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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Great Walls of the World

The Great Gringo Wall

“you’re not a real Mexican if you haven’t climbed the Great Gringo Wall.”

Kerfuffles :: Great Walls of the World :: May :: 2006

The fence on the border is not a wall, it is a pathetic excuse for a fence. We need to built a wall to keep those who from entering illegally and transporting dugs killing American and ruining other's lives. We have fences that have opeining that are not even gates. What we have built is a waste of money and time.
We need something like the Berlin wall which was said to be unbreachable.
The 1986 amnesty for 2.8 million illegal aliens led to the illegal immigration of 20 million more illegal aliens and over 500,000 anchor babies and 27% of prison inmates are illegal aliens.

The real victims of illegal immigration are the American tax payers. If it failed the first time why are they wanting a repeat performance? If we had deported 2.8 million in 1896 we would not be thinking of another amnesty in 2011 for 20 million illegals. Why is it that just because they are here we have to let them stay? 1986 amnesty proves amnesty to not fix the illegal immigration problem. Call it a “path to citizenship with a fine” and it still will not fix illegal immigration. If we had fixed it the first time we would not have to do a “do over.” Lets learn from our mistakes because if we don’t we tend to make them over and over.

1986 amnesty for 2.8 million illegal aliens are still costing us billions on top of the billions 20 million are costing us now.

They will only have to pay a fine and learn English if they want to become U.S. citizens and many will not. Just like some who were given amnesty in 1986 have not learned English. I meet lot of elderly illegal aliens who cannot speak English and have not applied for U.S. citizenship and is collecting SSI because they did not pay into Social Security.
So you solution is what? Suspend habeas, the 5th, 6th and 14th Amendments, round everyone up in trains and trucks, and send them all south to the border?

You got that right.:clap2: Trains, plains, ships and donkeys. Like the did in the 1954.

The effort began in California and Arizona, and coordinated 1075 Border Patrol agents, along with state and local police agencies, to mount an aggressive crackdown. Tactics employed included going as far as systematic police sweeps of Mexican-American neighborhoods, and using racial profiling on random stops and ID checks of "Mexican-looking" people in a region with many Native Americans and native Hispanics. In some cases, illegal aliens were deported along with their American-born children.:eusa_whistle:

Tens of thousands more were deported by two chartered ships: the Emancipation and the Mercurio. The ships ferried them from Port Isabel, Texas, to Veracruz, Mexico, more than 500 mi (800 km) to the south. Some were taken as far as 1000 mi (1600 km). Deportation by sea was ended after seven deportees jumped overboard from the Mercurio and drowned, provoking a mutiny that led to a public outcry in Mexico
Operation Wetback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perfectly legally according to the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act.
Many African slave jumped ship also but did not stop the transporting slaves to the Americas.
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Illegal immigration is miserable. I used to live 11 miles from the border. its where I grew up, in fact. Poor economic status, racism, and some really crappy education. I can tell you that while it may not be "the" reason our country is going down the pipes, it has certainly contributed alot. The attitude these stupid freaking illegals have about how they "deserve" all this free money pisses me off to no end. Lets build a huge wall and let mexico crumble under its strength.
What about the Chinese? They have been entering the USA Illegally for generations and nobody complains about them at all. Why? Because they have a self-supporting system of integration. They never go on welfare. They have internal community suport systems, (Mafia Style), which have been in place for more than a hundred years. They even have their own Chinese language schools and Chinese herbal doctors.


And they all live in the back of those Chop-Suey joints so no one ever sees them walking around on the street.

Ever seen Chinese in welfare lines? Chop Suey joints make a lot of money and generate lot of taxes. They pay their way and contribute. No problem from me. Plus I live in a part of the country where most illegal aliens are Latino. Nevada, Calif and Ariz. And they suck the system dry. Education, healthcare, public assistance and law enforcement.
You cannot lay mine-fields around the country.
You can, but it is very expensive. Just ask North/South Korea.

There is no way for Immigration officials to indentify Illegals already in the country if the country has no system of idenifying who is legal and who is not.

I remember having to take polygraph tests for a few of the jobs I had in the past. What ever happened to those guys?

Don't bother deporting. Send a bill to Mexico for every illegal Mexican now here. What are they going to say? They even brag that a Mexican who becomes an American is still a Mexican. Stop playing their games and make those countries pay up. You'll see a change almost immediately.

All they do is borrow somebody's birth record or Social Security Number. The USA has no system of legal picture ID's. And any illegal can obtain a US Passport by using a phoney birth cirtificate and an illegally obtained state ID card. It is common practice.

We have so many departments. Start the US Department of Identification.
Unless you are willing to prove you are American and help aid that department in enforcement efforts, you are barred from receiving any aid whatsoever. If this was wartime, all those privacy rights would go right out the window. And this is war!

In order to enforce immigration, you must have a legal method of ID-ing the illegal, and this is what patriotic Americans need to start demanding of their government. If the US Government refuses, Private Industry must step up to the plate and start garateeing citizens true identifications.

What private industry can you trust anymore. They have all been infilitrated by the very families of the people you want to keep out.

Mandatory E-Verify and finger print social security cards.
Ariz. amendment clears ranchers from illegal immigrant suit
Apr 19, 2011

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Two Arizona ranchers found guilty of abusing illegal immigrants may now be off the hook, thanks to a new law signed Tuesday by Governor Jan Brewer.

Roger Barnett and Casey Nethercott were ordered to pay hefty fines for what they did in 2004. And in Nethercott's case, it cost him his ranch near Douglas.
Ariz. amendment clears ranchers from illegal immigrant suit - KGUN9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports
Ariz. amendment clears ranchers from illegal immigrant suit
Apr 19, 2011

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Two Arizona ranchers found guilty of abusing illegal immigrants may now be off the hook, thanks to a new law signed Tuesday by Governor Jan Brewer.

Roger Barnett and Casey Nethercott were ordered to pay hefty fines for what they did in 2004. And in Nethercott's case, it cost him his ranch near Douglas.
Ariz. amendment clears ranchers from illegal immigrant suit - KGUN9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports
how'd the rancher know they were illegals?
Not even near. We have more unskilled worker than ever.

That is not entirely accurate according to your links. You had more people with the same level of skill as before, they just happened to now be looking for unskilled work due to the contraction of other employment due to the recession. In fact, as your second article pretty clearly states and you quote: "For the first time in a decade, unskilled immigrants are competing with Americans for work. And evidence is emerging that tens of thousands of Hispanic immigrants are withdrawing from the labor market as U.S. workers crowd them out of potential jobs. At least some of the foreigners are returning home." This actually implies that newly unemployed Americans are in fact decreasing wages for illegal immigrants, not the other way around, and all of it is due to the recessionary climate (with unemployment decreasing, this point is almost entirely moot - once the economy recovers illegal immigrants won't be competing with more skilled US labor than before).

As for your first article, first of all, comes from a website called NUMBERSUSA FOR LOWER IMMIGRATION NUMBERS. Not the most objective source on the matter, but whatever, it is quoting the Borjas study (which I would suggest anyone to read because he's pretty legit, despite the fact I disagree with him: Center for Immigration Studies). Now, you probably didn't read it, but his study is about all immigrants. He claims at the very beginning actually, that it makes absolutely no difference whether they are legal and illegal, and is making a blanket statement that ANY immigration reduces wages: "The reduction in earnings occurs regardless of whether the immigrants are legal or illegal, permanent or temporary. It is the presence of additional workers that reduces wages, not their legal status."

Yet, even some of the most rabid illegal-immigrant haters disagree with this - I've seen the vast majority of them on this very site claiming how "Oh, immigrants who came before came to work! These dirty Mexicans aren't like the other past immigrants (read: my ancestors)! They're not like those people who wait in line to get into this country!" According to Borjas's analysis, ALL those immigrants, legal, illegal, Irish, Italian, etc would have had the same negative impact on native-born wages. Is this true? It may well be true, but Borjas entirely dismisses any of the macro-level benefits of immigration that the vast majority of economists going back to Adam Smith himself have explained. Like everything in economics, there's almost never any entirely positive thing, higher wages does not necessarily mean a good economy or even better living standards.

Just look at the demographic problem occurring in Japan and Eastern Europe (and it would be occurring today in Western Europe, the US and Canada if there hadn't been large influxes of migrants to these areas): In 40 years, their population will have shrunk, retired people's percentage of the population will have surged, and the proportion of workers will be minute compared to today, wages may be very much higher, but the majority of this increase will either way go into taxes to support the retired population and there will be less work either way due to lower population AND much higher wages AND the potential for default or political/social instability if old-age support can't be maintained.

Borjas puts some of this in his study but never really goes in-depth with it: "For example, an influx of foreign-born laborers reduces the economic opportunities for laborers. All laborers now face stiffer competition in the labor market. At the same time, high-skill natives may gain substantially. They pay less for the services that laborers provide, such as painting the house and mowing the lawn, and natives who hire these laborers can now specialize in producing the goods and services that better suit their skills."

And please get your numbers straight, from your own source:

"The [2004 Bush] plan has three key components: First, it would legalize the status of the approximately 10 million illegal aliens now present in the United States by creating a new type of temporary worker visa [...]

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, part of the Department of Homeland Security, estimates that there were 4.8 million Mexican illegal aliens present in the country in 2000, making up about half of the 9.2 million Mexican immigrants counted by the 2000 Census." (The figure today is closer to 6.5 million according to the Department of Homeland Security).

"Since 1970, immigration has increased the number of unskilled job applicants faster than the number of skilled job applicants.
High Immigration Harms Many American Workers | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels

U.S. Workers Crowding Out Immigrant Laborers for Unskilled Jobs

U.S. Workers Crowding Out Immigrant Laborers for Unskilled Jobs
i HATE illegal immigrants. They destroy everything.

You don't really hate illegal aliens, you hate illegal immigration and our failed government. Illegal aliens are very likable people and the little children are just so cute. I had a little boy flirting with me yesterday at the clinic. It is hard to hate some one who is so innocent. Mother take good care of their chidlren and they are usually well behaved. They as a rule are a very friendly, caring and generous people. My scooter stopped in the park and several pushed my all the way home. They possible were gang members and did not speak English, I speak Spanish. Most of my friend are Hispanic, illegal immigration we do not talke about.
I hate what the government is letting happen to this country.
I have one friend that was deported when McDonalds were raided that I keep in contact with and miss her very much.
Do you ever cheat a little at anything?
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Ariz. amendment clears ranchers from illegal immigrant suit
Apr 19, 2011

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Two Arizona ranchers found guilty of abusing illegal immigrants may now be off the hook, thanks to a new law signed Tuesday by Governor Jan Brewer.

Roger Barnett and Casey Nethercott were ordered to pay hefty fines for what they did in 2004. And in Nethercott's case, it cost him his ranch near Douglas.
Ariz. amendment clears ranchers from illegal immigrant suit - KGUN9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports
how'd the rancher know they were illegals?

Legal immigrants do not hand around the border unless they are mules..:lol:
Ariz. amendment clears ranchers from illegal immigrant suit
Apr 19, 2011

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Two Arizona ranchers found guilty of abusing illegal immigrants may now be off the hook, thanks to a new law signed Tuesday by Governor Jan Brewer.

Roger Barnett and Casey Nethercott were ordered to pay hefty fines for what they did in 2004. And in Nethercott's case, it cost him his ranch near Douglas.
Ariz. amendment clears ranchers from illegal immigrant suit - KGUN9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports
how'd the rancher know they were illegals?

Legal immigrants do not hand around the border unless they are mules..:lol:

how's he know they were immigrants at all
i HATE illegal immigrants. They destroy everything.

You don't really hate illegal aliens, you hate illegal immigration and our failed government. Illegal aliens are very likable people and the little children are just so cute. I had a little boy flirting with me yesterday at the clinic. It is hard to hate some one who is so innocent. Mother take good care of their chidlren and they are usually well behaved. They as a rule are a very friendly, caring and generous people. My scooter stopped in the park and several pushed my all the way home. They possible were gang members and did not speak English, I speak Spanish. Most of my friend are Hispanic, illegal immigration we do not talke about.
I hate what the government is letting happen to this country.
I have one friend that was deported when McDonalds were raided that I keep in contact with and miss her very much.
Do you ever cheat a little at anything?

I used to live 11 miles from the border. I see how they abuse the system and use the government. its disgusting.
Brewer signs bill authorizing Arizona border fence
Apr. 29, 2011 04:30 PM
Associated Press

A bill signed into law by Gov. Jan Brewer authorizes erection of a security fence along Arizona's portion of the U.S.-Mexico border, either in a compact with other states or by itself.

Spokesman Matt Benson declined immediate comment Friday on why Brewer signed the bill Thursday and on whether she plans to invoke the authority.

The bill does not specify a cost or make an appropriation but says the state would use donations, inmate labor and private contractors.

Read more: Brewer signs bill authorizing Arizona border fence

Could those inmates be illegal aliens?:clap2:

Illegal Immigrants Caught Building Border Fence
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Ariz. amendment clears ranchers from illegal immigrant suit
Apr 19, 2011

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Two Arizona ranchers found guilty of abusing illegal immigrants may now be off the hook, thanks to a new law signed Tuesday by Governor Jan Brewer.

Roger Barnett and Casey Nethercott were ordered to pay hefty fines for what they did in 2004. And in Nethercott's case, it cost him his ranch near Douglas.
Ariz. amendment clears ranchers from illegal immigrant suit - KGUN9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports
how'd the rancher know they were illegals?

Legal immigrants do not hand around the border unless they are mules..:lol:

So, uhh... are you going to respond to anything I said or what?

Got any other takers? Anything?
Brewer signs bill authorizing Arizona border fence
Apr. 29, 2011 04:30 PM
Associated Press

A bill signed into law by Gov. Jan Brewer authorizes erection of a security fence along Arizona's portion of the U.S.-Mexico border, either in a compact with other states or by itself.

Spokesman Matt Benson declined immediate comment Friday on why Brewer signed the bill Thursday and on whether she plans to invoke the authority.

The bill does not specify a cost or make an appropriation but says the state would use donations, inmate labor and private contractors.

Read more: Brewer signs bill authorizing Arizona border fence

Could those inmates be illegal aliens?:clap2:

Illegal Immigrants Caught Building Border Fence
Illegal Immigrants Caught Building Border Fence

YES! Lets take the illegal immigrants, force them to build our wall, then kick their butts to the other side of it. I love it!
Brewer signs bill authorizing Arizona border fence
Apr. 29, 2011 04:30 PM
Associated Press

A bill signed into law by Gov. Jan Brewer authorizes erection of a security fence along Arizona's portion of the U.S.-Mexico border, either in a compact with other states or by itself.

Spokesman Matt Benson declined immediate comment Friday on why Brewer signed the bill Thursday and on whether she plans to invoke the authority.

The bill does not specify a cost or make an appropriation but says the state would use donations, inmate labor and private contractors.

Read more: Brewer signs bill authorizing Arizona border fence

Could those inmates be illegal aliens?:clap2:

Illegal Immigrants Caught Building Border Fence
Illegal Immigrants Caught Building Border Fence

How much will this cluster fuck cost our state?

Here is a hint Janet...you build a 10 foot wall, they will build a 11 foot ladder.
i HATE illegal immigrants. They destroy everything.

You don't really hate illegal aliens, you hate illegal immigration and our failed government. Illegal aliens are very likable people and the little children are just so cute. I had a little boy flirting with me yesterday at the clinic. It is hard to hate some one who is so innocent. Mother take good care of their chidlren and they are usually well behaved. They as a rule are a very friendly, caring and generous people. My scooter stopped in the park and several pushed my all the way home. They possible were gang members and did not speak English, I speak Spanish. Most of my friend are Hispanic, illegal immigration we do not talke about.
I hate what the government is letting happen to this country.
I have one friend that was deported when McDonalds were raided that I keep in contact with and miss her very much.
Do you ever cheat a little at anything?

I used to live 11 miles from the border. I see how they abuse the system and use the government. its disgusting.

I wonder what would happen if Americans took matters into their own hands, ignored the laws (like the illegals are doing), formed vigilante/militias and just went on a rampage into Mexico.

I wonder if they would be eligible for amnesty?
Brewer signs bill authorizing Arizona border fence
Apr. 29, 2011 04:30 PM
Associated Press

A bill signed into law by Gov. Jan Brewer authorizes erection of a security fence along Arizona's portion of the U.S.-Mexico border, either in a compact with other states or by itself.

Spokesman Matt Benson declined immediate comment Friday on why Brewer signed the bill Thursday and on whether she plans to invoke the authority.

The bill does not specify a cost or make an appropriation but says the state would use donations, inmate labor and private contractors.

Read more: Brewer signs bill authorizing Arizona border fence

Could those inmates be illegal aliens?:clap2:

Illegal Immigrants Caught Building Border Fence
Illegal Immigrants Caught Building Border Fence

How much will this cluster fuck cost our state?

Here is a hint Janet...you build a 10 foot wall, they will build a 11 foot ladder.
You know how I know a fence would work? The government doesn't want one built that's why.

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