Little Black Children Kill A White Woman

Stop being so racist....they're CHILDREN who just need help. Maybe someone should use their heads for once and reason with them.
I wonder if this would have been a big story if it was white children killing a black woman?
Sure sonny...sure...
Yes it is you have an excuse to start your race war.

There are no conservatives wanting to START a race war.

We will be the ones to end it though.
Negroes are tribal by nature. They must have their 'crew' around them at all times.
Get one alone and he's a fucking whining coward.
99.9999% of negroes with guns, which are 99.999% illegal have one clip.
When......if the rounds are fired that's it. No more fucking gun.
Here's some interesting bedtime reading:
The negro race is a failing world wide.
The average IQ of a negro in the US hovers in the low eighties.
This is the number one explanation why the negro race has to be constantly helped along.
In the hyper-competitive world we live in now less and less non-whites have the time/money or inclination to keep reaching back and dragging the negro race along any longer.
The US dumped over a trillion dollars to try everything/anything anyone could think of the help the negro race at least keep up. Didn't work.
I didn't create 'Darwinism'. The laws of nature did.
Sure sonny...sure...
Yes it is you have an excuse to start your race war.

There are no conservatives wanting to START a race war.

We will be the ones to end it though.
Negroes are tribal by nature. They must have their 'crew' around them at all times.
Get one alone and he's a fucking whining coward.
99.9999% of negroes with guns, which are 99.999% illegal have one clip.
When......if the rounds are fired that's it. No more fucking gun.
Here's some interesting bedtime reading:
The negro race is a failing world wide.
The average IQ of a negro in the US hovers in the low eighties.
This is the number one explanation why the negro race has to be constantly helped along.
In the hyper-competitive world we live in now less and less non-whites have the time/money or inclination to keep reaching back and dragging the negro race along any longer.
The US dumped over a trillion dollars to try everything/anything anyone could think of the help the negro race at least keep up. Didn't work.
I didn't create 'Darwinism'. The laws of nature did.
And despite all your pseudo science Black people are supplanting you in all walks of life...I guess the President was right after all.
Some stupid white losers will cling to their guns as their only source of comfort.
Lock'em up for 40 years and then execute them.
Public lashing then throw the live sub humans into a pen full of starving pigs. All live on CNN.
Pull the sub human's teeth though. They are hard on a pig's digestive system.
Why are negro's so violent? ....... :dunno:
Man Focus - Black Males In The Criminal Justice System
Because that's the world they evolved in in Africa.
They brought this feral behavior with them to America along with an average IQ in the low eighties. As a race they can't keep up let alone compete with other races so they have basically reverted back to the way they lived a thousand years ago but this time with illegal guns instead of spears.
A trillion taxpayer dollars never helped anything get better.
Because that's the world they evolved in in Africa.
They brought this feral behavior with them to America along with an average IQ in the low eighties. As a race they can't keep up let alone compete with other races so they have basically reverted back to the way they lived a thousand years ago but this time with illegal guns instead of spears.
A trillion taxpayer dollars never helped anything get better.

Are you saying this is the reason white people fuck their family members because it was learned out of the Caucus Mountains?
Inbreeding is what caused all blacks to have the same features
Because that's the world they evolved in in Africa.
They brought this feral behavior with them to America along with an average IQ in the low eighties. As a race they can't keep up let alone compete with other races so they have basically reverted back to the way they lived a thousand years ago but this time with illegal guns instead of spears.
A trillion taxpayer dollars never helped anything get better.

Are you saying this is the reason white people fuck their family members because it was learned out of the Caucus Mountains?
Man Focus - Black Males In The Criminal Justice System
Care to address the facts or deflect asshole?
White fuck their family members negroes murder them for a fucking pair of running shoes.
I say give all the inner city negro thugs all the guns and ammo they want.
In a few weeks the 'problem' with inner city negro thugs will be solved permanently.
Because that's the world they evolved in in Africa.
They brought this feral behavior with them to America along with an average IQ in the low eighties. As a race they can't keep up let alone compete with other races so they have basically reverted back to the way they lived a thousand years ago but this time with illegal guns instead of spears.
A trillion taxpayer dollars never helped anything get better.

Are you saying this is the reason white people fuck their family members because it was learned out of the Caucus Mountains?
Man Focus - Black Males In The Criminal Justice System
Care to address the facts or deflect asshole?

Those arent facts retard, just the ranting of an insecure racist asshole.

White fuck their family members negroes murder them for a fucking pair of running shoes.

Right, one is property the other is your family members butthole

I say give all the inner city negro thugs all the guns and ammo they want.
In a few weeks the 'problem' with inner city negro thugs will be solved permanently.

Do you realize how much your plans matter now? They dont

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