Limbaugh: Heat index is a liberal government conspiracy

You got a cite for that? Sounds like BS to me. There's no "largely" about it. Heat index is as fully realized an index as wind chill. I'm always hereing "feels like" with regard to wind chill, so stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes. We're not freakin' brain dead Limbaugh minions.
Nope.... you're a brain dead lamestream media minion.

At least I can tell the difference when someone is making a mockery out of something and when they're serious.

Hmmm...., still no cite. THAT should tell you something. :cool:
The cite is the freezing point of water, you imbecile.

Wind chill is the measure of how quickly exposed skin will freeze, expressed in terms of temperature....The freezing point of skin can be objectively quantified in lab conditions, whereas the mythical "heat index" cannot determine and quantify anything more than what some putz with too much time on his hands tries to tell me what X amount of heat "feels like".
My arthritic thumb itches today...

DON'T LAUGH AT THE SCIENCE OF MY ARTHRITIC THUMB! It's telling me that there's a fire nearby and it will rain in the next 2 weeks.
Hes on 3 hours a day, 5 days a week and thats the best you got to bitch about? The heat index? Who cares?
No kidding.

What is even more laughable, the leftards believe he's contradicting SCIENCE based upon the fact that their fave reporters love to use the heat index to turn weather non-stories into stories.

It isn't science. And this is yet more evidence that you don't understand science, you just get all your information from WRITERS....

Do you really want to base your understanding on the natural world solely on what tv journalists tell you? Really?
Why is there no wind chill temps in the summer? I mean if it's 99 and a 20mph wind it's really 80 degrees out, 70 if your wet....
Great question.

Ever blown on your skin in a sauna?...Damn, that "feels" hot!

No, that sounds kinda fruity.

but seriously, what if your wet? the evaporative cooling effect is going to skew the numbers no?

look at the dew point.....

Currently here, it's 96 degrees with humidity of 51%, Dew point is at 75 degrees, that's tells me it's going to be miserable outside and I still know the actual tempurature.....
The lib media has probably generated more heat with their hot weather reporting frenzy than the weather itself. :D Of course, last winter with the record lows, and end of several drought conditions, they were comotose.
Heat index Formula

Here is a formula for approximating the heat index in degrees Fahrenheit, to within ±1.3 °F. It is useful only when the temperature is at least 80 °F and the relative humidity is at least 40%.



= heat index (in degrees Fahrenheit)
= ambient dry-bulb temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit)
= relative humidity (in percent)









Heat index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And the weather will continue to fluctuate as it has since the beginning of time!!!


Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week. I will take my place with the rest of the Pretend Science hos...
The dangerous heat wave baking the Midwest may have contributed to 13 deaths in the Kansas City, Missouri, metropolitan area this summer, a health official said Wednesday.

Officials are bracing themselves for the worst. The sweltering heat is expected to persist at least through the end of the month.

"At this point, we're still not yet at the worst level," said Jeff Hershberger, spokesman for the Kansas City health department. "We're at 'extreme heat warning' which is one level lower than 'heat emergency.'"

Extreme heat likely cause of 13 deaths in Kansas City - CNN
Denying Existence Of Record Heat Wave, Limbaugh Suggests The Heat Index Is A Government Conspiracy

Rush Limbaugh: They’re playing games with us on this heat wave, again. Even Drudge, drudge getting sucked in here. Gonna be a 116 in Washington. No, it’s not. It’s going to be a 100, maybe 99. The heat index, manufactured by the government, they tell you what it feels like when you add the humidity in there. 116 - When’s the last time the heat index was reported as an actual temperature? It hasn’t been. But it looks like they’re trying to get away with doing that now.

It’s Not the Heat, It’s the Stupidity: Limbaugh Calls Heat Index a Liberal Government Conspiracy


Wow, I love Republicans and their "science". 6% seems vastly overblown.
The thing is, those sites never really nail him in his lying!!! He said the HEAT INDEX was reported as TEMPERATURE!!!!! But when the pathological liar read the actual headlines they clearly reported "heat" not "degrees" It was Stuttering LimpTard who changed "heat" to degrees!"

July 20, 2011
RUSH: They're playing games with us on this heat wave again. Even Drudge is getting sucked in here, gonna be 116 in Washington. No, it's not. It's gonna be like a hundred. Maybe 99. The heat index, manufactured by the government, to tell you what it feels like when you add the humidity in there, 116. When's the last time the heat index was reported as an actual temperature? It hasn't been, but it looks like they're trying to get away with doing that now. Drudge is just linking to other people reporting it, he's not saying it, I don't want you to misunderstand, but he's linking to stories which say 116 degrees in Washington.
RUSH: I look here at Drudge: "Stifling States of America, DC Heat to 116." Now, I saw that and I said, "Whoa. It's gonna hit 116 degrees in Washington."

RUSH:: Here's the headline: "Shock Forecast: NOAA Predicts Heat Index of 116 in Washington Friday."
Sure he said it....I even heard him say it and laughed my ass off.

Thing is that the dopes at Media Moonbatters and other leftloon "watchdog" sites are so devoid of humor that they can't even noticed that they're being tweaked. :lol:
DittoTards are programmed to make excuses for their MessiahRushie! Whenever he is caught in an out and out lie, they are programmed to call it a "joke" on them.

Nobody "reported" the heat index as temperature other than the pathological liar LimpTard!!!
You got a cite for that? Sounds like BS to me. There's no "largely" about it. Heat index is as fully realized an index as wind chill. I'm always hereing "feels like" with regard to wind chill, so stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes. We're not freakin' brain dead Limbaugh minions.
Nope.... you're a brain dead lamestream media minion.

At least I can tell the difference when someone is making a mockery out of something and when they're serious.
But you can't tell when somebody is outright lying!!
Nobody reported the heat index as temperature except your MessiahRushie!!!

July 20, 2011
RUSH: They're playing games with us on this heat wave again. Even Drudge is getting sucked in here, gonna be 116 in Washington. No, it's not. It's gonna be like a hundred. Maybe 99. The heat index, manufactured by the government, to tell you what it feels like when you add the humidity in there, 116. When's the last time the heat index was reported as an actual temperature? It hasn't been, but it looks like they're trying to get away with doing that now. Drudge is just linking to other people reporting it, he's not saying it, I don't want you to misunderstand, but he's linking to stories which say 116 degrees in Washington.
RUSH: I look here at Drudge: "Stifling States of America, DC Heat to 116." Now, I saw that and I said, "Whoa. It's gonna hit 116 degrees in Washington."

RUSH:: Here's the headline: "Shock Forecast: NOAA Predicts Heat Index of 116 in Washington Friday."
And the weather will continue to fluctuate as it has since the beginning of time!!!


Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week. I will take my place with the rest of the Pretend Science hos...

Sound and fury, signifying nothing. :cool:
Sorta like the Jimmy Carter Misery Index only that one was genuine.

Somehow an Obama Misery Index fails to gain traction....and here everybody thought Our Kenyan President had the magical ability to outdo Carter in everything.

Sure he said it....I even heard him say it and laughed my ass off.

Thing is that the dopes at Media Moonbatters and other leftloon "watchdog" sites are so devoid of humor that they can't even noticed that they're being tweaked. :lol:
DittoTards are programmed to make excuses for their MessiahRushie! Whenever he is caught in an out and out lie, they are programmed to call it a "joke" on them.

Nobody "reported" the heat index as temperature other than the pathological liar LimpTard!!!

He's God's gift to America until he's caught in a lie, then he's "just an entertainer". How long can they keep thinking we're going accept that two-step?!?!

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