Liz Cheney Goes Down In Flames

Expect her to go bananas in the J6 circus now. She has nothing to lose.
I see a book coming, she is going to want to make the book eventful
There is no doubt a money angle here

Reminds me of Benedict Arnold, the US general who betrayed his country. For his betrayal, the British army made him a general, but they had no respect for the man and gave him no noteworthy command.

They just sent him back to England as he collected a paycheck for the rest of his miserable life with no one to talk too.

The funny part is, he was probably the best general in either army as he was the sole reason why the US won the battle of Saratoga, which ended up winning them the war.
Cheney pleaded with the Democrats who welcomed her with open arms when she joined them in going after Trump to switch parties to vote for her and save her in the primaries. Yeah, her usefulness is over, and she found out the hard way she got used.

Even Al Franken's endorsement could not save Cheney From going down in flames.

The people of Wyoming have spoken - Buh-bye, Liz.

/----/ Giving new meaning to BBB = Bye Bye Bitch
I have to confess, I do love this version of the Republican party that is too deplorable for Liz Cheney. 😄

If you're going down, I guess it might as well be as a flaming hot turd.
They replaced a capable legislator with another Trumpbot that will never accomplish anything for their state. Such is the curse of Trumpism. You must always choose mediocrity.
There is no doubt a money angle here

Reminds me of Benedict Arnold, the US general who betrayed his country. For his betrayal, the British army made him a general, but they had no respect for the man and gave him no noteworthy command.

They just sent him back to England as he collected a paycheck for the rest of his miserable life with no one to talk too.

Well, that isn't true..



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"For once, the polls were not just right, but really, really right. Liz Cheney’s political career met its inevitable ignominious end last night. The drubbing was spectacular, a most decisive end to the political tenure of the woman who just last year was the third most powerful Republican in Congress.

The race was called for Hageman about 14 seconds after the polls closed. What followed were a few hours of every leftist media outlet in America making Cheney out to be the bravest American woman since Rosa Parks.

Lizzie herself thought she was more like Lincoln

Yes, in her concession speech Liz compared herself to Abraham Lincoln...and Ulysses Grant...

"The Lincoln stuff wasn’t enough, however. She then went on to let us know that this embarrassing loss of hers reminds her of — I kid you not — Ulysses Grant."

Maybe all this self-delusion came from praise heaped on her by the Democrats for going after Trump while ignoring her constituents....or maybe she just had a mental breakdown after the loss.

Either way, it does not matter now.

the irony is wyoming is possibly the whitest state in the union
She’s a spiteful, vengeful bitch…Comparing herself to Lincoln, and Grant shows delusional can be added to that list.

Actually, it shows how far the GOP has gone.

Now, Cheney is evil, McCain is Evil, Romney is evil, Bush is evil. Anyone who criticizes Trump's serial misconduct is evil.

Family Values types are defending a man who cheated on all three of his wives and paid porn stars for sex.
Fiscal Conservatives are defending a man who ran up 8 Trillion in new debt.
Security Hawks are defending a man who undermined NATO, and sucked up to America's enemies.
Free Traders are defending a guy who started unnecessary trade wars.
Law and Order conservatives are defaming the FBI and cheering on attacks on the Capitol Police (I just have an image of a Capitol Policeman being beaten with a Thin Blue Line Flag, and enjoying the irony.) Not to mention a President pleading the Fifth Amendment.
Libertarians are supporting a guy who threw people into concentration camps without due process.

What do you guys stand for, exactly?
She voted with the rest of the republicans just about every time. She is still out to fuck the working class and give away the store to big business. I like that she opposed Trumpism but I'm not going to act like she is a good person.
They replaced a capable legislator with another Trumpbot that will never accomplish anything for their state. Such is the curse of Trumpism. You must always choose mediocrity.
Capable??? WTF! Liz is no different than her daddy on every issue, yet the left adores her because she opposes dumb Don.

Im glad she’s gone, but not because she opposed dumb Don. But because she was a warmongering corporatist fascist who did the bidding of Wall Street.
Capable??? WTF! Liz is no different than her daddy on every issue, yet the left adores her because she opposes dumb Don.

Im glad she’s gone, but not because she opposed dumb Don. But because she was a warmongering corporatist fascist who did the bidding of Wall Street.
It takes at least a couple of terms to get the power to bend legislation to the advantage of your state. They gave that up for a political dumb-ass that is sure to never know when to cut the shit and cut a deal.
It takes at least a couple of terms to get the power to bend legislation to the advantage of your state. They gave that up for a political dumb-ass that is sure to never know when to cut the shit and cut a deal.
They don’t push legislation to advantage their state. They push legislation to benefit their donors, so they can continue to buy their seat in congress.

Following your logic you should be glad she lost to a newcomer.
They replaced a capable legislator with another Trumpbot that will never accomplish anything for their state. Such is the curse of Trumpism. You must always choose mediocrity.
In a perverse way it makes sense for WY Repubs to purge someone who had the courage to speak the truth. After all, she held a mirror in front of them, reminding them they turned their backs on the Constitution, on the rule of law, and on demonstrable reality. She made them feel like the traitorous sacks of shit they she had to be removed.
Actually, it shows how far the GOP has gone.

Now, Cheney is evil, McCain is Evil, Romney is evil, Bush is evil. Anyone who criticizes Trump's serial misconduct is evil.

Family Values types are defending a man who cheated on all three of his wives and paid porn stars for sex.
Fiscal Conservatives are defending a man who ran up 8 Trillion in new debt.
Security Hawks are defending a man who undermined NATO, and sucked up to America's enemies.
Free Traders are defending a guy who started unnecessary trade wars.
Law and Order conservatives are defaming the FBI and cheering on attacks on the Capitol Police (I just have an image of a Capitol Policeman being beaten with a Thin Blue Line Flag, and enjoying the irony.) Not to mention a President pleading the Fifth Amendment.
Libertarians are supporting a guy who threw people into concentration camps without due process.

What do you guys stand for, exactly?
^^^Terminal TDS meltdown.^^^
"If we do not condemn the conspiracies and the lies, if we do not hold those responsible to account, we will be excusing this conduct and it will become a feature of all elections," Cheney said. "America will never be the same."

The POT has become the world's biggest political cult.
Actually, it shows how far the GOP has gone.

Now, Cheney is evil, McCain is Evil, Romney is evil, Bush is evil. Anyone who criticizes Trump's serial misconduct is evil.

Family Values types are defending a man who cheated on all three of his wives and paid porn stars for sex.
Fiscal Conservatives are defending a man who ran up 8 Trillion in new debt.
Security Hawks are defending a man who undermined NATO, and sucked up to America's enemies.
Free Traders are defending a guy who started unnecessary trade wars.
Law and Order conservatives are defaming the FBI and cheering on attacks on the Capitol Police (I just have an image of a Capitol Policeman being beaten with a Thin Blue Line Flag, and enjoying the irony.) Not to mention a President pleading the Fifth Amendment.
Libertarians are supporting a guy who threw people into concentration camps without due process.

What do you guys stand for, exactly?
Bitch the old roll over Republican party is gone. We're using your leftist tactics now.

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