Lizzo Plays James Madison's Crystal Flute in Embarrassing Display

This was repulsive and the fact that people are cheering this on and celebrating it shows how degenerated our society has gotten. These people have no respect for our nation's history or culture
But don't blame the constitution for guiding society to this.

This woman is now a pop icon and she could literally do ANYTHING SHE WANTED on a stage and be applauded by the New Woke Order. That's where we are, unfortunately.
But don't blame the constitution for guiding society to this.

I think we all are well aware of why rightwingers are upset about this.
I do not think we are all well aware of why rightwingers are upset. Maybe you could clue us in, and at the same time can you explain why Lizzo only played a few notes in an obviously disrespectful display for attention to her, rather than preserving the sanctity of history with a more enjoyable play of the instrument. I am pretty sure if Lizzo would have played a recognizable melody from an American standard then the rightwingers would not be upset. Why the fuck did she do the twisted thing she did?

The proper ideal is to correctly adjust the American Experiment. There is no point in a union of states if all the states are somehow set to your altruistic standard.
You're delusional, living in a fantasy world where the rightwing doesn't attack everything that comes from a black person who does not "know their place".
Ah there we go. In the mind of a true Leftist, there is no individual thought there is only the thought of the collective. Since you belong to a collective mentality you assume everyone else does as well. You are wrong.
You're delusional, living in a fantasy world where the rightwing doesn't attack everything that comes from a black person who does not "know their place".
I'm pretty sure right-wingers attack anyone who does not know their place. They do not discriminate based on race, they discriminate based on competency to perform a task

So, do you believe Lizzo's act was a respectful performance? And what was the historical significance of the performance that she described it as???

If she is anything like you when it comes to the intellectual pursuit of social justice, then where the fuck is it taking us - let's get there. What was it about?

Did you read this?

the phenomenon whereby someone does something deliberately controversial in an attempt to draw attention, and then acts offended when you notice.
The article does not explain where we are going with an obese black woman fautist "acting out of her place."

They want to trigger right-wingers to fix things, or withdraw themselves from society - right???

What do you think about this meme I designed and rendered all by my neanderal self?

Trayvon_Loves_You - NAACP.png
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Remember when the right-wingers ripped Shitney N-word to shreds for her rendition of the National Anthem, and then she turned to drugs and alcohol, because she so wanted to be accepted into White society, but couldn't be, because she was a stereotypical stupid black minstrel? Remember???

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Now that's the first time I've heard that one. Did you make that up?
Yes, I constructed the analysis over the years of encountering the argument, but that composition is in error. It should read, "They do not discriminate based on race, they discriminate based on competency to perform an assigned task."

Do you think the liberal geniuses are going to lift it from me, and claim that is how they sort the social order?
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So, do you believe Lizzo's act was a respectful performance?
I believe her weight has nothing to do with it, yet all of you cannot help but criticize it.

As for the article:

It shouldn’t come as a shock that the MAGA crowd is upset that a Black, body-positive pop star was given exclusive access to a piece of American history, and though the cruelty of their comments is yet another distressing sign of a right-wing that is increasingly animated by hatred, it’s also pretty damn hilarious that they’re writing about a novelty wind instrument like it’s the Declaration of Independence.

The tweets from triggered conservatives about Lizzo playing a 200-year-old flute they almost certainly weren’t even aware of before this week have indeed been entertaining, but the best comment about the incident came from Lizzo herself. “I just twerked and played James Madison’s crystal flute from the 1800s,” she proclaimed on Tuesday. “We just made history tonight.”

The bolded is absolutely correct. You live and breathe hatred and marinade in your persecution complex. And none of you knew this flute existed, but her playing it turns it into some "sacred" piece of history, now defiled. And you're so transparent. MAGA Trumpers don't give two shits about the traditions of this country. Trump shit on every tradition he possibly could and none of you said 'boo'. It's tradition to invite the previous first couple to their Official portrait unveiling. Did Trump do that? No. It's tradition to attend your successor's inauguration. It's tradition to honor the troops on Memorial Day. Did he do any of that? No.

It's tradition to put your businesses in a blind trust to avoid the appearance of profiting from the office. Trump blatantly profited as did his family.

It's tradition to release your tax returns.

It's tradition for a president to avoid interfering with DoJ investigations.

It's tradition to allow advise and consent for appointed positions. Trump appointed "Acting" positions to thwart tradition, and accountability.

Insulting allies? That's norm-breaking. And dangerous to our security.

Politicizing the military is not in our traditions, either. "My Generals"? "My Military"? Signing MAGA hats for troops? making the Navy move the USS John McCain from his sight when he visited Japan? This is disgraceful. Yet, none of this bothered any of you, but a Black woman playing a flute you just found out about puts you in a tizzy.

I could go on with many more examples. Attacking judges. undermining our intelligence services. Politicizing the State Department. Lying constantly. Abusing the pardon powers. And maybe the worst, undermining faith in our elections, when he knows he lost, admitted many times he lost, yet conned the fools who follow him that he really won.

You are not serious people, so I and 85 million other Americans do not treat you or your pearl-clutching hissy-fits seriously.
Yes, I constructed the analysis over the years of encountering the argument, but that composition is in error. It should read, "They do not discriminate based on race, they discriminate based on competency to perform an assigned task."

Do you think the liberal geniuses are going to lift it from me, and claim that is how they sort the social order?
No way, that's far too complex for Libtardia. They need their content to be easily condensed into flakes so they can dispensed to their eager goldfish, mouths agape.
And none of you knew this flute existed, but her playing it turns it into some "sacred" piece of history, now defiled.
She did not play it. She probably only did her usual first test notes. Her ambition was probably to trigger right-wingers by being offensive, and then ride the racism card.
This is fantastic. She's excellent. Now I'm convinced it's just more racism from the Right.
You are mixing two separate events, and do not know it. You are not too bright.
Okay, so here she plays it competently (the two hundred-year-old flute is playable), and who the fuck is cheering? You do not know their political alignment. You do not know, and you do not hear anyone ripping her for doing that rendition.
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. . . And you're so transparent. MAGA Trumpers don't give two shits about the traditions of this country. Trump shit on every tradition he possibly could and none of you said 'boo'. It's tradition to invite the previous first couple to their Official portrait unveiling. Did Trump do that? No. It's tradition to attend your successor's inauguration. It's tradition to honor the troops on Memorial Day. Did he do any of that? No.

It's tradition to put your businesses in a blind trust to avoid the appearance of profiting from the office. Trump blatantly profited as did his family.

It's tradition to release your tax returns.

It's tradition for a president to avoid interfering with DoJ investigations.

It's tradition to allow advise and consent for appointed positions. Trump appointed "Acting" positions to thwart tradition, and accountability.

Insulting allies? That's norm-breaking. And dangerous to our security.

Politicizing the military is not in our traditions, either. "My Generals"? "My Military"? Signing MAGA hats for troops? making the Navy move the USS John McCain from his sight when he visited Japan? This is disgraceful. Yet, none of this bothered any of you, but a Black woman playing a flute you just found out about puts you in a tizzy.

I could go on with many more examples. Attacking judges. undermining our intelligence services. Politicizing the State Department. Lying constantly. Abusing the pardon powers. And maybe the worst, undermining faith in our elections, when he knows he lost, admitted many times he lost, yet conned the fools who follow him that he really won.

You are not serious people, so I and 85 million other Americans do not treat you or your pearl-clutching hissy-fits seriously.
You are the one having a hissy fit. - Trump_derangement.png
You are mixing two separate events, and do not know it. You are not too bright.
Okay, so here she plays it competently (the two hundred-year-old flute is playable), and who the fuck is cheering? You do not know their political alignment. You do not know, and you do not hear anyone ripping her for doing that rendition.
The other time she played it was at one of her concerts. Those people are not there to hear flute music. She played a few notes.

THIS is the performance on this flute, not a few notes at her hip hop concert.

What else are you clutching your pearls over?


Own the cons.

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