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Liz Warren

I never said she wasn't important.
Why'd you call her Lizzy then?

Because "Lizzy" minimizes her importance......:)
These Teapartiers are so full of it.

The minimization is exactly what I am talking about ... Only that it occurs on the Progressive Liberal side.

Like the pajamas for homeless approach ... Progressive Liberals think and encourage others to support programs that make them feel good about their activities ... And like they are helping someone. In reality, the only thing a pair of pajamas will help a homeless person living in a cardboard box do ... Is freeze to death.

The same types of policies are apparent everywhere ... Short-sighted well intended feel good policies that do not provide any assistance in substance and cause more damage in the long run.

She is very important to Progressive Liberals ... Because she is very effective in enabling their ability to think they are "screwing the man" while doing nothing more than screwing everything up.


Since when is Welfare just a feel-good program? Conservatives are the ones that like feel-good policies, they would like do away with Welfare and Food Stamps....that really makes conservatives feel good.

Conservatives aren't getting rid of welfare any more than welfare is solving the problems at the root cause. Not to mention I didn't single out welfare and Elizabeth Warren hasn't suggested any welfare reforms.

If you think Welfare and Food Stamps are the extent of Elizabeth Warren's campaign ... You might want to call up her office and try to get her back on that page.

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Surely you jest. Palin, we don't even know if she ever graduated from any of the 6 colleges she attended doesn't compare to Warren in any way. And, just because you voted for Palin doesn't mean she's qualified. The very fact that you are comparing her to Warren just shows that you don't have any idea about qualifications.

You trying to look down on one side while shamelessly fawning over the other gives a very complete sense of your lack of character. 100% mindless drone.

And you think you are so smart? You're comparing an accomplished person like Warren to Palin, who has proven over and over to be devoid of any knowledge but who repeats parrot-like talking points to the amusement of some like you. Talk about mindless.
I never said she wasn't important.
Why'd you call her Lizzy then?

Because "Lizzy" minimizes her importance......:)
These Teapartiers are so full of it.

The minimization is exactly what I am talking about ... Only that it occurs on the Progressive Liberal side.

Like the pajamas for homeless approach ... Progressive Liberals think and encourage others to support programs that make them feel good about their activities ... And like they are helping someone. In reality, the only thing a pair of pajamas will help a homeless person living in a cardboard box do ... Is freeze to death.

The same types of policies are apparent everywhere ... Short-sighted well intended feel good policies that do not provide any assistance in substance and cause more damage in the long run.

She is very important to Progressive Liberals ... Because she is very effective in enabling their ability to think they are "screwing the man" while doing nothing more than screwing everything up.


Since when is Welfare just a feel-good program? Conservatives are the ones that like feel-good policies, they would like do away with Welfare and Food Stamps....that really makes conservatives feel good.

You know what would make Liberals feel good? Nobody works and everybody gets free money handed to them without breaking a sweat! And free cell phones. And free medical care. And free cars. And free homes. And free food. And free clothes. And free TVs. And free video games. And free ... (fill in the blank).
You know what would make Liberals feel good? Nobody works and everybody gets free money handed to them without breaking a sweat! And free cell phones. And free medical care. And free cars. And free homes. And free food. And free clothes. And free TVs. And free video games. And free ... (fill in the blank).

Even Liberals know that plan won't work ... There would be no one to pay the bill.

They would be much happier if those paying the bill would just shut up and quit bitching while they are getting screwed so the Liberals can buy votes and stay in power over the plantation.

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I'm just tellin' ya...

More and more Dems are going after Liz Warren to run, and now some big donors are beginning to push.

Regardless of where she stands on any issue, her communication skills are so clear and so consistent and so strong that she is light years ahead of any Republican in the critical area of messaging. Hundreds of light years.

Just sayin'...


That is correct.

She promises more benefits, More willing to stel, loot and plunder in order to be electable.


She is the mother of all parasites.
You're comparing an accomplished person like Warren to Palin...

Seems they are both pretty "accomplished," though a truly objective accounting would have to say Palin is the more accomplished of the two. In any case, both of them are more accomplished than you will ever be if you live 500 years. Surely you admit that much at least, right?
You're comparing an accomplished person like Warren to Palin...

Seems they are both pretty "accomplished," though a truly objective accounting would have to say Palin is the more accomplished of the two. In any case, both of them are more accomplished than you will ever be if you live 500 years. Surely you admit that much at least, right?

Meh, they're both such weirdos. I don't think they are the best we can do. We can do much better, I think. :)
Why'd you call her Lizzy then?

Because "Lizzy" minimizes her importance......:)
These Teapartiers are so full of it.

The minimization is exactly what I am talking about ... Only that it occurs on the Progressive Liberal side.

Like the pajamas for homeless approach ... Progressive Liberals think and encourage others to support programs that make them feel good about their activities ... And like they are helping someone. In reality, the only thing a pair of pajamas will help a homeless person living in a cardboard box do ... Is freeze to death.

The same types of policies are apparent everywhere ... Short-sighted well intended feel good policies that do not provide any assistance in substance and cause more damage in the long run.

She is very important to Progressive Liberals ... Because she is very effective in enabling their ability to think they are "screwing the man" while doing nothing more than screwing everything up.


Since when is Welfare just a feel-good program? Conservatives are the ones that like feel-good policies, they would like do away with Welfare and Food Stamps....that really makes conservatives feel good.

Conservatives aren't getting rid of welfare any more than welfare is solving the problems at the root cause. Not to mention I didn't single out welfare and Elizabeth Warren hasn't suggested any welfare reforms.

If you think Welfare and Food Stamps are the extent of Elizabeth Warren's campaign ... You might want to call up her office and try to get her back on that page.


What? Just because Republicans in Congress have spent all of their time drawing up repeals for Obamacare and are now spending their time figuring how to impeach Obama doesn't mean they haven't been trying to get rid of Welfare. Cut it to the point that it is ineffective. And, read my post again, I didn't say Warren was campaigning for Welfare and Food Stamps. You said that Progressives Liberals think and encourage others to support programs that make them feel good..... and that's true, we support programs that make us feel good about helping others and also make the people that need the assistance feel good, too. Conservatives on the other hand only feel good when these programs are done away with.

Republicans In Favor of More Food Stamp Cuts

Republican Party on Welfare Poverty

Oh, I admit, there is one Welfare Case that the entire Republican party stood behind, so I'll give you that...Cliven Bundy, who has refused for 20 years to pay grazing fees for government land he has been using to feed his cattle......now that's a welfare case you all are willing to continue to support.

Ted Cruz Lovingly Defends Pathetic Welfare Cowboy Racist Cliven Bundy Audio Americans Against the Tea Party
You're comparing an accomplished person like Warren to Palin...

Seems they are both pretty "accomplished," though a truly objective accounting would have to say Palin is the more accomplished of the two. In any case, both of them are more accomplished than you will ever be if you live 500 years. Surely you admit that much at least, right?

Now I can see that you are just being silly. Palin, who doesn't have a college degree that we know of, for sure does not even come close to comparing with Warren. And you probably won't ever accomplish as much (little as it may be) as Palin has if you live forever.
You know what would make Liberals feel good? Nobody works and everybody gets free money handed to them without breaking a sweat! And free cell phones. And free medical care. And free cars. And free homes. And free food. And free clothes. And free TVs. And free video games. And free ... (fill in the blank).

Even Liberals know that plan won't work ... There would be no one to pay the bill.

They would be much happier if those paying the bill would just shut up and quit bitching while they are getting screwed so the Liberals can buy votes and stay in power over the plantation.


Oh dear, another uninformed conservative patting herself on the back thinking that Republicans are the ones with the wealth in the US and liberals are all mooching off them....you need to catch up. That's what you get when you get all your news from Faux. I suppose you're going to suggest they got rich off welfare....:D

If you brought back either of the Roosevelts—Teddy or Franklin—from the grave, the most astonishing thing they would find is that the “malefactors of great wealth” have become the benefactors of today’s liberalism, and Democrats have become the party of the rich.
How Did The Democrats Become The Party Of The Rich - Forbes

Yet today in America, the majority of rich people statistically are not Republicans but are liberal Democrats, many of them on the far left. They live in places like New York and Hollywood and San Francisco and Chicago and Silicon Valley, hardly the home turf of conservatism. Most of the richest congressional districts are represented by Democrats. Many of the richest people in the US congress are liberals.
Why are So Many Rich People Liberals Nikitas3.com

And to show you how silly and inane your comment really is:

If we learned nothing else during the 2012 election, it is that some of us are makers, hard-working folk solely responsible for America's prosperity, and others are takers, who want the federal government to pay for luxuries like food and health care.

What may come as some surprise is where these two warring tribes tend to live. The states with elected officials most likely to espouse anti-taker sentiments -- i.e., Republican-dominated states -- are the most dependent on federal spending, while returning the least to Washington in the way of tax dollars.

GOP States Are The Most Dependent On Government

Palin, who doesn't have a college degree that we know of, for sure does not even come close to comparing with Warren. ...

Oh, you want so badly to play at being a pretentious douche, but you lack the credentials in this case. Poor, pathetic thing.

Chief executive of the largest state in the Union trumps junior senator; and while Warren may have lied her way into a teaching gig at Harvard, she has yet to lie her way to being nominated for Vice President of the United States. If you could suspend partisan obedience for a moment (which of course, you can't), you would have to say the scale currently tips in Palin's direction. That just soils your Depends, don't it?
Palin, who doesn't have a college degree that we know of, for sure does not even come close to comparing with Warren. ...

Oh, you want so badly to play at being a pretentious douche, but you lack the credentials in this case. Poor, pathetic thing.
You're the one making this Warren thread about me....so there's no doubt that you are the douche.

Chief executive of the largest state in the Union trumps junior senator; and while Warren may have lied her way into a teaching gig at Harvard, she has yet to lie her way to being nominated for Vice President of the United States. If you could suspend partisan obedience for a moment (which of course, you can't), you would have to say the scale currently tips in Palin's direction. That just soils your Depends, don't it?

Largest state? Mostly ice, sweetie. Alaska is #48 in population. Our smallest states have more people than Alaska, and she couldn't even finish out her term. I think she wanted out cause it was getting too difficult for her. She couldn't handle the difficulties of a small populated state and conservatives were thinking she could handle the country? Boy, you must really be a dunce.

Your jealousy comes through loud and clear in your hatred for someone as accomplished as Warren.....and comparing her to that wanna-be somebody Palin just makes you a certifiable dunce.
Your jealousy comes through loud and clear ...

The only one displaying (and quite shamelessly at that) "jealousy" here has been you. If you were capable of anything but mindless partisan nonsense you might actually become a real person someday.
Your jealousy comes through loud and clear ...

The only one displaying (and quite shamelessly at that) "jealousy" here has been you. If you were capable of anything but mindless partisan nonsense you might actually become a real person someday.
You Teapartiers should be ecstatic over your big win but you all seem so angry still. What is up with that?
You Teapartiers should be ecstatic over your big win but you all seem so angry still. What is up with that?

I don't believe I've ever claimed to be a member of any Tea Party movement. Are you so dishonest and insecure that you are reduced to juvenile assumptions and misrepresentations? Are you admitting to such limitation?
Nite. Just got up for a minute and couldn't resist responding. Mert seems to be making short work of you anyway.

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