List of Muslim countries

So what? I don't care how many Muslims there are. I don't really care if there are 20+ Muslim countries. What I care about is that they're trying to take MY country away from MY people when they have so many countries to themselves already.
Isn't your country America? I take serious offense to your comment! Come on, America is the best country the world has ever seen and your should kiss your lucky stars that you were born an American!

Don't perpetrate the great Jewish sterotype and not be loyal to your country, meaning America! I personally rather see Israel fold, then even one America State and every AMERICAN should too!

I have dual citizenship and am a proud zionist. You, on the other hand, just like Jillian, are a weak Jew. Weak Jews have led to the holocaust. Weak Jews have led to the Tsar persecution of millions of Jews. Weak Jews have led to the allowance of Crusaders to kick us out of Jerusalem when Muslims used to be peaceful.

It's time to stop being weak.

Haha, there you go Ghook, this guy's your real friend, you weak self-hating Jew.


Haha... you guys are seriously fucked. Get a doctor. Get help. There's still time. :lol:
So what? I don't care how many Muslims there are. I don't really care if there are 20+ Muslim countries. What I care about is that they're trying to take MY country away from MY people when they have so many countries to themselves already.
Isn't your country America? I take serious offense to your comment! Come on, America is the best country the world has ever seen and your should kiss your lucky stars that you were born an American!

Don't perpetrate the great Jewish sterotype and not be loyal to your country, meaning America! I personally rather see Israel fold, then even one America State and every AMERICAN should too!

I have dual citizenship and am a proud zionist. You, on the other hand, just like Jillian, are a weak Jew. Weak Jews have led to the holocaust. Weak Jews have led to the Tsar persecution of millions of Jews. Weak Jews have led to the allowance of Crusaders to kick us out of Jerusalem when Muslims used to be peaceful.

It's time to stop being weak.

HA! big words from the comfortable chair you sit in here in AMERICA. Again, take your faggot jewish ass to israel and face the people you want to marginalize, bitch. You may have seen Zohan a hundred times but, for real, you are not some jewish rambo. Hell, it's indicative of the LARGER problem with zionism that you'd even have the chutzpah to sit there and act all brave.. from behind a computer screen while living off the tit of a protector nation.
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In fact you offer nothing of substance in any of your posts! Go back to your hole troll!

Kind of like how all of your responses to me consist of groundless accusations and prejudiced potshots? :eusa_whistle:
Epsilon, are you so fucking stupid as to believe that it would be ANY different if israel left all of the west bank today?

If so, and because you actually believe that this conflict is a land dispute - which it is anything but - than you really have as little intelligence as the sissy named shogun.
Epsilon, are you so fucking stupid as to believe that it would be ANY different if israel left all of the west bank today?

If so, and because you actually believe that this conflict is a land dispute - which it is anything but - than you really have as little intelligence as the sissy named shogun.

weren't you the one whining about insults earlier?
Epsilon, are you so fucking stupid as to believe that it would be ANY different if israel left all of the west bank today?

If so, and because you actually believe that this conflict is a land dispute - which it is anything but - than you really have as little intelligence as the sissy named shogun.

*Sigh* You're right, "Rhodes scholar". I guess it would not be any different if the Israeli army stopped its brutal 42-year occupation of the Palestinian territories - I guess you're absolutely correct that the less-than-human Palestinians/Arabs [since they're all apparently the same cookie-cutter villains] would push poor Israel to the sea either way. By the same token, it would not be any different if the Palestinians weren't launching terrorist attacks at Israel, because the Israelis would continue to crush them, as they did for 25 years before the first Palestinian suicide attack in Israel, or 34 years before the first Qassam rocket even hit Israeli soil. You're absolutely right. There is no end in sight, so I will pre-empt this discussion and give in to what you and DavidS and Ghook always so eagerly propose:

If we are to believe that all that every palestinian and arab organization has said up to now are lies [that Palestinian statehood would immediately signify recognition of the State of Israel], then their big pack of lies can only be solved through one single thing:

Ethnic Cleansing.

That's right. A Holocaust is the final solution to the Palestinian question, and let no-one tell you different. Let the Jewish people wash the filth from 'their' lands; the filth that is the wretched Palestinian, whose sole purpose on this earth is to kill all the Jews. Kill every single last dogged spawn of Palestine, and let the streets of Jerusalem flow with their subhuman blood. Let the chambers of the western shore of the Jordan river be filled with gas and the bodies of the wicked Palestinians piled so high that they blot out the sun: their women and children's hair and skull be used for the purpose of industry as their flesh rots on the killing fields of Judea. Let their wretched remnants be used for the purpose of science, to understand the human body as pigs were once used to understand anatomy. May you torture them and brutalize them until the very last Palestinian is dragged through Tel-Aviv, chopped into pieces and scattered around the City as a warning to all other barbaric Arabs untermensch that the one true Chosen People will smite any and all the subhumans, as well as a message for the lowly Jordanians, Lebanese and Egyptians that when the one true Holy Land and it's Children require more living-space, it will not think twice before conquering it by the tank and the bulldozer, so let them be prepared to die in the same way or run like the dogs they are to their other countries, which is perfectly fair and justified for there is only one Israel and many [if diminishing] Arab countries. Flee or Die, dirty Arab animals.

And it is perfectly fair and justified, oh glorious Defenders of the one true Faith, for these worthless cockroaches have taken too long to flee. They have had 42 years to flee [what is now] your land, and they have refused. It is only fair that you now take what is yours, by killing every last one. Let no man, woman, or child in all of Judea and Sumeria be left breathing. Let none of their villages stand unscorched. And when the very last drop of their blood has been shed, thou shall extend outwards in Glory- for you represent Civilization and the Course of History, and you can obliterate them all with a swift and decisive rain of radioactive doomsday.

And yes, I do expect a standing ovation after the magnificent speech.

See? Why don't you guys just call it for what it is? There is no solution? Ok, well, then what you guys are advocating is genocide. I'd be happy enough if you would just tell it like it is.
Epsilon, are you so fucking stupid as to believe that it would be ANY different if israel left all of the west bank today?

If so, and because you actually believe that this conflict is a land dispute - which it is anything but - than you really have as little intelligence as the sissy named shogun.

weren't you the one whining about insults earlier?

Maybe true, but if you can't beat'em then join them!

Epsilon's ignorant, communist supporting, unintelligence and antisemitism can get to even the best of us!
Epsilon, are you so fucking stupid as to believe that it would be ANY different if israel left all of the west bank today?

If so, and because you actually believe that this conflict is a land dispute - which it is anything but - than you really have as little intelligence as the sissy named shogun.

HA! says the sissy hiding behind a Caucasian nation like a dog under the porch. Listen, GI JEW.... don't make me kick your ass with some pollen and a cold wind.

Epsilon, are you so fucking stupid as to believe that it would be ANY different if israel left all of the west bank today?

If so, and because you actually believe that this conflict is a land dispute - which it is anything but - than you really have as little intelligence as the sissy named shogun.

weren't you the one whining about insults earlier?

Whining? Hell no, I was pointing out that a poster was complaining about me making them, while ignoring someone else doing the same.

I LOVE that this forum allows people to light someone else up, the open-style here is a wonderful relief compared to all of the other much more tightly-modded forums I am on, where insults/name-calling aren't allowed. I am like a kid in a candy shop, or a better, a kid who just learned a new curse word - "hey, FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK you. Did I just say the word FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK?" Gosh I love it here! Freedom!!!

BTW Del, that sig line is hilarious - I might steal it from you...
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HA! says the sissy hiding behind a Caucasian nation like a dog under the porch. Listen, GI JEW.... don't make me kick your ass with some pollen and a cold wind.

Did you say something to me, monkey? You fairy, you sissy, you company man!

BTW tough girl, how much combat experience did you say you've had? Yeah, thought so.

And hitting your dog doesn't count either, sis.
HA! says the sissy hiding behind a Caucasian nation like a dog under the porch. Listen, GI JEW.... don't make me kick your ass with some pollen and a cold wind.

Did you say something to me, monkey? You fairy, you sissy, you company man!

BTW tough girl, how much combat experience did you say you've had? Yeah, thought so.

And hitting your dog doesn't count either, sis.

Ahh.. so military experience is supposed to keep your pussy ass from getting your ass beat down? If ONLY that were true, bitch. Then again, if ONLY you and israel weren't a nation of weak pussies hiding behind the pant leg of America, right? :rofl:

again, pussy, you are about as physically intimidating as a melting ice cream cone in the summer. You should probably take your Gilad Shalit ass on down the road before you are given another reason to cry that someone is picking on you.
Ahh.. so military experience is supposed to keep your pussy ass from getting your ass beat down? If ONLY that were true, bitch. Then again, if ONLY you and israel weren't a nation of weak pussies hiding behind the pant leg of America, right? :rofl:

again, pussy, you are about as physically intimidating as a melting ice cream cone in the summer. You should probably take your Gilad Shalit ass on down the road before you are given another reason to cry that someone is picking on you.

To all here, I must admit, I have not laughed this hard either posting to/writing posts on any forum in a very long time. The admins' decisions to allow the free-for-all wide open atmosphere is great, I just hope dimwits like shogun don't ruin it for the rest of us humans.

Anyway, to the dimwit sissy, please list how many US soldiers have fought on israeli soil, and compare that to how many they've fought on arab soil.

And you still didn't answer my question as to whether you've served or not, which like every big-talking sissy like you, is probably never. The only reason you'd probably WANT to serve you cowardly sissy is to see alot of men naked.
Ahh.. so military experience is supposed to keep your pussy ass from getting your ass beat down? If ONLY that were true, bitch. Then again, if ONLY you and israel weren't a nation of weak pussies hiding behind the pant leg of America, right? :rofl:

again, pussy, you are about as physically intimidating as a melting ice cream cone in the summer. You should probably take your Gilad Shalit ass on down the road before you are given another reason to cry that someone is picking on you.

To all here, I must admit, I have not laughed this hard either posting to/writing posts on any forum in a very long time. The admins' decisions to allow the free-for-all wide open atmosphere is great, I just hope dimwits like shogun don't ruin it for the rest of us humans.

Anyway, to the dimwit sissy, please list how many US soldiers have fought on israeli soil, and compare that to how many they've fought on arab soil.

And you still didn't answer my question as to whether you've served or not, which like every big-talking sissy like you, is probably never. The only reason you'd probably WANT to serve you cowardly sissy is to see alot of men naked.

Listen, pussy.. when you are here at USMB longer than it takes to have you crying and bleeding on the fucking ground begging for me to stop THEN you can go ahead and say something about this forum and "the rest of us". Until then, you little pussy ass noobster, you'll just have to sit where we tell you to sit and pretend you like it.

Americans didn't have to die ON ISRAELS SOIL in order to have fought for their cause, you silly bastard. You'd think you cockroaches would be thankful for ww2 but, hey.... I guess you were too busy being killed in gas chambers to save us the effort and rescue yourselves.

And, again, there is no correlation between military service and ones inability to have their ass handed to them. I promise you, Gilad, no one is impressed with your big bad military (size 28) uniform

I've already answered your question: because zionist jews wont let them in fear of losing the demographic war.

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