Limbaugh Knew It All Along, Ya Dittoheads!

An awesome exchange from the fat druggie's show. A listener loses his mind listening to el Rushbo never being able to admit that he was wrong. Enjoy.

I heard that caller. Rush was right, the caller was wrong and your post proves nothing.
Remember when Limbaugh made $1 million dollar bet he made in 92' and reneged on it when he was proven wrong? I totally lost ALL respect for him after THAT fiasco. Limbaugh is beneath contempt. No integrity whatsoever. None. He proved it.

During the 1992 presidential election Rush offered a 1 million US dollar bet to the Democratic National Party that if Clinton were elected president we would get unprecedented budget deficits in the hundreds of millions of US dollars. Of course the DNC didn't take him up on the bet so Rush did not welsh. You now have permission to respect Rush again. BWHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you tool.
Hahaha haha hahaha NOW yiu never took Trump seriously after he mocked everyone for the stance he's adopted from Obama?

Rush said they don't care, they're going to stick with Trump because he tells it like it is...until he gets heat then he tells you what you want to hear...until he gets heat...

Anyone who believes he's going to build a wall is stupid. There IS a wall and the US couldn't finish it because they ran out of money. Lol stupid rubes...and now Rush has even admitted he KNEW he was lying. How's that feel?
And when Trump welshes on the wall, Limpboy will say "it's fine because he's not Hillary!"

As long as what is done stops the flow of illegals no one will care what the "wall" looks like or is.

Did anyone actually read Art of the Deal?
It's gotten to the point where Trump supporters are pretty much admitting they don't care what he says without really saying it. They are too invested in their orange God to back out now.

Back out and go where? Over to Hitlery, the crook?. I love this time of the year when politics becomes just like the WWF.......such grand theater. Bread and circuses for the serfs........

Never should have gotten that far. Those with half a brain knew he was playing you rubes all along.

"I'm going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it."

"How will you get them to pay for it?"

"They'll pay for it."

"But how will you get them to pay for it?"

"They'll pay for it."

This was the substance behind almost every policy idea he has had. He's a complete joke.

Yeah, securing the border was a totally stupid idea even though we allegedly have this joke of a war on terror where the NSA and the DHS is gathering intel and data on American citizens and patting them down at the airports when it's actually "da gubermint" that is funding the terrorism in the Middle East and causing the mass migration to begin with. If someone wrote a script for a movie about this, people would say it was too far -fetched....SMH......

No. It's stupid that everyone aside from those huffing paint knew he could never accomplish his most ambitious of campaign promises. They were impossible from the beginning. And now Limbaugh has admitted that even he never took Trump seriously from the start.

What's the big deal? No one, including all the Democrats, media, TV, print or radio never took him seriously.
Did anyone actually read Art of the Deal?
Why, it wasn't written by Trump.
There are TWO books called the Art of the Deal...ONE was written by Trump.
Look on Amazon.
None were written by Trump. The one with Trump's name on it was ghost written.

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be the FIRST time in HISTORY a book has ever been Ghost Written!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did anyone actually read Art of the Deal?
Why, it wasn't written by Trump.
There are TWO books called the Art of the Deal...ONE was written by Trump.
Look on Amazon.
None were written by Trump. The one with Trump's name on it was ghost written.

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be the FIRST time in HISTORY a book has ever been Ghost Written!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone really believe that the Barrypuppet wrote the book "Dreams Of My Father"? Speaking of which, though I believe that Frank Marshall Davis was his real father. BUT, the one he is named after's biggest dream seemed to be that of spreading communism and his seed as far and as wide as he could.....come to think of it, that was the goal of Frank Marshall Davis as well. LMAO!!!
Did anyone actually read Art of the Deal?
Why, it wasn't written by Trump.
There are TWO books called the Art of the Deal...ONE was written by Trump.
Look on Amazon.
None were written by Trump. The one with Trump's name on it was ghost written.

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be the FIRST time in HISTORY a book has ever been Ghost Written!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone really believe that the Barrypuppet wrote the book "Dreams Of My Father"? Speaking of which, though I believe that Frank Marshall Davis was his real father. BUT, the one he is named after's biggest dream seemed to be that of spreading communism and his seed as far and as wide as he could.....come to think of it, that was the goal of Frank Marshall Davis as well. LMAO!!!

Excellent point!
I wish I thought of that.
Bad news, liberals:

Ratings companies count those "monitoring" as actually listening. I'm sure Mr. Limbaugh appreciates your contribution to his vast ratings numbers.
All Right-wing radio ratings are fictitious.

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