Lieberman is front-runner for FBI director: report

I won't oppose him. I don't know how old you guys are but if you saw an earlier post from me in another thread I am hitting 70 and even I can see that old ideas have to die in DC. There has to be younger people qualified for these position's with fresh ideas on how to run things. This is the reason we go from one election cycle to the next and regardless of who is elected in congress, senate and Pres we are stuck in time. We just bitch at each other about one side or the other without thinking why we're at a certain point. When we do elect a younger congressman/woman the old guard shits on their ideas and let's them on the dirty little secret. You can only get ahead if you take money and play along with us, got it boy?

Get rid of the old farts, all of them.

Appointing a Jew is always a safe bet. They're bullet proof because if you criticize them you're a Nazi.

(The truth is not often a pleasant thing)
I don't believe it one bit. It's a stupid choice. We don't need a politician in that position, we need a cop.
Here ya go, lol...

Oops he's already got a new job...
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Says He Will Join Dept. of Homeland Security


There are more cops.
If both sides hate Lieberman he might be the one, wtf do you want eliot ness...


Wtf do we want? How 'bout somebody with (a) SOME kind of SOME experience or background SOMEWHERE in crime science? How 'bout SOME familiarity with the organization itself, and its culture? How 'bout SOME indication somewhere in life of having ethics rather than being a political whore?

Joe Liarman completely whiffs. Three strikes, you're out. Next batter up.

It's curious. He endorsed Hillary.

Uhhh.... OK.... this has what to do with the average velocity of a swallow?
Lieberman is not an honest man. Appointing him would be a mistake.

Too old, surely there is a better choice out there

Okay wtf are Lieberman's qualifications for leading the FBI? I don't like the guy because he's a weasel back stabbing career politician. Lets get someone tough from LE to lead the FBI.

Holy shit, write down the date and call Guinness --- I agree with all of these posters. Even gave two of 'em a "winner". :eek:

Apparently it's unanimous. America says "no".

I know it looks like everyone is on the same page.
The FBI director should be someone who has no hint of partisan politics- and with tons of experience in law enforcement and counterterrorism- the FBI's main job.

Most Attorney Generals are too political- all Senators/Congressman are.
The FBI director should be someone who has no hint of partisan politics- and with tons of experience in law enforcement and counterterrorism- the FBI's main job.

Most Attorney Generals are too political- all Senators/Congressman are.

Zackly ---- all of which set of qualifications eliminate Joe Liarman, as well as Trés Guadé.
Lieberman is not an honest man. Appointing him would be a mistake.

Too old, surely there is a better choice out there

Okay wtf are Lieberman's qualifications for leading the FBI? I don't like the guy because he's a weasel back stabbing career politician. Lets get someone tough from LE to lead the FBI.

Holy shit, write down the date and call Guinness --- I agree with all of these posters. Even gave two of 'em a "winner". :eek:

Apparently it's unanimous. America says "no".

I know it looks like everyone is on the same page.

It must be "stopped clock day"! :eusa_dance:
Okay wtf are Lieberman's qualifications for leading the FBI? I don't like the guy because he's a weasel back stabbing career politician. Lets get someone tough from LE to lead the FBI.

Trey Gowdy
Gowdy is stumping for Chaffetz's job as head of the Oversight Committee. He doesn't want to be FBI director.

If Congress decides to do its own investigation separate from the FBI, the Oversight committee will run that investigation and Gowdy can run interference for Trump.
Bro, Lieberman is a jewish, zionist, neocon devil. If he is resurrected, it means The Donald has given up on trying to drain the swamp.
How long have I been telling you rubes Trump is a New York Democratic limousine liberal?
Here's a fun fact about Lieberman. He ran as the Democratic VP candidate in an election in which he and his running mate won the popular vote but still lost. :lol:
Here's a fun fact about Lieberman. He ran as the Democratic VP candidate in an election in which he and his running mate won the popular vote but still lost. :lol:

I understand twenty million illegals voted in it though.

They were very smart illegals. Amazing, incredible illegals. It's unbelievable what they found. Many people are saying that. And they all flirted with Gore/Lieberman too -- that's to be expected. Actually if they weren't my illegals, I would have been dating them.
Last edited:
May 18, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

It's hard to think of a better measure of how extremist the Democrats have become than Joe Lieberman.

Within a short amount of time, Senator Joe Lieberman want from a pillar of Senate Democrats and a vice presidential nominee to being shunned and denounced as a Republican.

The original excuse was that Lieberman hadn't gotten on board with the anti-war express train. The unsubtle codicil was that he was also pro-Israel as the party was sliding into the J Street sewer. But by now the gap has dramatically widened to a whole range of issues. Conservative Dems have increasingly been purged from the party. Tom Perez is talking about abortion as a litmus test.

So the proposal to appoint Lieberman as FBI director is meeting with all the enthusiasm you would expect. From Republicans.


People say that JFK would be a Republican today. Forget JFK. That guy who was on the Gore ticket no longer qualifies as a Dem.

Senate Dems Boo Joe Lieberman for FBI Director

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