Lies and Speculations as an Archetype of Behavior of the American Political Elite

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

Trump on the assassination of the Iranian general

“We saved a lot of lives by terminating his (general Soleimani - A.F.)
life. They were there to discuss bad business and we saved a lot of lives by terminating his life. A lot of lives… …. We had tremendous information … We had been following (grammar!) him for a long time… And we followed his path for those three days… And there were not good stops… we didn’t like where he was stopping… There were not good stops. We didn’t like where he stopped . We saved a lot of lives…”

Trump, the US President
Fox News Channel
Fox News

George Bush's war ultimatum speech

"We are now acting because the risks of inaction would be far greater. In one year, or five years, the power of Iraq to inflict harm on all free nations would be multiplied many times over. With these capabilities, Saddam Hussein and his terrorist allies could choose the moment of deadly conflict when they are strongest. We choose to meet that threat now, where it arises, before it can appear suddenly in our skies and cities".

A transcript of George Bush's war ultimatum speech from the Cross Hall in the White House
Full text: Bush's speech
Full text: Bush's speech

Clinton on the Yugoslavia strike

PRESIDENT CLINTON: My fellow Americans, today our armed forces joined our NATO allies in airstrikes against Serbian forces responsible for the brutality in Kosovo. We have acted with resolve for several reasons.

We act to protect thousands of innocent people in Kosovo from a mounting military offensive.

We act to prevent a wider war, to defuse a powder keg at the heart of Europe, that has exploded twice before in this century with catastrophic results.

We act to stand united with our allies for peace. By acting now, we are upholding our values, protecting our interests, and advancing the cause of peace.

Transcript: Clinton addresses nation on Yugoslavia strike
March 24, 1999
Transcript: Clinton addresses nation on Yugoslavia strike - March 24,1999

My Remark:

Wasn’t it easier to say that the general had a test tube with WMD in his pocket? It could be borrowed from General Collin Powell and put on the remains of the General Soleimani...

The American political elite historically was never pure in business when it needed to unleash a conflict or set a precedent for an attack on the OTHERS...

Both at home and at the international arena...


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Do dead terrorists give you the sadz?

Cryptoneozionist arrogance (this term has nothing to do with anti-Semitism) and hutspa have been known for a long historical time.

Do you communicate in the familyalso using such dfilthy words and notions ???

As for "terrorism", it is the political elite of America that pursues a policy of state terrorism. President Trump, who received some confirmation of the unpredictability of the results of the Court in the Senate, or rather his immediate economic and political environment, decided to precipitate our country into another war just to cover his butt at the cost of lives and health of ordinary Americans stations in the Middle East.

It is because of THEM our boys and girls from poor American families are dying under the blows of Iranian missiles

I WAS in Iran at a scientific conference, and then visited the Iranian Foreign Ministry with a civil diplomacy mission ..I was "the first American to cross the doors of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 29 years" and during my stayIranian people were xenial and did not show any signs of hatred towards me, the American citizen.

All speculations that the Iranians are bloodthirsty Muslims are the result of the cryptoneozionist propaganda machine.

Your extremely dirty comment confirms what Professor Zilberman, a noble American jew, wrote about the first wave of Jewish emigration at the beginning of the XX-th century in his book "The Certain People".

How do you EXIST with such dirty mentality ???

There were no reports of US casualties. How about a link for your bullshit claim please?
Just heard that there may be no US casualties, so this is an important fact.
Islamophobia as a tool for manipulating Americans

That is what the Arab journalist and politologist Halid Amairi writes about hatred and islamofobia:

"From Sydney to California, Zionist Jews spread a venomous hatred of Islam. If a few years ago it was possible to observe only isolated facts and individual outbreaks of hatred and fear of Islam and Muslims, now it has taken the form of mass hysteria, which is fueled by Zionist propaganda specialists through incitement and falsification of facts.

In New York, for example, fanatical Ziono-Nazis do not cease to recall the events of September 11 to foster hatred of Muslims, as "Islam and its one and a half billion followers condoned these diabolical attacks."

What Americans really think about these tragic events is already known to everyone

In recent weeks, mentally sick individuals have become the forefront of a racist campaign to force local politicians to cancel the construction of a mosque in this multi-ethnic, multicultural city, with more than eight million people.

The idea that Zionist Hasbara experts are trying to introduce into people's minds is simple, hateful and shameless:

"Islam is terrorism, and Muslims are terrorists."

The Third Reich used the same concept on the eve of World War II, trying to discredit the Jews.

Jews are well aware that denigrating and dehumanizing an entire religion or ethnic group can lead to genocide, since incitement creates hatred, and hatred often translates into murder. Words have the ability to destroy.

Let us recall the psychological and religious circumstances of the genocide of the 100 million Native Americans...

And this criminal Jewish Islamophobia is not limited to America, where the media controlled by Zionists have been carrying out anti-Islamic propaganda for decades.

In Europe, the Zionist Hasbara vigilantly taunts home-grown neo-Nazis, because this time the target is Muslims, not Jews. Their idea is as follows:

Islam has almost conquered Europe, wake up before it's too late!

In many cases, Zionists artificially fabricate anti-Semitic actions, for example, write anti-Jewish slogans or even set fire to Jewish property, and blame the Muslims.

Moreover, the Zionists use the media, which give them wide scope for inciting hatred of Islam in order to spread their poisonous lies. To summarize, the main slogan of the ongoing campaign is:

“Kill Muslims! Kill the terrorists! ”

Halid Amairi

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There were no reports of US casualties. How about a link for your bullshit claim please?
Just heard that there may be no US casualties, so this is an important fact.

Give the Jewish god health and safety to our guys!

Even if this is so, does it justify ANOTHER American aggression against OTHERS ???!

Military Classification of of Losses is tricky:

There are different classifications of losses:

- Death on the battlefield;

- Hostile and Non-Hostile death;

- Death at the theater of operations (front-line hospital)

- Died out at the theater of operations (in other words - NO LOSSES)!!!

Reread the story of the Vietnamese adventure of the American political elite

Vietnam War U.S. Military Fatal Casualty Statistics
There were no reports of US casualties. How about a link for your bullshit claim please?
Just heard that there may be no US casualties, so this is an important fact.

Do you EVER sleep or you are agents of the National Security Agency using this nick and working in shifts???

="kyzr, post: 23823212, member: 21281"There were no reports of US casualties. How about a link for your bullshit claim please?
Just heard that there may be no US casualties, so this is an important fact.

Iran attacks two Iraqi bases housing US forces in revenge for Soleimani's death
By Nicole Gaouette, Hamdi Alkhshali, Ryan Browne and Barbara Starr, CNN

Updated 8:42 PM ET, Tue January 7, 2020


Iran claims responsibility
Iranian state TV reported that the IRGC, "has hit U.S. Ain al-Asad airbase in Iraq with tens of missiles." The IRGC warned the US of more "crushing responses in case of new aggression," according to state TV. The IRGC said it will target any regional state that becomes a platform for US aggression, a second banner on state TV read.
Esper's office called the office of the Prime Minister of Iraq at around 7 pm ET on Tuesday, according to a diplomatic source. There were difficulties getting through as it was the middle of the night in Baghdad. Eventually the two offices were able to connect and the source says there has been "communication between the US and Iraqi governments at the highest level."
CNN reported earlier on Tuesday that US forces and air-defense missile batteries across the Middle East were placed on high alert overnight Monday to possibly shoot down Iranian drones as intelligence mounted about a threat of an imminent attack against US targets, according to two US officials.
CNN reported on Friday that part of the intelligence that led to the decision to kill Soleimani included threats to al-Asad air base.
A source familiar with the intelligence showed the vehicle mounted rockets, known as Grad trucks, and other military weaponry were moving closer to US interests, particularly the al-Asad air base, CNN reported.
Other targets of concern included the US air base in Qatar and US interests in Kuwait. The source noted on Friday that these threats have existed for several months but that the intelligence indicated growing urgency because of how close the missile trucks were getting to US interests.
The attack came hours after Esper told CNN that the US is not seeking a war with Iran but it is "prepared to finish one."
"We are not looking to start a war with Iran, but we are prepared to finish one," Esper said during an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour.
Trump was briefed on the reports of rocket attacks, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said.
"We are aware of the reports of attacks on US facilities in Iraq. The President has been briefed and is monitoring the situation closely and consulting with his national security team," Grisham said.
Attack are a direct challenge to Trump
The rockets pose a direct challenge to Trump, who issued a threat to Iran on Tuesday, just hours before the attacks began. "If Iran does anything that it shouldn't be doing, they will be suffering the consequences and very strongly," the President said.
In the immediate aftermath of Soleimani's killing, Trump repeatedly stressed that the deadly drone strike was meant to reduce violence. "We took action last night to stop a war," he told reporters a day after the attack. "We did not take action to start a war."
Trump's message later shifted to warning of a "disproportionate" attack that could include targeting Iran's cultural sites, a war crime.
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif told CNN early Tuesday that Tehran was not intimidated.
"His threats will not frighten us," Zarif said.
"Disproportionate response is a war crime. But he doesn't care it seems about international law," Zarif said of Trump. "But has he made the US more secure? The American people are more secure? Are the Americans today welcome in this region?"
Iran's decision to attack is a "huge gamble," said Thomas Juneau, an assistant professor and Iran expert at the University of Ottawa who said that leaders in Tehran have included Trump's domestic political concerns in their calculations. The President ran on a platform of ending US involvement in the messy Middle East entanglements.
"Iran assesses Trump does not want to get bogged down in a large scale war in the Middle East, and that this gives it more margin to maneuver," Juneau wrote on Twitter. "Needless to say, this is a HUGE gamble given how unpredictable Trump is."
Randa Slim, a senior fellow at the Middle East Institute, said Iran's attack was a foregone conclusion after the Ayatollah announced there would be retaliation. Further escalation will depend on Trump's ability to absorb the attack and a few casualties, she said.
She noted the pattern often seen in attacks on Israel and Hezbollah, in which one side attacks, the other responds, the attacks are absorbed and mediation begins through a third party.
"From Trump's rhetoric, he doesn't seem as if he's willing to absorb any Iranian retaliation -- no matter how proportional it is to the US attack that killed Soleimani -- and that means we're locked into an escalatory spiral that will push us into war that will unfold on Iranian territory, but also in the rest of region, including Iraq," Slim said.
Lawmakers urged calm. Rep. Eliot Engel, the New York Democrat who heads the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told CNN's Erin Burnett there's a need to "tone down the rhetoric on all sides and see how we can extricate ourselves from this nightmare because I don't think the American people want to go to war."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was discussing the situation in Iran when she was handed a note with news of the attack, lawmakers who attended the meeting said.
Rep. Dan Kildee, a Michigan Democrat, said she paused the discussion to tell the members of the Steering Committee of the news.
"Pray," Pelosi told members, according to Rep. Debbie Dingell.


This is a breaking story and will be updated.
CNN's Jeff Zeleny, Alex Marquadt, Pamela Brown, Michael Callahan, Haley Byrd, Kaitlan Collins, Manu Raju and Zachary Cohen contributed to this report.

Iran missile attack: Iran attacks two Iraqi bases housing US forces in revenge for Soleimani's death - CNNPolitics

Iran missile attack: Iran attacks two Iraqi bases housing US forces in revenge for Soleimani's death - CNNPolitics


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Do dead terrorists give you the sadz?

Cryptoneozionist arrogance (this term has nothing to do with anti-Semitism) and hutspa have been known for a long historical time.

Do you communicate in the familyalso using such dfilthy words and notions ???

As for "terrorism", it is the political elite of America that pursues a policy of state terrorism. President Trump, who received some confirmation of the unpredictability of the results of the Court in the Senate, or rather his immediate economic and political environment, decided to precipitate our country into another war just to cover his butt at the cost of lives and health of ordinary Americans stations in the Middle East.

It is because of THEM our boys and girls from poor American families are dying under the blows of Iranian missiles

I WAS in Iran at a scientific conference, and then visited the Iranian Foreign Ministry with a civil diplomacy mission ..I was "the first American to cross the doors of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 29 years" and during my stayIranian people were xenial and did not show any signs of hatred towards me, the American citizen.

All speculations that the Iranians are bloodthirsty Muslims are the result of the cryptoneozionist propaganda machine.

Your extremely dirty comment confirms what Professor Zilberman, a noble American jew, wrote about the first wave of Jewish emigration at the beginning of the XX-th century in his book "The Certain People".

How do you EXIST with such dirty mentality ???


It is because of THEM our boys and girls from poor American families are dying under the blows of Iranian missiles


did not show any signs of hatred towards me, the American citizen.

Do dead terrorists give you the sadz?

Cryptoneozionist arrogance (this term has nothing to do with anti-Semitism) and hutspa have been known for a long historical time.

Do you communicate in the familyalso using such dfilthy words and notions ???

As for "terrorism", it is the political elite of America that pursues a policy of state terrorism. President Trump, who received some confirmation of the unpredictability of the results of the Court in the Senate, or rather his immediate economic and political environment, decided to precipitate our country into another war just to cover his butt at the cost of lives and health of ordinary Americans stations in the Middle East.

It is because of THEM our boys and girls from poor American families are dying under the blows of Iranian missiles

I WAS in Iran at a scientific conference, and then visited the Iranian Foreign Ministry with a civil diplomacy mission ..I was "the first American to cross the doors of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 29 years" and during my stayIranian people were xenial and did not show any signs of hatred towards me, the American citizen.

All speculations that the Iranians are bloodthirsty Muslims are the result of the cryptoneozionist propaganda machine.

Your extremely dirty comment confirms what Professor Zilberman, a noble American jew, wrote about the first wave of Jewish emigration at the beginning of the XX-th century in his book "The Certain People".

How do you EXIST with such dirty mentality ???


It is because of THEM our boys and girls from poor American families are dying under the blows of Iranian missiles


did not show any signs of hatred towards me, the American citizen.


So-called "A ME RI CA N" in the sense of CITIZENSHIP. The real hosts of this land - 100 million of real "AMERICANS" were were destroyed by the American Holocoust - conquistadors and immigrants from Europe - the so-called "Spaniards", "Dutch" and "Anglo-Saxons"

Does your question mean in your understanding the "True American" ("true Aryan" - :)))) is a person tolerant of the lies and Nazism of the American political elite, and a misanthropist??? ???

More questions are welcome.

Do dead terrorists give you the sadz?

Cryptoneozionist arrogance (this term has nothing to do with anti-Semitism) and hutspa have been known for a long historical time.

Do you communicate in the familyalso using such dfilthy words and notions ???

As for "terrorism", it is the political elite of America that pursues a policy of state terrorism. President Trump, who received some confirmation of the unpredictability of the results of the Court in the Senate, or rather his immediate economic and political environment, decided to precipitate our country into another war just to cover his butt at the cost of lives and health of ordinary Americans stations in the Middle East.

It is because of THEM our boys and girls from poor American families are dying under the blows of Iranian missiles

I WAS in Iran at a scientific conference, and then visited the Iranian Foreign Ministry with a civil diplomacy mission ..I was "the first American to cross the doors of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 29 years" and during my stayIranian people were xenial and did not show any signs of hatred towards me, the American citizen.

All speculations that the Iranians are bloodthirsty Muslims are the result of the cryptoneozionist propaganda machine.

Your extremely dirty comment confirms what Professor Zilberman, a noble American jew, wrote about the first wave of Jewish emigration at the beginning of the XX-th century in his book "The Certain People".

How do you EXIST with such dirty mentality ???


It is because of THEM our boys and girls from poor American families are dying under the blows of Iranian missiles


did not show any signs of hatred towards me, the American citizen.


So-called "A ME RI CA N" in the sense of CITIZENSHIP. The real hosts of this land - 100 million of real "AMERICANS" were were destroyed by the American Holocoust - conquistadors and immigrants from Europe - the so-called "Spaniards", "Dutch" and "Anglo-Saxons"

Does your question mean in your understanding the "True American" ("true Aryan" - :)))) is a person tolerant of the lies and Nazism of the American political elite, and a misanthropist??? ???

More questions are welcome.


Can you translate that into English?
When the Muslims stop their hate and violence maybe people will stop complaining.
BTW we have a 100% right to complain about Islamic hate, oppression and violence.
Do dead terrorists give you the sadz?

Cryptoneozionist arrogance (this term has nothing to do with anti-Semitism) and hutspa have been known for a long historical time.

Do you communicate in the familyalso using such dfilthy words and notions ???

As for "terrorism", it is the political elite of America that pursues a policy of state terrorism. President Trump, who received some confirmation of the unpredictability of the results of the Court in the Senate, or rather his immediate economic and political environment, decided to precipitate our country into another war just to cover his butt at the cost of lives and health of ordinary Americans stations in the Middle East.

It is because of THEM our boys and girls from poor American families are dying under the blows of Iranian missiles

I WAS in Iran at a scientific conference, and then visited the Iranian Foreign Ministry with a civil diplomacy mission ..I was "the first American to cross the doors of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 29 years" and during my stayIranian people were xenial and did not show any signs of hatred towards me, the American citizen.

All speculations that the Iranians are bloodthirsty Muslims are the result of the cryptoneozionist propaganda machine.

Your extremely dirty comment confirms what Professor Zilberman, a noble American jew, wrote about the first wave of Jewish emigration at the beginning of the XX-th century in his book "The Certain People".

How do you EXIST with such dirty mentality ???


It is because of THEM our boys and girls from poor American families are dying under the blows of Iranian missiles


did not show any signs of hatred towards me, the American citizen.


So-called "A ME RI CA N" in the sense of CITIZENSHIP. The real hosts of this land - 100 million of real "AMERICANS" were were destroyed by the American Holocoust - conquistadors and immigrants from Europe - the so-called "Spaniards", "Dutch" and "Anglo-Saxons"

Does your question mean in your understanding the "True American" ("true Aryan" - :)))) is a person tolerant of the lies and Nazism of the American political elite, and a misanthropist??? ???

More questions are welcome.


Can you translate that into English?

Apparently this will not help you ...
When the Muslims stop their hate and violence maybe people will stop complaining.
BTW we have a 100% right to complain about Islamic hate, oppression and violence.

No need to lie about other nations:

I have been to many countries in the East and met nothing but good nature and hospitality.

As for HATE...

STOP killing the OTHERS and THEY (widows, fathers and mothers, who lost their spouses and children) will stop hating you.

Noble Jew Barney Sanders spoke in an exhaustive manner on the issue yesterday at The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

When the Muslims stop their hate and violence maybe people will stop complaining.
BTW we have a 100% right to complain about Islamic hate, oppression and violence.

No need to lie about other nations:

I have been to many countries in the East and met nothing but good nature and hospitality.

As for HATE...

STOP killing the OTHERS and THEY (widows, fathers and mothers, who lost their spouses and children) will stop hating you.

Noble Jew Barney Sanders spoke in an exhaustive manner on the issue yesterday at The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

You are fighting against reality and losing
Do dead terrorists give you the sadz?

Cryptoneozionist arrogance (this term has nothing to do with anti-Semitism) and hutspa have been known for a long historical time.

Do you communicate in the familyalso using such dfilthy words and notions ???

As for "terrorism", it is the political elite of America that pursues a policy of state terrorism. President Trump, who received some confirmation of the unpredictability of the results of the Court in the Senate, or rather his immediate economic and political environment, decided to precipitate our country into another war just to cover his butt at the cost of lives and health of ordinary Americans stations in the Middle East.

It is because of THEM our boys and girls from poor American families are dying under the blows of Iranian missiles

I WAS in Iran at a scientific conference, and then visited the Iranian Foreign Ministry with a civil diplomacy mission ..I was "the first American to cross the doors of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 29 years" and during my stayIranian people were xenial and did not show any signs of hatred towards me, the American citizen.

All speculations that the Iranians are bloodthirsty Muslims are the result of the cryptoneozionist propaganda machine.

Your extremely dirty comment confirms what Professor Zilberman, a noble American jew, wrote about the first wave of Jewish emigration at the beginning of the XX-th century in his book "The Certain People".

How do you EXIST with such dirty mentality ???


It is because of THEM our boys and girls from poor American families are dying under the blows of Iranian missiles


did not show any signs of hatred towards me, the American citizen.


So-called "A ME RI CA N" in the sense of CITIZENSHIP. The real hosts of this land - 100 million of real "AMERICANS" were were destroyed by the American Holocoust - conquistadors and immigrants from Europe - the so-called "Spaniards", "Dutch" and "Anglo-Saxons"

Does your question mean in your understanding the "True American" ("true Aryan" - :)))) is a person tolerant of the lies and Nazism of the American political elite, and a misanthropist??? ???

More questions are welcome.


Can you translate that into English?

Apparently this will not help you ...

Anyone in your troll farm with a better grasp of English? Less gibberish?
When the Muslims stop their hate and violence maybe people will stop complaining.
BTW we have a 100% right to complain about Islamic hate, oppression and violence.

No need to lie about other nations:

I have been to many countries in the East and met nothing but good nature and hospitality.

As for HATE...

STOP killing the OTHERS and THEY (widows, fathers and mothers, who lost their spouses and children) will stop hating you.

Noble Jew Barney Sanders spoke in an exhaustive manner on the issue yesterday at The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

STOP killing the OTHERS and THEY (widows, fathers and mothers, who lost their spouses and children) will stop hating you.

When the Muslims stop their hate and violence maybe people will stop complaining.
BTW we have a 100% right to complain about Islamic hate, oppression and violence.

No need to lie about other nations:

I have been to many countries in the East and met nothing but good nature and hospitality.

As for HATE...

STOP killing the OTHERS and THEY (widows, fathers and mothers, who lost their spouses and children) will stop hating you.

Noble Jew Barney Sanders spoke in an exhaustive manner on the issue yesterday at The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

You are fighting against reality and losing

As they say in the East:

"To wait for 100 years is not very long."

Iran’s retaliatory strike against US bases is the "LAST NAIL" hammered into the coffin of cryptoneozionist planetary domination".

The world will NEVER BE THE SAME.

The old world is dying, the new is being born

When the Muslims stop their hate and violence maybe people will stop complaining.
BTW we have a 100% right to complain about Islamic hate, oppression and violence.

No need to lie about other nations:

I have been to many countries in the East and met nothing but good nature and hospitality.

As for HATE...

STOP killing the OTHERS and THEY (widows, fathers and mothers, who lost their spouses and children) will stop hating you.

Noble Jew Barney Sanders spoke in an exhaustive manner on the issue yesterday at The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

You are fighting against reality and losing

As they say in the East:

"To wait for 100 years is not very long."

Iran’s retaliatory strike against US bases is the "LAST NAIL" hammered into the coffin of cryptoneozionist planetary domination".

The world will NEVER BE THE SAME.

The old world is dying, the new is being born


When the Muslims stop their hate and violence maybe people will stop complaining.
BTW we have a 100% right to complain about Islamic hate, oppression and violence.

No need to lie about other nations:

I have been to many countries in the East and met nothing but good nature and hospitality.

As for HATE...

STOP killing the OTHERS and THEY (widows, fathers and mothers, who lost their spouses and children) will stop hating you.

Noble Jew Barney Sanders spoke in an exhaustive manner on the issue yesterday at The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

You are fighting against reality and losing

As they say in the East:

"To wait for 100 years is not very long."

Iran’s retaliatory strike against US bases is the "LAST NAIL" hammered into the coffin of cryptoneozionist planetary domination".

The world will NEVER BE THE SAME.

The old world is dying, the new is being born


View attachment 299741





Judaism relates to consumption of alcohol, particularly of wine, in a complex manner. Wine is viewed as a substance of import and it is incorporated in religious ceremonies, and the general consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted, however inebriation (drunkenness) is discouraged.

Verses in Proverbs 20:1,

"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is riotous; and whoever stumbles in it is not wise," and Versus in Proverbs 23:20,

"Be not among drunkards ...
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