Liz Cheney: Trump should not be leader of the Republican Party

I agree with Liz, for probably the first time ever. Trump shouldn’t be the leader of the Republican Party.

Instead, we need a true Lifestyle Conservative; someone who walks the talk and has lived the ideology. Someone who will rid the party of people like Liz Cheney and her Center-Left Establishment scum.
Liz Cheney may be a lot of things, but center left isn't one of them. I'm not sure what her center ideology really "was." I don't see her getting reelected. The gop lost its grounding in fiscal conservatism, but they went even further from it with Trump, and Trump was all in with the Saudis and neoconservatism when it suited him. The gop is in search of it's own raison d'être
Well, sorry Liz, but maybe the problem is that you've assfucked your constituents with your love of Wall St. and globalism, which is not the foible of only one party, and people are sick of your 'solutions' as they aren't solutions for them, so they felt the need to try something else and that something else was Trump.

It's amazing to me that both parties cannot see that Trump was a result of decades of unrest, not some crazy snapshot in time. They created Trump, both sides of the aisle. He is a symbol of the unrest that has not gone away, as much as they'd both like to dance around and try to kill the idea by shitting on the symbol. That never works and it won't work here either.

The underpinnings of that unrest are very real and remain. There will be another Trump - and that is what really scares these people. He shook their absolute iron grip on power on both sides of the aisle and that scared the living hell out of them. Fuck them all, each and every one of the traitorous bastards. They did it through years of their own malfeasance and it was only a matter of time.
But your own posts illustrates why Trumpism cannot succeed. You post " There will be another Trump." Trump was about Trump. That's why he failed and why he tried an insurrection to retain power after voters kicked him out while voting for more republicans than democrats. Other "insurgents" who remade parties were not about themselves but about ideas. TR, FDR, Goldwater, Reagan.

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?

The 'Traditional' Republicans - who only represent the wealthy - have been unable to win elections for many years. That's why they needed the 'Swing to the South' strategy.

They pretended to adopt conservative social policies to sucker the Southern religious right to join them - and it worked.

Up until now. The social conservatives have morphed into a bunch of Trump worshiping, fascist morons.

Now the Traditional Republicans have to choose - either maintain their alliance with the fascists and other Trump idiots or swing to the political middle - but that would mean compromising on taxes and a whole slew of 'liberal' issues.

The traditional republicans will LOSE if they stay with the Trump morons - but they'll have to compromise everything to win back the political middle.

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?
The GOP spent five decades inadvertently creating these QAnons, but the outright racists were always part of their plan. So, it's accept the Qanon problems that resulted from their political handiwork, or, risk losing a significant portion of their base.

I am not sure Q was inadvertently created. I wonder if the Russia factor and Q are not tied together somehow.

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?
She's not a Republican. She's a RINO traitor.Trump is not a racist or a QAnon supporters.

Your post is just another NAZI smear.

Liz Cheney is a traditional Republican - she stands for the benefit of the wealthy - just like the GOP has since the McKinley election.

She is NOT a traitor by any means - she's stood for traditional Republican values -which includes standing for the Constitution, Democracy and law & order.

It's the Trump scum that are traitors to the Constitution, Democracy and law & order. Trump scum are as anti-American as Benedict Arnold!

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?
It's difficult to imagine Trump's influence on the party decreasing to any significant degree any time soon.

But I guess the normal Republicans have no choice but to try to win this. The loser has to start a new party without the massive GOP infrastructure. That's huge and long-term lift.

All the Traditional Republicans need is to grow some balls and call the Trumpbot's bluff!

If Trumpbots primary Traditional Republicans, they'll be handing over a whole lot of elections to the Democrats.

If Traditional Republican face down the Trumpbots they'll continue to get elected - who else are the Trumpbots gonna vote for?

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?
It's difficult to imagine Trump's influence on the party decreasing to any significant degree any time soon.

But I guess the normal Republicans have no choice but to try to win this. The loser has to start a new party without the massive GOP infrastructure. That's huge and long-term lift.

All the Traditional Republicans need is to grow some balls and call the Trumpbot's bluff!

If Trumpbots primary Traditional Republicans, they'll be handing over a whole lot of elections to the Democrats.

If Traditional Republican face down the Trumpbots they'll continue to get elected - who else are the Trumpbots gonna vote for?
Well, 95% of the energy in the QGOP is with Trump and his approved Trumpster candidates. I don't know how the normal Republicans get nominated if they have Trumpster competition in the primaries. Holy crap, if it's a Republican vs. a Trumpster in a primary, the Republican is considered a freakin' commie. And, if they don't toe the line, they'll sure as hell be primaried.

I don't know how that gets fixed.

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?
It's difficult to imagine Trump's influence on the party decreasing to any significant degree any time soon.

But I guess the normal Republicans have no choice but to try to win this. The loser has to start a new party without the massive GOP infrastructure. That's huge and long-term lift.

All the Traditional Republicans need is to grow some balls and call the Trumpbot's bluff!

If Trumpbots primary Traditional Republicans, they'll be handing over a whole lot of elections to the Democrats.

If Traditional Republican face down the Trumpbots they'll continue to get elected - who else are the Trumpbots gonna vote for?
Well, 95% of the energy in the QGOP is with Trump and his approved Trumpster candidates. I don't know how the normal Republicans get nominated if they have Trumpster competition in the primaries. Holy crap, if it's a Republican vs. a Trumpster in a primary, the Republican is considered a freakin' commie. And, if they don't toe the line, they'll sure as hell be primaried.

I don't know how that gets fixed.

It gets fixed when the general public votes for Democrats and the Trump scum lose elections on a record scale.

Biden had the largest voter turnout in history - mainly due to absolute hatred most Americans have for Trump.

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?
It's difficult to imagine Trump's influence on the party decreasing to any significant degree any time soon.

But I guess the normal Republicans have no choice but to try to win this. The loser has to start a new party without the massive GOP infrastructure. That's huge and long-term lift.

All the Traditional Republicans need is to grow some balls and call the Trumpbot's bluff!

If Trumpbots primary Traditional Republicans, they'll be handing over a whole lot of elections to the Democrats.

If Traditional Republican face down the Trumpbots they'll continue to get elected - who else are the Trumpbots gonna vote for?
Well, 95% of the energy in the QGOP is with Trump and his approved Trumpster candidates. I don't know how the normal Republicans get nominated if they have Trumpster competition in the primaries. Holy crap, if it's a Republican vs. a Trumpster in a primary, the Republican is considered a freakin' commie. And, if they don't toe the line, they'll sure as hell be primaried.

I don't know how that gets fixed.

It gets fixed when the general public votes for Democrats and the Trump scum lose elections on a record scale.

Biden had the largest voter turnout in history - mainly due to absolute hatred most Americans have for Trump.
Actually, yeah, I was thinking that.

But who knows - these people are so far off the rails that, if a Trumpy candidate loses, they may think that he lost because he wasn't Trumpy ENOUGH :laugh:
Wish you all would watch Cheney interview that aired on Fox news. then think about EVERY THING she said, not just about impeachment.

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?
It's difficult to imagine Trump's influence on the party decreasing to any significant degree any time soon.

But I guess the normal Republicans have no choice but to try to win this. The loser has to start a new party without the massive GOP infrastructure. That's huge and long-term lift.

All the Traditional Republicans need is to grow some balls and call the Trumpbot's bluff!

If Trumpbots primary Traditional Republicans, they'll be handing over a whole lot of elections to the Democrats.

If Traditional Republican face down the Trumpbots they'll continue to get elected - who else are the Trumpbots gonna vote for?
Well, 95% of the energy in the QGOP is with Trump and his approved Trumpster candidates. I don't know how the normal Republicans get nominated if they have Trumpster competition in the primaries. Holy crap, if it's a Republican vs. a Trumpster in a primary, the Republican is considered a freakin' commie. And, if they don't toe the line, they'll sure as hell be primaried.

I don't know how that gets fixed.
By "normal" you mean servile establishment Republicans. They will never get nominated again, turd. Live with it. The purpose of the Republican party is not to serve the interests of the Democrat Reich.

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?
It's difficult to imagine Trump's influence on the party decreasing to any significant degree any time soon.

But I guess the normal Republicans have no choice but to try to win this. The loser has to start a new party without the massive GOP infrastructure. That's huge and long-term lift.

All the Traditional Republicans need is to grow some balls and call the Trumpbot's bluff!

If Trumpbots primary Traditional Republicans, they'll be handing over a whole lot of elections to the Democrats.

If Traditional Republican face down the Trumpbots they'll continue to get elected - who else are the Trumpbots gonna vote for?
Well, 95% of the energy in the QGOP is with Trump and his approved Trumpster candidates. I don't know how the normal Republicans get nominated if they have Trumpster competition in the primaries. Holy crap, if it's a Republican vs. a Trumpster in a primary, the Republican is considered a freakin' commie. And, if they don't toe the line, they'll sure as hell be primaried.

I don't know how that gets fixed.
By "normal" you mean servile establishment Republicans. They will never get nominated again, turd. Live with it. The purpose of the Republican party is not to serve the interests of the Democrat Reich.

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?

Who should lead the GOP, if not Trump?


Loser Mitt Romney?

The Low Energy Bush Family?

GOP Titular Leader Colon Powell?


Its great she has this idea of purging the 75 Deplorable Chumps from the GOP, but the broad doesn't have a clue on how to vanquish Sleepy Joe and the Marxists.

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?
It's difficult to imagine Trump's influence on the party decreasing to any significant degree any time soon.

But I guess the normal Republicans have no choice but to try to win this. The loser has to start a new party without the massive GOP infrastructure. That's huge and long-term lift.

All the Traditional Republicans need is to grow some balls and call the Trumpbot's bluff!

If Trumpbots primary Traditional Republicans, they'll be handing over a whole lot of elections to the Democrats.

If Traditional Republican face down the Trumpbots they'll continue to get elected - who else are the Trumpbots gonna vote for?
Well, 95% of the energy in the QGOP is with Trump and his approved Trumpster candidates. I don't know how the normal Republicans get nominated if they have Trumpster competition in the primaries. Holy crap, if it's a Republican vs. a Trumpster in a primary, the Republican is considered a freakin' commie. And, if they don't toe the line, they'll sure as hell be primaried.

I don't know how that gets fixed.
I can see the Dem campaign showing clips of the January 5th riot on the Capitol when they go against trumpbots.

How does this get fixed? Not my problem. This is all on the GOPQ. They need to select the master they serve.....The constitution or trumpee....

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?

Who should lead the GOP, if not Trump?


Loser Mitt Romney?

The Low Energy Bush Family?

GOP Titular Leader Colon Powell?


Its great she has this idea of purging the 75 Deplorable Chumps from the GOP, but the broad doesn't have a clue on how to vanquish Sleepy Joe and the Marxists.
In their yes, yes. They want a lapdog opposition. Only idiots listen to anything they have to say about the GOP.

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?
It's difficult to imagine Trump's influence on the party decreasing to any significant degree any time soon.

But I guess the normal Republicans have no choice but to try to win this. The loser has to start a new party without the massive GOP infrastructure. That's huge and long-term lift.

All the Traditional Republicans need is to grow some balls and call the Trumpbot's bluff!

If Trumpbots primary Traditional Republicans, they'll be handing over a whole lot of elections to the Democrats.

If Traditional Republican face down the Trumpbots they'll continue to get elected - who else are the Trumpbots gonna vote for?
Well, 95% of the energy in the QGOP is with Trump and his approved Trumpster candidates. I don't know how the normal Republicans get nominated if they have Trumpster competition in the primaries. Holy crap, if it's a Republican vs. a Trumpster in a primary, the Republican is considered a freakin' commie. And, if they don't toe the line, they'll sure as hell be primaried.

I don't know how that gets fixed.
I can see the Dem campaign showing clips of the January 5th riot on the Capitol when they go against trumpbots.

How does this get fixed? Not my problem. This is all on the GOPQ. They need to select the master they serve.....The constitution or trumpee....

When the Republicans run an ultramoderate, like Rep. Cheney , Mitt Romney or Bob Dole , the Democrats will still run the same dam clips. It has nothing to do with "Trump" just the liberal idea of personal attacks to avoid the actual issues.

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?
It's difficult to imagine Trump's influence on the party decreasing to any significant degree any time soon.

But I guess the normal Republicans have no choice but to try to win this. The loser has to start a new party without the massive GOP infrastructure. That's huge and long-term lift.

All the Traditional Republicans need is to grow some balls and call the Trumpbot's bluff!

If Trumpbots primary Traditional Republicans, they'll be handing over a whole lot of elections to the Democrats.

If Traditional Republican face down the Trumpbots they'll continue to get elected - who else are the Trumpbots gonna vote for?
Well, 95% of the energy in the QGOP is with Trump and his approved Trumpster candidates. I don't know how the normal Republicans get nominated if they have Trumpster competition in the primaries. Holy crap, if it's a Republican vs. a Trumpster in a primary, the Republican is considered a freakin' commie. And, if they don't toe the line, they'll sure as hell be primaried.

I don't know how that gets fixed.
I can see the Dem campaign showing clips of the January 5th riot on the Capitol when they go against trumpbots.

How does this get fixed? Not my problem. This is all on the GOPQ. They need to select the master they serve.....The constitution or trumpee....



She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?
It's difficult to imagine Trump's influence on the party decreasing to any significant degree any time soon.

But I guess the normal Republicans have no choice but to try to win this. The loser has to start a new party without the massive GOP infrastructure. That's huge and long-term lift.

All the Traditional Republicans need is to grow some balls and call the Trumpbot's bluff!

If Trumpbots primary Traditional Republicans, they'll be handing over a whole lot of elections to the Democrats.

If Traditional Republican face down the Trumpbots they'll continue to get elected - who else are the Trumpbots gonna vote for?
Well, 95% of the energy in the QGOP is with Trump and his approved Trumpster candidates. I don't know how the normal Republicans get nominated if they have Trumpster competition in the primaries. Holy crap, if it's a Republican vs. a Trumpster in a primary, the Republican is considered a freakin' commie. And, if they don't toe the line, they'll sure as hell be primaried.

I don't know how that gets fixed.
I can see the Dem campaign showing clips of the January 5th riot on the Capitol when they go against trumpbots.

How does this get fixed? Not my problem. This is all on the GOPQ. They need to select the master they serve.....The constitution or trumpee....
The idea that NAZI turds like you give a shit about the Constitution doesn't pass the laugh test.

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?

Who should lead the GOP, if not Trump?


Loser Mitt Romney?

The Low Energy Bush Family?

GOP Titular Leader Colon Powell?


Its great she has this idea of purging the 75 Deplorable Chumps from the GOP, but the broad doesn't have a clue on how to vanquish Sleepy Joe and the Marxists.

Right now it looks like Senator Sasse or Congresswoman Cheney are the GOP's best candidates for leadership.

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