Line Forming: 'FBI Agts Want To Be Subpoenaed - So They Can Reveal Comey/McCabe Failures

It's all becoming clear now. They allowed Clinton to skate while using massive resources to try and destroy the Opposition. Clinton and Hussein are guilty of Treason in my opinion. What they did to Trump is Watergate Ten-Fold.
If Obama was gonna fix this, Hill would be potus, grasshopper.
It's all becoming clear now. They allowed Clinton to skate while using massive resources to try and destroy the Opposition. Clinton and Hussein are guilty of Treason in my opinion. What they did to Trump is Watergate Ten-Fold.
If Obama was gonna fix this, Hill would be potus, grasshopper.

They tried, but they failed. Trump won anyway. That's why they've moved onto 'Impeachment.' What they did, amounts to Watergate Ten-Fold. They should be held accountable.
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FBI agents want congressional subpoenas to testify about the agency’s problems...

...there is a demand within the agency to prosecute former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe ...

...The subpoenas are desired by the FBI agents because it requires Congress to pay for their legal fees and protects them from agency retribution.


Many agents in the FBI want Congress to subpoena them so they can reveal problems caused by former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, three people in direct contact with active field agents tell TheDC.

“There are agents all over this country who love the bureau and are sickened by [James] Comey’s behavior and [Andrew] McCabe and [Eric] Holder and [Loretta] Lynch and the thugs like [John] Brennan–who despise the fact that the bureau was used as a tool of political intelligence by the Obama administration thugs.

“They are just waiting for a chance to come forward and testify.”

Sources: FBI Agents Want Congress To Issue Them Subpoenas So They Can Reveal The Bureau’s Dirt

The time to appoint a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate the Obama administration, his Cabinet, his Law Enforcement and Intel Collection Agency Directors is WAY overdue.

FBI Agents are LINING UP - BEGGING CONGRESS for the opportunity - to testify / give up evidence against co-Conspirators Comey and McCabe!
Why wait for a subpoena?

They can speak any time they want
The answer is in the OP. try reading it next time.
Was it in hiding? It was on the tarmac of a very busy commercial airport. Pretty shitty hiding place


As per all the reports on this Liberal Obstructionist Collaboration.....

Bill Clinton happened to be flying across country to an event when he heard (from who?) that none other than Obama US AG Loretta Lynch, who was in charge / overseeing the criminal investigation of his wife, was several states over at a separate event.

He suddenly had the urge to 'pop' over and talk to her about GRANDKIDS - no big deal.

To make this happen:
- Contact had to be made with the team on the ground where Trump was headed to notify them of the change n plans.

- Flight plans had to be changed with the FAA.

- The airport had to be notified of Clinton's plans / arrival.

- Lynch had to be notified, and she had to agree to meet with him.

- The Clinton Secret Service Detail had to coordinate with Lynch's Secret Service detail on how to make this happen.

- Clinton's plane, once it landed, taxied to a 'secure ramp space' at the airport where Lynch's plane was located.

- According to reports, everyone on Lynch's plane exited except for her and bill came aboard - Secret Service Remained outside. (Oh goody, a CLASSIFIED discussion about 'grandchildren'...)

If you SERIOUSLY believe all this was coordinated and made to happen just so Bill Clinton could talk to Loretta Lynch about grandchildren on a whim, then you are an IDIOT.

Almost EVERY lawyer / Attorney General asked about the meeting declared it to be HIGHLY UNETHICAL AT THE LEAST.

So, all that was coordinated and you rubes still want to call to a “secret meeting”!

You clearly do not know the meaning of the word

Sent from my iPhone using
Unlikely anything will come of this...

The GOP Controlled congress is going to do what exactly...expose the problems in the FBI of a Republican President?
close. the problems were under obama and CAME OUT under a republican president.

And what problems were those?
uh huh.
what's the point? i tell you what he's done wrong and i get back no he didn't but trump met russians at his hotel!

FISA saying it was illegal
spying on trumps campaign
targeting conservatives with the IRS
keeping reporters like sharyl attkisson under attack
secret tarmac meetings to get around investigations

none of that matters but hey - trump met russians in a room.

and i'm supposed to go "oh, you got me there. shit"?

when you're going to put things on equal footing, holler. but as long as we deny the real crimes and go after hopeful ones, we're all fucked.
So, all that was coordinated and you rubes still want to call to a “secret meeting”!

No, dumbass - Strzok / McCabe called it their 'Secret Society', the gathering of traitors plotting to keep Trump from winning and the 'coup' to remove him from office if should win. It was McCabe who tried to keep secret the information that they had an Insurance Policy' to do just that.

Of course you know all of this, you just keep posting BS like this, wiggling like a fish on a hook, in defense of your Treasonous Obama administration / Democrats.

Dude, SERIOUSLY - you are defending a criminal who did not earn the DNC nomination, who should have been I jail on election day, and an administration that has now been proven to have committed treason.....

When are you going to stop?

I remember when you snowflakes were just as rabid in your assurance / declaration that Hillary was going to win in a 'landslide'......and despite all the criminal evidence against them now you still put your loyalty to them over the country.

Hillary was right, dude - you have refused to accept the results of the outcome of the election as well as the real evidence of criminal activity and have become a threat to our democracy...just like the ones you support and remain loyal to.
FBI agents want congressional subpoenas to testify about the agency’s problems...

...there is a demand within the agency to prosecute former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe ...

...The subpoenas are desired by the FBI agents because it requires Congress to pay for their legal fees and protects them from agency retribution.


Many agents in the FBI want Congress to subpoena them so they can reveal problems caused by former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, three people in direct contact with active field agents tell TheDC.

“There are agents all over this country who love the bureau and are sickened by [James] Comey’s behavior and [Andrew] McCabe and [Eric] Holder and [Loretta] Lynch and the thugs like [John] Brennan–who despise the fact that the bureau was used as a tool of political intelligence by the Obama administration thugs.

“They are just waiting for a chance to come forward and testify.”

Sources: FBI Agents Want Congress To Issue Them Subpoenas So They Can Reveal The Bureau’s Dirt

The time to appoint a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate the Obama administration, his Cabinet, his Law Enforcement and Intel Collection Agency Directors is WAY overdue.

FBI Agents are LINING UP - BEGGING CONGRESS for the opportunity - to testify / give up evidence against co-Conspirators Comey and McCabe!
Fuck the FBI
They recognize the looming demise of this unconstitutional, criminal organization.
What a bunch of rats. They're rats when they are employed as *agents* and do all the crappy things they do..including standing by while their coworkers and bosses behaved treasonously..

and they're rats now that they are turning on them.

These are people whose #1 strength is their ability to tell baldfaced lies under pressure. The FBI is an unconstitutional agency, created to violate the constitution. Give them all pink slips and subpoenas.
So, all that was coordinated and you rubes still want to call to a “secret meeting”!

No, dumbass - Strzok / McCabe called it their 'Secret Society', the gathering of traitors plotting to keep Trump from winning and the 'coup' to remove him from office if should win. It was McCabe who tried to keep secret the information that they had an Insurance Policy' to do just that.

Of course you know all of this, you just keep posting BS like this, wiggling like a fish on a hook, in defense of your Treasonous Obama administration / Democrats.

Dude, SERIOUSLY - you are defending a criminal who did not earn the DNC nomination, who should have been I jail on election day, and an administration that has now been proven to have committed treason.....

When are you going to stop?

I remember when you snowflakes were just as rabid in your assurance / declaration that Hillary was going to win in a 'landslide'......and despite all the criminal evidence against them now you still put your loyalty to them over the country.

Hillary was right, dude - you have refused to accept the results of the outcome of the election as well as the real evidence of criminal activity and have become a threat to our democracy...just like the ones you support and remain loyal to.

I have not defended shit, I am just laughing at the idea it was a "hidden" or "secret" meeting...which was what my first post addressed.

I am never going to stop laughing at rubes like you, just like i will not stop laughing at the rubes that think Trump is going do not hold your breath.

But of course, because I refuse to bow down and kiss Trump's ass I am supporting Hillary....because you are too stupid to grasp that a few of us find them to be about the same...
Unlikely anything will come of this...

The GOP Controlled congress is going to do what exactly...expose the problems in the FBI of a Republican President?
Try again, snowflake. Evidence chows the OBAMA administration Cabinet, agencies, and the Directors of those agencies engaged in criminal acts to include Conspiracy and Treason.

It was my opinion, that proved to be correct, that President Trump needed to FIRE EVERY OBAMA APPOINTEE / DIRECTOR when he took over - the 'new broom' adage. If he had done so he would have gotten rid of the now-exposed Secret Society Obama loyalist traitors on Day 1 and would have spared the American citizens of 2 yeas of butt-hurt tantrum-throwing.

I think your tinfoil hat is too tight.

The reason Trump is being investigated is because he’s dirty.
They are all dirty. They aren't investigating Trump because he's dirty, They are investigating Russian Collusion, which is a complete joke, you know it and I know it.
Then why was trump's family meeting with Russian spies to get dirt on Hillary?
People want to get dirt on other matter who its from......why does our government think a dossier saying trump hired hookers to pee on a bed is legit?
FBI agents want congressional subpoenas to testify about the agency’s problems...

...there is a demand within the agency to prosecute former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe ...

...The subpoenas are desired by the FBI agents because it requires Congress to pay for their legal fees and protects them from agency retribution.


Many agents in the FBI want Congress to subpoena them so they can reveal problems caused by former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, three people in direct contact with active field agents tell TheDC.

“There are agents all over this country who love the bureau and are sickened by [James] Comey’s behavior and [Andrew] McCabe and [Eric] Holder and [Loretta] Lynch and the thugs like [John] Brennan–who despise the fact that the bureau was used as a tool of political intelligence by the Obama administration thugs.

“They are just waiting for a chance to come forward and testify.”

Sources: FBI Agents Want Congress To Issue Them Subpoenas So They Can Reveal The Bureau’s Dirt

The time to appoint a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate the Obama administration, his Cabinet, his Law Enforcement and Intel Collection Agency Directors is WAY overdue.

FBI Agents are LINING UP - BEGGING CONGRESS for the opportunity - to testify / give up evidence against co-Conspirators Comey and McCabe!
Why wait for a subpoena?

They can speak any time they want
So they can do it publicly and on the record, but you already knew that.
Doesn’t stop any agent from speaking up

Where are they?
Are you serious? They have jobs, the people they want to speak on have power an influence over their job, so the only way to be safe is to make it very public like at a hearing, otherwise they are open to retaliation.

That is why we have whistleblower laws

Sent from my iPhone using

Hey, hole in one-------->when you release something like that, it is called a LEAK, and you can be prosecuted. Doubt me? What happened to that person in the services, who blew the whistle on how people were being watched under OBAMA?!?!?!?!?!-)
Unlikely anything will come of this...

The GOP Controlled congress is going to do what exactly...expose the problems in the FBI of a Republican President?
close. the problems were under obama and CAME OUT under a republican president.

And what problems were those?
uh huh.
what's the point? i tell you what he's done wrong and i get back no he didn't but trump met russians at his hotel!

FISA saying it was illegal
spying on trumps campaign
targeting conservatives with the IRS
keeping reporters like sharyl attkisson under attack
secret tarmac meetings to get around investigations

none of that matters but hey - trump met russians in a room.

and i'm supposed to go "oh, you got me there. shit"?

when you're going to put things on equal footing, holler. but as long as we deny the real crimes and go after hopeful ones, we're all fucked.

Forgive me on this one...

"FISA saying "it" was illegal"--what was illegal? Spying on Trump's campaign? It seems like that wasn't what they were doing...they were spying on the Russians who happened to be making a B-line for Trump tower.

As for the IRS...

I'm with you on that except for the caveat that all political sounding orgs filing for tax-free status were flagged:

Yes they are indeed scandals.
The malfeasance is obvious insofar as SS agents being expelled, pulled off their duty, the IRS targeting groups based on their names, and the VA mis-reporting their flow rate.
We know this happened..

Not sure who Sharyl Attkisson is. Inform me.

As for the tarmac you really think that if AG Lynch was in on this that her and the former President--the same President who covered his tracks so well during the whitewater/Macdougal/Paula Jones/Gennifer Flowers/Lewinsky/______ other scandals would meet with her on a plane instead of calling her at her house or whatever? At some point, you have to smell what you're shoveling.

As for the "equal footing", I agree, investigate all of these matters completely. How far you want to go back? Reagan answering "I dunno" or "I don't recall" to everything asked of him during Iran Contra? Its pretty silly to bring up the IRS stuff and stuff that is in the past. Yes, the Trumps did enlist the Russians for help in the election. Anything germane to that is what should be the focus IMHO. Since he is the President. That includes whether the DOJ was spying on Trump or spying on someone Trump was meeting; not the same thing.
close. the problems were under obama and CAME OUT under a republican president.

And what problems were those?
uh huh.
what's the point? i tell you what he's done wrong and i get back no he didn't but trump met russians at his hotel!

FISA saying it was illegal
spying on trumps campaign
targeting conservatives with the IRS
keeping reporters like sharyl attkisson under attack
secret tarmac meetings to get around investigations

none of that matters but hey - trump met russians in a room.

and i'm supposed to go "oh, you got me there. shit"?

when you're going to put things on equal footing, holler. but as long as we deny the real crimes and go after hopeful ones, we're all fucked.

Forgive me on this one...

"FISA saying "it" was illegal"--what was illegal? Spying on Trump's campaign? It seems like that wasn't what they were doing...they were spying on the Russians who happened to be making a B-line for Trump tower.

As for the IRS...

I'm with you on that except for the caveat that all political sounding orgs filing for tax-free status were flagged:

Yes they are indeed scandals.
The malfeasance is obvious insofar as SS agents being expelled, pulled off their duty, the IRS targeting groups based on their names, and the VA mis-reporting their flow rate.
We know this happened..

Not sure who Sharyl Attkisson is. Inform me.

As for the tarmac you really think that if AG Lynch was in on this that her and the former President--the same President who covered his tracks so well during the whitewater/Macdougal/Paula Jones/Gennifer Flowers/Lewinsky/______ other scandals would meet with her on a plane instead of calling her at her house or whatever? At some point, you have to smell what you're shoveling.

As for the "equal footing", I agree, investigate all of these matters completely. How far you want to go back? Reagan answering "I dunno" or "I don't recall" to everything asked of him during Iran Contra? Its pretty silly to bring up the IRS stuff and stuff that is in the past. Yes, the Trumps did enlist the Russians for help in the election. Anything germane to that is what should be the focus IMHO. Since he is the President. That includes whether the DOJ was spying on Trump or spying on someone Trump was meeting; not the same thing.
my point is if trump is meeting at trump towers he aint hiding much.

meeting on a tarmac while your wife is under investigation with person in charge of said investigation gets no sniff from the RUSSIA crowd.

what's the point? i tell you what he's done wrong and i get back no he didn't but trump met russians at his hotel!

FISA saying it was illegal
spying on trumps campaign
targeting conservatives with the IRS
keeping reporters like sharyl attkisson under attack
secret tarmac meetings to get around investigations

none of that matters but hey - trump met russians in a room.

and i'm supposed to go "oh, you got me there. shit"?

when you're going to put things on equal footing, holler. but as long as we deny the real crimes and go after hopeful ones, we're all fucked.

Forgive me on this one...

"FISA saying "it" was illegal"--what was illegal? Spying on Trump's campaign? It seems like that wasn't what they were doing...they were spying on the Russians who happened to be making a B-line for Trump tower.

As for the IRS...

I'm with you on that except for the caveat that all political sounding orgs filing for tax-free status were flagged:

Yes they are indeed scandals.
The malfeasance is obvious insofar as SS agents being expelled, pulled off their duty, the IRS targeting groups based on their names, and the VA mis-reporting their flow rate.
We know this happened..

Not sure who Sharyl Attkisson is. Inform me.

As for the tarmac you really think that if AG Lynch was in on this that her and the former President--the same President who covered his tracks so well during the whitewater/Macdougal/Paula Jones/Gennifer Flowers/Lewinsky/______ other scandals would meet with her on a plane instead of calling her at her house or whatever? At some point, you have to smell what you're shoveling.

As for the "equal footing", I agree, investigate all of these matters completely. How far you want to go back? Reagan answering "I dunno" or "I don't recall" to everything asked of him during Iran Contra? Its pretty silly to bring up the IRS stuff and stuff that is in the past. Yes, the Trumps did enlist the Russians for help in the election. Anything germane to that is what should be the focus IMHO. Since he is the President. That includes whether the DOJ was spying on Trump or spying on someone Trump was meeting; not the same thing.
my point is if trump is meeting at trump towers he aint hiding much.

meeting on a tarmac while your wife is under investigation with person in charge of said investigation gets no sniff from the RUSSIA crowd.


Not sure about the privacy angle; seems like a push to me especially when one considers that Clinton (Bill) could probably get anyone in the world on the phone.
I'm not sure where Trump Jr.'s head was but Manfort certainly should have known that such a meeting was a bad idea where ever it happened.

It just speaks to the casual relationship Trump (Sr) has with sleaze... I mean, could you imagine dunno...Reagan or Bush (I or II) having such a meeting. "Uh, Governor Reagan, I have a phone call from a Russian lady saying that she has dirt she can give us on your opponent.... " Reagan would have laughed and told them to tell whoever it was to take a hike. Bush II would have probably told them to fuck off and die. But Trump...his campaign managers are charged with assault, under indictment....his lawyer is having his office raided by the police.... he pays off porn stars to not disclose their affair...his advisors are meeting with Russian hackers, etc...

Meeting with a group of Russians to hopefully sway an election is probably one of the least sleazy things he's done lately.
what's the point? i tell you what he's done wrong and i get back no he didn't but trump met russians at his hotel!

FISA saying it was illegal
spying on trumps campaign
targeting conservatives with the IRS
keeping reporters like sharyl attkisson under attack
secret tarmac meetings to get around investigations

none of that matters but hey - trump met russians in a room.

and i'm supposed to go "oh, you got me there. shit"?

when you're going to put things on equal footing, holler. but as long as we deny the real crimes and go after hopeful ones, we're all fucked.

Forgive me on this one...

"FISA saying "it" was illegal"--what was illegal? Spying on Trump's campaign? It seems like that wasn't what they were doing...they were spying on the Russians who happened to be making a B-line for Trump tower.

As for the IRS...

I'm with you on that except for the caveat that all political sounding orgs filing for tax-free status were flagged:

Yes they are indeed scandals.
The malfeasance is obvious insofar as SS agents being expelled, pulled off their duty, the IRS targeting groups based on their names, and the VA mis-reporting their flow rate.
We know this happened..

Not sure who Sharyl Attkisson is. Inform me.

As for the tarmac you really think that if AG Lynch was in on this that her and the former President--the same President who covered his tracks so well during the whitewater/Macdougal/Paula Jones/Gennifer Flowers/Lewinsky/______ other scandals would meet with her on a plane instead of calling her at her house or whatever? At some point, you have to smell what you're shoveling.

As for the "equal footing", I agree, investigate all of these matters completely. How far you want to go back? Reagan answering "I dunno" or "I don't recall" to everything asked of him during Iran Contra? Its pretty silly to bring up the IRS stuff and stuff that is in the past. Yes, the Trumps did enlist the Russians for help in the election. Anything germane to that is what should be the focus IMHO. Since he is the President. That includes whether the DOJ was spying on Trump or spying on someone Trump was meeting; not the same thing.
my point is if trump is meeting at trump towers he aint hiding much.

meeting on a tarmac while your wife is under investigation with person in charge of said investigation gets no sniff from the RUSSIA crowd.


Not sure about the privacy angle; seems like a push to me especially when one considers that Clinton (Bill) could probably get anyone in the world on the phone.
I'm not sure where Trump Jr.'s head was but Manfort certainly should have known that such a meeting was a bad idea where ever it happened.

It just speaks to the casual relationship Trump (Sr) has with sleaze... I mean, could you imagine dunno...Reagan or Bush (I or II) having such a meeting. "Uh, Governor Reagan, I have a phone call from a Russian lady saying that she has dirt she can give us on your opponent.... " Reagan would have laughed and told them to tell whoever it was to take a hike. Bush II would have probably told them to fuck off and die. But Trump...his campaign managers are charged with assault, under indictment....his lawyer is having his office raided by the police.... he pays off porn stars to not disclose their affair...his advisors are meeting with Russian hackers, etc...

Meeting with a group of Russians to hopefully sway an election is probably one of the least sleazy things he's done lately.
you are right. bill can get anyone he wants on the phone.

so why a tarmac meeting in the dark off a quiet runway?

and your blowing it off is exactly what i mean. put trump in this situation and there's hell to pay. period. it won't matter what, it won't matter why, it won't matter who he was talking to. the anti-trump crowd would be all over that like a spider monkey on acid. you know it, i know it.

but since it wasn't trump and it was "their" side apathy and excuses are ok.

how many women did hillary have to threaten as well over her career for bill? this whole porn start bullshit is complete bullshit when bill is the biggest hound president since kennedy. again - selective anger and enforcement of morals is my point.

and you proved it clearly.

thank you.
Comey was very popular in the FBI and a few disgruntled agents proves nothing.

Why doesn’t Trump release the recent climate survey on FBI morale so we can see what HIS actions are doing to the once proud agency
FBI agents want congressional subpoenas to testify about the agency’s problems...

...there is a demand within the agency to prosecute former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe ...

...The subpoenas are desired by the FBI agents because it requires Congress to pay for their legal fees and protects them from agency retribution.


Many agents in the FBI want Congress to subpoena them so they can reveal problems caused by former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, three people in direct contact with active field agents tell TheDC.

“There are agents all over this country who love the bureau and are sickened by [James] Comey’s behavior and [Andrew] McCabe and [Eric] Holder and [Loretta] Lynch and the thugs like [John] Brennan–who despise the fact that the bureau was used as a tool of political intelligence by the Obama administration thugs.

“They are just waiting for a chance to come forward and testify.”

Sources: FBI Agents Want Congress To Issue Them Subpoenas So They Can Reveal The Bureau’s Dirt

The time to appoint a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate the Obama administration, his Cabinet, his Law Enforcement and Intel Collection Agency Directors is WAY overdue.

FBI Agents are LINING UP - BEGGING CONGRESS for the opportunity - to testify / give up evidence against co-Conspirators Comey and McCabe!

FBI Field Agents Want to Rat Out Hqs Crooks

The subpoenas are desired by the FBI agents because it requires Congress to pay for their legal fees and protects them from agency retribution.

If they come forward on their own as whistle-blowers, they’re swinging in the wind and open to retribution. And many of them are frustrated because only a measly conviction rate of 47% in 2017.

He added, “I can assure you I’ve been approached by agents who want to be subpoenaed for the same reason the guys in the field,” adding, “All over this country there are agents but the big ones the ones that matter New York–Washington I can assure you I’ve spoken with agents who want to come forward.”

Much more @ Sources: FBI Agents Want Congress To Issue Them Subpoenas So They Can Reveal The Bureau’s Dirt

Report” Rank-and-File FBI Agents Eager to Blow Whistle on Comey, Holder, and Lynch

Michael Caputo just said on Tucker Carlson that his defense fund will pay the legal fees of any FBI agents who want to come forward.

Rank And File FBI Agents “Sickened” By Comey And McCabe Want To “Come Forward And Testify”


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