Litvinenko - murdered on Putins orders

Nothing except for more brainwashing of the Western population into thinking Putin is a menace. But then that is the point, isn't it?
Nothing except for more brainwashing of the Western population into thinking Putin is a menace. But then that is the point, isn't it?
British “investigation” raises more questions than answers.

1. What was the reason for murdering Litvinenko? He was in Britain enough time to tell them any secrets they wanted if he knew any. He was criticizing Putin? Millions of people inside and outside Russia criticize Putin so what…?

2. If Russians wanted to kill him, they could have used a poison which dissolves without further possible identification to make it look like a heart attack for example (there are poisons like that available in 21 century!). However whoever killed Litvinenko for some reason decided to use polonium and to attract all the possible attention to that particular death. Looks like somebody badly needed to make a special show to blame Russians.

3. The judge did not have access to a lot of materials of the case because “they were top secret”, so what kind of quality you would expect from his verdict?

The inquiry was “neither transparent nor public” and resembles a “shadow play” because it was "conducted mostly behind doors, with classified documents and unnamed witnesses contributing to the result,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Marina Zakharova told journalists. Zakharova added that two key witnesses in the case - Litvinenko’s patron Berezovsky and the owner of the restaurant where Litvinenko is presumed to have been poisoned – both died under dubious circumstances.
UK Litvinenko death probe: Putin 'probably involved'

Tony Brenton, who was British ambassador to Russia at the time of the killing, said it was “unlikely” any proof about who authorized the murder had turned up.He was speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today program ahead of the report being released this morning.

Our reaction was that it was likely to have been authorized at quite a high level in the Russian system because they wouldn’t do something so potentially damaging for a major power without high authorization. But at my time there was no slam-dunk proof and I think it’s quite unlikely any real evidence has turned up as to where the authorization has come from.

Mr Brenton said that while the UK must react “strongly” to the murder, “tearing up” diplomatic relations with Russia was “not in Britain’s interests”.

We have quite important other fish to fry with the Russians. They are very important in carrying the Iran de-nuclearisation through, they are absolutely crucial in sorting out the mess in Syria.

How and why Alexander Litvinenko died has been revealed
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Its almost impossible to see Putin as a good guy. Russia is regressing into a chauvinistic , reactionary primitive gangster state that treats its own citizens in a shocking way. At the moment they are maybe 50 years behind civilised Europe. I have spent some time in Moscow and it was an uncomfortable experience.
British “investigation” raises more questions than answers.

1. What was the reason for murdering Litvinenko? He was in Britain enough time to tell them any secrets they wanted if he knew any. He was criticizing Putin? Millions of people inside and outside Russia criticize Putin so what…?

2. If Russians wanted to kill him, they could have used a poison which dissolves without further possible identification to make it look like a heart attack for example (there are poisons like that available in 21 century!). However whoever killed Litvinenko for some reason decided to use polonium and to attract all the possible attention to that particular death. Looks like somebody badly needed to make a special show to blame Russians.

3. The judge did not have access to a lot of materials of the case because “they were top secret”, so what kind of quality you would expect from his verdict?

The inquiry was “neither transparent nor public” and resembles a “shadow play” because it was "conducted mostly behind doors, with classified documents and unnamed witnesses contributing to the result,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Marina Zakharova told journalists. Zakharova added that two key witnesses in the case - Litvinenko’s patron Berezovsky and the owner of the restaurant where Litvinenko is presumed to have been poisoned – both died under dubious circumstances.
UK Litvinenko death probe: Putin 'probably involved'

Tony Brenton, who was British ambassador to Russia at the time of the killing, said it was “unlikely” any proof about who authorized the murder had turned up.He was speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today program ahead of the report being released this morning.

Our reaction was that it was likely to have been authorized at quite a high level in the Russian system because they wouldn’t do something so potentially damaging for a major power without high authorization. But at my time there was no slam-dunk proof and I think it’s quite unlikely any real evidence has turned up as to where the authorization has come from.

Mr Brenton said that while the UK must react “strongly” to the murder, “tearing up” diplomatic relations with Russia was “not in Britain’s interests”.

We have quite important other fish to fry with the Russians. They are very important in carrying the Iran de-nuclearisation through, they are absolutely crucial in sorting out the mess in Syria.

How and why Alexander Litvinenko died has been revealed

Yes it's basically all "assumption" and "speculation" ie. total propaganda to be further used by the hysterical and borderline psychotic Russophobes.
Its almost impossible to see Putin as a good guy. Russia is regressing into a chauvinistic , reactionary primitive gangster state that treats its own citizens in a shocking way. At the moment they are maybe 50 years behind civilised Europe. I have spent some time in Moscow and it was an uncomfortable experience.

Russia is living in the 70's? Do tell.

Key word is "Probably".

One tactic used in a murder - especially among Governments and Espionage / Spy to to make it look like someone else did it / is responsbile for it.

Anyone of about twenty Governments / Agencies could be responsible for Litvinenkos murder. Putin is the likely suspect - so Britian is pinning it on him.

95% of the time, I like evidence. Even in a confesssion or statement, I prefer hard evidence. Especially today. Statements can be coerced, fabricated, made/spoken for reward or favortism....or some other benefit. Hard - factual - concrete evidence......DOES NOT lie !

And I da*n sure wouold not kill someone, if I even believed for a half a second that I would be under suspicion.

Putin is smart, and has not accomplished what he has accomplished by being stupid ; NOR has he achieved and gotten to where he is, by being ignorant. Putin is the likely candiate - so lets pin it on him. Even if he did do it - In reading media reports, Putin seems to me to be a logical man with a sense and a purpose. If he did order the poisoning, more than likely he had a good reason.

** Always consider that there is more to the story than meets the eye - or what has been released. **

Respect Russia - Respect President Putin.

Shadow 355
Cold War is over. I don't care about Russia.

You better care.

Unlike the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), the SVR is responsible for intelligence and espionage activities outside the Russian Federation. It works in cooperation with the Russian Glavnoye Razvedyvatel'noye Upravleniye (GRU, Main Intelligence Directorate), which reportedly deployed six times as many spies in foreign countries as the SVR in 1997

According to former GRU Colonel Stanislav Lunev, "SVR and GRU (Russia's political and military intelligence agencies, respectively) are operating against the U.S. in a much more active manner than they were during even the hottest days of the Cold War."


Main Intelligence Directorate (Russia) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shadow 355
Its almost impossible to see Putin as a good guy. Russia is regressing into a chauvinistic , reactionary primitive gangster state that treats its own citizens in a shocking way. At the moment they are maybe 50 years behind civilised Europe. I have spent some time in Moscow and it was an uncomfortable experience.

Russia is living in the 70's? Do tell.

Lucky bastards.
Cold War is over. I don't care about Russia.

You better care.

Unlike the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), the SVR is responsible for intelligence and espionage activities outside the Russian Federation. It works in cooperation with the Russian Glavnoye Razvedyvatel'noye Upravleniye (GRU, Main Intelligence Directorate), which reportedly deployed six times as many spies in foreign countries as the SVR in 1997

According to former GRU Colonel Stanislav Lunev, "SVR and GRU (Russia's political and military intelligence agencies, respectively) are operating against the U.S. in a much more active manner than they were during even the hottest days of the Cold War."


Main Intelligence Directorate (Russia) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shadow 355

How "against" US? We don't have any real conflict of interests anymore.
Maksim Litvinenko, Aleksandr's younger brother who lives in Rimini, Italy, responded to the Thursday report by saying it was “ridiculous” to blame the Kremlin for the murder of his brother, stating that he believes British security services had more of a motive to carry out the assassination.

"My father and I are sure that the Russian authorities are not involved. It's all a set-up to put pressure on the Russian government,” Litvinenko told the Mirror, adding that such reasoning is the only explanation as to why the inquiry was launched 10 years after his brother's death. He called the British report a “smear” on Putin, and stressed that rumors claiming his brother was an enemy of the state are false. He added that Aleksandr had planned to return to Russia, and had even told friends about the move.

"The Russians had no reason to want Alexander dead,” he said. “My brother was not a spy, he was more like a policeman...he was in the FSB [Russian Federal Security Service] but he worked against organized crime, murders, arms trafficking, stuff like that.”

"I believe he could have been killed by another poison, maybe thallium, which killed him slowly, and the polonium was planted afterwards,”
he said. He added that requests to have his brother's body exhumed, in order to verify the presence of polonium, have been ignored by Britain.
"Now after 10 years any trace [of polonium or thallium] would have disappeared anyway, so we will never know,” he said, adding that British authorities had not collaborated with Russian investigators on the case.

“This case became a big PR campaign against the Russian government and its president in particular,” Maksim Litvinenko told RT in an interview in 2014. “The West is pressuring Russia very hard now. The MH-17 crash, Crimea, the war in Ukraine, sanctions against Moscow and now this inquiry – I'm not buying that this is a coincidence.”

When asked why Aleksandr Litvinenko's widow Marina continues to maintain that the Kremlin is responsible for the murder, he said:
“She lives in London, to survive she has to play the game and take this point of view. She can't say anything else."

Britain had more motivation to kill Aleksandr Litvinenko than Russia, brother claims
Yes, I agree with conclusion that Putin ordered this murder. However, what one should expect if top russian Federal Security Service man goes to the "potential" enemy and serves there?
It is like on a war general goes to the enemy side with all his secrets and skills.
U.S. lapdog, U.K., revisits this for some unknown reason. U.S. has something dubious up its' sleeve for Russia in the next three months. No other reason for this out-of-the blue propaganda carried by U.S. media for most of this week.

Putin beware, and be very aware!!!

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