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Liz Warren

Why'd you call her Lizzy then?

Because "Lizzy" minimizes her importance......:)
These Teapartiers are so full of it.

The minimization is exactly what I am talking about ... Only that it occurs on the Progressive Liberal side.

Like the pajamas for homeless approach ... Progressive Liberals think and encourage others to support programs that make them feel good about their activities ... And like they are helping someone. In reality, the only thing a pair of pajamas will help a homeless person living in a cardboard box do ... Is freeze to death.

The same types of policies are apparent everywhere ... Short-sighted well intended feel good policies that do not provide any assistance in substance and cause more damage in the long run.

She is very important to Progressive Liberals ... Because she is very effective in enabling their ability to think they are "screwing the man" while doing nothing more than screwing everything up.


Since when is Welfare just a feel-good program? Conservatives are the ones that like feel-good policies, they would like do away with Welfare and Food Stamps....that really makes conservatives feel good.

You know what would make Liberals feel good? Nobody works and everybody gets free money handed to them without breaking a sweat! And free cell phones. And free medical care. And free cars. And free homes. And free food. And free clothes. And free TVs. And free video games. And free ... (fill in the blank).

What makes liberals feel good is helping people who need help
What makes conservatives feel good is helping the wealthy
Largest state? ....

Yes. Have you ever looked at a map?
You were trying to imply that she was governor of the biggest state in the Union. ....

She was, in fact, the governor of the largest state in the Union. Your ridiculous, petty nonsense can't change that.

Largest state? It has fewer people than my county
Why are Conservatives always more concerned with land than they are with people?
What? Just because Republicans in Congress have spent all of their time drawing up repeals for Obamacare and are now spending their time figuring how to impeach Obama doesn't mean they haven't been trying to get rid of Welfare. Cut it to the point that it is ineffective. And, read my post again, I didn't say Warren was campaigning for Welfare and Food Stamps. You said that Progressives Liberals think and encourage others to support programs that make them feel good..... and that's true, we support programs that make us feel good about helping others and also make the people that need the assistance feel good, too. Conservatives on the other hand only feel good when these programs are done away with.

Republicans In Favor of More Food Stamp Cuts

Republican Party on Welfare Poverty

Oh, I admit, there is one Welfare Case that the entire Republican party stood behind, so I'll give you that...Cliven Bundy, who has refused for 20 years to pay grazing fees for government land he has been using to feed his cattle......now that's a welfare case you all are willing to continue to support.

Ted Cruz Lovingly Defends Pathetic Welfare Cowboy Racist Cliven Bundy Audio Americans Against the Tea Party

Republicans have spent more time passing legislation of all kinds than anything regarding Welfare, Food Stamps, the ACA or impeachment proceedings ... Most of which is sitting on the desk of Harry Reid.

Your claims about what Republicans do ... Or my association with Republucans ... Amounts to empty hyperbole. You are also the one that started talking about Welfare and Food Stamps in association with anything I said about Liz Warren's campaign ... Don't put your irresponsible diversions on me. You wouldn't know how Conservatives feel about anything ... Like the fact you think Republucans are Conservatives to start with.

I don't expect you to necessarily approve of legislation supported and passed by Republicans ... But the slightest bit of intellectual honesty would help you look like more than plain old political hack.

Next time please include links to more entertaining stories ...

Ted Cruz Bites Heads off Chickens

KKK Hit Squad Kidnaps Warren-Obama Love Child

You Teapartiers should be ecstatic over your big win but you all seem so angry still. What is up with that?

One election will not undo 150 years of corrupt and over reaching Government. In fact it's likely that nothing less than total Revolution will.
Largest state? ....

Yes. Have you ever looked at a map?
You were trying to imply that she was governor of the biggest state in the Union. ....

She was, in fact, the governor of the largest state in the Union. Your ridiculous, petty nonsense can't change that.

Largest state? It has fewer people than my county
Why are Conservatives always more concerned with land than they are with people?
Because they don't understand how this works. :lol:
What? Just because Republicans in Congress have spent all of their time drawing up repeals for Obamacare and are now spending their time figuring how to impeach Obama doesn't mean they haven't been trying to get rid of Welfare. Cut it to the point that it is ineffective. And, read my post again, I didn't say Warren was campaigning for Welfare and Food Stamps. You said that Progressives Liberals think and encourage others to support programs that make them feel good..... and that's true, we support programs that make us feel good about helping others and also make the people that need the assistance feel good, too. Conservatives on the other hand only feel good when these programs are done away with.

Republicans In Favor of More Food Stamp Cuts

Republican Party on Welfare Poverty

Oh, I admit, there is one Welfare Case that the entire Republican party stood behind, so I'll give you that...Cliven Bundy, who has refused for 20 years to pay grazing fees for government land he has been using to feed his cattle......now that's a welfare case you all are willing to continue to support.

Ted Cruz Lovingly Defends Pathetic Welfare Cowboy Racist Cliven Bundy Audio Americans Against the Tea Party

Republicans have spent more time passing legislation of all kinds than anything regarding Welfare, Food Stamps, the ACA or impeachment proceedings ... Most of which is sitting on the desk of Harry Reid.

Oh yes, I forgot all the time they spent on Benghazi. But, please list a few of them, if you can. I know about their so called "jobs bills" which turns out to be nothing but a lie, but, please do list some others if you can.

About the Jobs Bills:
I keep hearing this ridiculous canard in Republican debates and now from John Boehner about the alleged jobs bills the Republicans have passed that the "Democrat Senate" refuses to act upon. Since I watched the better part of their activity in real time, I know this is a lie.

BOEHNER: "Chris, 30 jobs bills passed over the last year in a Republican House of Representatives that are sitting in the United States Senate -- thirty.

Our focus over the last 12 months has been on jobs. Our focus over the course of the next 12 months is going to be on jobs.

The president asked us to extend the payroll tax credit, to make sure that we extended unemployment insurance with reforms, and make sure that doctors that dealt with Medicare patients were adequately reimbursed. And he asked us to do it for a year. We did it for a year."

To make sure they back up their public claims with what might appear to be "fact", they've built a page on the House of Representatives site with a list of their so-called jobs bills, which number 27 and not 30 as the Speaker claims. What follows is a list and a brief explanation of why they are not jobs bills. Feel free to share it widely with your friends who might be inclined to believe Mr. Tobacco Lobbyist Check Distributor without questioning it.

HR 3630 - The Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act of 2011 - This bill does indeed extend the "docfix" and unemployment insurance for a year, but with a hefty price.

  • In addition to freezing federal workers' pay for three years, it requires issuance of a permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline in advance of the proposed routing by Nebraska, suspends the newly-issued mercury regulations and extends 100% expensing of business equipment (including private jets). Another so-called "jobs bill", HR 1938, was passed giving a November 1, 2011 deadline for the Keystone pipeline.
  • GOP s Claim That House Passed 30 Jobs Bills Bogus. Crooks and Liars

(I'm sure you get the picture ^^^)

Your claims about what Republicans do ... Or my association with Republucans ... Amounts to empty hyperbole. You are also the one that started talking about Welfare and Food Stamps in association with anything I said about Liz Warren's campaign ... Don't put your irresponsible diversions on me. You wouldn't know how Conservatives feel about anything ... Like the fact you think Republucans are Conservatives to start with.

I brought it up in response to your statement that Progressives only like to pass bills that make them feel good (as if our only interest is in feeling good, ourselves) - and I responded that Welfare and Food Stamps weren't like you said, just feel good bills, even though it is satisfying to know that we're helping instead of hurting. I never said Warren was campaigning on those, but go ahead and claim you didn't make that disparaging remark and then accuse me of not being honest.

And, I've never said that Republicans are conservative....that's the biggest of all their lies. But, most Republicans call themselves conservatives....at least they think they are..:rolleyes:

I don't expect you to necessarily approve of legislation supported and passed by Republicans ... But the slightest bit of intellectual honesty would help you look like more than plain old political hack.

Like you are exhibiting? Deriding Liberals and insinuating they mooch of Republicans?

Next time please include links to more entertaining stories ...

Ted Cruz Bites Heads off Chickens

KKK Hit Squad Kidnaps Warren-Obama Love Child

Why is that? Because it's uncomfortable for you to read the ones that address conservative's true chore beliefs and values?
Why is that? Because it's uncomfortable for you to read the ones that address conservative's true chore beliefs and values?

I didn't say it made me uncomfortable to read anything about anyone ... I just hoped you could find more entertaining material if you were going to post links to left-wing blog sites and the likes.

Oh please let her run! Let the cockroaches of communism come out into the light. I can't wait to see who rallies around her.
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Minimization is the true ideology of the right wing conservatives. Even the name says it "conservative."

Yes. HaHa Love the way you guys attempt to minimize her importance. "Lizzy" ...

I never said she wasn't important.
Why'd you call her Lizzy then?

Because "Lizzy" minimizes her importance......:)
These Teapartiers are so full of it.

The minimization is exactly what I am talking about ... Only that it occurs on the Progressive Liberal side.

Like the pajamas for homeless approach ... Progressive Liberals think and encourage others to support programs that make them feel good about their activities ... And like they are helping someone. In reality, the only thing a pair of pajamas will help a homeless person living in a cardboard box do ... Is freeze to death.

The same types of policies are apparent everywhere ... Short-sighted well intended feel good policies that do not provide any assistance in substance and cause more damage in the long run.

She is very important to Progressive Liberals ... Because she is very effective in enabling their ability to think they are "screwing the man" while doing nothing more than screwing everything up.

Oh please let her run! Let the cockroaches of communism come out into the light. I can't wait to see who rallies around her.
Like you guys are so good at predicting races. Who did you vote for last time, Mittens?
Putting her in a leadership role we can see the Democrat party isn't planning on being less radical or moderate

she is so far left it's just another Obama in a dress
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Putting here in a leadership role we can see the Democrat party isn't planning on being less radical or moderate

she is so far left it's just another Obama in a dress

You mean a headdress. Lol.

Here's a list of 46 bills with a link so that you can read them yourselves and see how your rep voted.

At least 46 jobs bills #StuckInTheSenate

Preserving Work Requirements for Welfare Programs Act | H.R. 890 | Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI)
Prevents the undermining of reforms critical to helping millions out of poverty and into the workforce.
Passed on March 13, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act | H.R. 624 | Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI)
Helps companies and government work together to stop attacks that threaten our security and our economy.
Passed on April 18, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Working Families Flexibility Act | H.R. 1406 | Rep. Martha Roby (R-AL)
Makes it easier for workers to hold down jobs and support their families.
Passed on May 8, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Repealing ObamaCare | H.R. 45 | Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN)
Repeals the president’s health care law, which is raising costs and making it harder to hire.
Passed on May 16, 2013.| Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Northern Route Approval Act | H.R. 3 | Rep. Lee Terry (R-NE)
Approves the Keystone pipeline, as well as the thousands of jobs that would result.
Passed on May 22, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Outer Continental Shelf Transboundary Hydrocarbon Agreements | H.R. 1613 | Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC)
Promotes energy production and job creation along the maritime border in the Gulf of Mexico.
Passed on June 27, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Student Success Act | H.R. 5 | Rep. John Kline (R-MN)
Empowers parents, supports effective teacher, and restores local control.
Passed on July 19, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act | H.R. 2218 | Rep. David McKinley (R-WV)
Prevents costly regulations on coal ash and calls for state-of-the-art approach that would help jobs.
Passed on July 25, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Energy Consumers Relief Act | H.R. 1582 | Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
Subjects the EPA to common-sense oversight before it imposes new regulations.
Passed on August 1, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Stop Government Abuse Act | H.R. 2879 | Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-KS)
Provides small business owners with tools to protect against government harassment.
Passed on August 1, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act | H.R. 2009 | Rep. Tom Price (R-GA)
Stops the IRS from implementing the president’s health care law, which is making it harder to hire.
Passed on August 2, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act | H.R. 367 | Rep. Todd Young (R-IN)
Requires congressional approval of any new regulation with an economic cost of at least $100 million.
Passed on August 2, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act | H.R. 761 | Rep. Mark Amodei (R-NV)
Facilitates the development of strategic and crtiical minerals used to support manfuacturing jobs.
Passed on September 18, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Restoring Healthy Forests for Healthy Communities Act | H.R. 1526 | Rep. Doc Hastings (R-WA)
Helps rural schools and counties, Improves forest health, and puts tens of thousands of Americans to work.
Passed on September 20, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Veterans Economic Opportunity Act | H.R. 2481 | Rep. Bill Flores (R-TX)
Improves programs that help veterans get ahead and find good-paying jobs.
Passed on October 28, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Central Oregon Jobs and Water Security Act | H.R. 2640 | Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR)
Delivers needed water for job creation and clears the way for clean energy.
Passed on October 29, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Protecting States' Rights to Promote American Energy Security Act | H.R. 2728 | Rep. Bill Flores (R-TX)
Prevents imposing costly, job-destroying regulations on hydraulic fracturing;
Passed on November 20, 2013 | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act | H.R. 1900 | Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS)
Expedites the development of critical infrastructure that will boost natural gas production.
Passed on November 21, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act | H.R. 1105 | Rep. Robert Hurt (R-VA)
Facilitates the growth of Main Street by reining in red tape that hurts small business investment.
Passed on December 4, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Innovation Act | H.R. 3309 | Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA)
Promotes growth by helping businesses better defend themselves against abusive patent litigation.
Passed on December 5, 2013. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Emergency Water Delivery Act | H.R. 3964 | Rep. David Valadao (R-CA)
Fixes regulations that have curtailed water deliveries critical to health, safety, welfare, and growth.
Passed on February 5, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Achieving Less Excess in Regulation & Requiring Transparency Act | H.R. 2804 | Rep. George Holding (R-NC)
Helps minimize the impact of new rules on small businesses.
Passed on February 27, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Unfunded Mandates Information & Transparency Act | H.R. 899 | Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC)
Boosts transparency of the costs of unfunded regulations and gives small businesses more of a say.
Passed on February 28, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Responsible And Professionally Invigorating Development Act | H.R. 2641 | Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA)
Expedites the approval for new energy projects that will help lower costs and create jobs.
Passed on March 6, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Electricity Security & Affordability Act | H.R. 3826 | Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY)
Protects coal-fired plants from excessive regulations that raise costs and destroy jobs.
Passed on March 6, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Hire More Heroes Act | H.R. 3474 | Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL)
Makes it easier to hire veterans by exempting those with existing coverage from ObamaCare’s employer mandate.
Passed on March 11, 2014.| Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Preventing Government Waste & Protecting Coal Mining Jobs in America Act | H.R. 2824 | Rep. Bill Johnson (R-OH)
Protects jobs and saves taxpayer dollars by preventing new job-destroying coal regulations.
Passed on March 25, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Save American Workers Act | H.R. 2575 | Rep. Todd Young (R-IN)
Repeals the 30-hour trigger for ObamaCare's employer mandate tax, and restores the 40-hour work week.
Passed on April 3, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Path to Prosperity Budget | H. Con. Res. 96 | Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Cuts spending & implements pro-growth reforms that boost job creation.
Passed on April 10, 2014.| Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act | H.R. 10 | Rep. John Kline (R-MN)
Expands access to charter schools so more students have the opportunity to gain a quality education.
Passed on May 9, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

American Research and Competitiveness Act | H.R. 4438 | Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX)
Makes permanent the research & development tax credit, helping to create jobs and boost competitiveness.
Passed on May 9, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

America's Small Business Tax Relief Act of 2014 | H.R. 4457 | Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH)
Permanently allows small business to immediately deduct the cost of purchasing new equipment.
Passed on June 12, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

S Corporation Permanent Tax Relief Act | H.R. 4453 | Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA)
Permanently allows job creators to access the capital they need to hire and grow.
Passed on June 12, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

North American Energy Infrastructure Act | H.R. 3301 | Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI)
Modernizes the approval process for cross-border pipelines to prevent Keystone-like debacles.
Passed on June 24, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

The Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act | H.R. 6 | Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO)
Expedites the approval of liquefied natural gas export applications.
Passed on June 25, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Lowering Gas Prices to Fuel an America That Works Act | H.R. 4899 | Rep. Doc Hastings (R-WA)
Protects jobs and lowers prices by expanding production of America’s energy resources.
Passed on June 26, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Making permanent bonus depreciation | H.R. 4718 | Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH)
Permanently extends a tax incentive allowing companies to deduct half the cost of new investments.
Passed on July 11, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act | H.R. 3086 | Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA)
Permanently extends a ban on Internet access taxes to protect jobs.
Passed on July 15, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Advancing Competency-Based Education Demonstration Project Act | H.R. 3136 | Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ)
Provides students new opportunities to receive a quality education in a way that best serves their financial needs.
Passed on July 23, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Strengthening Transparency in Higher Education Act | H.R. 4983 | Reps. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) & Luke Messer (R-IN)
Helps students gain access to the facts they need to make an informed decision about their education.
Passed on July 23, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Empowering Students Through Enhanced Financial Counseling | H.R. 4984 | Reps. Guthrie (R-KY) & Hudson (R-NC)
Promotes financial literacy through enhanced counseling for all recipients of federal financial aid.
Passed on July 24, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Student and Family Tax Simplification Act | H.R. 3393 | Rep. Diane Black (R-TN)
Streamlines existing education tax credits to make it easier for families to plan, save and invest in education.
Passed on July 24, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Child Tax Credit Improvement Act | H.R. 4935 | Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-KS)
Makes the current child tax credit more accessible and equitable for middle-class families.
Passed on July 25, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Waters of the United States Regulatory Overreach Protection Act | H. R. 5078 | Rep. Steve Southerland (R-FL)
Stops a proposed rule that would create new costs and uncertainty for farmers small business owners.
Passed on September 9, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

American Energy Solutions for Lower Costs and More Jobs Act | H.R. 2 | Rep. Lee Terry (R-NE)
Promotes the development of America's energy resources to help get people back to work, lower costs, and restore opportunity.
Passed on September 18, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

Jobs for America Act | H.R. 4 | Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI)
Removes a number of government barries to private-sector job creation in America.
Passed on September 18, 2014. | Read the bill. | See how your representative voted.

More at link:

Speaker.gov JOBS Speaker.gov
Oh please let her run! Let the cockroaches of communism come out into the light. I can't wait to see who rallies around her.
Like you guys are so good at predicting races. Who did you vote for last time, Mittens?

Prime Minister Harper. :)

I would have been tearing my hair out over McCain or Romney as a choice. I consider it the highest privilege as a citizen to cast a vote but I'd have been hard pressed to vote for either of those gentlemen.
Putting her in a leadership role we can see the Democrat party isn't planning on being less radical or moderate

she is so far left it's just another Obama in a dress

Exactly. That Democrats are even contemplating her as a candidate is insane.

I still can't believe she's a sitting Senator. The left loves their marxist rock stars.
Putting here in a leadership role we can see the Democrat party isn't planning on being less radical or moderate

she is so far left it's just another Obama in a dress

You mean a headdress. Lol.

Just how stupid do you get? Just so we can be ready for your big finish.. :lol:

That was funny! Sorry that you don't have a sense of humor when it comes to your politicians. :) No need to be bitchy about it though. Right?

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