Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

Praise Kek!

It's interesting, how people sporting a pepe symbol are now getting punched on sight so often. Nobody is organizing that. Normal people just feel a spontaneous urge to hit them, in the same way they feel a spontaneous urge to beat down child molesters and other such scum.

That has its good and bad points.

Good, in that it shows most Americans are still moral. After all, any decent human being should be utterly disgusted by the Pepe-nazis, and should have to fight the urge to strike them. God gave us the capacity for violence for a reason, to use it to oppose evil.

But bad, in that both child molesters and Pepe-nazis don't deserve public beatdowns. Just public humiliation.
You are way out of control.
The Leftist Maniacs are illustrating just how Fascist they are, don't like a differing opinion, get violent and shut down Free Speech.

We stand for the rule of law and order and discipline, and the Leftist Maniacs don't, we stand for Free Speech, and the Leftist Maniacs don't.

The thing is the Leftist Maniacs are so stupid they don't even realise they are providing the rope, they are providing the excuse that law enforcement imminently under the direct order of Jeff Sessions will use to crack the whip on their nasty buttocks.

Within days Jeff Sessions will be confirmed as US Attorney-General and he's not an Agitator Supporting Pussy like Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were.

Jeff Sessions is hardcore, he will give law enforcement Zero Tolerance to get these Leftist Maniacs under full control and some of them will have to be made a public example of as a warning to others.

There was a USSR flag being waved in the crowd. The so-called "black bloc" are not anarchists or fascists, they're stone commies.
Rioting and destroying property and stopping free speech is anti-American and it's criminal.

Yes, we know, Jake; that's why Democrats embrace it and fund it. Duh.
Republicans don't do crime? You don't think before you post most times.

This silly attempt at shifting the topic is lame even for you, Jake. Your Party endorses hate crimes, hired gangsters for disrupting peaceful opposition party rallies, endorses violent racist hate crimes, and all manner of other RICO violations, including assassinations of police officers. We've already covered that ground, Jake; too bad your Alzheimer's prevents you from remembering from one to the next.
The Leftist Maniacs are illustrating just how Fascist they are, don't like a differing opinion, get violent and shut down Free Speech.

We stand for the rule of law and order and discipline, and the Leftist Maniacs don't, we stand for Free Speech, and the Leftist Maniacs don't.

The thing is the Leftist Maniacs are so stupid they don't even realise they are providing the rope, they are providing the excuse that law enforcement imminently under the direct order of Jeff Sessions will use to crack the whip on their nasty buttocks.

Within days Jeff Sessions will be confirmed as US Attorney-General and he's not an Agitator Supporting Pussy like Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were.

Jeff Sessions is hardcore, he will give law enforcement Zero Tolerance to get these Leftist Maniacs under full control and some of them will have to be made a public example of as a warning to others.

There was a USSR flag being waved in the crowd. The so-called "black bloc" are not anarchists or fascists, they're stone commies. communist terror organization financed by George Soros...
Rioting and destroying property and stopping free speech is anti-American and it's criminal.

The purpose, one of them, I am sure, is to terrify the Far right and the Alt right and is a success by the threads on the subject on this and other forums.

You're indicating that their terrorists Jake, that's interesting...

Jake is your typical bourgeoisie Democrat, armchair terrorists who would wet themselves if they ever had to interact directly with the vermin they hire and support via media, from the safety of being protected by their institutional security guards.
In your dreams, hissy boy :lol:. The far left beat the Trumpers into the ground this campaign season.

Jake thinks that some gimp rent-a-mob egging that hapless innocent woman trying to attend a Trump rally was some sort of impressive beat down. lol totally delusional. Your street trash got tossed out of rallies as a matter of routine for an entire year, never once 'beating down' anybody.
Ahh yes, those intolerants show their tolerance.

They simply didn't want to hear what Milo Yiannopoulos had to say, so they, err, took to the streets for a good time!

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Protesters hurled smoke bombs, broke windows and sparked a massive bonfire Wednesday night, prompting University of California at Berkeley officials to cancel a talk by a polarizing editor of Breitbart News out of safety concerns.

The decision was made two hours before the appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos (yuh-NAH'-poh-lihs) because a crowd of more than 1,500 had gathered outside the venue, the university said in a statement.

But officials said it was a smaller group of protesters dressed in black and in hooded sweatshirts that showed up as night fell to break windows with metal barricades, throw smoke bombs and flares and start a large bonfire outside the building with a diesel generator.

"This was a group of agitators who were masked up, throwing rocks, commercial grade fireworks and Molotov cocktails at officers," said UC Berkeley Police Chief Margo Bennet.

Bennet said police determined at that point they couldn't guarantee security, canceled the event and evacuated Yiannopoulos from the building.

There were no immediate reports of arrests or serious injuries, she said.

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

It can't be that much longer before these Leftist Maniacs when they have their next violent tantrum are going to be given the Kent State Treatment.

I don't doubt that a bit, let the world witness once again what america is really all about wiht their own eyes.

So you support the Rent-A-Mob's then? You think this is all normal the rioting and throwing Molotov Cocktails at the police etc?

This is the first I have heard of this and I will make no decision based upon what I’ve read here. I’d be happy to get back to you after looking into it – this particular incident - via various “sources”. I have no initial Pavlovian response to share with you at present, but as a matter of general principle I support the right of the unsubstantial people to gather and protest our inverted totalitarian authoritarian system. As for violence in and of itself? That is as american as apple pie and many support the corporate state’s use of violence against the people all the time.
If you didn't know the progressive movement Chicago Mob influence you can see it now when they exposed something from this event most of us would never know with liberal media bias to silence this stuff. It came to the forefront that these schools are strong arming with last minute excessive charges on unwanted speakers with protection fees= (protection racketeering).
This is disturbing and needs a serious investigation by Berkeley police and feds, there should be Zero tolerance for extortion and protection racketeering especially in squelching the rights of free speach and freedom from discrimination.
The Leftist Maniacs are illustrating just how Fascist they are, don't like a differing opinion, get violent and shut down Free Speech.

We stand for the rule of law and order and discipline, and the Leftist Maniacs don't, we stand for Free Speech, and the Leftist Maniacs don't.

The thing is the Leftist Maniacs are so stupid they don't even realise they are providing the rope, they are providing the excuse that law enforcement imminently under the direct order of Jeff Sessions will use to crack the whip on their nasty buttocks.

Within days Jeff Sessions will be confirmed as US Attorney-General and he's not an Agitator Supporting Pussy like Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were.

Jeff Sessions is hardcore, he will give law enforcement Zero Tolerance to get these Leftist Maniacs under full control and some of them will have to be made a public example of as a warning to others.

There was a USSR flag being waved in the crowd. The so-called "black bloc" are not anarchists or fascists, they're stone commies.

Yes also the filthy human scum the Antifa are with them.
One day, some violent moonbat is going to take a swing at a concealed carrier and the result won't be pretty. You nitwits have no idea what you're cheering on.

You've been making those threats for years now. And yet, it's only the conservatives getting beat down, at least according to your propaganda.

So, if liberals are so wimpy, why are they always beating the crap out of conservatives with such ease?

Something is wrong with your fantasies. Either you're the biggest wimps in the history of planet earth, or you're just making up stories about liberal violence. Which is it?
The Leftist Maniacs are illustrating just how Fascist they are, don't like a differing opinion, get violent and shut down Free Speech.

We stand for the rule of law and order and discipline, and the Leftist Maniacs don't, we stand for Free Speech, and the Leftist Maniacs don't.

The thing is the Leftist Maniacs are so stupid they don't even realise they are providing the rope, they are providing the excuse that law enforcement imminently under the direct order of Jeff Sessions will use to crack the whip on their nasty buttocks.

Within days Jeff Sessions will be confirmed as US Attorney-General and he's not an Agitator Supporting Pussy like Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were.

Jeff Sessions is hardcore, he will give law enforcement Zero Tolerance to get these Leftist Maniacs under full control and some of them will have to be made a public example of as a warning to others.

There was a USSR flag being waved in the crowd. The so-called "black bloc" are not anarchists or fascists, they're stone commies.

Yes also the filthy human scum the Antifa are with them.
The "Black Block" was a totally different organization. This is ANTIFA, the international communist terrorist organization financed by George Soros espousing "Balck Block" attire for confusion and masking their true identity.
I thought America supported free speech, even that they don't like.
No. Not any more.

Not since the Left weaponized PC.

The left has taken over from the Right the desire to suppress speech it doesn't like. I used to compare them to the Moral Majority from the 80's, but at this point I think that's unfair to the Moral Majority. All they did was whine and push for censorship laws, which is bad, but they at least were peaceful.

And as bad as this is, we can't even blame it on the wild emotions of youth. Look at the posts on USMB, read the posts on HuffPo: There are "adults" who are supporting this, enabling it. People who should know better, but their ideology justifies shutting down opposing speech. In America.
One day, some violent moonbat is going to take a swing at a concealed carrier and the result won't be pretty. You nitwits have no idea what you're cheering on.

You've been making those threats for years now. And yet, it's only the conservatives getting beat down, at least according to your propaganda.

So, if liberals are so wimpy, why are they always beating the crap out of conservatives with such ease?

Something is wrong with your fantasies. Either you're the biggest wimps in the history of planet earth, or you're just making up stories about liberal violence. Which is it?

They are NOT Liberal's, Liberal's do NOT do what this rabble is doing.
You've been making those threats for years now. And yet, it's only the conservatives getting beat down, at least according to your propaganda.

So, if liberals are so wimpy, why are they always beating the crap out of conservatives with such ease?

Something is wrong with your fantasies. Either you're the biggest wimps in the history of planet earth, or you're just making up stories about liberal violence. Which is it?
Which threats and which years?

I'm not a conservative but an anarchist - a real anarchist- not a violent commie "antifa" or "black bloc" communist. We don't go around in angry goon squads committing acts of violent mayhem.

But that doesn't mean that we aren't organized and prepared. If there ever comes a day where the real anarchists chimp out, gutless little pink shits like you will be crying like little fucking girls.
One day, some violent moonbat is going to take a swing at a concealed carrier and the result won't be pretty. You nitwits have no idea what you're cheering on.

You've been making those threats for years now. And yet, it's only the conservatives getting beat down, at least according to your propaganda.

So, if liberals are so wimpy, why are they always beating the crap out of conservatives with such ease?

Something is wrong with your fantasies. Either you're the biggest wimps in the history of planet earth, or you're just making up stories about liberal violence. Which is it?
Mostly they beat the crap out of the windows, cars and bins in their own communities. Whilst masked.
Such brave hero's.

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