LOL, Global warming scientists, trapped by thick ice.

Hey, where would I find the scientific, peer reviewed journals where you global warming deniers publish your "research" and "conclusions"? Surely you deniers have a degree in what?

Or are you deniers just hoping there is no man influenced global warming?

That's the retuglikan way. Hope someone else is wrong. And hope you are right. And when you are proven wrong, just double down.

for instance, scientists are absolutely sure that the increase in CO2 is a prime indicator
of warming. Highest levels ever recorded.

But I just read where some half wit with a high school education claimed CO2 has NOTHING to do with the warming trend.

I say; prove it. Increases in CO2 DO NOT indicate and has no effect on global warming.
Prove it. Should be easy with your alls vast knowledge of science and the earth.

btw, one article from one scientist working for the oil/energy companies DOES NOT constitute "proof". No matter how much you want it to be true.

You can convince yourself with all that 'adjusted' data all you want in your little mindwarped universe, but it doesn't help people in the real world; those poor bastards are still stuck in unexpected ice sheet growth during the SUMMER in Antarctica, dumbass.

You idiots should know by now not to believe the lies of GOP hate radio and then parrot them in a public forum! But if you were capable of learning, you wouldn't be Right-wingers!

Modern Explorers Follow the Century-Old Antarctic Footsteps of Douglas Mawson

Last week, a 36-person team led by Chris Turney, an Australian adventurer and climate scientist, set out from New Zealand to retrace the historic journey of a scientific expedition to Antarctica that took place a century ago. The Australasian Antarctic Expedition 2013-2014 aims to find the hut of Douglas Mawson, leader of the original Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE), to repeat many of the original team's observations and, time willing, to locate the South Magnetic Pole, one of the goals of Mawson's expedition.

It won't be easy. According to Turney, "Right now there's a huge ice pack tight to the shore at Commonwealth Bay, three and a half meters thick." Yet if the team can reach the hut, says Turney, "we'll replicate Mawson's work, using the twist of modern technology."

His team's scientists hope to record the temperature and saltiness of the Southern Ocean, make censuses of the bird populations, extract drill cores from the land ice, and send drones into the air to map the surroundings of Commonwealth Bay. These data may help to determine how much the climate has changed in what scientists have now proved is the windiest place on Earth at sea level.

So what is the lie you accuse me of? That the team is collecting data that they hope will provide data useful for Global Warming research, or that it is summer in Antarctica?

you stupid shit for brains.
Hey, where would I find the scientific, peer reviewed journals where you global warming deniers publish your "research" and "conclusions"? Surely you deniers have a degree in what?

Or are you deniers just hoping there is no man influenced global warming?

That's the retuglikan way. Hope someone else is wrong. And hope you are right. And when you are proven wrong, just double down.

for instance, scientists are absolutely sure that the increase in CO2 is a prime indicator
of warming. Highest levels ever recorded.

But I just read where some half wit with a high school education claimed CO2 has NOTHING to do with the warming trend.

I say; prove it. Increases in CO2 DO NOT indicate and has no effect on global warming.
Prove it. Should be easy with your alls vast knowledge of science and the earth.

btw, one article from one scientist working for the oil/energy companies DOES NOT constitute "proof". No matter how much you want it to be true.

Peer review does not require one to publish a paper, dumb ass.
You can convince yourself with all that 'adjusted' data all you want in your little mindwarped universe, but it doesn't help people in the real world; those poor bastards are still stuck in unexpected ice sheet growth during the SUMMER in Antarctica, dumbass.

You idiots should know by now not to believe the lies of GOP hate radio and then parrot them in a public forum! But if you were capable of learning, you wouldn't be Right-wingers!

Modern Explorers Follow the Century-Old Antarctic Footsteps of Douglas Mawson

Last week, a 36-person team led by Chris Turney, an Australian adventurer and climate scientist, set out from New Zealand to retrace the historic journey of a scientific expedition to Antarctica that took place a century ago. The Australasian Antarctic Expedition 2013-2014 aims to find the hut of Douglas Mawson, leader of the original Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE), to repeat many of the original team's observations and, time willing, to locate the South Magnetic Pole, one of the goals of Mawson's expedition.

It won't be easy. According to Turney, "Right now there's a huge ice pack tight to the shore at Commonwealth Bay, three and a half meters thick." Yet if the team can reach the hut, says Turney, "we'll replicate Mawson's work, using the twist of modern technology."

His team's scientists hope to record the temperature and saltiness of the Southern Ocean, make censuses of the bird populations, extract drill cores from the land ice, and send drones into the air to map the surroundings of Commonwealth Bay. These data may help to determine how much the climate has changed in what scientists have now proved is the windiest place on Earth at sea level.

So what is the lie you accuse me of? That the team is collecting data that they hope will provide data useful for Global Warming research, or that it is summer in Antarctica?

you stupid shit for brains.

Whenever the Right get caught lying, they PLAY DUMB.
Does the color help????
Very revealing programmer comments found in the hacked emails in the Climategate scandal, and they explain how we have 'Global Warming' no matter what the temperatures may actually be.

And note how they call the temperatures they want to see the 'real' temperatures, when ordinary people might think the MEASURED proxy temperatures would be the 'real' temperatures or else the proxy temps are worthless anyway!

Climategate: hide the decline ? codified | Watts Up With That?

WUWT blogging ally Ecotretas writes in to say that he has made a compendium of programming code segments that show comments by the programmer that suggest places where data may be corrected, modified, adjusted, or busted. Some the HARRY_READ_ME comments are quite revealing. For those that don’t understand computer programming, don’t fret, the comments by the programmer tell the story quite well even if the code itself makes no sense to you....

◾FOIA\documents\osborn-tree6\mann\oldprog\maps12.proFOIA\documents\osborn-tree6\mann\oldprog\maps15.proFOIA\documents\osborn-tree6\mann\oldprog\; Plots 24 yearly maps of calibrated (PCR-infilled or not) MXD reconstructions
; of growing season temperatures. Uses "corrected" MXD - but shouldn't usually
; plot past 1960 because these will be artificially adjusted to look closer to
; the real temperatures.


; anomalies against full NH temperatures and other series.
; Specify period over which to compute the regressions (stop in 1960 to avoid
; the decline


; Specify period over which to compute the regressions (stop in 1960 to avoid
; the decline that affects tree-ring density records)


;getting seriously fed up with the state of the Australian data. so many new stations have been
; introduced, so many false references.. so many changes that aren't documented.


;I am very sorry to report that the rest of the databases seem to be in nearly as poor a state as
; Australia was. There are hundreds if not thousands of pairs of dummy stations


Here, the expected 1990-2003 period is MISSING - so the correlations aren't so hot! Yet
the WMO codes and station names /locations are identical (or close). What the hell is
supposed to happen here? Oh yeah - there is no 'supposed', I can make it up. So I have :)


It's Sunday evening, I've worked all weekend, and just when I thought it was done I'm
hitting yet another problem that's based on the hopeless state of our databases. There is no uniform
data integrity
, it's just a catalogue of issues that continues to grow as they're found.


printf,1,’(April-September) temperature anomalies (from the 1961-1990 mean).’
printf,1,’Reconstruction is based on tree-ring density records.’
printf,1,’NOTE: recent decline in tree-ring density has been ARTIFICIALLY’
printf,1,’REMOVED to facilitate calibration. THEREFORE, post-1960 values’
printf,1,’will be much closer to observed temperatures then they should be
printf,1,’which will incorrectly imply the reconstruction is more skilful’
printf,1,’than it actually is.


printf,1,'temperature in many high-latitude locations. In this data set'
printf,1,'this "decline" has been artificially removed in an ad-hoc way, and'
printf,1,'this means that data after 1960 no longer represent tree-ring
printf,1,'density variations, but have been modified to look more like the
printf,1,'observed temperatures


; Apply a VERY ARTIFICAL correction for decline!!
2.6,2.6,2.6]*0.75 ; fudge factor




applied the calibration to unfiltered MXD data (which
; gives a zero mean over 1881-1960) after extending the calibration to boxes
; without temperature data ( We have identified and
; artificially removed (i.e. corrected) the decline in this calibrated
; data set. We now recalibrate this corrected calibrated dataset against
; the unfiltered 1911-1990 temperature data
, and apply the same calibration
; to the corrected and uncorrected calibrated MXD data.

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You idiots should know by now not to believe the lies of GOP hate radio and then parrot them in a public forum! But if you were capable of learning, you wouldn't be Right-wingers!

Modern Explorers Follow the Century-Old Antarctic Footsteps of Douglas Mawson

Last week, a 36-person team led by Chris Turney, an Australian adventurer and climate scientist, set out from New Zealand to retrace the historic journey of a scientific expedition to Antarctica that took place a century ago. The Australasian Antarctic Expedition 2013-2014 aims to find the hut of Douglas Mawson, leader of the original Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE), to repeat many of the original team's observations and, time willing, to locate the South Magnetic Pole, one of the goals of Mawson's expedition.

It won't be easy. According to Turney, "Right now there's a huge ice pack tight to the shore at Commonwealth Bay, three and a half meters thick." Yet if the team can reach the hut, says Turney, "we'll replicate Mawson's work, using the twist of modern technology."

His team's scientists hope to record the temperature and saltiness of the Southern Ocean, make censuses of the bird populations, extract drill cores from the land ice, and send drones into the air to map the surroundings of Commonwealth Bay. These data may help to determine how much the climate has changed in what scientists have now proved is the windiest place on Earth at sea level.

So what is the lie you accuse me of? That the team is collecting data that they hope will provide data useful for Global Warming research, or that it is summer in Antarctica?

you stupid shit for brains.

Whenever the Right get caught lying, they PLAY DUMB.
Does the color help????

Lol, so you e now saying that the ice pack did not grow and catch the ships?

Rescue of icebound Antarctic ship faces setback

The Akademik Shokalskiy, which has been on a research expedition to Antarctica, got stuck Tuesday after a blizzard's whipping winds pushed the sea ice around the ship, freezing it in place.

You are either just too stupid to read up on topics or are just a flat out liar or both.

You should also have noticed that the rescue ship got caught up in the same ice pack spread, dumbfuck.
Archived-Articles: CRU's Source Code: Climategate Uncovered

We reported on Saturday that among the most revealing of the "hacked" e-mails released last week was one dated November 1999, in which CRU chief P.D. Jones wrote these words to Hockey-Stick-Team leaders Michael Mann, Raymond Bradley, and Malcolm Hughes:

I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd (sic) from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.

Predictably, the suggestion of a climate-related data-adjusting "trick" being employed by such alarmist bellwethers ten years ago instantly raised more than a few eyebrows. And with similar alacrity, the Big Green Scare Machine shifted into CYA gear.

Almost immediately after the news hit on Friday, Jones told Investigative Magazine’s TGIF Edition [PDF] that he "had no idea" what he might have meant by the words "hide the decline" a decade prior:

They’re talking about the instrumental data which is unaltered – but they're talking about proxy data going further back in time, a thousand years, and it's just about how you add on the last few years, because when you get proxy data you sample things like tree rings and ice cores, and they don’t always have the last few years. So one way is to add on the instrumental data for the last few years.

Climategate source code more damning than emails. « One Utah

valadj is an array that if we plug in the numbers we get Michael Mann’s hockeystick. The programmers have hard coded a predetermined result.


So now when they plug the actual numbers in no matter what they are it will always result in the hockeystick even if temperatures remained the same.

For example. Just for the sake of arguement lets say the average temperature remained constant at 70 degrees last century. When you run the numbers through their “fudge factor” you still get a hockey stick. Even a decline in temperatures would still result in a hockeystick. Way to hide the decline!


Just imagine if there really was global warming and they ran those numbers through the magic global warming program then we would really be frying.
'Polar vortex' set to bring dangerous, record-breaking cold to much of US | Fox News[/url]

Are you under the impression that the weather in the United States is characteristic of the entire world? Because it's summer in Australia at the same time that a "polar vortex" comes to the United States. Remember the forest fires a couple of months ago in Australia that were being called the worst ever? Do they not count or something? It seems like whenever something slightly cold happens, global warming skeptics are quick to use it as some sort of proof that the global average temperature is not rising, yet they fail to take the same approach to unusually hot weather or global averages.
An interesting summary of the Climategate scandal that the Big Lie Media totally ignored; cant report anything that might limit the governments growth in power!

Climategate - Conservapedia

Conservapedia? Oh, that's rich. I especially like how they say Einsteins' Theory of Relativity is a liberal plot.

You denialists got caught red-handed lying your asses of by fabricating the climategate pseudo-scandal. Until you apologize for that deliberate avalanche of lies, everyone in the world will keep correctly assuming that everything you say is equally dishonest.
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You denialist kooks do realize that the increase in Antarctic sea ice was specifically predicted by Dr. Manabe back in 1991, and has been established science ever since?

Wait. Of course you don't realize that. It's actual science, hence every denialist will be completely ignorant of it. After all, their cult never told them about it.
MSM Glosses Over Irony of Global Warming Scientists Trapped in Antarctic Ice | NewsBusters

Somewhere far, far to the south where it is summer, a group of global warming scientists are trapped in the Antarctic ice. If you missed the irony of that situation, it is because much of the mainstream media has glossed over that rather inconvenient bit of hilarity. ...

The expedition is being led by Chris Turney, “climate scientist”, who has “set up a carbon refining company called Carbonscape which has developed technology to fix carbon from the atmosphere and make a host of green bi-products, helping reduce greenhouse gas levels.” The purpose of the expedition is “to discover and communicate the environmental changes taking place in the south.”

It seems they found out what the “environmental changes taking place in the south.” are.

Finally, National Geographic bluntly states the mission purpose:

...The current crop of explorers are hoping to document some of the same data and compare them to Mawson's numbers, "using the twist of modern technology," Turney told National Geographic earlier this month.

As may be expected, global warming might play a role in this, he suggests, particularly with respect to melted ice in the East Antarctic.

So some global warming scientists in Antarctica in the summer time get trapped in ice while trying to prove global warming.....roflmao

Oh the Irony! What gets me is the news keeps calling this a "cruise ship" like people are playing shuffle board on the lido deck and drinking pina colada's.
You denialist kooks do realize that the increase in Antarctic sea ice was specifically predicted by Dr. Manabe back in 1991, and has been established science ever since?

Wait. Of course you don't realize that. It's actual science, hence every denialist will be completely ignorant of it. After all, their cult never told them about it.

What exactly was predicted in your interpretation?

More ice from increased CO2?

More ice from a higher global temperature?

More ice from a stable global temperature?

What was predicted in your opinion?

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