Lockdown Fans: What Is Your Endgame Plan?

It's not Monday morning quarterbacking when it's been known for months now that we don't have enough testing.

We also know that social distancing works. It has reduced the number of cases in New York, Hawaii for the first time reported no new cases since Mid March and Orleans Parish also did not report a new case for two days.

knock yourselves out with testing

all that will accomplish is to prove that the chinese disease is not as deadly as previously thought

and yes to social distancing if you dont want to be close to other humans

but dont expect the rest of us to support you while you sit at home being unproductive
It's not Monday morning quarterbacking when it's been known for months now that we don't have enough testing.

We also know that social distancing works. It has reduced the number of cases in New York, Hawaii for the first time reported no new cases since Mid March and Orleans Parish also did not report a new case for two days.

knock yourselves out with testing

all that will accomplish is to prove that the chinese disease is not as deadly as previously thought

and yes to social distancing if you dont want to be close to other humans

but dont expect the rest of us to support you while you sit at home being unproductive

Most Americans believe what I just told you.

Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.
Yeah, maybe we should have taken those steps to open up responsibly serious. Like massive amounts of testing for starters but we got stuck with some asshole who can't seem to pull his head out of his ass to make this a priority. On a per capita basis we have failed
There you go with the usual coulda, woulda, shoulda monday morning quarterbacking

the question is how do we save a million lives by opening back up?

or do we stay shut down and let them die?

libs seem to prefer the second choice

Another problem with the shutdown is how it has Shutdown elective medical procedures unrelated to Corona.

Things like colonoscopies, mammography and Prostrate exams which are all useful for diagnosing and treating cancers while they are still curable. A lot of people are going to attain room temperature, because they missed their appointment to be anally probed due to the corona virus panic.
Yeah, maybe we should have taken those steps to open up responsibly serious. Like massive amounts of testing for starters but we got stuck with some asshole who can't seem to pull his head out of his ass to make this a priority. On a per capita basis we have failed
There you go with the usual coulda, woulda, shoulda monday morning quarterbacking

the question is how do we save a million lives by opening back up?

or do we stay shut down and let them die?

libs seem to prefer the second choice

Another problem with the shutdown is how it has Shutdown elective medical procedures unrelated to Corona.

Things like colonoscopies, mammography and Prostrate exams which are all useful for diagnosing and treating cancers while they are still curable. A lot of people are going to attain room temperature, because they missed their appointment to be anally probed due to the corona virus panic.

So, opening the mall will cure that. Got it.
It's not Monday morning quarterbacking when it's been known for months now that we don't have enough testing.

We also know that social distancing works. It has reduced the number of cases in New York, Hawaii for the first time reported no new cases since Mid March and Orleans Parish also did not report a new case for two days.

knock yourselves out with testing

all that will accomplish is to prove that the chinese disease is not as deadly as previously thought

and yes to social distancing if you dont want to be close to other humans

but dont expect the rest of us to support you while you sit at home being unproductive

Most Americans believe what I just told you.

Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.
I dont doubt that many people feel the same way you do

but they will change their mind when the helicopter money runs out

and it will run out
Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.
It's not Monday morning quarterbacking when it's been known for months now that we don't have enough testing.

We also know that social distancing works. It has reduced the number of cases in New York, Hawaii for the first time reported no new cases since Mid March and Orleans Parish also did not report a new case for two days.

knock yourselves out with testing

all that will accomplish is to prove that the chinese disease is not as deadly as previously thought

and yes to social distancing if you dont want to be close to other humans

but dont expect the rest of us to support you while you sit at home being unproductive

Most Americans believe what I just told you.

Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.
I dont doubt that many people feel the same way you do

Most people and it ain't even close.

but they will change their mind when the helicopter money runs out

and it will run out

They're not going to change their minds when the virus spikes back up. Hell, outside of NYC most of the country is still increasing.
Yeah, maybe we should have taken those steps to open up responsibly serious. Like massive amounts of testing for starters but we got stuck with some asshole who can't seem to pull his head out of his ass to make this a priority. On a per capita basis we have failed
There you go with the usual coulda, woulda, shoulda monday morning quarterbacking

the question is how do we save a million lives by opening back up?

or do we stay shut down and let them die?

libs seem to prefer the second choice

Another problem with the shutdown is how it has Shutdown elective medical procedures unrelated to Corona.

Things like colonoscopies, mammography and Prostrate exams which are all useful for diagnosing and treating cancers while they are still curable. A lot of people are going to attain room temperature, because they missed their appointment to be anally probed due to the corona virus panic.

So, opening the mall will cure that. Got it.
Do you know how many people depend on jobs working at the mall?
Yeah, maybe we should have taken those steps to open up responsibly serious. Like massive amounts of testing for starters but we got stuck with some asshole who can't seem to pull his head out of his ass to make this a priority. On a per capita basis we have failed
There you go with the usual coulda, woulda, shoulda monday morning quarterbacking

the question is how do we save a million lives by opening back up?

or do we stay shut down and let them die?

libs seem to prefer the second choice

Another problem with the shutdown is how it has Shutdown elective medical procedures unrelated to Corona.

Things like colonoscopies, mammography and Prostrate exams which are all useful for diagnosing and treating cancers while they are still curable. A lot of people are going to attain room temperature, because they missed their appointment to be anally probed due to the corona virus panic.

So, opening the mall will cure that. Got it.

No, opening up medical practices will cure this problem. The lockdowns affect more than shopping malls, those who make their livings replacing hips and knees and cleaning teeth, and giving broads breast enhancements, are all suffering.
Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.
It's not Monday morning quarterbacking when it's been known for months now that we don't have enough testing.

We also know that social distancing works. It has reduced the number of cases in New York, Hawaii for the first time reported no new cases since Mid March and Orleans Parish also did not report a new case for two days.

knock yourselves out with testing

all that will accomplish is to prove that the chinese disease is not as deadly as previously thought

and yes to social distancing if you dont want to be close to other humans

but dont expect the rest of us to support you while you sit at home being unproductive

Most Americans believe what I just told you.

Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.
I dont doubt that many people feel the same way you do

Most people and it ain't even close.

but they will change their mind when the helicopter money runs out

and it will run out

They're not going to change their minds when the virus spikes back up. Hell, outside of NYC most of the country is still increasing.
So you dont believe the money will ever run out?

libs think they can just stay home and someone will feed them?
It's not Monday morning quarterbacking when it's been known for months now that we don't have enough testing.

We also know that social distancing works. It has reduced the number of cases in New York, Hawaii for the first time reported no new cases since Mid March and Orleans Parish also did not report a new case for two days.

knock yourselves out with testing

all that will accomplish is to prove that the chinese disease is not as deadly as previously thought

and yes to social distancing if you dont want to be close to other humans

but dont expect the rest of us to support you while you sit at home being unproductive

Most Americans believe what I just told you.

Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.
I dont doubt that many people feel the same way you do

Most people and it ain't even close.

but they will change their mind when the helicopter money runs out

and it will run out

They're not going to change their minds when the virus spikes back up. Hell, outside of NYC most of the country is still increasing.
So you dont believe the money will ever run out?

libs think they can just stay home and someone will feed them?

I don't believe in money trees. I also don't see the benefit of getting past the virus by pretending that opening up states that haven't flattened or reduced their number of active cases is going to do anything but result in further delays to getting the economy back up and running.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
That will never happen

Not with our president.
Not with any president

Looks like South Korea, Singapore and other countries are flattening out that curve and reducing their numbers of active cases. Why can't Trump?

Let me know when the combined population numbers of those countries comes close to our actual population number....
There are no excuses for what has happened here. We are supposed to have the best medical facilities and equipment. Our situation was created by poor presidential leadership.
Obama created it? Yeah, we know.
We know what Obama did. He left a pandemic response team. We're living now with what trump is doing. 6 times the number of deaths than when Obama faced a pandemic and rising.

If the people want a lockdown next year, they can vote for Sleepy Joe. If not, they can vote for the Trumpster.

Let the people decide.

The people are speaking and they majority are saying we aren't ready.
Of course

the helicopter money is still falling from the sky

but thats very short-sighted
Well actually it isn't. But it looks like we are going to try it your way and you better hope it works. I don't see that happening but when the shit hits the fan just make sure you are here to take the drilling I will be giving you trump idiots.
Do you prefer borrowing another 6 trillion and completely bankrupting our country?

what is your upper national debt limit?

and how will you repay it?

Good point right there. If America doesn't promptly open back up and get up to speed in a hurry, this will mean massive austerity. Returning confidence to individuals is the key, not accumulating more debt.

Libs should be concerned too. Socialism fails when a society runs out of other people's money, and that's soon going to happen if we don't get off of our collective asses. Libs can forget Socialized Medicine,they can forget the New Green Deal, the country just won't be able to afford it.

The Post-Corona Era will be won by those societies that have a strong free market and socialized states will revert to Turd World status.

Too late.
Its clearly too late to return to the same great economy we had in December

but the longer we wait the more damage the shutdown will cause

Yeah, maybe we should have taken those steps to open up responsibly serious. Like massive amounts of testing for starters but we got stuck with some asshole who can't seem to pull his head out of his ass to make this a priority. On a per capita basis we have failed. We're now going to open up too soon and without the confidence of many consumers and future outbreaks almost guaranteed. The U.S. if you take away the NYC area is increasing in the number of cases and deaths, not decreasing. Gee, I wonder what will happen, it's so tragically predictable.
The "asshole" is taking the advice of the "scientific experts" that turds like you told to accept. The delays in testing are caused by the FDA and the CDC, government agencies that turds like you tell us we should slavishly obey.
It's not Monday morning quarterbacking when it's been known for months now that we don't have enough testing.

We also know that social distancing works. It has reduced the number of cases in New York, Hawaii for the first time reported no new cases since Mid March and Orleans Parish also did not report a new case for two days.

knock yourselves out with testing

all that will accomplish is to prove that the chinese disease is not as deadly as previously thought

and yes to social distancing if you dont want to be close to other humans

but dont expect the rest of us to support you while you sit at home being unproductive

Most Americans believe what I just told you.

Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.
I dont doubt that many people feel the same way you do

Most people and it ain't even close.

but they will change their mind when the helicopter money runs out

and it will run out

They're not going to change their minds when the virus spikes back up. Hell, outside of NYC most of the country is still increasing.
So you dont believe the money will ever run out?

libs think they can just stay home and someone will feed them?

I don't believe in money trees. I also don't see the benefit of getting past the virus by pretending that opening up states that haven't flattened or reduced their number of active cases is going to do anything but result in further delays to getting the economy back up and running.
ROFL! Your belief that everyone will remain sheltered indoors is nothing but pure fantasy.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
That will never happen

Not with our president.
Not with any president

Looks like South Korea, Singapore and other countries are flattening out that curve and reducing their numbers of active cases. Why can't Trump?

Let me know when the combined population numbers of those countries comes close to our actual population number....
There are no excuses for what has happened here. We are supposed to have the best medical facilities and equipment. Our situation was created by poor presidential leadership.
Obama created it? Yeah, we know.
We know what Obama did. He left a pandemic response team. We're living now with what trump is doing. 6 times the number of deaths than when Obama faced a pandemic and rising.

If the people want a lockdown next year, they can vote for Sleepy Joe. If not, they can vote for the Trumpster.

Let the people decide.

The people are speaking and they majority are saying we aren't ready.
Of course

the helicopter money is still falling from the sky

but thats very short-sighted
Well actually it isn't. But it looks like we are going to try it your way and you better hope it works. I don't see that happening but when the shit hits the fan just make sure you are here to take the drilling I will be giving you trump idiots.
Do you prefer borrowing another 6 trillion and completely bankrupting our country?

what is your upper national debt limit?

and how will you repay it?

Good point right there. If America doesn't promptly open back up and get up to speed in a hurry, this will mean massive austerity. Returning confidence to individuals is the key, not accumulating more debt.

Libs should be concerned too. Socialism fails when a society runs out of other people's money, and that's soon going to happen if we don't get off of our collective asses. Libs can forget Socialized Medicine,they can forget the New Green Deal, the country just won't be able to afford it.

The Post-Corona Era will be won by those societies that have a strong free market and socialized states will revert to Turd World status.

Too late.
Its clearly too late to return to the same great economy we had in December

but the longer we wait the more damage the shutdown will cause

Yeah, maybe we should have taken those steps to open up responsibly serious. Like massive amounts of testing for starters but we got stuck with some asshole who can't seem to pull his head out of his ass to make this a priority. On a per capita basis we have failed. We're now going to open up too soon and without the confidence of many consumers and future outbreaks almost guaranteed. The U.S. if you take away the NYC area is increasing in the number of cases and deaths, not decreasing. Gee, I wonder what will happen, it's so tragically predictable.
The "asshole" is taking the advice of the "scientific experts" that turds like you told to accept. The delays in testing are caused by the FDA and the CDC, government agencies that turds like you tell us we should slavishly obey.

No, those experts have told us we don't have enough testing. Of course their priority is not throw the president under the bus so they aren't going to disagree with him out in the open.

The states that are opening up aren't even following the guidelines the president has set.
It's not Monday morning quarterbacking when it's been known for months now that we don't have enough testing.

We also know that social distancing works. It has reduced the number of cases in New York, Hawaii for the first time reported no new cases since Mid March and Orleans Parish also did not report a new case for two days.

knock yourselves out with testing

all that will accomplish is to prove that the chinese disease is not as deadly as previously thought

and yes to social distancing if you dont want to be close to other humans

but dont expect the rest of us to support you while you sit at home being unproductive

Most Americans believe what I just told you.

Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.
I dont doubt that many people feel the same way you do

Most people and it ain't even close.

but they will change their mind when the helicopter money runs out

and it will run out

They're not going to change their minds when the virus spikes back up. Hell, outside of NYC most of the country is still increasing.
So you dont believe the money will ever run out?

libs think they can just stay home and someone will feed them?

I don't believe in money trees. I also don't see the benefit of getting past the virus by pretending that opening up states that haven't flattened or reduced their number of active cases is going to do anything but result in further delays to getting the economy back up and running.
ROFL! Your belief that everyone will remain sheltered indoors is nothing but pure fantasy.

Funny since I didn't say that.

Still have your foot?
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
That will never happen

Not with our president.
Not with any president

Looks like South Korea, Singapore and other countries are flattening out that curve and reducing their numbers of active cases. Why can't Trump?

Let me know when the combined population numbers of those countries comes close to our actual population number....
There are no excuses for what has happened here. We are supposed to have the best medical facilities and equipment. Our situation was created by poor presidential leadership.
Obama created it? Yeah, we know.
We know what Obama did. He left a pandemic response team. We're living now with what trump is doing. 6 times the number of deaths than when Obama faced a pandemic and rising.

If the people want a lockdown next year, they can vote for Sleepy Joe. If not, they can vote for the Trumpster.

Let the people decide.

The people are speaking and they majority are saying we aren't ready.
Of course

the helicopter money is still falling from the sky

but thats very short-sighted
Well actually it isn't. But it looks like we are going to try it your way and you better hope it works. I don't see that happening but when the shit hits the fan just make sure you are here to take the drilling I will be giving you trump idiots.
Do you prefer borrowing another 6 trillion and completely bankrupting our country?

what is your upper national debt limit?

and how will you repay it?

Good point right there. If America doesn't promptly open back up and get up to speed in a hurry, this will mean massive austerity. Returning confidence to individuals is the key, not accumulating more debt.

Libs should be concerned too. Socialism fails when a society runs out of other people's money, and that's soon going to happen if we don't get off of our collective asses. Libs can forget Socialized Medicine,they can forget the New Green Deal, the country just won't be able to afford it.

The Post-Corona Era will be won by those societies that have a strong free market and socialized states will revert to Turd World status.

Too late.
Its clearly too late to return to the same great economy we had in December

but the longer we wait the more damage the shutdown will cause

Yeah, maybe we should have taken those steps to open up responsibly serious. Like massive amounts of testing for starters but we got stuck with some asshole who can't seem to pull his head out of his ass to make this a priority. On a per capita basis we have failed. We're now going to open up too soon and without the confidence of many consumers and future outbreaks almost guaranteed. The U.S. if you take away the NYC area is increasing in the number of cases and deaths, not decreasing. Gee, I wonder what will happen, it's so tragically predictable.
The "asshole" is taking the advice of the "scientific experts" that turds like you told to accept. The delays in testing are caused by the FDA and the CDC, government agencies that turds like you tell us we should slavishly obey.

No, those experts have told us we don't have enough testing. Of course their priority is not throw the president under the bus so they aren't going to disagree with him out in the open.

The states that are opening up aren't even following the guidelines the president has set.
Those "experts" are the ones preventing the tests from becoming available, dumbass.
It's not Monday morning quarterbacking when it's been known for months now that we don't have enough testing.

We also know that social distancing works. It has reduced the number of cases in New York, Hawaii for the first time reported no new cases since Mid March and Orleans Parish also did not report a new case for two days.

knock yourselves out with testing

all that will accomplish is to prove that the chinese disease is not as deadly as previously thought

and yes to social distancing if you dont want to be close to other humans

but dont expect the rest of us to support you while you sit at home being unproductive

Most Americans believe what I just told you.

Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.
I dont doubt that many people feel the same way you do

Most people and it ain't even close.

but they will change their mind when the helicopter money runs out

and it will run out

They're not going to change their minds when the virus spikes back up. Hell, outside of NYC most of the country is still increasing.
So you dont believe the money will ever run out?

libs think they can just stay home and someone will feed them?

I don't believe in money trees. I also don't see the benefit of getting past the virus by pretending that opening up states that haven't flattened or reduced their number of active cases is going to do anything but result in further delays to getting the economy back up and running.
ROFL! Your belief that everyone will remain sheltered indoors is nothing but pure fantasy.

Funny since I didn't say that.

Still have your foot?
Yeah, you pretty much did. Why wouldn't the economy come back if no one sheltered in place?
I don't believe in money trees.
I think yo do believe in money trees along the Potomac that will feed everyone for as long as they want without having to work for it

this is the nirvana that liberals have dreamed of for so long
Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.
What "spike?"

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