List some reasons why you would vote for Donald Trump

maybe the left can start another fake scandal by demanding his IQ test scores.
If he fails to show it, put it in the same file as the not required tax records and then claim he is hiding something.
Reasons why we should vote for Donald Trump as President - 20 reasons listed

I'll start with some reasons listed that I agree with
-He is an executive. The President of the United States is the Chief Executive Officer of our nation. We don’t need a policy expert or a legislator – we need someone who knows how to run an organization. Mr. Trump is the only candidate who has a proven record as a successful executive on a large scale.

-He is honest. Mr. Trump is a man who tells the truth. He may not always say it in the most polished way, but our country has had enough suave liars. It is time for some straight forward honesty.

- He is decisive. As President every decision he makes would be in the best interest of the country. We hear about his having business interests that filed for bankruptcy. In each case, he looked at the situation as it was, and then he cut his losses. We need someone who will look at government programs realistically and if they are failures; will end the wasteful Washington spending.
He needs to borrow tens of millions of dollars from his father as he fucks up left and right.
He Grabs women by the pussy!
He insults everyone
He lies and spins any personal responsibility for his actions.

His father is dead.

Only if they want him to.

Equality for all!

No shit, he's a D in R clothing.
8. His success is unmatched in the business world
This requires being hypnotized, brainwashed, or some other con artist magic trick for people to believe such crap. And it is pure comedy to think he is worth $10 billion.
I already posted this somewhere else, but since you asked... Somebody I know answered a question "Why will you vote for Trump":

Donald Trump was not my first choice for president, in fact he was not my second, third or fourth. He is a dumpster fire that’s some fear will set everything else a blaze. This country is ass-backwards and I believe it’s going to take something or someone extraordinary to right it. I would rather share a cell with Charley Manson than vote for Hillary Clinton. The only thing that will change if she wins is an increase in her speaking fees. Here are a few things that Hillary will not fix and only make worse.

1. Political Correctness. You can’t say Merry Christmas, white lives matter, Obama’s wrong or express a political opinion that is not supported by the left. Freedom of speech is an endangered concept in this country. It will only get worse under Hillary.
2. Everything white (white privilege) is bad in some circles because some minorities have not been able to compete. They don’t mention that many whites cannot compete either. This is not a matter of color it is a matter of ambition and a wiliness to take responsibility for oneself. This will not change under Hillary because she loves VICTIMS, they vote for her.
3. Government knows best. Us common folk need government to tell us how to live ours lives and how the government should spread the wealth around (our money). Who knows better than Hillary, just ask the guys in Benghazi, silly rabbits wanted more security.
4. It takes a village to raise a child. Sure if you want a really screwed up kid that doesn’t know which bathroom to use.
5. A Supreme Court appointed by Clinton will rubber stamp her every move. From everything to bring in thousands of Syrian refugees (check out Germany right now) to blaming the police for every social ill created by her leftist’s government. Police Officers will have hell to pay under a Clinton Kingdom.

I could go on but most of you are tired of me already. I’m voting for Trump because Hillary is not an option and it will take someone bold (and maybe a little crazy) to get things back on track. And if you believe that two people (Clintons) working in government their whole lives can earn 150 million dollars without being crooks then you’re too stupid to vote.
I already posted this somewhere else, but since you asked... Somebody I know answered a question "Why will you vote for Trump":

Donald Trump was not my first choice for president, in fact he was not my second, third or fourth. He is a dumpster fire that’s some fear will set everything else a blaze. This country is ass-backwards and I believe it’s going to take something or someone extraordinary to right it. I would rather share a cell with Charley Manson than vote for Hillary Clinton. The only thing that will change if she wins is an increase in her speaking fees. Here are a few things that Hillary will not fix and only make worse.

1. Political Correctness. You can’t say Merry Christmas, white lives matter, Obama’s wrong or express a political opinion that is not supported by the left. Freedom of speech is an endangered concept in this country. It will only get worse under Hillary.
2. Everything white (white privilege) is bad in some circles because some minorities have not been able to compete. They don’t mention that many whites cannot compete either. This is not a matter of color it is a matter of ambition and a wiliness to take responsibility for oneself. This will not change under Hillary because she loves VICTIMS, they vote for her.
3. Government knows best. Us common folk need government to tell us how to live ours lives and how the government should spread the wealth around (our money). Who knows better than Hillary, just ask the guys in Benghazi, silly rabbits wanted more security.
4. It takes a village to raise a child. Sure if you want a really screwed up kid that doesn’t know which bathroom to use.
5. A Supreme Court appointed by Clinton will rubber stamp her every move. From everything to bring in thousands of Syrian refugees (check out Germany right now) to blaming the police for every social ill created by her leftist’s government. Police Officers will have hell to pay under a Clinton Kingdom.

I could go on but most of you are tired of me already. I’m voting for Trump because Hillary is not an option and it will take someone bold (and maybe a little crazy) to get things back on track. And if you believe that two people (Clintons) working in government their whole lives can earn 150 million dollars without being crooks then you’re too stupid to vote.
great post thanks
8. His success is unmatched in the business world
This requires being hypnotized, brainwashed, or some other con artist magic trick for people to believe such crap. And it is pure comedy to think he is worth $10 billion.
Bill Gates is worth stocks.
If the market crashes, he's worth 40billion.
And all based on stealing software and suing the competition.
I am going to vote for Trump but I am not excited about doing it. I don't think he will be a "great" President but I feel he's the best choice for me. In my opinion, Clinton belongs in the jail house rather than the White House. Most likely, Clinton is going to win the election. Trump has self-destructed. Neither Clinton or Trump would make a pimple on the ass of a good President and I only hope that somehow a decent leader for this country will surface before the next Presidential election.
8. His success is unmatched in the business world
This requires being hypnotized, brainwashed, or some other con artist magic trick for people to believe such crap. And it is pure comedy to think he is worth $10 billion.
Bill Gates is worth stocks.
If the market crashes, he's worth 40billion.
And all based on stealing software and suing the competition.
Bill Gates is pretty rich

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