fire protection?
Never driven on a public road?
Ever take a tax deduction for your kids?
Did you take a tax deduction for your mortgage?
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You caved yesterday--did you miss it?

so they caved the left got everything it wanted

and the Chinese downgraded our credit anyway


The Chinese didn't downgrade our credit anyway. They downgraded our credit due to the fact that democrats won, until January at least. Then we get to do it all again.

The Chinese downgraded our credit DUE to democrat fiscal irresponsibility.


the ink had not even dried on obamas signature

when the they downgraded us

they know a load of crap when they see it
You caved yesterday--did you miss it?

so they caved the left got everything it wanted

and the Chinese downgraded our credit anyway


And that's a direct result of the Conservative shutdown of the US government.

These shutdowns that you guys engage in..cost real money.

If you are so "fiscally conservative" exactly what is fiscally conservative by costing government so much money over absolutely nothing.

that is not what the Chinese said
It would be "You're an idiot".

If you can't take care of yourself then tough shit. All of that "general welfare" stuff out founding fathers believed in was so 1700's...

I doubt anything you have was earned, hard or otherwise.

Your still an idiot. The GW clause was to promote, not provide. I'm sure the FF never had any intention for tax money, other peoples money, be used to provide for anyone. Show me anywhere back in the 1700 where tax dollars were used to provide for anyone. These are the same FF who pitched a bitch when one of them wanted to give French imiegrees $10,000 to help them start a new life in America. The French who helped up earn our independece. You really think the FF wanted tax dollars, other peoples money, used as charity?? There is no charity in the Constitution.

As for me?? I've earned eveything I have. No one ever GAVE me anything nor did I EVER use taxpayers dollars in any way shape or form. I own my home, cars and don't owe anyone dime one. Can you say the same??

You or your kids never went to a public school or university?
You have never used police or fire protection?
Never driven on a public road?
Ever take a tax deduction for your kids?
Did you take a tax deduction for your mortgage?

LMAO Welfare and tax dollars to individually support people are not in the constitution.

Apples and oranges.

Get real.
What did the Libs win: the lack of a distraction from the Epic Fail of ObamaCare.

Now, that mess will receive more press coverage.
You caved yesterday--did you miss it?

so they caved the left got everything it wanted

and the Chinese downgraded our credit anyway


And that's a direct result of the Conservative shutdown of the US government.

These shutdowns that you guys engage in..cost real money.

If you are so "fiscally conservative" exactly what is fiscally conservative by costing government so much money over absolutely nothing.

The fed pump is costing taxpayers 85 billion a month and you're screaming about 25 billion. :lol::lol:
Even with the Republicans folding like a cheap suit, the only thing the Democrats won was a delay.
Kicking this can down the road only can buy so much time. When the Cost of Obama care become apparent to the masses, it will be game over for those involved with its hasty implementation.

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