Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

He knew exactly what would happen and Bannon probably told him to do it to cause an uproar.

Ah, the usual false flag bullshit.

Don't you have a Jew somewhere to sneer at?
I agree with them.

I don't believe you know what you're spoiling for.

View attachment 110185

Exactly and they're too stupid to even realise it.


I am anti the right alt agenda. Bannon taking over the government, and Trump. Tearing apart our government to rebuild it for the rich elites and making us like Saudi Arabia.
Better move to Cuba while you still can.
And still no condemnation of the Trump thug who shot the peaceful protestor.

Why don't you just sit back and relax. Grab your MAGA (Make America Great Again) mug of coffee, glance at the picture of our President and be happy.

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American was never great as far as trump was concerned, not in the 80's when he was a young rich punk.
Trump says they keep it up, they lose their funding. Lol, I love it!

Heard he tweeted that out this am..........that was 2 hours ago........Im still laughing.:up::funnyface::funnyface:
Judges control it now. Trump is on the sideline.
If Trump wants to cut funding he will cut it. The same way Obama threatened public schools funding if they didn't allow men in girls locker rooms. You know the thing that helped you lose the election?
He knew exactly what would happen and Bannon probably told him to do it to cause an uproar.

Ah, the usual false flag bullshit.

Don't you have a Jew somewhere to sneer at?
I agree with them.

I don't believe you know what you're spoiling for.

View attachment 110185

Exactly and they're too stupid to even realise it.


I am anti the right alt agenda. Bannon taking over the government, and Trump. Tearing apart our government to rebuild it for the rich elites and making us like Saudi Arabia.

"Tearing apart our government to rebuild it for the rich elites and making us like Saudi Arabia."

Penelope darling, please get a grip, NOBODY wants to make America like Saudi Arabia except for the Leftist Maniacs with their insane and dangerous love-in with the Kebabs of the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult.
Rioting and destroying property and stopping free speech is anti-American and it's criminal.

Yes, we know, Jake; that's why Democrats embrace it and fund it. Duh.
Republicans don't do crime? You don't think before you post most times.

This silly attempt at shifting the topic is lame even for you, Jake. Your Party endorses hate crimes, hired gangsters for disrupting peaceful opposition party rallies, endorses violent racist hate crimes, and all manner of other RICO violations, including assassinations of police officers. We've already covered that ground, Jake; too bad your Alzheimer's prevents you from remembering from one to the next.
Again, you did not think before posting, just as I said. The topic is about "free speech and violence". During the campaign, the Trumpers were told not to get violent, they got violent, and the bad boys beat hissy people like you into the ground. My party is the GOP. The far right kills police officers, engages in criminal activities, is out right racist and nativist and nationalistic, and then cries what it gets done by its opposition. Picaro, your poor thinking and writing skills are on show here. Keep it up and keep people laughing at you. :lol:

dang s0n......that bumpy in the pie evidently just grows and grows!!:deal::funnyface::funnyface:. IDK......when I was catching Soetero delivered bumpy's 8 years ago on a daily basis, spent a lot less time on these boards after early 2009......the losing just got prolific. Give a new hobby a shot......but dont grow a vegetable garden s0n. Just sayin'
Wild exaggeration? Banks broken in to, other shops windows destroyed, MLK student Center windows destroyed, graffiti all over fires set, people beat with sticks, ATM 's destroyed? None of that is exaggeration.
Can you actually argue the point being made?

Being that I'm not brainwashed into spouting one point, like all of you, I can argue multiple points. I can see why that upsets you, as it illustrates you intellectual limitations.

Here is a question. Do you support mobs of people silencing people who disagree with them? Yes or No.


I also don't support wild exaggerations about it, a form of propaganda.

So, who are the ones crying hysterically here, across multiple threads that all say the same thing?

You. And only you.

That makes you the snowflakes. This thread is about snowflakes, so you shouldn't avoid that topic.
He knew exactly what would happen and Bannon probably told him to do it to cause an uproar.

Ah, the usual false flag bullshit.

Don't you have a Jew somewhere to sneer at?
I agree with them.

I don't believe you know what you're spoiling for.

View attachment 110185

Exactly and they're too stupid to even realise it.


I am anti the right alt agenda. Bannon taking over the government, and Trump. Tearing apart our government to rebuild it for the rich elites and making us like Saudi Arabia.

President Trump, God Emperor of The Universe.


He knew exactly what would happen and Bannon probably told him to do it to cause an uproar.

Ah, the usual false flag bullshit.

Don't you have a Jew somewhere to sneer at?
I agree with them.

I don't believe you know what you're spoiling for.

View attachment 110185

Exactly and they're too stupid to even realise it.


I am anti the right alt agenda. Bannon taking over the government, and Trump. Tearing apart our government to rebuild it for the rich elites and making us like Saudi Arabia.

President Trump, God Emperor of The Universe.



Man your sick.
skooks, you are being super silly again and very hissy, so into the time out corner for you.

Trump will do what the courts allow him to do: nothing more.
One shooter isn't remarkable. The entire violent movement needs to be met with high powered firepower. Turn flamethrowers on these fools, lets see how anxious they are to start fires.
dimocrap scum apologists will make the usual excuses, "It wasn't us. We didn't do it. It was outside groups. It was radicals that had nothing to do with us......!!"


This is who dimocrap scum are, people. This is what dimocrap scum do.

Not once in while.... EVERY FUCKING TIME.

Anybody that tries to apologize for these scumbags is a piece of shit. They know it's Standard Procedure. They KNOW it's what they WANT.

Then they fucking LIE ABOUT IT

Because that's what dimocrap scum do as well. They lie.

You need to get your heads right, people. dimocraps are the scum of the Earth and they need to be eliminated from its surface, post haste.
You are trying to stretch the snowflake thing and failing miserably. If these leftists wanted to protest outside Milo's speech, none of us would have an issue. If they attended Milo's speech and confronted him during a Q and A session, none of us would have an issue. We listen to the other sides argument without trying to suppress them or stop them. Partially because most of us are strict fans of the constitution, and believe in free speech, but because most of us know your sides positions are idiotic, and we should be happy for your to broadcast your drivel throughout the land.

Yet you're an enthusiastic supporter of the Trump admin's censorship of science and intimidation of journalists. All of you Trump-thugs are. Not a single one of you anywhere has said a word against such things.

You don't ban free speech yourself. You have the authoritarian big government that you worship do it. You're just as bad as those kids. No, wait. You're a thousand times worse, given the degree of censorship you support. And you're far worse because you're not brave enough to do it yourself.

When any of you Trump-thugs comes out against the Trump admin's anti-free-speech policies, then you won't be laughed at when you pretend you're not anti-free speech.

I am? Wow, I guess I didn't even realize it!.....

Journalists who take sides can be called out. Calling them out is not silencing them. They are still free to reply and rant and froth. And if they have courage of their convictions, being called out should be seen as a badge of honor.

And telling government employees they can't use official channels of communication on policy issues without vetting is not censorship. It's called management.

Where have I ever asked government to silence anyone? Please be specific, or retract your statement.

Your attempt at deflection is pathetic, and par for the course when it comes to you.
Arrest the provocateurs of violence. As for the peaceful demonstration against the Brietphart guy I have no problem. The best protest would be to fill the hall were he is to speak and when he starts speaking, everybody start reading a newspaper or start working on a lop top or something.

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