Life After Default

Hey moron, what happens when our credit rating gets downgraded?

Default would cause that to happen and it HAS consequences
Hey Moran,
The USA is not going to the the World Currency Reserve forever. Pretty soon we are gong to have to stop printing money.
Your buddy boy Biden is making sure this comes to an end ASAP.
There are exactly two options.
1. raise taxes to cover the $2T interest on the Debt
2. default on the Debt and deal with never borrowing another dollar
I propose #2.
Over and done.
These fucks would have to tax us to death forever.
Fuckem. Default and never borrow again.
Think about that. We can't start wars around the world at a whim.
Hey Moran,
The USA is not going to the the World Currency Reserve forever. Pretty soon we are gong to have to stop printing money.
Your buddy boy Biden is making sure this comes to an end ASAP.
From what I read here you WANT that to happen as soon as possible
I propose #2.
Over and done.
These fucks would have to tax us to death forever.
Fuckem. Default and never borrow again.
Think about that. We can't start wars around the world at a whim.
Two stupid and unworkable “thoughts” if you can call them that
Yea, life after default will be so bad. The fucking US government would have to live on only $5.6 trillion a year instead of $7 trillion. That is on top of the States and Locals spending $6 trillion for government.

By the way $5.6 trillion a year is more than the GDP of all the countries on earth except for the top three or four.

$5.6 comes close to being as much as the rest of the world spends on government, combined.
I oppose Trump's view and instead agree that a default would have major negative economic consequences and should be avoided. What I don't agree with is the dismissive liberal view that disciplined economic spending limits are simply an act of conservatives playing political football.
Or continue as we always do and let inflation take care of the debt like it always does.
And the interest is most definitely NOT 2T
inflation at 2% or so is NOT taking care of the DEBT, have you not seen the Debt exploding to $33T?

interest on the Debt will hit $2T shortly as the Fed continues to raise interest rates
It is going to happen eventually. Why kick the can down the road. Get it over and let the chips fall where they may.
Perhaps you prefer the other option to eliminate debt? WWIII.

The best way to eliminate debt is to pay it off.

No massive economic collapse needed.
inflation at 2% or so is NOT taking care of the DEBT, have you not seen the Debt exploding to $33T?

interest on the Debt will hit $2T shortly as the Fed continues to raise interest rates
NONE of that is even close to true.

What do you call "shortly? The interest is currently less than a quarter of that
The best way to eliminate debt is to pay it off.

No massive economic collapse needed.
Where are the politicians in the United States with the will to pay off this massive debt over a long period of time, and the ability to continue to get elected while taking the necessary, extremely politically unpopular positions necessary to actually get it done? Truly paying off the debt is the most unlikely and utopian option conceivable.
I oppose Trump's view and instead agree that a default would have major negative economic consequences and should be avoided. What I don't agree with is the dismissive liberal view that disciplined economic spending limits are simply an act of conservatives playing political football.
How could not spending any more than we take in at $5.6 trillion a year have any negative consequences?

All we have to do is rid of all that wasteful bullshit to get down to existing revenue.
Found this oldie but goodie.
Is it time to get the inevitable over with? How far down the road can you kick the can? I won't blame Biden, I will blame both parties.
Default, get it over with. I am ready, are you.

Really ...let's do this shit


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