Libs won today, what ecxactly did we win?

so they caved the left got everything it wanted

and the Chinese downgraded our credit anyway


And that's a direct result of the Conservative shutdown of the US government.

These shutdowns that you guys engage in..cost real money.

If you are so "fiscally conservative" exactly what is fiscally conservative by costing government so much money over absolutely nothing.

The fed pump is costing taxpayers 85 billion a month and you're screaming about 25 billion. :lol::lol:

As I noted in another thread:

The Cost of the GOP (sic) shutdown: $26B
The Cost of the Obama Presidency: $6T (and counting)
The Cost of ObamaCare: Our Liberty
And that's a direct result of the Conservative shutdown of the US government.

These shutdowns that you guys engage in..cost real money.

If you are so "fiscally conservative" exactly what is fiscally conservative by costing government so much money over absolutely nothing.

The fed pump is costing taxpayers 85 billion a month and you're screaming about 25 billion. :lol::lol:

As I noted in another thread:

The Cost of the GOP (sic) shutdown: $26B
The Cost of the Obama Presidency: $6T (and counting)
The Cost of ObamaCare: Our Liberty

Yep. But all of a sudden, let's worry about that penny.
Your still an idiot. The GW clause was to promote, not provide. I'm sure the FF never had any intention for tax money, other peoples money, be used to provide for anyone. Show me anywhere back in the 1700 where tax dollars were used to provide for anyone. These are the same FF who pitched a bitch when one of them wanted to give French imiegrees $10,000 to help them start a new life in America. The French who helped up earn our independece. You really think the FF wanted tax dollars, other peoples money, used as charity?? There is no charity in the Constitution.

As for me?? I've earned eveything I have. No one ever GAVE me anything nor did I EVER use taxpayers dollars in any way shape or form. I own my home, cars and don't owe anyone dime one. Can you say the same??

You or your kids never went to a public school or university?
You have never used police or fire protection?
Never driven on a public road?
Ever take a tax deduction for your kids?
Did you take a tax deduction for your mortgage?

LMAO Welfare and tax dollars to individually support people are not in the constitution.

Apples and oranges.

Get real.

It is not apples and oranges

EVERY American benefits from tax dollars. Yes, even you

Did you take that mortgage tax deduction or not?
Ever attend a public school?
For the 26 billion some of us got a lesson in politics, some did not.
You can always leave the country.

Simple as that.

No one forces you to remain.

That always seems to be the libs answer...."leave the country".
No, we're going to stay here and fight this....we don't just give in like libs do.

You caved yesterday--did you miss it?

If it had been up to me, it wouldn't have happened. In fact I'd dare say most conservatives feel the same way. Many don't like that our so-called leaders gave in on any of it.
That always seems to be the libs answer...."leave the country".
No, we're going to stay here and fight this....we don't just give in like libs do.

You caved yesterday--did you miss it?

If it had been up to me, it wouldn't have happened. In fact I'd dare say most conservatives feel the same way. Many don't like that our so-called leaders gave in on any of it.

So Conservatives support defaulting on our debt

Got it
You caved yesterday--did you miss it?

If it had been up to me, it wouldn't have happened. In fact I'd dare say most conservatives feel the same way. Many don't like that our so-called leaders gave in on any of it.

So Conservatives support defaulting on our debt

Got it

And liberals support raising the debt ceiling every few months. How long can we maintain THAT? Libs couldn't care less about our children and grandchildren haveing to pay this monstrosity off, as long as they get what they want now.
If it had been up to me, it wouldn't have happened. In fact I'd dare say most conservatives feel the same way. Many don't like that our so-called leaders gave in on any of it.

So Conservatives support defaulting on our debt

Got it

And liberals support raising the debt ceiling every few months. How long can we maintain THAT? Libs couldn't care less about our children and grandchildren haveing to pay this monstrosity off, as long as they get what they want now.

If the money has already been spent, then yes, I support raising the debt ceiling

If you buy a new car, the time to negotiate is when you purchase it. Not when your payment comes due
So Conservatives support defaulting on our debt

Got it

And liberals support raising the debt ceiling every few months. How long can we maintain THAT? Libs couldn't care less about our children and grandchildren haveing to pay this monstrosity off, as long as they get what they want now.

If the money has already been spent, then yes, I support raising the debt ceiling

If you buy a new car, the time to negotiate is when you purchase it. Not when your payment comes due

You don't spend money before knowing HOW you're going to pay it back! No more new spending until you start paying down the previous debts....but that's the smart way and we could never say our government (any of them) know the smart way. They keep spending and spending, then hope they have the money later to cover it.

Just like a credit card company would do....once you're at your limit, your cut off. A bank is not going to raise your limit when they see you never do anything to bring the balance back down.
And liberals support raising the debt ceiling every few months. How long can we maintain THAT? Libs couldn't care less about our children and grandchildren haveing to pay this monstrosity off, as long as they get what they want now.

If the money has already been spent, then yes, I support raising the debt ceiling

If you buy a new car, the time to negotiate is when you purchase it. Not when your payment comes due

You don't spend money before knowing HOW you're going to pay it back! No more new spending until you start paying down the previous debts....but that's the smart way and we could never say our government (any of them) know the smart way. They keep spending and spending, then hope they have the money later to cover it.

Just like a credit card company would do....once you're at your limit, your cut off. A bank is not going to raise your limit when they see you never do anything to bring the balance back down.

Just like a credit card company would do....if you don't make your payment it shows up on your credit report

Once you have charged something on your credit card, you do not get to default just because you don't like how large the payment is
You or your kids never went to a public school or university?
You have never used police or fire protection?
Never driven on a public road?
Ever take a tax deduction for your kids?
Did you take a tax deduction for your mortgage?

LMAO Welfare and tax dollars to individually support people are not in the constitution.

Apples and oranges.

Get real.

It is not apples and oranges

EVERY American benefits from tax dollars. Yes, even you

Did you take that mortgage tax deduction or not?
Ever attend a public school?

Sorry it is apples and oranges.

Public schools are a far cry from supplying welfare for someone. also my tax dollar supports those schools.

Mortgage tax? Nope. Never took dime one.

BTW tax dollars are provided by me and every other taxpaying person in the US. So we in effect are getting our dollars worth from taxes payed.

Won't find to many welfare folks, try none, paying taxes. They are just using tax dollars which others provide.
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LMAO Welfare and tax dollars to individually support people are not in the constitution.

Apples and oranges.

Get real.

It is not apples and oranges

EVERY American benefits from tax dollars. Yes, even you

Did you take that mortgage tax deduction or not?
Ever attend a public school?

Some just benefit more. Way more. Like a living.

Public schools are a far cry from supplying welfare for someone. Mortgage tax? Nope. Never took dime one.

BTW tax dollars are provided by me and every other taxpaying person in the US. So we in effect are getting our dollars worth from taxes payed.

Won't find to many welfare folks, try none, paying taxes. They are just usetax dollars which others provide.


If you were a taxpayer you would not be financing boondoggles. You would go out there and get insurance on your own without leaning on a federal bureaucrat to help you out.

LMAO Welfare and tax dollars to individually support people are not in the constitution.

Apples and oranges.

Get real.

It is not apples and oranges

EVERY American benefits from tax dollars. Yes, even you

Did you take that mortgage tax deduction or not?
Ever attend a public school?

Sorry it is apples and oranges.

Public schools are a far cry from supplying welfare for someone. also my tax dollar supports those schools.

Mortgage tax? Nope. Never took dime one.

BTW tax dollars are provided by me and every other taxpaying person in the US. So we in effect are getting our dollars worth from taxes payed.

Won't find to many welfare folks, try none, paying taxes. They are just using tax dollars which others provide.

The American taxpayer paid for you to go to school. What you paid in taxes doesn't come close to covering it
You also got tax deductions for your kids, just like your parents got one for you
Ever claim a medical deduction? any other deductions?
You get more than your dollars worth in paying for your taxes.
the left really won nothing other than the fact that all the left wing columnisits are proclaiming this a win for liberals - which they will do to thier avid inside the beltway readers while the rest of america remains oblivious to them. But they won nothing here. The republicans were unable to affect obamacare (well actually they did a little with the verification requirements) but the liberals got nothing either excpt the can was kicked down the road a few weeks. Big deal.

Anyone who thinks this does anything for Obamas (dead) agenda now is dreaming. There will be no immigration bill, no more taxes to fund the govt, long dead gun control will remain so, nothing he wants. what this does do is force the democrats to come back time and time again to the very unpopular reality of making a big deal out of the need to increase the national debt . That is the victory? to get to continue to advoicate something that is very unpopular? Congratualtions.
And liberals support raising the debt ceiling every few months. How long can we maintain THAT? Libs couldn't care less about our children and grandchildren haveing to pay this monstrosity off, as long as they get what they want now.

If the money has already been spent, then yes, I support raising the debt ceiling

If you buy a new car, the time to negotiate is when you purchase it. Not when your payment comes due

You don't spend money before knowing HOW you're going to pay it back! No more new spending until you start paying down the previous debts....but that's the smart way and we could never say our government (any of them) know the smart way. They keep spending and spending, then hope they have the money later to cover it.

Just like a credit card company would do....once you're at your limit, your cut off. A bank is not going to raise your limit when they see you never do anything to bring the balance back down.

Cool. We can mothball the military, rely on the nukes.

All the Constitution mandates is a navy. Welcome to the navy..nukes!

the left really won nothing other than the fact that all the left wing columnisits are proclaiming this a win for liberals - which they will do to thier avid inside the beltway readers while the rest of america remains oblivious to them. But they won nothing here. The republicans were unable to affect obamacare (well actually they did a little with the verification requirements) but the liberals got nothing either excpt the can was kicked down the road a few weeks. Big deal.

Anyone who thinks this does anything for Obamas (dead) agenda now is dreaming. There will be no immigration bill, no more taxes to fund the govt, long dead gun control will remain so, nothing he wants. what this does do is force the democrats to come back time and time again to the very unpopular reality of making a big deal out of the need to increase the national debt . That is the victory? to get to continue to advoicate something that is very unpopular? Congratualtions.

If you think Congress is going to stay the same after 2014...think again.

Republicans are on track to lose the House. :clap2:
That always seems to be the libs answer...."leave the country".
No, we're going to stay here and fight this....we don't just give in like libs do.

You caved yesterday--did you miss it?

If it had been up to me, it wouldn't have happened. In fact I'd dare say most conservatives feel the same way. Many don't like that our so-called leaders gave in on any of it.

And 90+% will keep their jobs...

At some point you have to embrace the leadership for what they are; elected party leaders but we all know that Rush Limbaugh is the most influential republican in the nation.
Idiot is thy name. After all, you believe Obamacare is great.

Your another one who can't see the forrest for the trees.

The only reason I subsidize anything is because I have no say in the matter. I have no wish to pay for anyones anything. If you can't take care of yourself then tough shit. I see no reason for my hardearned money to take care of you.

The only winners will be those we are forced to subsidize. You will of course figure this out in due course. Your an idiot.

It would be "You're an idiot".

If you can't take care of yourself then tough shit. All of that "general welfare" stuff out founding fathers believed in was so 1700's...

I doubt anything you have was earned, hard or otherwise.

Your still an idiot. The GW clause was to promote, not provide. I'm sure the FF never had any intention for tax money, other peoples money, be used to provide for anyone. Show me anywhere back in the 1700 where tax dollars were used to provide for anyone.

These are the same FF who pitched a bitch when one of them wanted to give French imiegrees $10,000 to help them start a new life in America. The French who helped up earn our independece. You really think the FF wanted tax dollars, other peoples money, used as charity?? There is no charity in the Constitution.

As for me?? I've earned eveything I have. No one ever GAVE me anything nor did I EVER use taxpayers dollars in any way shape or form.

I own my home, cars and don't owe anyone dime one. Can you say the same??

Ever drive on an interstate? You're welcome, you ignorant turd.
It is not apples and oranges

EVERY American benefits from tax dollars. Yes, even you

Did you take that mortgage tax deduction or not?
Ever attend a public school?

Sorry it is apples and oranges.

Public schools are a far cry from supplying welfare for someone. also my tax dollar supports those schools.

Mortgage tax? Nope. Never took dime one.

BTW tax dollars are provided by me and every other taxpaying person in the US. So we in effect are getting our dollars worth from taxes payed.

Won't find to many welfare folks, try none, paying taxes. They are just using tax dollars which others provide.

The American taxpayer paid for you to go to school. What you paid in taxes doesn't come close to covering it
You also got tax deductions for your kids, just like your parents got one for you
Ever claim a medical deduction? any other deductions?
You get more than your dollars worth in paying for your taxes.

Thats the difference. I pay taxes. They do not. They just use tax dollars.

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