Lies of Hillary Clinton

LOL, you oppose that, do you? Funny, I never see dante mentioning this standard to Democrats. Is it just a new one for dante and he hasn't had a chance to mention it yet?
A campaign strategy of personal attacks is a sign of desperation

You say that, yet you vote for Obama, Obama, Kerry, Gore, ... and back Pelosi and Reid. Listen to any of their speeches, it's all personal attacks on Republicans. Jesus Man, look what your party does to Cruz, Palin, Trump, Bachman, Thomas, Rice, Chaney ... Bush. And you think this is a standard you actually follow? Grow up

Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad
context! we don't need no stinkin' context!
or any definitions!!!

The circle jerk between you to is getting a little creepy. Maybe you could find a room?
LOL, you oppose that, do you? Funny, I never see dante mentioning this standard to Democrats. Is it just a new one for dante and he hasn't had a chance to mention it yet?
A campaign strategy of personal attacks is a sign of desperation

You say that, yet you vote for Obama, Obama, Kerry, Gore, ... and back Pelosi and Reid. Listen to any of their speeches, it's all personal attacks on Republicans. Jesus Man, look what your party does to Cruz, Palin, Trump, Bachman, Thomas, Rice, Chaney ... Bush. And you think this is a standard you actually follow? Grow up

Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad
context! we don't need no stinkin' context!

You mean like a prison letter?
speaking from experience?
you mean...
Please provide credible proof of the actual quotes in full context

Would any of them make any difference to you if they were true? Would any of them bother you at all? Or would you just not care and blow it off? Why should anyone bother if you don't care anyway?
Of course. Maybe, it depends. If they were minor, or crazed bullshit like calling Bush a liar, yes. Why, because when one posts shit as factual they are never really taken seriously at all. Do you want to be taken seriously, or...

or are you one who comes here only to vent and shout?

What did I shout about?

Of course. Maybe, it depends. If they were minor, or crazed bullshit like calling Bush a liar, yes. Why, because when one posts shit as factual they are never really taken seriously at all. Do you want to be taken seriously, or...

or are you one who comes here only to vent and shout?

Twist and shout.

Applause, usually you couch it in a bunch of words rather than being that direct
A campaign strategy of personal attacks is a sign of desperation

You say that, yet you vote for Obama, Obama, Kerry, Gore, ... and back Pelosi and Reid. Listen to any of their speeches, it's all personal attacks on Republicans. Jesus Man, look what your party does to Cruz, Palin, Trump, Bachman, Thomas, Rice, Chaney ... Bush. And you think this is a standard you actually follow? Grow up

Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad
context! we don't need no stinkin' context!
or any definitions!!!

The circle jerk between you to is getting a little creepy. Maybe you could find a room?
jealousy rears it's misshapen head!
LOL, you oppose that, do you? Funny, I never see dante mentioning this standard to Democrats. Is it just a new one for dante and he hasn't had a chance to mention it yet?
A campaign strategy of personal attacks is a sign of desperation

You say that, yet you vote for Obama, Obama, Kerry, Gore, ... and back Pelosi and Reid. Listen to any of their speeches, it's all personal attacks on Republicans. Jesus Man, look what your party does to Cruz, Palin, Trump, Bachman, Thomas, Rice, Chaney ... Bush. And you think this is a standard you actually follow? Grow up

Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad

So just to be clear, if I give you a speech from one of those Democrats that is full of personal attacks, you will condemn them for it, correct?
only if it's unfounded as are 99.99% of the gop speeches.

Exactly my point, you don't care
A campaign strategy of personal attacks is a sign of desperation

You say that, yet you vote for Obama, Obama, Kerry, Gore, ... and back Pelosi and Reid. Listen to any of their speeches, it's all personal attacks on Republicans. Jesus Man, look what your party does to Cruz, Palin, Trump, Bachman, Thomas, Rice, Chaney ... Bush. And you think this is a standard you actually follow? Grow up

Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad
context! we don't need no stinkin' context!

You mean like a prison letter?
speaking from experience?

Swish, you didn't get it
You say that, yet you vote for Obama, Obama, Kerry, Gore, ... and back Pelosi and Reid. Listen to any of their speeches, it's all personal attacks on Republicans. Jesus Man, look what your party does to Cruz, Palin, Trump, Bachman, Thomas, Rice, Chaney ... Bush. And you think this is a standard you actually follow? Grow up

Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad
context! we don't need no stinkin' context!
or any definitions!!!

The circle jerk between you to is getting a little creepy. Maybe you could find a room?
jealousy rears it's misshapen head!

That didn't even make sense for you

She proclaimed that she broke no rules by using a personal server and other e-mail chicanery. The Washington Post’s Fact Checker column gave her “three Pinocchios” (out of a possible four) on those claims.

Hillary insisted she had only used “one device” for e-mail, when we now know that’s not true. Perhaps under oath she would clarify that she meant “one device at a time.”

The most discussed deception came in an exchange about her e-mails. Clinton declared emphatically that, “You know, you’re starting with so many assumptions that are – I’ve never had a subpoena. . . . Let’s take a deep breath here.” Representative Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.), chair of the committee investigating the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi attack, promptly produced a copy of the subpoena.

It was a strangely forgiving argument from a reporter who made his career by exposing presidential deceit. And while it’s certainly true Bill put Hillary in some awkward predicaments, his philandering doesn’t explain why she lied on issues ranging from her cattle futures windfall to her stealth server.

Read more at: Hillary Clinton Lies Habitually but Badly National Review Online

Chelsea Clinton wasjogging around the World Trade Centeron 9/11. Immensely insensitive to those who actually were affected by this horrific attack, Hillary later admitted that Chelsea was actually safely in her Union Square apartment at the time of the attack.

She landed under sniper fire in Bosnia. In trueBrian Williams-esque form, to listen to Hillary’s account, she was ducking and running in a dramatic M*A*S*H type arrival scene in fear for her life. In actuality, she and Chelsea can be seen on videowalking across the Bosnian tarmac… smiling and greeting well wishers. But hey, anybody could misremember deadly sniper fire, right?

She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first two men to climb Mt. Everest. This one’s just embarrassing. Sir Hillary didn’t actually climb Mt. Everest (AKA, achieve any fame worth naming a child after) untilHillary Clinton was 6 years old. Ouch. So either Hillary’s mom was lying about her namesake Hillary’s entire life, or she waited until Hillary was 6 to name her, or Hillary just, you know, misspoke. Again.

Her familywas dead brokewhen they left the White House. They only made $12 MILLION the year after Bill Clinton’s Presidency. I guess when you’re used to living off the taxpayer’s billions funding your vacations, private airfare and security, food, housing, and all, a measly few millions could be a rough adjustment, huh?

She claims to have beeninstrumental in the Northern Ireland peace process. Except those who actuallywereat the negotiating table say Hillary wasnowhere to be seen

She’sjust like you. No, really. Because every woman in America has one child who’s always attended private schools, was married to a President, had a personal chef, flies in a environment polluting personal jet, and makes about$200K for every speaking engagement. Duh.

Benghazi –it was a disgusting video! The worst of the worst. We know for a fact, based on State Department documents, that not only was Benghazi a terrorist attack, but Hillaryknew it was a terrorist attackwhich had absolutely nothing to do with a YouTube video. Not only did she lie about Benghazi, she failed to act in response to the attack, and4 American liveswere lost in the conflict.

Read more:The Top 7 Hillary Clinton Lies That The Liberal Media s Trying To Hide... Louder With Crowder
nuttiness posing as argument

Agreed. Question Democrats? That's ridiculous

Universal translator needed in aisle 7!!! don't get that? Seriously?
Attacking Clinton is not questioning Democrats. After all there was a true conspiracy to 'get' the Clintons: Arkansas Project and more

She proclaimed that she broke no rules by using a personal server and other e-mail chicanery. The Washington Post’s Fact Checker column gave her “three Pinocchios” (out of a possible four) on those claims.

Hillary insisted she had only used “one device” for e-mail, when we now know that’s not true. Perhaps under oath she would clarify that she meant “one device at a time.”

The most discussed deception came in an exchange about her e-mails. Clinton declared emphatically that, “You know, you’re starting with so many assumptions that are – I’ve never had a subpoena. . . . Let’s take a deep breath here.” Representative Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.), chair of the committee investigating the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi attack, promptly produced a copy of the subpoena.

It was a strangely forgiving argument from a reporter who made his career by exposing presidential deceit. And while it’s certainly true Bill put Hillary in some awkward predicaments, his philandering doesn’t explain why she lied on issues ranging from her cattle futures windfall to her stealth server.

Read more at: Hillary Clinton Lies Habitually but Badly National Review Online

Chelsea Clinton wasjogging around the World Trade Centeron 9/11. Immensely insensitive to those who actually were affected by this horrific attack, Hillary later admitted that Chelsea was actually safely in her Union Square apartment at the time of the attack.

She landed under sniper fire in Bosnia. In trueBrian Williams-esque form, to listen to Hillary’s account, she was ducking and running in a dramatic M*A*S*H type arrival scene in fear for her life. In actuality, she and Chelsea can be seen on videowalking across the Bosnian tarmac… smiling and greeting well wishers. But hey, anybody could misremember deadly sniper fire, right?

She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first two men to climb Mt. Everest. This one’s just embarrassing. Sir Hillary didn’t actually climb Mt. Everest (AKA, achieve any fame worth naming a child after) untilHillary Clinton was 6 years old. Ouch. So either Hillary’s mom was lying about her namesake Hillary’s entire life, or she waited until Hillary was 6 to name her, or Hillary just, you know, misspoke. Again.

Her familywas dead brokewhen they left the White House. They only made $12 MILLION the year after Bill Clinton’s Presidency. I guess when you’re used to living off the taxpayer’s billions funding your vacations, private airfare and security, food, housing, and all, a measly few millions could be a rough adjustment, huh?

She claims to have beeninstrumental in the Northern Ireland peace process. Except those who actuallywereat the negotiating table say Hillary wasnowhere to be seen

She’sjust like you. No, really. Because every woman in America has one child who’s always attended private schools, was married to a President, had a personal chef, flies in a environment polluting personal jet, and makes about$200K for every speaking engagement. Duh.

Benghazi –it was a disgusting video! The worst of the worst. We know for a fact, based on State Department documents, that not only was Benghazi a terrorist attack, but Hillaryknew it was a terrorist attackwhich had absolutely nothing to do with a YouTube video. Not only did she lie about Benghazi, she failed to act in response to the attack, and4 American liveswere lost in the conflict.

Read more:The Top 7 Hillary Clinton Lies That The Liberal Media s Trying To Hide... Louder With Crowder

Thank you Jackson!

We now have a list of disjointed accounts! Not just Benghazi associated crap that I tuned out over a year ago.

OK, she is a habitual liar with delusional flair, so what?
Remember, we libs are brainwashed. We do as we are told by the Party!
The Party wants Clinton! We will nominate Clinton!
Understand, we are not doing this to anger you, we must obey our party leaders!

she also has flatulence

Full Definition of FLATULENCE
: the quality or state of being flatulent
: flatus expelled through the anus


personal attacks as a campaign strategy? and the "Lies" thing is the one that puts most of America to sleep

LOL, you oppose that, do you? Funny, I never see dante mentioning this standard to Democrats. Is it just a new one for dante and he hasn't had a chance to mention it yet?
A campaign strategy of personal attacks is a sign of desperation

You say that, yet you vote for Obama, Obama, Kerry, Gore, ... and back Pelosi and Reid. Listen to any of their speeches, it's all personal attacks on Republicans. Jesus Man, look what your party does to Cruz, Palin, Trump, Bachman, Thomas, Rice, Chaney ... Bush. And you think this is a standard you actually follow? Grow up

Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad

So just to be clear, if I give you a speech from one of those Democrats that is full of personal attacks, you will condemn them for it, correct?
Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad

She proclaimed that she broke no rules by using a personal server and other e-mail chicanery. The Washington Post’s Fact Checker column gave her “three Pinocchios” (out of a possible four) on those claims.

Hillary insisted she had only used “one device” for e-mail, when we now know that’s not true. Perhaps under oath she would clarify that she meant “one device at a time.”

The most discussed deception came in an exchange about her e-mails. Clinton declared emphatically that, “You know, you’re starting with so many assumptions that are – I’ve never had a subpoena. . . . Let’s take a deep breath here.” Representative Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.), chair of the committee investigating the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi attack, promptly produced a copy of the subpoena.

It was a strangely forgiving argument from a reporter who made his career by exposing presidential deceit. And while it’s certainly true Bill put Hillary in some awkward predicaments, his philandering doesn’t explain why she lied on issues ranging from her cattle futures windfall to her stealth server.

Read more at: Hillary Clinton Lies Habitually but Badly National Review Online

Chelsea Clinton wasjogging around the World Trade Centeron 9/11. Immensely insensitive to those who actually were affected by this horrific attack, Hillary later admitted that Chelsea was actually safely in her Union Square apartment at the time of the attack.

She landed under sniper fire in Bosnia. In trueBrian Williams-esque form, to listen to Hillary’s account, she was ducking and running in a dramatic M*A*S*H type arrival scene in fear for her life. In actuality, she and Chelsea can be seen on videowalking across the Bosnian tarmac… smiling and greeting well wishers. But hey, anybody could misremember deadly sniper fire, right?

She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first two men to climb Mt. Everest. This one’s just embarrassing. Sir Hillary didn’t actually climb Mt. Everest (AKA, achieve any fame worth naming a child after) untilHillary Clinton was 6 years old. Ouch. So either Hillary’s mom was lying about her namesake Hillary’s entire life, or she waited until Hillary was 6 to name her, or Hillary just, you know, misspoke. Again.

Her familywas dead brokewhen they left the White House. They only made $12 MILLION the year after Bill Clinton’s Presidency. I guess when you’re used to living off the taxpayer’s billions funding your vacations, private airfare and security, food, housing, and all, a measly few millions could be a rough adjustment, huh?

She claims to have beeninstrumental in the Northern Ireland peace process. Except those who actuallywereat the negotiating table say Hillary wasnowhere to be seen

She’sjust like you. No, really. Because every woman in America has one child who’s always attended private schools, was married to a President, had a personal chef, flies in a environment polluting personal jet, and makes about$200K for every speaking engagement. Duh.

Benghazi –it was a disgusting video! The worst of the worst. We know for a fact, based on State Department documents, that not only was Benghazi a terrorist attack, but Hillaryknew it was a terrorist attackwhich had absolutely nothing to do with a YouTube video. Not only did she lie about Benghazi, she failed to act in response to the attack, and4 American liveswere lost in the conflict.

Read more:The Top 7 Hillary Clinton Lies That The Liberal Media s Trying To Hide... Louder With Crowder
nuttiness posing as argument

Agreed. Question Democrats? That's ridiculous

Universal translator needed in aisle 7!!! don't get that? Seriously?
Attacking Clinton is not questioning Democrats. After all there was a true conspiracy to 'get' the Clintons: Arkansas Project and more

Who are you quoting and what are you talking about?
LOL, you oppose that, do you? Funny, I never see dante mentioning this standard to Democrats. Is it just a new one for dante and he hasn't had a chance to mention it yet?
A campaign strategy of personal attacks is a sign of desperation

You say that, yet you vote for Obama, Obama, Kerry, Gore, ... and back Pelosi and Reid. Listen to any of their speeches, it's all personal attacks on Republicans. Jesus Man, look what your party does to Cruz, Palin, Trump, Bachman, Thomas, Rice, Chaney ... Bush. And you think this is a standard you actually follow? Grow up

Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad

So just to be clear, if I give you a speech from one of those Democrats that is full of personal attacks, you will condemn them for it, correct?
Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad

Why don't you just clarify then? Say what you want to actually hold a Democrat to a standard that you would actually criticize the Democrat
A campaign strategy of personal attacks is a sign of desperation

You say that, yet you vote for Obama, Obama, Kerry, Gore, ... and back Pelosi and Reid. Listen to any of their speeches, it's all personal attacks on Republicans. Jesus Man, look what your party does to Cruz, Palin, Trump, Bachman, Thomas, Rice, Chaney ... Bush. And you think this is a standard you actually follow? Grow up

Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad

So just to be clear, if I give you a speech from one of those Democrats that is full of personal attacks, you will condemn them for it, correct?
Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad

Why don't you just clarify then? Say what you want to actually hold a Democrat to a standard that you would actually criticize the Democrat

Show what you object to that a Democrat has said about a Republican
You say that, yet you vote for Obama, Obama, Kerry, Gore, ... and back Pelosi and Reid. Listen to any of their speeches, it's all personal attacks on Republicans. Jesus Man, look what your party does to Cruz, Palin, Trump, Bachman, Thomas, Rice, Chaney ... Bush. And you think this is a standard you actually follow? Grow up

Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad

So just to be clear, if I give you a speech from one of those Democrats that is full of personal attacks, you will condemn them for it, correct?
Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad

Why don't you just clarify then? Say what you want to actually hold a Democrat to a standard that you would actually criticize the Democrat

Show what you object to that a Democrat has said about a Republican

Non sequitur.

You said you are against politicians doing personal attacks. I pointed out we only hear from you on that in one direction. Tell me if I show you personal attacks by a Democrat if you will also condemn the Democrat. Simple question. If you want to say you will ... if ... this or that condition is true, fine, tell me what the condition is
nuttiness posing as argument

Agreed. Question Democrats? That's ridiculous

Universal translator needed in aisle 7!!! don't get that? Seriously?
Attacking Clinton is not questioning Democrats. After all there was a true conspiracy to 'get' the Clintons: Arkansas Project and more

Who are you quoting and what are you talking about?
My Travels on the Clinton Conspiracy Trail Mother Jones
Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad

So just to be clear, if I give you a speech from one of those Democrats that is full of personal attacks, you will condemn them for it, correct?
Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad

Why don't you just clarify then? Say what you want to actually hold a Democrat to a standard that you would actually criticize the Democrat

Show what you object to that a Democrat has said about a Republican

Non sequitur.

You said you are against politicians doing personal attacks. I pointed out we only hear from you on that in one direction. Tell me if I show you personal attacks by a Democrat if you will also condemn the Democrat. Simple question. If you want to say you will ... if ... this or that condition is true, fine, tell me what the condition is
You only hear that from Dante because you only attack Democrats

Progressives here have had to put up with me challenging them on personal attacks on Republicans

personal attacks as a campaign strategy? and the "Lies" thing is the one that puts most of America to sleep

LOL, you oppose that, do you? Funny, I never see dante mentioning this standard to Democrats. Is it just a new one for dante and he hasn't had a chance to mention it yet?
A campaign strategy of personal attacks is a sign of desperation
Or it is in fact a matter of educating the electorate.
You are

She proclaimed that she broke no rules by using a personal server and other e-mail chicanery. The Washington Post’s Fact Checker column gave her “three Pinocchios” (out of a possible four) on those claims.

Hillary insisted she had only used “one device” for e-mail, when we now know that’s not true. Perhaps under oath she would clarify that she meant “one device at a time.”

The most discussed deception came in an exchange about her e-mails. Clinton declared emphatically that, “You know, you’re starting with so many assumptions that are – I’ve never had a subpoena. . . . Let’s take a deep breath here.” Representative Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.), chair of the committee investigating the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi attack, promptly produced a copy of the subpoena.

It was a strangely forgiving argument from a reporter who made his career by exposing presidential deceit. And while it’s certainly true Bill put Hillary in some awkward predicaments, his philandering doesn’t explain why she lied on issues ranging from her cattle futures windfall to her stealth server.

Read more at: Hillary Clinton Lies Habitually but Badly National Review Online

Chelsea Clinton wasjogging around the World Trade Centeron 9/11. Immensely insensitive to those who actually were affected by this horrific attack, Hillary later admitted that Chelsea was actually safely in her Union Square apartment at the time of the attack.

She landed under sniper fire in Bosnia. In trueBrian Williams-esque form, to listen to Hillary’s account, she was ducking and running in a dramatic M*A*S*H type arrival scene in fear for her life. In actuality, she and Chelsea can be seen on videowalking across the Bosnian tarmac… smiling and greeting well wishers. But hey, anybody could misremember deadly sniper fire, right?

She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first two men to climb Mt. Everest. This one’s just embarrassing. Sir Hillary didn’t actually climb Mt. Everest (AKA, achieve any fame worth naming a child after) untilHillary Clinton was 6 years old. Ouch. So either Hillary’s mom was lying about her namesake Hillary’s entire life, or she waited until Hillary was 6 to name her, or Hillary just, you know, misspoke. Again.

Her familywas dead brokewhen they left the White House. They only made $12 MILLION the year after Bill Clinton’s Presidency. I guess when you’re used to living off the taxpayer’s billions funding your vacations, private airfare and security, food, housing, and all, a measly few millions could be a rough adjustment, huh?

She claims to have beeninstrumental in the Northern Ireland peace process. Except those who actuallywereat the negotiating table say Hillary wasnowhere to be seen

She’sjust like you. No, really. Because every woman in America has one child who’s always attended private schools, was married to a President, had a personal chef, flies in a environment polluting personal jet, and makes about$200K for every speaking engagement. Duh.

Benghazi –it was a disgusting video! The worst of the worst. We know for a fact, based on State Department documents, that not only was Benghazi a terrorist attack, but Hillaryknew it was a terrorist attackwhich had absolutely nothing to do with a YouTube video. Not only did she lie about Benghazi, she failed to act in response to the attack, and4 American liveswere lost in the conflict.

Read more:The Top 7 Hillary Clinton Lies That The Liberal Media s Trying To Hide... Louder With Crowder
nuttiness posing as argument
You are reaching for straws, Dante. She just cannot help herself from lying. Why do you feel that is reasonable? Do you lie like that?
LOL, you oppose that, do you? Funny, I never see dante mentioning this standard to Democrats. Is it just a new one for dante and he hasn't had a chance to mention it yet?
A campaign strategy of personal attacks is a sign of desperation

You say that, yet you vote for Obama, Obama, Kerry, Gore, ... and back Pelosi and Reid. Listen to any of their speeches, it's all personal attacks on Republicans. Jesus Man, look what your party does to Cruz, Palin, Trump, Bachman, Thomas, Rice, Chaney ... Bush. And you think this is a standard you actually follow? Grow up

Speeches? Campaign speeches or policy speeches or speeches from the Senate and House floors?

You do know they all have different contexts? Maybe you don't. Maybe your just as ignorant or more so , than your first days at usmb? sad
context! we don't need no stinkin' context!
or any definitions!!!
Definition: Lie:

An untruth. Happy now?

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