Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

Where is the ACLU and SPLC on this? How come they don't sue Berkeley for NOT protecting free speech, attendees to the event and not protecting businesses?

"Where is the ACLU and SPLC on this?"

Jeff Sessions should launch a full investigation into both of those, the ACLU is a Subversive Anti-Democracy Organisation and the SPLC is a Race Baiting Hate Organisation, both need investigating and shutting down.
Rioting and destroying property and stopping free speech is anti-American and it's criminal.

The purpose, one of them, I am sure, is to terrify the Far right and the Alt right and is a success by the threads on the subject on this and other forums.

Me thinks its adding more support for another non-Democrat POTUS in 2020. Carry on -Geaux
Not in the slightest. It is keep the alt right home behind closed doors and not interfering.

You do realize when you refer to 'far right' they are likely CCW holders and thus do not fear terrorist like those protesting. The pepper spraying old man is lucky to be alive -Geaux
You silly. You think the far left are not holding? You are saddies not baddies. That was proved during the campaign season. Stay behind closed doors and let LEO do its jobs. That's best for you.
Praise Kek!

It's interesting, how people sporting a pepe symbol are now getting punched on sight so often. Nobody is organizing that. Normal people just feel a spontaneous urge to hit them, in the same way they feel a spontaneous urge to beat down child molesters and other such scum.

That has its good and bad points.

Good, in that it shows most Americans are still moral. After all, any decent human being should be utterly disgusted by the Pepe-nazis, and should have to fight the urge to strike them. God gave us the capacity for violence for a reason, to use it to oppose evil.

But bad, in that both child molesters and Pepe-nazis don't deserve public beatdowns. Just public humiliation.
The Trump thugs certainly are well-trained. When the orders go out, they all run to the board, to repeat whatever the latest talking points are. This is at least the third thread on this.

The funniest thing is they don't even realize they're being played.

So, Trump thugs, got any other reasons to impose martial law and end democracy in the USA that you want to give us? What, you thought your fascist agenda wasn't that obvious?
Yes. This should well be the end of the democracy we used to enjoy. Liberals have proved themselves incapable of living in a democratic republic. They require a dictatorship.

Today's Liberals aren't Liberals though, they're a mix of Far Left Extremists, Neo-Marxist's, Anarchists and Left-Winger's.
What the media is doing is playing a dangerous game, turning normal low-information voters into rabid hate-filled radicals.
Sounds like they're using the same tactics that Islamic leaders have used on decent Muslims for centuries.
Ahh yes, those intolerants show their tolerance.

They simply didn't want to hear what Milo Yiannopoulos had to say, so they, err, took to the streets for a good time!

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Protesters hurled smoke bombs, broke windows and sparked a massive bonfire Wednesday night, prompting University of California at Berkeley officials to cancel a talk by a polarizing editor of Breitbart News out of safety concerns.

The decision was made two hours before the appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos (yuh-NAH'-poh-lihs) because a crowd of more than 1,500 had gathered outside the venue, the university said in a statement.

But officials said it was a smaller group of protesters dressed in black and in hooded sweatshirts that showed up as night fell to break windows with metal barricades, throw smoke bombs and flares and start a large bonfire outside the building with a diesel generator.

"This was a group of agitators who were masked up, throwing rocks, commercial grade fireworks and Molotov cocktails at officers," said UC Berkeley Police Chief Margo Bennet.

Bennet said police determined at that point they couldn't guarantee security, canceled the event and evacuated Yiannopoulos from the building.

There were no immediate reports of arrests or serious injuries, she said.

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

It can't be that much longer before these Leftist Maniacs when they have their next violent tantrum are going to be given the Kent State Treatment.

I don't doubt that a bit, let the world witness once again what america is really all about wiht their own eyes.

So you support the Rent-A-Mob's then? You think this is all normal the rioting and throwing Molotov Cocktails at the police etc?
He knew exactly what would happen and Bannon probably told him to do it to cause an uproar.
You sound just like the islamofascists. Say we are violent and we'll behead you. Plan to say stuff we don't want to hear and we'll riot and shut you down. You both lack any self control, don't mind demonstrating the fact, and are both fascists. No wonder the left are so in love with islam.
The rioting prevented someone from speaking.

The SF Gate newspaper called Milo a "right wing provocateur"....funny they didn't mention he was gay.

Guaranteed if it was conservatives rioting so a gay man was not allowed to speak, they would be called homophobes and Nazis.

Interesting that when the left riots and protests, they are considered to be policy driven and not about identity politics.

This is again why Trump won.

Congrats on stopping free speech by homosexual American citizens, snowflakes.

No borders, No Nations!
Fuck deportations!

It's as American as Apple pie ( Which is racist!!)
Praise Kek!

It's interesting, how people sporting a pepe symbol are now getting punched on sight so often. Nobody is organizing that. Normal people just feel a spontaneous urge to hit them, in the same way they feel a spontaneous urge to beat down child molesters and other such scum.

That has its good and bad points.

Good, in that it shows most Americans are still moral. After all, any decent human being should be utterly disgusted by the Pepe-nazis, and should have to fight the urge to strike them. God gave us the capacity for violence for a reason, to use it to oppose evil.

But bad, in that both child molesters and Pepe-nazis don't deserve public beatdowns. Just public humiliation.

"It's interesting, how people sporting a pepe symbol are now getting punched on sight so often. Nobody is organizing that. Normal people just feel a spontaneous urge to hit them, in the same way they feel a spontaneous urge to beat down child molesters and other such scum.

That has its good and bad points.

Good, in that it shows most Americans are still moral. After all, any decent human being should be utterly disgusted by the Pepe-nazis, and should have to fight the urge to strike them. God gave us the capacity for violence for a reason, to use it to oppose evil.

But bad, in that both child molesters and Pepe-nazis don't deserve public beatdowns. Just public humiliation."

Nobody gives a crap what you think, you are NOTHING and the last laugh will be on those who agree with the sort of insane gibberish you espouse.
Rioting and destroying property and stopping free speech is anti-American and it's criminal.

The purpose, one of them, I am sure, is to terrify the Far right and the Alt right and is a success by the threads on the subject on this and other forums.

You're indicating that their terrorists Jake, that's interesting...

Jake is your typical bourgeoisie Democrat, armchair terrorists who would wet themselves if they ever had to interact directly with the vermin they hire and support via media, from the safety of being protected by their institutional security guards.
Ahh yes, those intolerants show their tolerance.

They simply didn't want to hear what Milo Yiannopoulos had to say, so they, err, took to the streets for a good time!

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Protesters hurled smoke bombs, broke windows and sparked a massive bonfire Wednesday night, prompting University of California at Berkeley officials to cancel a talk by a polarizing editor of Breitbart News out of safety concerns.

The decision was made two hours before the appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos (yuh-NAH'-poh-lihs) because a crowd of more than 1,500 had gathered outside the venue, the university said in a statement.

But officials said it was a smaller group of protesters dressed in black and in hooded sweatshirts that showed up as night fell to break windows with metal barricades, throw smoke bombs and flares and start a large bonfire outside the building with a diesel generator.

"This was a group of agitators who were masked up, throwing rocks, commercial grade fireworks and Molotov cocktails at officers," said UC Berkeley Police Chief Margo Bennet.

Bennet said police determined at that point they couldn't guarantee security, canceled the event and evacuated Yiannopoulos from the building.

There were no immediate reports of arrests or serious injuries, she said.

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

It can't be that much longer before these Leftist Maniacs when they have their next violent tantrum are going to be given the Kent State Treatment.

I don't doubt that a bit, let the world witness once again what america is really all about wiht their own eyes.

So you support the Rent-A-Mob's then? You think this is all normal the rioting and throwing Molotov Cocktails at the police etc?

Everyone knows that Hillary's rentamob was all Trump's fault.
Ahh yes, those intolerants show their tolerance.

They simply didn't want to hear what Milo Yiannopoulos had to say, so they, err, took to the streets for a good time!

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Protesters hurled smoke bombs, broke windows and sparked a massive bonfire Wednesday night, prompting University of California at Berkeley officials to cancel a talk by a polarizing editor of Breitbart News out of safety concerns.

The decision was made two hours before the appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos (yuh-NAH'-poh-lihs) because a crowd of more than 1,500 had gathered outside the venue, the university said in a statement.

But officials said it was a smaller group of protesters dressed in black and in hooded sweatshirts that showed up as night fell to break windows with metal barricades, throw smoke bombs and flares and start a large bonfire outside the building with a diesel generator.

"This was a group of agitators who were masked up, throwing rocks, commercial grade fireworks and Molotov cocktails at officers," said UC Berkeley Police Chief Margo Bennet.

Bennet said police determined at that point they couldn't guarantee security, canceled the event and evacuated Yiannopoulos from the building.

There were no immediate reports of arrests or serious injuries, she said.

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

They should have been, more collegiate and simply asked better questions.

Nobody takes the national socialist right wing, seriously about economics, or the law.
I agree with them.

I don't believe you know what you're spoiling for.

He knew exactly what would happen and Bannon probably told him to do it to cause an uproar.

God you're pathetic....

Penelope would love Milo if Milo wasn't Jewish.

also he is gay. No I would not like him. I want these freaks out of office that are in there now trump, bannon and the rest of the freaks.
Well normal rational people use their vote to do that.

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